HTTUTT A3LY Nawa TV 1 11 ..111 FIRST EDITION KINSTON,N., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 191 t SIX JPAfiES TODAY .:. -..ill mmm does heiorn . co. to OERWMyijpl MWPWB111! miiimm TOMORROW V!LL BE iff STINT MAKING QUIT BUSINESS, IS STAAE IKUIS WHEN BE ARRESTED Ml! - ' ' d 6eWle Mr:d irjift CGIlUNITY CEpRljjro MPIMS SURPRISE TO CITY AUJE WT THEM BORDER, 15 REPORT TO NATIOKAL MUSE TO TO WB T7 mm I0RI Dr. SpHww Gives Views at High School PUBLIC MUSI TAKE HAND Meeting Was Intended for iwoqo nf PeoDle and All iuw .But a Few of Them Stay nA Awav But They Will Come, Says Curtis The rat of a series of public dura tional rallies was .held in the High School building in North Kinston Fri- day night. It ii rally o far a enthusiasm and the merit of the pro gram were concerned, but really, rally could not be applied to the audi ence. The public . jnrt dklnt rally. The,ibUe ;antlout 160 or 200 rep resentatives .and then stayed t home and down(tovn. Mr. R. t. Mih enade lie opeurac; prayer. Superintendent K. R. Curtis of l;he (Sty Schools announced the purpose of the meeting and stated uMttt'.Mtawut. that. Mnvor Sutton, who , 3" ' 1 was 1(0 ,heve presided, was detained! down town by business matter. The Mayor haortiery graciously offered to throw qp .the private affair and go Rnyway, but JUr. Curtis Had refused to hear djf 'that'iyiierly rendered a song number, 4is .Jtest WOspn accexi- panying on . the jiano. Mrs. Quin- erly was coorpeUcd to vespond to n encore. The High School's best sing ers rendered a pleasing numjber. Dr. C. fi. McNalry, Superintendent of the Caswell Training schot,'1ntro ducefl tie speaker of tie evening. Dr. B. W. SpilfMWi "our win Dr. Spil mari." tr. McNalry had quit getting wood after dusk and had come supper f less to the sneeting. He wished he could make a peeck, he said, ad succeeded, in. spite of his idea about it, in making a very passable address. At least, fte,u&nce gve him cred it for it Dr. Spilman reviewed the oldtime school methods, 8vl 8m had een to a public school only a day and a half in his life, put an imaginary boy in- 10 a cnair cjose Dy wnere ne was speaking, dismissed the fenrrrrine pro ( noun for gxmpenttmtt ;.miat nd ex plained it CArfjvUy to his hearers stated that ne had never been a girl in his life, 4oJd is Motors to tell the municipal authorities what he said and launched into a delightful, PMctieaJ draw about "JCintooi School of . Tomorrow." He said in part. "Winston's aefeei f tomnw ia-j herite a goodly history. A long list f the very fiaettji typ ?hae yhren instruction to the yirathof this community. "iimt'mm mm cng mum r im the "worldVitistery. The wfcete wU has become a neighborhood. The booming of the big guns of Europe affected business conditions irt the little sJHait of our western plains. With ttu. jejose of tb,ys world war there will be a readjustment of the world, on a scale which has not been eeh ejfre. Our schools muse pre pare for X3mm mw day. "The Uadunc at UtgaHges, his tory, as4 the jufenal ece wiH ol wa .held it centod place in' every system at ducatiq '.jmpthy of , the name, Jut education . is aoroething more than an culture. Utility holds a.flace -very prominent Plce, in h education of the erociaut Character is the most imjKtrt-; nt fctor 1a;tha educational. ; pro-; 'M6 the moat Valuable basl. "I uieCs-'V;, '''":':'v. . "The school ut tomtmtr. vill .;be tte4 by its . product Civen . - nor lnl child under oomal .conditions t kind .of ttiaa or woman appears th end f Ifcejacational pro ' The product is dependent up- educational process. .What lAt'hithe rrliWweanes' out t,, j 9rfj 'l : (Continued-on Page Fhre j .