W V" V'-"" .' The. Home Pat oday Nw Today The Wither ' V ; ; Cloudy Tonight, . VOL: XVHL-No. 133 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1916 PRICE TWO CEPiTS FIVE. CENTS ON TRAINS e OUB PAGES TODAY ii J ' A SHIP DUNN IS REELECTED AHCIIBOLD ST IVOAHO tANNflT LET llTISli POPULACE COPS WANT A RAISE IN HELP; PREHBEUrr OF THE OIL MAGNATE, LOSES SEO TO : CAUSA mm DC VfNOiFAm ASSOCIATION iii iN ciiif Me tfi kli Birr Y FIGHT M LIFE LABOR DIE'CULTIES i .. ,'" "'m '4- " 'V'':'Jvl' .ii.'';' ,3J!-S ' :'.. v.,.'', m - r L. 0 DAILY' FREE PH 111 " i . ; ?7 i'"!;.. , t t- VII IJSTilS STEAL A ALLOW CANAD GERMAN. tliMl IN tllTATflES rim fflJNCL WOULD LilLll U in iTAlft STATED LOWER COST L Teuton Vibe-Consul at Chi huahua Reported to Have Been Slain APPEAL TO WASHINGTON Americans in El j?asd Wan Demand Made on Carran za as to Fate of Six Per sons Who May Have Been Killed (By the United Press) El Paso, Pec. 5. Telegrams from Charles Elmendorf at Chi huahua City saying "we are all well" are Interpreted bv officials to mean that all Americans there are safe. Washington, Dec. 5. The fate of thekldnapped German Con sul Collma Is unknown, but the American Government is doing everything possible to rescue him. Department messages to day said American railroadmen In Chihuahua are safe. It is be lieved stories of the death of the German Vice-consul and an American at Chihuahua City were rumors. El Paso, Dec. 5. A petition to the State Stats Department at Washin ton to make a peremptory demand up on Carranza government officials to obtain news of the fate of six Am ericans and other foreigners known to have been in Chihuahua City when Villa captured the city a week ago, is being prepared here by their friends. Want to Know Fate of Americans. Washington, Dec. 5. The abduct ion of the German Consul Colima of Matamoras by bandits said to be Vil listas, was reported in State Depart ment messages. Another report said the German Vice-consul at Chihua hua City had been killed, also one American. BO HIS LITTLE TO HELP RAISE LEATHER It will take $500 to carry out the Salvation Army's Christmas plans here. The members of the pest anti cipate no trouble in raising the money, fc en though the time new Is short. apt. M. Vendeville says ?anta Claus must provids a hundred pair3 of shoes. Some ask to bearin with, with shoes almost as valuable as eggs. Then, there are more than 40 families on the Captain's string win will not get real Christmas dinners on the 25th unless he engineer? it. These are the two principal items. The Salvation Army is advertisia? for aid. The customary mean; are being employea. Collections for 'he cause are expected to Be ample. OLD BUCK JOHfi GOT BACK AT LAST; THEN HE WAS DISAPPOINTED Johri Loftin, colored, claiming to be 8(V years of age and looking every da)r of it, wants to go back t oOk- lahoma jfter finding that he' knows nothing about Klnston tXter 65 years absence. The old - man 'says he was born here and was the prop erty of Loftins; that he was sold on the famous sWe market at New Or leans and eventually was carried to Oklahoma,' where he 'ived bkiii re cently. ; He'solof 'feana lie wys, "Icrapin and scrapin?! always hop ,BS to get .back home, but always tere waS smetSin? the way un tfi a few weeks ago when his cherish ed desir iT?ti1 GoldsbcVa 1W " R Thm (Knr nt videnc fB'ih 7pstelff murder case eontinned today. The jury, was com- tleted late yesterday. ;-,; ' ; ' Certain Restrictions Rcmov - cd-First btep by De-I partmentof Agriculture f to Clip Wings of Food Products By the Uniied Press) Washington, Dec. 5. First Congressional action towards re lief from the high cost of living was taken today when upon mo tion by Representative Keating the House concurred In the Senate Amendment to his bill providing for an Investigation of the cost of living among wage-earners in the district of Columbia. Washington, Dec. 5. The fir-t slop- of the Department of ap 'culture to ward the policy expected to reduce prices on food staples was taken to-! day when an em'bargo on Canadian : potatoes was ordered lifted. Ship ments of potatoes, it is explained, j must be certified by shippers t be as ' sound as is commercially pra-.'tVaMp : and contain no more than tin ei- cent of tubers showing tra:es of dis ease. Heretofore, Canadian potatoes have , been admitted only at designate') ports of entry. Under the amended rule importers must apply to the Fed-; eral Board for permits. TIME TO MAIL NOW POSTOFFiCE UR& FOLKS GET MOVE 0 "Mail early!" Everybody's 'beginning ti do it. The Pcstoffice Department and post agltating it. In the local efn.- Post master LaRoque has placards posted all over the building calling atten tion to the necessity for mailing hol iday gocds as soon as pss:'.!. .Mavk oods "Not to be opened u;.;;i (':!!- mas and, except for verv short, dis- ances, fire them into the mail before i i vry "::inc-J ie.'dd j if not i I M on he real rush begins, is advic There is le-is likelihood of y. eeeiving rcugh handling a: end will ibs served as well bv i nrw as two weeks from now. Postal employes say parcel to men in the army .at El Pis i be dispatched early next wee!. sooner, if a package is-maile day there is small likelihood f.iat will reach El Paso before the w follcA'ing. During the week '!: Christmas the El Paso office will crowded with the Christmas ina'i oO.OOO soldiers in addition to ih iliay population. SUFFRAGE ARMY IS READY FOR THE BIG DRIVE ON CONGE (By the United Press) Washington, De?, 5. The front line of the army of woman suffraa.' farmed hare today for the "biz i; -M' on CoTigrcss tk force through the Susan B. Anthony amendment ai t h-i short session. The initial move of the campaign depends largely upon whether the a'ttitudq of President Wilson whir'a leaves toward state instead of feJoral action has at all changed. Some suf frage workers believe it Kas, that it may be passed on promptly to the states of ratification. - The foilowfng offlc'ai statniam was made to fay by the Union through the United Press: "The feeling is gcnc-al that a demand 'for "a federal amenilmcnt should '10 pressed much more insislenfTy than heretofore m view of the previous delay of congress ; In deafing with the measured "The ca4e for national suffrage has . . been unanswerably presented. The administrr.tion will be fnvorable, te movemcnt has been endorsed by wo-; cause the Democratic paly to main- men voters at the polla and there is, only one answer ine aamiiusxrawoii can give, namely the passaged of a feilnral amendment at this session, .The wemen k jiot te.- jaooi toj rook delay. ;-- I j j "We are confident the attitude of the j Attempt to Give Up Office Was Not Tolerated By His Fellows CLEVER SECRETARY OUT f'inady to Be Succeeded by Whole-time Man to Act lloth for Chamber of Commerce and Its Lusty Offspring . !'