'Sfy . '.','"3'', The Home Paper 1 1 w v T Today Newt Today . ! ; 'Continued Cold tk i'fv' ' VOI XVIII.-NO. - - SECOND EDITION ' ! PRICK two cents i ; ,?v .,.TIV CENTS, ON TRAINS SIX PAGES TODAY II Til 1 ... , i T i i ifiNSTON PIE f m. BUSINESS DOES MEWBOl & CO. TOlERlSIANY IWli) IlMJlEiiS TO tOlff TOUiRO! EL BE W SIM SMI 0111T BUSINESS. IS STATE TEAMS WHEN rtFSTFI) HflIWi ffiEFS INJECTS A ..'V QUIT BUSINESS, BiSTAIE TERMS WHEN 14.', IMUN1TY CETOR Bf FTS TOHMES I TO CITYr ALLIES WAJlT THEM ROROFR. IS RFPflRT Tfl VATIflNAI CAUSE REPLY TO DEMANDS U w hm- aw J w m i m. . k a I k 1 mm -v w w -r-m ,, :.dr1l IHvJHK JO 11 Uiji : 8URPRIS Dr. SpjJmn.Giyes View? Educational Rally In High School r j. PUBLIC MUST TAKE HMD Meeting Was Intended for MaSS 01 People and All But a Few of Them Stay- ed Away But They Will Tnmp Savfl Curtis v The firt of a series of public edu- cational rallies was hekl in the High School building in North Kinston Fri day ni-rht. It was a rally so far as enthusiasm and the merit of the pro gram were concerned, but roally, rally could not be applied to the audi ence. The public just didn't rally. The public sent about 150 or 200 rep resentitive3 and then stayed at home and. down town Mr. B. P. Smith made the opening p:ayer. Superintendent X. R. Curti of the City Scbxcls announced the purpose of the meeting and stated with regret thpt Mayor Sutton, who wa3 to have presided, was detained dqiwn town by a business matter. The JJayor ha.4 very graciously offered to throw up t3e private affair and go anyway, but Mr- Curtis had refused io hei c" that. Mrs. Dan. Quinerly rendered a song number, 35 Jjessie Wilson accom pr.nying o:i th.? piano. Mn. Quin erly was competed to respond to an encore, me ttyjo behool s best sing ?:;-, rendered a pleasing number. Dr. C. B. McNai-y, Superintendent of the C -"swell Training s?hool, intro duced the speaker of. the eyening, Dr. B. W. Sniltr.an "our own Dr. Spil man." Dr. McNairy had quit getting wcod after dusk and had come supper !e?3 to the meeting. He wished lie co;;!d make a speech, he said, and succeeded, in spite of hi3 idea wbout it, in making a very passable address. At least, the audience gave him cred it for it. Dr. Spilmah reviewed the oldtinie school methods, said he had heen to a public school only a day and a halt1 in his life, nut an imae-inarv hnv in- - c 1 to a chair close by where he was peaking, dismissed the feminine pro noun fcr convenience sake and ex nlained it carefully to his hearer?, stated that he had never been a girl in his life, told his auditors to tell the municipal authorities what ho said and launched into a delightful, practical di'eam about "Kinston's School of Tomorrow." Hb said in part. ' . "Kinston's school of tomorrow in- nerits a goodly history. A long list of men of the very finest type have given instruction to the youth of this community. "But we nre facing a new "era in the world's history. The whole world has become a neighborhood. The hooming of the big guns of Europe affected business conditions ir the Mtt'e village of our western plains. Wiih tr.L dose 0f this wrld war there! will be a readjustment of the world on a scale which has not '.-.(-en seen bef;re. Our schools mus pre pare for 'this new day. "The teaching' cf iJngua.ics, his "', and the? natural sc'.eaecs will al ways' hold a' ventral plae- in every system of education worthy" of the namo. 'But education is something "ore than mere culture. Utility Holds a place very prominent Place, in the education of the efficient man. Character is the most import ant factor in the educational pro wed j. It ia the most valuable busi ness 'asset. "The school of tomorrow will be tested by its product. - Given a nor mal ;cWld under normal conditions ha kind of man or woman appears t the end cf the educational - pro 2s.;. Thi product is dependent up 0n the . educaUoiUl . process. What ?at in the curriculum comes out (Continued on Page Five) :' at Number of Great Bonusqs and. Wage Increases An- noanced One Company Gives Six Millions to Workers (By the United Press) New York. Dec. 16 Record Christ- mas bonuses and increases of salary for emP'Ts ' New v',rk corpora- The bigpest gift repo-ted is six I ..Ml' - J11 1 m . m,mon aoun "y v"e lele' .r-inh X' TplnhOne I f), u-nrL-fl,, r ' f " - - i " m i .5. Other gift are: Bruadv.-ay Trust Co., 10 per cent.; Citizens Central National Bank, 10 per cert.: James Ball, brokers, 10 per cent. GOVERNORS MEET NEXT IN SALT LAKE CITY Washington," Dee. l.V The Gover nors conference in sc.