1 y r: : V t PAGE TWO EDITORIAL THE KINSTON FREE PRESS FRIDAY,' i DECEMBER 'l5t19jg . Try HIE DAILY FREE PRESS f 'IT (Uaited Prh Telegraphic Reports) B. CALT BRAXTON. Editor and Manager i PaMiakeA Every Day Except Sunday by the Kiniton Free vsV-AtMs : "Presa Co., Inc.. Kinstoa, N. C. J- ' - -- - Ommm D...I.I-. T- A J..-.. n a'V ' ; ;Y i.j One Week I .It On Month '. ?':' .-.. ,w ... mt . l rJVj. One Year $4.00 .85 2.00 I i 't ""'1M natUr under act of Congres. March 3, 1879. .tf: 4- nETT TORI OFFICE 8 Purk Row, Mr. Kaipn it. Mulligan, In tola charga of Eastern Department. File f Tba Fm Prew can be teen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Maraattt Building, Chicago, where file of The Free irest cat b seen. 8srfbri are requested to notify, by Telephone 7f :'Th Fraa PreM of any irregularity of delivery or inat - tendon whatsoever on the part of the carrier. ' After Six P. M. aubscriberg art requested to call West , am Union and report failure to get the paper. A ropy Will e lent promptly, if complaint is made before Nin VP.: M, Without coat to subscriber. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 15. 1916 ' 6am Gompers et al are launching a movement to hav. ijtha President's salary increased. Mr. Wilson will n "doubt appreciate the injunction, "costing bread upon trw 1 wateri." The Mothers' Club is calling for volunteers from th business men; those who can devote a little time betweei thla nnd Christmas Eve to the arrangement of a com munity Christmas Tree. The time is very short. A large committee ia not needed. Those who would serv 3 i in this worthy cause should let it be knows at once. Tht second thought of the Allies, as is generally th case with mature deliberation, seems to be saner wit! respect to the attitude to be assumed towards the poac proposals of their enemies than were the foundations fo tht first expressions. The indication that the proposal: f Germany and her confederates will not be turned dowi without examination and son) consideration is imlee mora encouraging than was the report that a flat refusa would bt given. WE STILL HOPE FOR A SQUARE DEAL. Not being learned in the law. we do not know wha effect th decision of the Supreme Court will have on th' Britt-Weaver controversy. Of course, it is general! known that the final decision regarding a seat In th Hours of Representatives is for the House itself to ron dr, but It Is to be hoped that the State's Supreme Cour ean clarify and give to whoever goes to Washington a th representative of the Tenth, credentials which vi' stand th test of the Mouse. Th Free Press has already gone on reenrd in thi matter as favoring a square deal. It favors such in al easel and it believes that the honor of the State and tht Tenth district demands that the man, who actually re ceived tile highest number of votes on November 7t should have tne honoj of representing the Tenth district Very naturally we hope that when the niists have clear ed aiy and the situation has been thoroughly clarifed that Mr. Weave can ahow clear title, because he renrs sents the principles of government, which we advocate We don't want Mr. Weaver to go to Congress by he jug gling of technicalities route, and we believe we echo the sentiment of the best people of the State ii taking such a position. t , , .. . ., . .I i . WORK SENTENCES ESSENTIAL The magistrate, who places a man, caught with a large quantity of liquor in his possession manifestly for illicit purposes and carrying concealed weapons, under a $100 bond, fails to have a proper conception of the offense and the menace to society, that such characters are. We don't believe the fixing of normal bond and the impos ing of fines if! lieu of work sentences, after conviction, if conducive to upholding the laws. There are offenses against the law, committed on the sjur of the mo mm without previous plan or plot, which we believe entitle the offender to some consideration, hut the "blind tiger,' that despicable, scheming, contriving, Conniving law breaker, should