Tuesday Evening, December 5. , 10 -'PAGE TWOEDITORIAL THE "KINSTON . FREE PRESS il . -THE DAILY FREE PRESS T M!f!J".. J BR. VAN DYKE GIVES" jmau v iv iiiuiitcivukc vi pal Linn miu iuitii fi (United Pim Tdefraphle Reporta) '., H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manafer slstent lack of co-operation with the school authorities the danger of the spread of any infectious disease Is al ways imminent. Right now Superintendent Curth ofj 'ftlUiaM Every Day Except Sunday hy the Kinston Free ' ihe Klnston er " outbreak of measles ; : Press Co., lac Kinston, N. C. unless the parents in those homes, where the disease has . . , . .... . appear (I, obsei ve the State law with "fi icncu to quaran- Sabacriptlon Bates I'nvahle In Advance: i-One Week Jt AO One Month 86 tlnir'K- -several children from homes wnere the disease Three Mentha fl.Ot Six Months 2.00 vxKiH have been permitted to go r'-.i en to chool and ' '' ', ' - '- menao the health of their associates. It lias Ueeii fonn 1 necessary to send Beveral child: en home f r the teach ers had been Informed of the prevalence of measles in their homes, but this of course was not in time to pre vent exposure f other children; several teachers have had to le temporarily quarantined. This state of affairs Is no doubt due to thoughtle; -.- i general reminder UP THE HAGUE POST, Entered at the postofflce at Kinston, North Carolina, as a0od-claS matter under act of Congress. March 3, 1871. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Tark Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, In sole charge of Kastern Department. Kile (at The Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFVIPF In charts of Mr. C J. Anderson Marejaettw Building, Chicago, where files of The Free ness on the ipa.-t tX the parents an Press can be seea. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press f any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on tbe part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union nd report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptlv, if mm'nint is made before Nine P. M., without cost to subscriber. TUESDAY EVENING, lK 'KM UK It .1. 1916. "Use less perfume" urges a c change. May we amend to read: espoMdo,nt of an ex "Use no perfume"? '.'If I don't smoke my own pipe, nobody else wl!i", evi dently thought the Wake county a. - pirants for the chair manship of the commissioners. ' ' ' J of the need for a prompt report of any cases of measles, m that proper steps to stamp out the disease may be taken by the health authorities, should foe all that is necessary. If, however, parents perxistjn their careless ness and fall to protect the public the law can be In voked and will be. Superintendent Curtis is not desirous of employing harsh measures, but unlei""he has the volun tary co-cperaion of the parents, ho has1 no alternative. The State law makes It mandatory upon parei t ; o. guardians to ksep children suffering from infectious dis eases or having been exposed to such diseases, from the schools, parks, theatres, streets and all public pla.es and in the homes where there Is a case of measles a placard must be displayed on the front as a warning to uny who might have occasion to enter and unwittin rly expose themselves. No "My Dear Alphonse nor Gaston" in the rival can didates for chairmanship of th Wake comity board of commissioners. They voted for Number One. Columbia State: "It seems to 'be an open question as to whether it is safer to be a partlc'wtnt or u spei t Ur) at an automobile race". It should be kept In mind, how ever, that in the one case It Is suicide while in the other unintentional homicide. The death angel has removed one of Kfn.Uon's best citizens. Errol P. Dixon, cut down in the very prime of life, was one of the "select few" who could be found on the right sldo of questions involving the morality and progressiveness of this community. Those, who were most Intimately associated with .Tilm, appreciated i'm t WORK SENTENCES PROPER. It is interesting to nota that the authorities of Virgin ia are determined to enforce the new prohibition statutes. The first defendants coming before the courts on c'uirge of illicit liquor dealing faced work sentences .when the evi dence showed that they were guilty. The plan of impos ing a nominal fine upon Jirst offenders is not being prac itced in tho OM Dominion and well it is not. Very hearti ly do we subscribe to the doctrine of another chance In the ordinary unpremeditated nfTn;.