-imi here vot ed today to no!d its mt annual meeting in Salt Lake City, at a time o be fixed by the exe.-uii-e onimit- tee composed of Govemcr; Mannin; Lf South Carolina, Spry of Utah, and Capper of Kansas. Fo-mer (Jover- ior Fort of New Jersey, was re-e'ect- d treasure- of the conference. WHEAT BREAKS MORE THAN THIRTEEN CENTS Chicago, 111., Dec. 1"). -In a fran tic stampeue today wheat prices were tramnled clown l.'J 1-8 cents a bushel. The prime reason for the break was i' German official suggestion of limit- -J out universal disarmament VILLA WOULD PLAY QUITS WITH UNITED STATES; NO GMCF El Paso, Texas, Dec. 15. - A Mexi n course" reached the ' 'cr t:.!ay 'on; ! ran' ic ViIL-. s cea:.i :ti ( rcol. miles v.vst of Min.i.-a 'p the -ervci i!m -ict of (in i, with e.- rov rcfrain of for '; on Sirtos !V with ,:cpo:al i tor the United . nment that Villi wou j-m lac further dest-uel' " eign nie !:' ! rronertv in . if :ndilio:i thai, the Uniu i would not irfe-fere in anv . '"is campaign aain :t the Cnrnma government. This was ofliii;.!!" an- i-runcel late today. Wiishinglon Disinterested. Washington, Dec. 15. Anv sug gestion of an agreement between the American gevcrnment and Vi'l : is regarded by administration officials as unworthy of considerati CONDEMN DEPORTATION OF BELGIAN MUES Xew York, Dec. 15. Vi;r..;is ex pressions of indignation were voiced at a mns-meeting held here f.. night " protest against the "ensl r enient :f BelTiaus'' bv the German -rocein- raent. The deportation of the Belgi- Ens vr.s condemned in letters read j from Theodore Roosevelt, Archbishop ! Ireland, Joseph H. Choate an I Bish- J on Thomas -R. O'Gorman of Sioux j Falls. Equally forceful were nd - diesse? delivered by Elihu' Root. Jas. M. Beck, former Assistant Ottorney j General of the United States: Alton ! Manning, rector cf Tr B. Parker and the Rev. William T. JIannin?, rector of Trinity church, j who presided. I LONG-WINDH0 STRIKE BROUfiftT T(J A CLOSE Wilkes-Baire. Pef ' Dee. 10. Witkes-Barre' : fourteenimonths'-oldi street-car strike ended today, when the strikers voted in favor of peace oroDOsals drawn by members of the . - i United Mine Workers.' j Queen Street Gets Shock of the Year When News Is Told of Liquidation of One of Kinston's Most Stable Firms The firm of T. W. Mewborn & Co. is to go out of business. Kin- s ten is to lose one of its oldest and most important business institutions. The simple announcement, made by Mr. T. W. Mewborn, senior member of the firm, and appearing i:i Sat day's Free Press, came r.s a surprise . nd shock to Kinston's business cir cles. Perhaps i:o firm in this sectioi. i-i doing a larger volume. The au ! .orizc-.l announcement assigns no reason but uUUes that the voluntary h(iiidation will commence at once, ;:::1 the large stock of goods will be offered for sale at cost beginning Monday morning. T. W. Mewborn & Co. has been in business in Kins'.on for twenty-nine years. I no lirm occupies one ot tne .'"o-t commodi; us and 1 e;t appointed s. 'ics in the State. They deal in !;.-:)c.:ca"y evevj thing f.;r the farm rr.1,1 city trade. Live stock has been an important feature of their busi ness and farming implements. Their : pi'dy-t o-wear and millinery depart mcnls, c nii.ara!ive!y recently added, h.-.ve catered to the most exclusive trade. The fii :n. a partnership, is compas ci of Messrs. T. W. Mewborn and J. W. Braxton. Mr. Braxton has been inactive for the past year or more due to ill health. Mr. Mew !k. n intimated t.) a representative of The F;ce press, when interviewed Saturday morning, tiiat no plans had been made ether than the immediate ii'.::dation. This wi'l, of courr-e, re (;ui;e some little time. BRIEFS 1 THE NEWS OTHER EAST CAROLINA TOWNS AND COUNTIES '. !'. Blackwfdl. cdoied, broke up ogro dar.ce at Yashington whon sh )' a woman dancer. Two liul slrccl; her. Ilcr partner fell to fi or with hor. lie was uninjur- The woman ra:iv i ne as- i': rt escaped. ');-. losh T.:yoe, Washington ,' ' i.uan, has comp'. 'd with a re r c' f om Hannah M.-!an of Xew .inr.-ry to send her the "ugliest, long-fti-r.o "c.!, thinnest : ar.or-hack hog ir. 3eauf. t county for a Christmas joke." y. Penny Ward. ("S. a well-known Crepnv !'e wrman, is d cad. (t--n ilia wants .a boat line to Wf -irngton. .A!'e t V,"ard, thrown through a i)'n;'. !r'as" window in a runsvay at Grcipville, was not scr.uusly cut. E. B. WUM GETS INCOME OF MILLION (By the United Pres) Wash: net. m, Dec. Hi. Edward B. 