not, we believe, even on first offense, be permitted to pay line which, by the continuance of hi illegal business, he can recover in short order, but houl ! he given a work sentence for each . .mi every offense of vv'.ich he stands convicted. As a matter of fact, The Free Prem advocates the changing of the law now giving to the court the optlo: of a fine or work sentence with refeience to the enfo ce merit of the anti-liquor laws, wo that it will be mandatory upon the tribunal to impose a work sentence. When the hooze-peddlers, who move about in sheep's clothing, when in reality within they arc ravening wolves, understnn.1 that upon detection and conviction they face a work sen tence with no alternative of a fine, some at least will luve a ca.-e before embarking in the business. Let's have res pect for the law created by its enforcement instead of the building up of a license system through fines. NOT DEAD, BUT RESTING. The question, "what has become Discloses piece of parch- srtlashes. merit. Scene 14 Rocky short location. r.-,,r parchment. Doubts his CONDENSED SCENARIO OF THE SHIELDING SHADOW . in4 nukq it UT). (Big Movie Serial to be Started at eyes, men ..... . the Grand Theater Saturday Night.) Heads. i .. i ,... 1 1 n of nnrchmcnt on g- a- -crt ron cw, r.n. , , . ,. f und the treasure oi ir nemj Will divide with For niv rescue. Eric Matthewson, Scene ;!. Porch of Walcott manor. meaningly. I l. : . ....... Leonine steatcd, gazing fondly at:"'', -a- title p:ige of book written by Jerry. WaVott enters. Sees her and speaks peevishly. Spoken Titie "It would be infinite- of the Whole-time health officer, the anti-fly crusade, etc."? has been jai-. to The Free Press on several occasions recently. The an swer ha been that these righteous matters are not dead but resting. Paul's injunction to the Galatians: "Let us i ot lie weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint ?i't," s a text that has given us a great deal of omforl and consolation in the effort to arou-.e .he public conscience to the necessity of safe guarding its health through the creation of ade juate machinery for so doing . It is true that there las been little evidence of interest or co-operation on the oart of those who should assist in a fight for the institu ion of necesary health measures. This is due perhaps argely to the fact that those, who have tiie intelligence ind the information to appreciate the matter, have faile I o take into account that Kinston is no longer in the vil- age stage and that precautionary measures, necessary drops pipe down hatchway n city life, a.e requisite to Kinston's safety now. Kin- ; Scene r .Hold of ship. Cotton iton is arowinir. Her uonulation has perhaps increased waste, ba-rels of oil and gunpowder R ivpnirar's Ledge I have Autnor oi "ine EPISODE I. "Treasure Trove iNote to Re ule s The story of 'an "The Shielding Shadow" will be giv en in scenario form; a new scenario will be published each Week.) (a-t. Jerry Carson, the hero, Ralph Kel lard. I.eontine Walcott. the heroine, Grace Darmond. Steven Walcott her father, Hallan Mostyn. Ke.hastian Navarro, the villain, J.eon Bary. Diego Navarro, h brother, Ken neth Stewart. One Lamp Louie, Navarre's eon federate, J. Leslie King Captain of schooner, mate, sailors, servants, etc. "i Scene t Kcftooner H. Miller at ' ea. JeiS-y Carson "getting atmos-1 nhere" for his new sea novel, aboard. Stops writing. Gazes tenderly at ni.'ture of Leontine Walcott. o n t : i :., !,.