- . V , , k, . v Number of Great Bonuses id Wg Increases An- nounced One Company Give Six Millions to Workers (By the United Press) New York, Dec. 16 Record Christ mas bonuses and increases of salary for employes of New York corpora tions continue today. The Diggest gin reported is six million dollars by the American Tele graph & Telephone Co. to workers, Other gifts are: Broadway Trust ., 10 per cent; Cititens Central National Bank, 10 per cent: James CaH, brokers, 10 per cent. GOVERNORS MEET NEXT IN SALT LAKE CITY Washington, Dec. 15. The Gover nors conterence in session Here vot ed today to hold its next annual meeting in Salt Lake City, at a time to be Jlxed by the executive comrait- :ee conajicwed of Govemorj Manning if South Carolina, Spry of Utah, and Capper of Kansas. Former Gover J 2( nor Fort f Nw Jersey, was re-elect- ad treasur-er of the conference. WHEST BREAKS MORE mm THIRTEEN CENTS Chicago, 111., Dec. 15. In a fraii tic stampede today wheat prices were I traamled down 13 1-8 cents a bushel. The prime reason for the break was a German official suggestion of limit ed but universal disarmament. flUA WOULD PL4Y QUITS WITH UNITED STATES; NO CHANCE 1 Paso, Texae, Dec, 15. A Mexi- can ofturier reached the border today rom Francisco Villa's camp at Creel, fifty miles west of Minaca in the ucraai) ustnet ol Onibuahua, with H-C'POialM for the United States gov- arnment that Villa would refrain from the further destruction of for- etga Jjfe tma property jn Mexico en condition that the United States would not interfere in any way with I his cswpsign against the Carranxa .gOUernwnt This wee officially an nounced late today. Washington Disinterested. .Washington, Dec. 15. Any sug gestion of an agreement between the Aeneriren government and Villa is regarded by administration o. .ciaJs as unworthy of consideration. CONDEMN DEPORTATION OF BELGIAN MALES New York, Dec. 15. 'Vigorous ex pressions of indignation were voiced at a mass-meeting held here tonight to protest against the "enslavement of Belgians" by the German govern ment The deportation of the Belgi ans was condemned in Jetters read from Theodore Roosevelt, Archbishop Ireland, Joseph 1L Ghoate and Bish op Thomas R. O'Gorman of Sioux Falls. Equally forceful were ad dresses -delivered by Elihu Soot, Jas. M. Beck, former Assistant Ottorney General of the United States; Alton Manning, rector of Tr B. Parker end .the Eev. William T. Manning, vector of Trinity church, who presided, . , . ( LONGYOED STRIKE TO A CLOSE T Wilkes-Barre, Penn, Dec. 1 WilkesBerre's fourUen-months'-oId street-car strike , .ended today wnen the striken voted, in favor of peace iirj9coftaLfl drawn by members pf he United Mine Workers. Queen Street Gets Shock of the Year When News Is Told of Liquidation of One of Kington's Most Stable Firms The firm of T. W. Mewbom & Co. is to go out of business. Kin ston is to lose one of its oldest and most important business institutions. The simple announcement, made by Mr. T. W. Mewbora, senior member of the rnx, and appearing in Satur day's Free Press, came as a surprise and shock to Kinston's business cir cles. Perhaps no firm in this section is doing a larger volume. The au thorized announcement assigns no reason but states that the voluntary liquidation will commence et once, nd the large stock of goods will be offered for sale at cost beginning Monday nvxojng. T. W. Mewborn & Co. has been in business in Kinston for twenty-nine years. The firm occupies one of the most commodious and best appointed stores in the State. They deal in practically everything for the farm and city trade. Live stock has been an important reature oi tneir owsi ness ad farming implements. Their ready-to-wear and millinery depart ments, comparatively recently wjded, have caterd to the most exclusive trade. The firm, a partnership, i compos ed of Messrs. T. W. Mewborn and J. W. Braxton. Mr. Brasrtei , a been inactive for the past year or more due to ill health. Mr. Mew- bom intimated to representative of The Free Press, when interviewed Saturday morning, that no plans had been made other than the immediate liquidation. This will, of course, re quire some little time. BRIEFS IN THE NEWS OTHER EAST CAROLINA