. C. Hue: of the Ki by the To:n ni.cht, ever was reelected Pre-': Fair Associa d of Directors Mm:- ly ni.cnt, ever nis pretest, in a; his pretest. In . hort talk Mr. Dunn (numerated his: reasons for wishing to decline. The j directors refused to consider his j "resignation." Every other officer w iih the exception of Secretary J. II. 'aaivly was recoct oil They are: !"-t Viee-p'-oden-. 1 o .1. M. Par rs' ; ,-: c.)?i l V;.-e-;re-;deot, Mr. E. V. -; Trt-i u;:-er. W. I. IIoo l; !''.; iiTive rommitteemcn, Mr. P. S. Harper, iCli;rr. n; Messrs. J. F. T: y. r, J. W. f:..o 1 a. a, N. J. Rouse la I II. E. Mosel.y. : ec.' el, try l aaa iy, to wnom tne !rck!ed ie: .'r" lovlr, scrificc! n---.n ::e tllinir f H-ceiitly voted a hand cup for hi ' two year1; o! "vice a service which more than nnyother )h- li'in and 1910 fairs' 1 , es , --v: s Mllowe I, after his sin c appeal to be relieved, to go ei'. As per a plan agreed upon ,rao wo'ks ago, the directors an v':ied a commlftee to co-operate ;th a s-'nvlar commit '.ce from the har.i'ier of Commerce in employing joint whole-lime, secretary for tho i organizations.- The joint com i:e will procec-il "immediately" to i-e a proper man, but procuring rn i ' matter of no mean .. ndeavor. ! .. iii'.,.-1. i-e secvetarv to both bodies, ! : itr c:ia:ge of the community pub a"! a hand in all public mat - 'i have to do with either the a ,-'( r ar the Fair A ssor sat ion. as ,:; ,: :ix and the !il:e. lie must, a: ': a prcfic'-":!. "fair man." '-... .mmittee from the asso.iatirm' .wnri,,,; by Mess. J. T. Taylar, ,ir:i,.in; T. W. Mowb.-m, II. II. Mc e. i'. V. Dunn and J. II. Cana.dy. P-ndijig the installation of the ... . -r. ta-j the a'ssa. -allien has no ...e:.i Mr. Ci: nri.lv already out.. :(. V-csident and Tiea uror will have mean' '. F. hr.- ) !i... o ;sf 'rate r iav r.: e of affair.' during the S.-cretlty fa-: I -:.e of Th wishes - e Press m in the ai who assisle i years. lie feeds ta them, lie state, ng. "very Tues- III I w. PABDO! 1 Ml O'veinor Craljr has granted a re "ve for E. W. Mincher, the btg x a-rjard of convicts of Lenoir coun ! under sentence to one year it, 'p-i county jail for whipping a prino pending a hss-!r.fr before the -. ernor fcr a piirden or commuta : in proba'oly next week. Informa- in to wis enecc reacnta me cixy Tuesday. Mir.cher's sentence by Superior r -.a: t here was uphe'd by the Supreme Cc art recently. tMn itself must loolt to the rest. It cannot, wm u :si. nuwui 'men voters; and to win their support mast aid woman auff rage." Mis Anne Martin of Nevada, na- tiona dhairman ei the Woman's Party is fa charge of the campaign. " FOR 3uccumbed to Complications Tuesday Morning Had Keen 111 for Two Weeks Bijr Flfurc in Nation's Business (Continued on Pige S) Tarrytown, N. Y., Dec. 'x John D. Archbo'd oil mag- u?, died earlr tnd;ty vx 1 is i e i - iii iqre. i?'-- ueatn re from eompla-atiorss followmj?. an operation for appendicitis. M-.-. Arohhold ni;-do ,1 brave' fi.t-ht .for life. ' v two weeks in ke.'pinfr with the traits of char.vjier '-rought him success n bus'ness, (logged tenacity, ,ib!e will and optiini?m. BUUEIV CTSy the United Press) VIEW A ASKED TO GIVE r.yrs. V.'u. irnton, Dec. 5. The r'i'icd 'iovc.rnmelit to day inquired of the Austrian gov ('nruiit ronrernlng the facts sorr-'andie.g (be torpedoing of the Aruriran steamer Chemung by an Austrian submarine. MKS. M A USIIALL KHEED. I: :on, Md., Dee. Mrs. Rose Virss-lnln Mar:-hal!, charged v lth imnrisotthig and kecplnr se er;'. d her .i-tepda'iglitcr. v. as ac t,u:?i :r! by a jury today. west emim MAN KILLED !N FHANCE Winston-Salem, Dee. 4. News was ceeJve.! lv -t. today of the death ot B. T?etrar.i ''wens, 22 years old, and ..