(-- ,.ir, I loan .TCJtriir i. i.iiii.ii v in iiauun iiic.ii- ct,o v-.l,.Ait ron, lino- J-'l.ioh varro speaks. portion of letter on screen: "If voy age of the II . Miller is successful, you will be covered. If not, ruined.", Walcott, worried, rises and exits. luccaneer. parties etnvting GoM sake, come. s'-ientist. CoMinuing the scene, Jerry fin- i-hes reading. Looks up. Discovers j several South American Vaqueros 1 with . n k-donkeys approaching. Ilas- tilv thrusts paper into his breast, i Subtitle Several, days later. The I return. I Sl.,., ,. .Front of Walcott manor. Walcott, Sebastian and Leontine in ! conversation. Some survivors of H. I Miller come up and b eak news of ! wrick to Walcott who is overcome. Leontine is overcome at the news of Jerrv's death. Scene 111 Wharf location. Num I her of sailors getting out .f small : boat. Jerry, care-worn, ragged is ' -imnw them. Bids good-bye to sail- i ors ami nasiny exus uunu nu,i,. I s.ene 17 Veranda of Walcott ; house. Walcott trying to raise a from Sebaotian Navarro. .Na Spoken Title "I should he very bid to help you out of your difficul- if-" Continuing Scene Ue looks off jpward of two thousand within the past twelve m -nths, iut still Kinston has taken no steps Whatsoever to throw iround its people those safeguards, which they are en .itled to. As a matter of fuct, there are rural communi ties in some sections of our fair country which have given more attention to conservation of health than have we in Kinston. Kinston needs a meat and milk inspector. Some of the barbecue stands and meat markets, which are tolerated in Kinston and pcrmittex! to serve food for huroan con sumption, are positively nauseous with their filth and unsanitary environment. Of course, this does not apply to all the mnrkets in towij. If such were the case we would eat no meat. And there are none, which will not bear inspection. Some of these days we will know bet ter, and we will have a health department with proper provision for food inspection and controlling infectious and contagious diseases. Walcott's eyes follow Scene 18 Nearby. Short flarh of Leontine, seated, gazing sadly before her. Scene 19 Walcott veranda. Wal- Iv hotter if vou would oav more at-; cott turns back to fceoastian regisier- tention to our uest, Sebastian Nav- ing that he understands Sebastian's nrro, and stop mooning over that meaning and acquiesces. penniless pencil pusher." j Insert Titles Though every pres- Continuing Scene Talcott , speaks . sl,re was brought to bear Sebastian's out above and at Leontine's spirited j suit met with little favor. Leontine protestations, stamps angrily off. remained true to Jerry's memory. Scene 4 Foredeck of schooner by To disparage this memory, Sebastian an I his brother, Diego, have Jerry's name forged to a document showing that Jerry intended marrying Leon tine only to obtain enough money to pay a debt to Navarro. Scene 20 Street location in town. open hatchway. Sailors gathered, talking, smoking. One unwittingly Pipe landj on oil-soaked SOUTHERN RAILWAY Trala Nn. xl Lea Goldsnon f:4i , sw for Kaivlgh, Durban GfeMSoro. Handles frM chair ca from Ralwcb to Atlanta, roakinr coo - Trala Ne. lit Learee Gokutwr Section for New Orleans. Texas. Cat ttornia and all weiUm point; al connects at Greensboro wjib through trains for all a rtbrn and iii'n point I. -SO a. . for Raleigh Durham snr Makes eonnection at Greensboro fo ill points north and eat. and at Ashe "t with Csroli- Special for Cin -innatl. Chlcare od all wnfrr ooints Train No ill -lav Goldnhorv 10:33 p. m for P .i'eifh. Durham ani Greensboro Manuka Pullman sleep h rough train fo. Atlanta nnd New Orleans, also m"e eonnactino fo Greensttoro, mas ng connection for j ihovillH, CVin iooga, SL Uui Homphis ofniirwham and U west -rn point Washington, lfclt.i(ire, Philsdolphia, New YorH and points South and Wet J. 0. JONES. 'Irsveling Passenger Airen-. Raleigh. N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of Nersey Moseley, deceased, late of Lenoir county, N. C this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to oxbibit them to the undersigned on or be ore Oct. 20. 1917, or this notice will b pleaded in bar of their recoyery. Ml perfons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 25th day of Oct., 1916. JOHV DOVE, Administrator of Nersey Moseley. cargo. w. ste. A tongue of flame shoots up. Ore Lamp Louie, a sinister looking Scene f Fbredeck of schooner. ' vagabond, with but one eye, is dis- Sailors discover smoke. Rush off covered in converse with Sebastian to tell captain. 