TOWNS AND COUNTIES C. B. BladcweD, colored, broke up a negro dance at Washington when he shot a woman dancer. Two bul lets strudk her. Her partner fell to rjhe floor with her, iHe was uninjur ed. The woman may die. The as sailant escaped. rfl Dr. Josh Tayloe, a Washington physician, has complied witth a - re quest from Hannah McEwan of New Jersey to aead her tke "ugliest; lpng-est-nosed, thinnest razor-back hog jb, Beaufort county for a Christmas Joke." , Hr. iPenny Ward, 8, a welI-known; Greenville woman, is dead. m , Greenville wants a boat fine to Washington. ; , j Albert Ward, thoown through c plate glass window jn e runaway ai Greenville, was not seriously cut. B. M1EAN GETS INCOME OF MILLION (By the United Press) Washington, Dee. 16. Edward B. McLean will have the entire income of the estate left by his father and is recognized as the sole head of the Washington Post and the CSncinnatti Enquirer, by an agreement reached out of court and approved today by the 'District of Columbia Supreme; Court. The income is estimated at a million yearly. cohon Cotton sold here Saturday at from IS to 18 cents. Receipts were kept down by the cold weather. ; t New York futures quotations were; Open Close January 18.29 v 17.96 , March May . 'July , ..18.4u;8U(Ueld today. The Federal . ....-... .18.74 1&U0 . October V.' j 1&80 ; ' 167 j j December .18U5 18.04. Von Bernstflrff Encourag- ' ed fiy procedure ef V. S. pvernment Conpeqted With the subject. Americfiot to Supple ment .Berlins' Proposals Now Seams to Be a Set tled iEact WaJipgton, Dec. 1S. Germany stands .ready to give the Allies a full statement or , terms in a peace con ference. This statement was made officially following a vuit of Von Bernstorff to Lansing today, although Amibassa- dor Von Bernstorff said he does notl know officially what these terms aro. wiu Talk any old pc At the same time Germany is nowKhe w&rrbw natim. of Europe were ready to discuss disarmament, theJ creating of a league to guarantee peace, end kindred subjects that may arise from any peace negotiations. Von Bernstorff aought official word confirming thU country's intention net . to 'euppJesMnt Germany's peace , proposals at this time. While the ambassador refused to talk about this gevenunent's plan, it is known that the Geraian authori ties are not discouraged by the fact that America will set now urge sug- gjejBtwws. On the contrary, they be lieve President Wilson has "left the t way open to act iater," wad hence a encouraged. bra aid t L.C d AB.etaoin ats hata FRED g FREED, IS BELIEF OUTSIDEWR'OM LaGrange Negro Not Apt to Die for Assault on a Girl of Own Race Hobbs Cleared on Money La ceny Charge SheBman Frederick, colored, who' goes on trial in Superior Court here1 Saturday for his life, charged wiflr assaulting a Moseley JIall township' colored girl, is iex ected by LaGrange people to be acquitted. They say they think there is nothing in the case that a jury will be likely tp convict Frederick on. Joe .Hobbs, whJt, a former soldier. charged with robbing a South Kine- ton resort of a sun of money, was I 1 T-: . Ml. I quieted Friday -afternoon. The prosecuting witnesses ' were Helen Smith and Ike Adler. Policemen be lieved the prosecution was a mme up. Elvin Sparrow, charged with as. saulting his wife, was discharged. Junius Brown, guilty of gambling, was allowed to go with the payment of the costs. VARNEK SAYS HE'LL TELL WWM ABOUT P.(?R TRUST iBj the Vnited Prtes) f Washington, Dec. 16.