-. of y ! in l a; October !'. H. Owen.-, wh i was kil! '.nicwhcc ;a France en Younjr Owens, who ; from Win t'ln-Salem . rs was in the Canal eiiiistiitg in the H atish .v.rs ago. He vas with rxeeditionai-y fo'ce In '1. had been a." '(! thro- Zrc I ' e Army t . the V i"'-'0 France wh n iillcd. rrr?i sr.: LYNCHING NE($0 ?. C, Dec. 4. Fifteen -. --'e a .-rested here Laday ai investigation of t'ie nnth ago of Ant'ioay i ...irro. The negro vas v. attacked a white man, hinsr followed. Suisc ns of the aegro were i a '. e the county. Gaver :; ordircd an inveatiga- ar-:st;" today resulted .c.y made. Preliminary 'i irc'aaHy he granted to : Some are accua- :.- and others of murder. Ai'-ev white . -. foil e-wi nt Ciawfo -d, alleged io and the quentiy notified ; nor M a'', tion. '. !. from ti." hearings- i the men t cd of : : wmm mm TO FALL ARMIES 1 1 of mm (By the United Press) Petrograd, Dec. 5.! tin der; constant attacks by-sV-perior Tcutoivc forces, the Roumanians are retiring around Bucharest, it is of ficially stated. Atlvariee Goes On. i v, Berlin, Dec, ; S.Vort Mackensen's armies havie crossed the railroad 1! Iad inj from Bucharest to Tar-e-dviste and Petrosits :and I Eastwards. The Danube arn'ry ha3 gained a ..foot-f. hold j in the lower ArgeSUl; valley, it IS dnnOUHCed. ' n J i ) ! President Says in Message to Congress; Vants Quick Action GREATEST EXPENDITURES In Tlisiory Face Congress Mmv Than Billion and Half Dollars Prepared neps CnU for Rig Share Sum (By th United Pre) W.-hi'viun. Doc. ii. De clavinr: th-'.t the country "cannot i:ad -ho;;ld not con sent to vem-i'n !on.vor expou nd to profomul industrial dishbanc?" the Presi dent appeared at a joint ses sion of Congress todav and a.rpealed for irdmediate ac- ion on liis program of "set- t lenient and regulation of dffulties between rail roads and trainmen. Soon after the President started speakking a big silk banner was unfurled from the House rrallery by a group f suffragists. It bore the :nsciiptin. "Mr- President, what will yoii do for wo men's suffrage?" A 'page tore it down and created a stir, but TTr. Wilson did not stop reading. "' By Bohert J. Bonder i United Press Staff Correspondent) ' a aia'tian, Dec. 5. Following the ut: i. a: ho c.stabii.a'ned when he iir i assumed his executive duties in the White House, President Wihson today appeared before a joint session " Ctrtrrew mid nei'f:on.al! v outlined ;:' da'ion he h -pes to have enacted ' y thiit. ibody. It was the third time he has addressed the sixty-fourth Tng. ess. B. cause the makeup of the next II '.- ipay resuit in hard sledding .'' a- liera.icratic measures, the Presi ii a: iiojied, by his appeal today, to - :'.:!:. this Congress of the import- t of immedia'e action on legisla- :'. he particularly desires. Tiie Executive box in the House .aaUery was re a.'rved for Mrs. Wil son and oilier members of the Presi dent's family. .Members of the caibi a.et, also w ire there. v While ( oe;::;.-.s i i working on his I't'eemme!' la' ions the Piesident will be av.ay fr in Washington but little. Should it be nacesanry he my recom-n-e:.d tiia;. the customaiy Christmas ::.; ie dispensed with. This sug f,s:i:i has been made already by .'tju-ak. r Clark ami Chairman Filz goiabl o fthe House Appropriations ' '( rimi; tee. There is much to dj before March 'I the date of a-ljou, .