8nj his brother, Diego. Hands Se- Scene 7 Hold of ship. Fire makes bastian the forged document. e- lenping headway. Reaches barrels of ,' bastian looks at it. oil. Scene 8-jDeck of schooner. Fire dancing about rails. Jerry directing men. Makes heroic attempt to save the ship but is finally forced to jump, his clothes aflame, into the scs. with others. Scene 9 Open sea. Jerry swim ming hard. Gazes back at ship. Five raging furiously. It reaches gun powder. There is a deafening deto nation and the II. Miller is a mass of blazing driftwood. Scene 10 Second open sea loca tion. Sailors clinging to wreckage. Short flash of shark's ifin moving swiftly. One sailor throws up his hands and quickly disappears. Scene 11 First sea location. Short flash Jerry, exhausterf," clinging to spar. Subtitle Hours later. Land. Scene 12. Rocky shore location. Jer ry staggers into picture. Gazes weakly about, then -down at his feet. Lodged between two rocks is an odd- shaped, corked bottle. Jerry picks it up. Drinks. Discovers it is water. Hurls bottle from him. Scene 13. Close-up view of large out above, the while taking forged flat boulder. Battle hits boulder and j (Continued on Page 8) 1 . . Insert Close Foreground of Docu ment "Received from Sebastian Na varro the sum of Three Thousand ( $:3,000.00) Dollars to be repaid at the rate of (i per cent, interest one month after the wedding of the un dersigned with Leontine Walcott. Jerry L. Carson." Continuing Scene Sebastian gives document to Diego, giving him in structions to use it furthering Se bastian's suit. They exit. One Lamp Louie happens to look off and sees Jerry approaching. Filled with won der he hides and follows Jerry off. Scene 21 Garden in back of Wal cot manor. Jerry stealing in to surprise the family. One Lamp Louie skulking furtively in the shrubbery. Scene 22 Walcott library. Diego Navarro sitting with Leontine, plead ing his brother's suit. Speaks. Spoken title "And while you waste your life with memory of an unworthy scoundrel, a true gentle man drp.inn nt von " salt r J I Continuing Scene Diego speaks CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY ' 1916-1917 EXCURSION FARES VIA Norfolk Southern Convenient Schedules PULLMAN SLEEPING and PARLOR CAR SERVICE Tickets on sale December 20 to 25, 1916, inclusive. Final return limit January 10, 1917. Complete information furnished by any Norfolk Southern Ticket Agent. H. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agent. WILL YOU HELP RUE? I Am a Carrier off The Daily Free Press, and Working For Some Valuable Christmas Prizes to be Given Me By The : : : : FREE PRESS COMPANY And if 4You Will Pay Your Subscrip tion Up, or in Advance or Give Me a New Subscriber, It WillJIelp Me More Than" You Can Ever Know I Have Served You Through The Year. Will You Help Me? Yours Always To Serve, Now YOUR CARRIER FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of KIM Capital and Surplus $160,000 The depositors of this bank now outnumber by more than one and one half times the population of Kinston under the census of 1890. The deposits of this bank now exceed by more than ten times all the bank deposits of the entire county of Lenoir, Including Kinston and LaGrange, in the year 1890. The above attest the growth of Kinston and the business interests of litis section, as also the confidence of the public In this Institution. N. J. ROUSE, President D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier, DR. HENRY TULL, Vlce-Prest 1. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady DIRECTORS: J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler, N. J. Rouse," C. Felix Harrey, David Oettinger, H. E, Moseley r MIKE L bit mm wen. HE LOST HIS NERVE WHEN HE HEARD THE VOICE A'ljicscxrj.-r- .1 . , v.; f Cf r. - ou?e I Ht'niD f Sot'NP VJ' if I Ketch HiM HE LIE VG Mt lOVV mBw who's ;pji J - r frit . ... ,. -i i-if iinTtir WJIknA tint 1 1 ifrmrfiiHtt : mmm'Aws! il H" I ' tL?Xffirji-v - i i . ; i i x i l ii i r f i ri ti-i i . ... - . tit-ti .j r - - i 1 r - t 'pf