-.e. Not so for the "biger", that despicable creature, which lurks in the dark and stops at nothing to evade the righteous laws, which have been enteted to protect the manhocd of the country from downfall. The best and most wholesome cure for "tlgerism" is plenty of "exercises" on the county reads for the public improvement and without a per diem. The closing of Virginia supply houses has had little worth and respected him most. He was that character I apparent effect upon the quantity of the iniquitou.i stuff of good citizen, which Kinston could ill afford to lose. His , -which is unloaded in Klnston. The express company rose Influence will tie missed. 'Because of certain stretches of road and bridge build ing and other public improvements, beneficial to proper ty Interests of the various county commissioner.!, under whose direction the work has been carried on, there arc some who fear that the expenditure of a bond issue would take on the "favoritism hue" and benefit the few. Tho idea of Wbond Issue Is to make possible the simultaneous Improvement of all sections of the country and should ef fectually remove all occasion for favoritism. to the occasion and made the rates from more distant points attractive, so that the "mail order" patrons have suffered no Inconvenience. Greater vigilance on the part of the officer: and heavier work sentences by the courts must be the rule hereabouts, as well as elsewhere, in order that the liquor evil may be reduced. o In regard to the proposed bend issue for good roads In J-enoIr county, the usual question is being asked by tho tax payer: "Who is to be entrusted with the spend ing of the mcney?" Washington. Dec. 4. The first re signations from the diplomatic corps, which are expe ted to be the fore runners of others as a consequence of President Wilson's re-election and the closing of his first term were announc ed today. ! Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Minister to The Netherlands, has resigned and nrobably will be succeeded by John W. Garnctt, of Maltimore, form'-Hy Minister to Argentina. Dr. Van Dyke, It was explained Jias een (oncerned. over his health for some i time. ; II mtmm m lil Horses and Mines Of i ne verv Best 11 III - - - , r 111 I TAN LAC BRINGS ! COLOR HACK TO . GIRL'S CHEEKS Mrs. R. L. Snyder lells how her little daughter gained on Master Medicine. Another Instance in which a child has been greatly lien fitted by Tan iac an instance demonstrating the Master Medicine's adaptability to the young, as well as to the old, is held In the enHoT-rment Recently given by Mrs. R. I,. Snyder, well-known res iden tcf Gregory street. Greensboro. "My little six-year-old daughter, Mury,"' began Mrs. Snyder, "was sick all sumui r. She had no appetite to speak of nrd was feverish. Amibtlon , Jn her was n iticer.bly lacking and her i complexion was not fully rosy. "My little girl's condition was known to neighbors and now, since Mary has taken Tanlac and gained so wonderfully on it, the neighbors play- j fully call her 'Tanlac' j "Even though Mary has taken but small amount of Tanlac her appe- ' tite has increased greatly and it : seems as if she is eating all the time now. There is a better color in her ' little face and she displays lots of, life." j Tunlac is sold in Kir.ston by J. E. j Hood & Co.; New Bern, Bradham ' Drug Co.; LaGrange, Isler & Peele; ; Weldon, W. M. Cohen; Warsaw, j Brown Drug Co.; Trenton, Trenton Drug Co.; Edenton Mitchner's Phar- j macy; Ayden, J. R. Smith & Bro.; Hookerton, W. G. Taylor; Pikeville, ) Ilosea Bros.; Dover, W. A. WHson'sj Drug Storev . adv. 1 Quality, Reasonable Prices, On Easy Terms . , HiCKNEY WAGONS. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. THQRNHILL WAGONS. CLOTHING. HATS. SHOES. CARTS, BUGGIES AND HARNESS. AND ALL GRADES OF GROCER ES. A complete line of Farm Implements, one and two-norse Plows, Disc Harrows, Stalk Cutters and everything you need on a (arm. . See Us Before You Buy COPELAND BROTHERS . Job Printing NO NEED TO FEAR-BALDNESS Here's a Good Way to Stop Loss of Hair and Start New Hair Growth. If your hair Is falling or thimng out, don't wait another day, but g-i to J. E. Hood & iCo nd get a bottle of Parisian (Sage, tho truly ofliclent hair grower. Don't say: "It's the samo aid slory; I've heard it ibefore," but try a boltlo t their risk. They guarantee Paris ian Sage to grow hair, to 3t; fall ing hair, to cure dandruff and stop scalp Itch, or money back. Parisian Sage contuins just tho elements needed to properly Invigo rate and nourish the hair roots. It's a prime favorite with discriminating ladles because it makes the hair soft, bright ami anpcnr twice as abuand n nf. Parisian S:ir- oh Inexpensive and easily 'l.iinuhK' at alt d-ug stre. , adv GASTONIA TO HIVE NF.TT COTTON PULL WBSSOB Gastonia. De . 4. A movement looking to the i ctablishmont of an other cotton mi'! for Gtutonia was launched this n :rning and already the entire eapit t' stock, $l"0 ()0(l. has be. n taken. Th i will be G.ist. mill's twenty lYui tii n. ton mill and G.istou county's sentv fourth. McCORMlCK S COMPANY GEYS BIG VERDICT Washington. Dec. I.- A damage I erdict of :M I V 'it) ajytiinst the l'on- ! " h a ia K-uy ad secured 1y the S, u. man Shift I'oal Companv, of! I . :-.' Vai-ce M ;'ormick. T Harris-j utg. I'.i., I-; In tsiirer an, I a p-inci-! j-..! -t ckh.il.iio - . for failure ( r re- ! !'ii .i I t ' f'.irnUh u e for shipping coal, ' was atlirnied t ay bv the Sue em Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of th' Stomach. and Intestines, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendi citis and other fatal ailments result from Stomach Trouble. Thousands of Stomach Sufferers owe their com plete recovery to Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stom ach Ailments. For salo by J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, Kinston, N. C. adv. Court. Interstate Commerce Commission findings, the Supreme C'ourt decided :n am. tiler case, are prima facie evi dence In l-'ed.ral '"-uirt suits on li ability of railroads for discriminat ing against coal producers in pro rating car distributon. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford's Black-Draught McDaff, Va. "I suffered, for seven) years," says Mrs. J. B. Whittakcr, ot this place, "willj Mck headache, ami stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thffrlti-iritV ItlQrtr-ltrtll.r.lit ...hil, I iliA and 1 tound it to be the best faintly medi cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and whettmy children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, nnd it does them mere good than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draugnt Is purely vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, ' sick stomach, and sunilai symptoms. It has been In constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a millian people. Your dnggist sells and recommends Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a oackage to-day. n. c a LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CIRCULARS RECEIPTS BOOKLETS ORDER BLANKS SHIPPIING TAGS BOOKS LABELS CARDS STATEMENTS In Fact Any Kind of Printing You Desire The Kinston Free Press Company t f- , i urn i ,A..xra rzz. j .: i .. . .v : - k , . " I i ' fin'-. ' A-tt ? f" N ( AiLWOHT-YoiCMsmy'--- ( vyhy B chop mke. ) , K0-&0T We'll Rft I o Y o P P : v Uo-ri-rtVo ) CHSE 1 Come Hti?EtWGrr IW- Your PiTie YcHJ-6oT ? ) YoO CftN'T EXPECT C v v w j f ' , ipl . ?Z s J' 'iilf1 ,k, flri r - ifiRETa FtL THB ( HoW oOT S To VVtRK FOR f) ) ''vVoT PoYuH 0;hKS S I GOOD NlGHTi ' " ) ) PrltHT 0UrV& ( .,. E f,u;L BENXIWE CW5 flHP ,) t'MA7mo I Cl SALARY Vo FftY OFF AW wStuT 5 pS3 T ,ftlJ,T WnOK i mN wMTfcD ' To PH 'SOB UweeP THE FLooR? ( TH "Mfl r-H in -reWPlN' ( L, WoRTf,! M ! , I CflM'T WBRK 1: ( TpIy w y 1 1 I; v n-:: fTm, ) x f A A jtfmp. ) ; UTTLE MoNeY : f