-iment, if the I'.'sident's wishes are to bo carried t ; OOMiNiCAMS FIGHT WilEN MARINES 8ET IIP HjUTARY GOV'T ; Dashington, Dec. 5. The Establishment of an Ameri can military government in Santo Jpb'mingo was attend ed by fighting in which sev eral marines were injured Eleven Domjncans were killed and six wounded. BOLDT PROPKIE F, DEAD i (Sy the United Prftail ') y 'tw . yacV, ', Dec SGeorge : Boldt,.' proprietor of the WaUff' 'Astoria, called the greatest hotel ; ' man of his time, died early today from heart failure , '- People Insist Upon More Vigorous Conduct of War - Council of Five Will Probably Come From Agi tation (fly the United J'resa) , London;' Deo. 5. On the highest authority it Is known that Idoyd Ceorge has resigned from the cabinet . He sent In his resigna tion an soon as he nHdved in titvaffen that Premier Asquith was unwilling t agree to a plan for a council of which the Prem ier would not be a member. London, Hoc. S. Kngland's "Re consti uction" of government now in jir. grcs.; must be taken as an emphat ic reiteration of Britain's determina tion to fight the war to a finish. Thi fact steed out tod. In the maze of disruption. The cabinet crisis was ;i .( 't-ipitatod by a public demand for a mo o vigorous conduct of the war. M was conoe led that out of the crash would i ome the organization of war ; "ircil, piobably of five members. Wli'-'.h r this will mean a change in he pi I's-umel of the cabinet or slm a!y the designation of certain mom-i.-evs to act in the new council Is un Utir.wn. mm hoc crm of fa'it'eton, Dee. 4.--T. C. Williams was shacked into unconsciousness, hi.i ."ife's collar hone was broken and his Hvo little girta wore severely hruisea -.Iir i the autcmehite -in which th;y were tut riding struck a hong and turned over. i u! in full at. this time and not en furtcd to the sixty-fifth Congress. More Than Hiiiion and a Half NVedfd Hun Congress. Wa -diingtor, Uec. -It-will take :: !,K!!,65t.O:! to run ih govern- meat of the United Stales from June :;(!, 1917, to June 30, 1919. Thi . Is the estima'o of heads of the ..ari"us -branches of the government ef ie country submitted to Con'TPSw t -day by Secretary of th,e Treasury McAdoo. Of this grand total of more thag a billion ,'in-l a half dril.in the various est;, o'fs'nmeais' estimates are set forth a s fo'Iows: Legislative S7.- i:fl.(i2fi,l'; Fxcrutivo, ?32,970,CC5; Judicial, $l,.H."),7:in; Pepartmnnt of Agr'cu't urc, $tl;!,0!:i'.!)'.)7; Foreign In-te.cou-se, S"i,7f0.t2(.i!; Military ei-ta,l)lish-..aif. !rtOO04,fiSl.W; Naval i staidi !.m at, fi.)'',i;.070.(;,.l.t;7; In dian Aira;rs, $1 2,2.10. :;r.f,.G7; Pen JtiK rVi'JXOMO; Pjitama Canal ?.". 1 !".. '.'-J .Ti; Pa!)!! - works. .U ! 1 IS,:1,'.! ! 1',; P.. -'.al service. $:)X-k-8:0; Miac'tanmeas. $10(1,914.713.93; Permanent. iinaual appropriations, S141fi4.KH!.12. The t.oi.l the tcvk- v r, eal y ar o the amount en! vear i -tt 1 hue ie fcr the needs of , .1 during the next fir,- by ?-",i07."a:vnn .aupfopria. a! for the fis ling Jyn- .10. 1917. With h? exception :,f !h postal ervfes ther.neds for !eft:. anl prcpar t!ne-s as shown In the report constitute lite largest single i'cr!';. Amang tho estimates for the equip ment, of the National Cuard are: au tomatic machine rifles, $3,SGS,000; field nrt'liery, .