- Additronal evidence tending to show, the exist ence, of paper trust will be . filed witti the Department of Justice with in,; few days by S. Varner, e. North Cirolhra newspaper publisher, Trade to place the responsibility for paper prices, . Com bubs toner x Davies i en- ERIMLL ooonced. , - (By the United Press) El Paso, Dec 16. Wholesale arrests of American! here and at other border points accused of breach of the neutrality laws 1m fomenting or aiding nvelwUnn ry aetioM of 4tfferoat HeakaB factions, 4s planned by Asaerfean secret serriee acanU. MOST VALUABLE OF CROPS; FOILS WORTH II0SEIHAMBH1I0N Washingtoi, Dec. 15-Ali' Becaede for value of the country's tnpertetit farm crooi wei exceeded shis fW J despite the emaHer eize ef the crops, i Theia- value was olaced at $7,644,609,1 GOO today by the DejMsawt tf A rleulture la its fioal estimates ef the year. That is UJWfiQOjWQ zrw than the same enpne were wprth.juxsi year. Higher Briees. due jarUy to re- duj.ed production and. partly to the aomaBda for Amerlcu food from l-KooririMa for th vast 4nore 1n vajtte. four crops each wera worth more than a billion dollars. Com, wAh whie 12,393 ..wo. shewed the fleetest inereaue, bekg worth $578,W3)00 - more fthaa iaat year's output. Cotton, tiie second most rataaU with total ef U,97t,WMj, in- rsed 147478,000 ever last ymr Wheat, the thltd, was worth $25,76000 or m462KK) vej- the year before, when the production WSJ almost 400,000,000 bushels more. Hay was fourth, with a ygtu0 of 11.008,834,000, an increase of 250,000. JURY HNDS ITCOT mn mmm, JackssnvjllB.fla,, Dec, lS. -Thos. C. iMc'Coyf Athevijle, N C, was convicted by 'iury in Federal Dis trict Court, here today of conspiracy to defraud 'the government of reven ue tax on whisky distilled at the Long Branch distillery here. The ease was completed late today fend the! jury was out en hour end tea minutes before returning a verdict. ' McCoy' attorneys inf oxsaeJiy ave notice f petition for a new trial. Tt was announced that sentence wi not be passed on McCoy until nfter the prospective motion for a n4r trial fcas been, heard. The (Maxi mum pQftalty is four years in the pen- fcentiwry or a fine ef $20,000. PROF. AiffiNSTERBERG DIES WHILE lECMlNC (By the United Prej) Cambridge, Dec. 16. Pwf. Hugo jWuensterberg of Harvard, the notedl j . l. 1 .. . j 11 German psychologist, dropped dead today while lecturing to a class of students at Jtadcriffe. BRITISH AGAIN ON 'DEFENSIVE IN WA riUi London pec. ; 15. British troops have takemthe offensive in the region of Knt-El-Amara, In Mesopotamia, and have occupied Turkish fositiorui on the Hal river, south of Kut-El- Amara, says an ofneial statement is sued tonight. : Dr. and. Mrs. tFV.' S. Whitaker hare returned from A ehort stay m BeWmot,":;f -r - y l Mm. Herman BeB visited relatives in LaGrange Friday. Mra. L. B. Stilley of j Elizabeth City is here to visit friends :foo - a few'dys.,- ' V' ; ' v 'Mies Ethel Love rf (Richmond Is the guest of relatives in this city. ; '- - - .- - -: ,. - . Mrs. & Oettinger mnd Airs." Sidney Stern of Greensboro ' spent Friday with liMrs.r If jit . Hart fat 4 New Bern. Davis Conies Here Sw4y to Union MeetW in Gordon Street Christian CJuirch lively Service Promised' In .Gordon Street Christisn chmrck Sunday night there will be a big eujion eeryiBfi jo tfe interest of Na- ttaaal croMbitien. Other churches eee expected to forego their own ser vices and wteet In Gordon Street church. Every member of every congregation, say local prohibition advocates, "should try to be present.1 Jtev. W. L. Uavis, secretary on tfte Nerth Carolina Aeti-iSeloon JLeaue, will make o sdrdress. jie bvW s sonething iteieti t teU. ('He is on fire," says m friend Of Mr, .Iv!?. "with jjreajt seal, nnd will warm ug? those who hesjr him." There will be Jivejy aonjj and A special solo by Mrs. Dan Qujnjerly. WESniDlSTER TRIO IN LYCEO WmSE The Westjminater Concert Enter tainers win be the next number of the lycewm course under the auspices ef the Mothers' dub. This clever trie wifl here Monday night si jg Vclock, the basesnejat of ftke Frt afitist iflkvsoh- . The ptmmnJ(m of their performance, s the ftheoi ip jQQiafte, riii ;be fit a tyrapj4 beneAlL . ,. . There re few companies teethe lyoaum of whatever s&se that com pare .wjh uis oig lutie company, They are but .three in number but can fill an evening to overlcow with their rollocking 1 entertainment. Hie entertainers are iMr. Larry Ball, -tru- ficotch; Miss Doroy Cole, daughter of the Emerald -Isle, and Miss Iras WHson. iMr. Ball gives stories end songs in Scotch; Maae-: Cole is the reener-ojoftftiBi; (Qs J Wilson is tihe soprano. Mm- Wg ner-Seeek -erganized this compeny. D, Leva. JBceuehton, ;curr, wll be here December 28th. ... STILL, CHRISTMAS ISNT SERE YET TIws meliow Iraxna was acted in the Southern Express office the oth er day: Clerk Where'd you order yours from? Nothing doing. Next! First Darky Oh. , Exit. iCJerk .Where'd your's ought to come from, "Jim?"i Investigation. Slow music. Second Darky Well, sir; ' Exit 'Clerk flow about your's, nigger? Fountain of youth discovered. Third Darky Thanky, boss, thnnky. MORE HARD KNOCKS FOR JOHN BARLEYCORN Washington, Dec. W-JLciatetive measures aimed srt destmictios of the liquor traffic continue to accumulate in Congress as both howes are del uged with petitions from all parts of the country urging adoption of the national prohibition . constitutional amendment and passage of, other An ti-liquor measures, s including thel Sheppard bill to prohibit the mamfc f acture and sale of Be,uor in the Dis trict of Columb,ia. ,xi The House Patoffjoe Cceamittee opened the door to another pbese of the problem today m reporting favor ably bill designed to close the mails' absolutely: to advertising of any, w toxicsting liqoera and f denymafl order Reuses the "ttght to jgo.' Into ei1llelet,. or dry territory to jso licit sales through fle spedisttn,li lite malls. Hopes or jmwi&i.vii , , . .... : ...... . COMPiiaKCE" . CCHFLEIS That Newfanco-BrJtJi Cabinets ktoJwx Things Noticed . by , 0 peVer(Jun Of dJdv5;Ja Ona rrtdigaiion V V -V " ' ' '' ' ' r -V...,:-"S .A. ' e itk f ' AthfO, Dec t6--Th .Grtdi CT.'!' ernment's reply accepting ,4f ef vv mend of the Ejtispt AViejrV-ifaV';' complete compllane with' t!lf ,nlt'V y mntom and contains n express1an of ' hope for the resumption e :rA ' ttonnt rektions with Hfce l!nletrte"'ji tkms based en veelpreeal eonMene,? ttew MMsters ttnf T & - liemdes Al''s 0 ' British ead .Freneh. - iowrmnsf through the ffc&wt mnwrnirtfct -ya se tpday Op 9&7 tt-' timtm t firete-d jancVSjjrifp Verdun offflfld ' ' ? - ', ' miw. MtntriJf mt' VsJin TO UlS tTB wTAirp If re. T. A., mimma bride wfce wt Wp4hK)JlKr : in UVyewrU brtfe:, mRa rwrsday asiM -.U fie:4!sr Jtt ho4 :tp&' '-SfW'imTft H Lj Ajwlftfc A lMtU C- J ws eomplifljly, in the jU$ explosion, October ' 1, W$,',,vVjj' tvsenty man were.ViJUeil, ; A bJr ki e Jury disagreed, , . I ? . Capkn .will appear In, court QOa day to be sentenced at Welch tlmi :&ti attorneys We eid ey wfB .tnova fefa fw tsial,j rBnl wiexiarmneft Har foriimerrslaBgtrter tn (Ma atsa-tf : .. -u hrorfosk, Vs., Dec tW. Uai. say fieaiid, 38 yean of , jantjof NerfeBVs best tawwn -Jsqeyaee, ami ; former pmidaat jaf the loral Uar'f seciecion, coiamittad aeddde bar W this afternoon. Mr. Heaad ahatia . self while in the oabln of to faittVOt '. Wen. He ad ' recently j swtuilitxl foom m. New York heepital wtteni was under treetrnerrt Cs ct0 . hreakdovn, 1 . , , DROWNED WHEN BOAT S(fl UNDER lid St Cji,' :. SouthpoTt, Dec. 18.ABen HeeiV employed ,on the government 'dreiie- Henry Bacon, was drowied thfelaf temeon when eiiff b wm vsint" til Ax spipe Vneuk, ' 4 i 1 K- . (Too Lte for Qsesificetfoa) i Hi Gersm, Street rjujsttanWith 43 eonditions for comfort ian4hsiuL ness as perfect iea we can tnake "thiSI we .confidentiy Invtte 'a'jmblie-'jN" wowrhip with u. ?tTiie:4wnrtcei 4 U Lbe as folkrws: 10 to U-HBiUe Schlil, A place , fo "eryb Preachmy,petorJc muakl; .:80-CWsiEnds -'.-h meetings. Topics' Blg JobaYA . inj;Us;S:eVi7;30ix;i meetingof thechurches Lav brUis of tional Prohlhrtjon. ;Addre&j . ij It-JL rlnivis, , JtAu X Solo'; ? J taa Quinerly. j Special not' The members .win pteasej brJrijf. t' f coatributlons -for new. hymnals. ' ' i i ' 7 I 5

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