$10,00(),C,00; ammuni tion far field artillery, $1 0,200,000, aim.', uniforms, equipment, etc., $4, 570.000; r.upplyingand exchanging in fantry equipment $800,000; and for arming, training and equipping the National Guard $12,727,000. For quartermaster supplies, equip ment, e'e, for a reserve officers' training corps, $4.'.1S5J000 is needed. The War Dcpartmsnt asks for $33, 999,481.21 for fortifications and otther works of defense, and $32,136,063.93 for rivers and harbors. V; . .'. v A contribution toward the expenses of the Pence Palace t the . Hague amounting to ?1,043.25 Is listed among the'"items needed..? . -" The Budget is to Be Ex- ceededHisrh Cost Liiirig Plea of ILLUMINATE MONUMENT To Shine Like liay'at Cas well Shaft When Big Lights Are Tiirriel On Street Men, Have Little Increase ?' flaw mueh does it take for a po ll. -era a a to feed h's face, kerp a fam :'y r.nd pet ;i shae ahltie "occasional ly ? City Council Monday night threw ap tho question-wished it off on ''ire and Police Commisioner M. M. Hjpner. Now Mri Habper Is strug-t,-!'rtr with the problem. He is to .-ndiT'.a fepori at a cattcc! meeiinof 'he Council. Just when the meeting will iic called Is not known; so Com-mf:s:c-c- Happor is trying to pre mie h'mrelf In o"der that he may not e caught imping. He.has to do lot if adding and subtracting and lividing cn the basis of one police man equals .so many fggs at 40 cents -er dozen and the like. Mr. flapper, frankly, (ifoesn'l know vhai he is going to do. He said so ri'esday morr.'ng. Members of Councit'graht that the ?ot of living has increased." Some of hcni at least are willing to give the men an additional l(jf per cent. But, it is learned on good authority, the 'it'dget will be exceeded. Also the .if-lice have had a raise within a year. They pet their uniforms gratis. Of 'iccrs in other towns have had raises ccasioned by the increased cost of everything." Lawyer J. F. Liles waxed eloquent in the policemen's ?aine Monday night. Look what cith er places have done, he argued, atld none of them are in Kinston's clas3. Kinston patrolmen now get $65 a month. This paragraph sums up the situation. Employes of tho Street Depart- m:nt have had miner increases during he past 30 days. No other depart nent has been nffectcd, it is said. The itreet wo-kers' raises ranged" from aic to two atld one-half cents an hour. Folio win.- fu" example sot by the 'lavc-iat-'ent in illuminating the Sta tiie of Liberty in Kew York harbor, he Kinston officials will in all prob VHty Pght up tho Caswell monu--'eni. nt M uniment corner. A prac !c:i;!ty appears in the local matter, h-.-wrver, t'aat did not occur in the fjim.:'-. The monument cuts off 'a i't from portions of the surrounding t e, t i j-ace. A oua tet of big elect tic la;iip may be placed on its sides. The rroai st of Dr. Ira M. Hardy to instal ornamental lights on the side walks at the Hunter office was turned over t) the Water and Light Corn- mis iioper. iCom-cil a;:ree.l upon atj ordinance to tahid the operation of elcctrii or au :mat'c p:aii:s after the midnight hour in Kin ;! a;. This was aimed es- eciaily r.t reorts in the lower part of Uiq c'y. , ILL1WLLL VUlLp tEN TO ONL BUILD 1 COUNTY HOSPITAL (Special to The Free Press) Greenville,1 N. Cn -Dec. .5. Pitt county Is voting 'on a county hospit al ropsttion similar to that carried InLenoir en November 7. ' H i im possible to get an accurate line on the rural prcctncis, du ureenvuio tt voting about i0 to one for the. hos- oitaL , Indicaticaj are that the hos pital will carry, j ; " V

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