'd ean wi'I have the entire income cf The e-t-.te left by his father and ?s recognised an the sole head of the Washington Post and the Cincinnati Enquirer, by an agieement reached irtof court and approved today by f'ae District of Columbia Supreme Court. The income is estimated at " million yearly. -t COTTON Cotton sold here Saturday at from h"t to 18 cents. Receipts were kept i0ZX cold weather, futures quotations were: Open Close 'January 18.29 17.96 March .. 18.49 18.19 May .. .18.67 18.38 July ... ..18.74 18.40 I)ctobSr!irl.,ii.ti....li(i 16u7 December 18.15 184 Von Bcrastorif Ejiccur ed by Procedure of U. S. Government WILL TALK ANY OLD THING Connected With the subject. America Not to Supple ment Berlins' Proposals Now Seems to Be a Set tled Fact (By the United Press Washington. Doc. Ii!. Germany stands ready to give the Allies a full "titcmeirt of terms in a peace con ference. This statement was made officially following a visit of Von Bernstorff m Lansing today, although Ambassa dor Von Bernstorff said he does not i.now officially what these terms are. At the same time Germany is now :eady to discuss disarma men '. , the creaiiii-T of a league to guarantee peace, and kindred subjects Lhat mny ;:n:sr from any ponce negotiations. Yen B(rn?iorff sought official wind' L'-.in t i nn i r '.' tais country's rucnior. no!, to rurplernent Germany's peace proposals at this time. Whs!? the rmbnssr..hir refi'-u'.l I1 i.uk about this jjavcrnmeRtV. 'el in it is knevn that the German authorise- are not li vourag'.d by the Xt. L .hat America will not now uiyre . ag- l.ons. On the contrary, they !e- neve l'resutent Wilson nas lt-.'t, u;e way open- to act later," and hence r. i: encouraged. " 1 ii Lafir:m:rp(, Negro Not Apt to Die for Assault on a Gh) of Own Race Hob;bs Cleared on Money Lar conv Charge Sherman FeJerick, ecloved. who goes on trial in Superior Co.-t here Salarday for his life, chai gr;l with ,'jsau!u:ig a Moseley Hall township colore! gill, fo expected by LaGrange people to be acquitted. They say they think there ;j" nothii. in the case that a ji;ry will be- likely to convict Frederick on. Joe Ibriihs, white, a former soldier, t-hfi'ge-e! with lobbing a South Kins ton resort of a sum of money, was acquitted Friday afternoon. The nroseci1 Ling witnesses were Helen Srni'jh an 1 Ike .Adler. Policemen be lieved the prosecution was a frame up. F'.in narrow, charged wivh as writing his wife, was discharged. iii.s Brown, guilty of gambling, as allowed to go with the payment cf the costs. VARNEIi SAYS HE'LL TELL GOVERNMENT ABOUT PAPER TRUST (By the United Press) Washington, Dec. 16. Additional evidence tending to show the exist--tri cf a paper trust will ibe filed with 'tihe Department of Justice with in a few days by H. B. Varner, a North6:irolina newspaper publisher, h aH itoday. The Federal Trade Commission will soon . be - able to lace he responsibility for paper prises 1 Commissioner . Davles n- poanced.": FREED (By the United Press) Kl Pastj, Dec. ! 6. Wholesale arrests of Americans hero and at other border points necused of a breach of the neutrality laws x in fomenting or niding revolution ary actions of different Mexican tactions is planned by American secret service agents. most valuable of crofs; four Worth MORE THAN BILLION "gton, Dec. 10. All records .e of the country's important .arm i de-pite Their , f"!C : ricultu' ye.-.r. .-. i wje exceeded this year the smaller size of the crops due was placed at ?7.-l 1,009, v by the Department of Ag !n it.; final estimates ot the That i.i ij;i,7"0,5b0,00O more than the same craps were worth insi year. Higher prices, due partly to re dirccd production an 1 nvntlv to the demands ft)r Arn."" -.r. food from the wrH"- nr.i'ui' cf I: nope were rcponih'p for tht " a '. increase in vnluo. Four' cro;is each ve'-. worth more than a. billion doila:r,. Corn, With a total value of $2,2X: ?.'; showed the greutost increase, Win'. worth 1 03.000 mere than biM year'. 0"t :t. Cotton, f'lo seeo.id nvj': va'ua' io wi.a a iotal ol $I,:).U,tiU-i Jti!. in- ere:..-c.l $475.S?S,C00 over hist year V.'l'.r. i;, the third, wai worth $1.- $2r.,7i0.O0t) or $83.4&.000 over the yettr lieTorc. w;hen the production was ilm.f.'.t -100,000.000 bushels more. liay vena fr.-crth. with a value of $',fOR.r.!M.Ceo. an inercase of ?9!)f J". 0,000. JURY RMBS If ?0Y QjiTYCONSPMACY JncksnnviHe, 'Pla.. Dec'. 15 Thos. Mi'C.iv Of Asheville, S. ., was cr':vic(rd by a jury in Federal Dis-U'.-t Court heiO-today of conspiracy to I'cf.nud the government of reven ue tn.v en whisky distilled Rt the Long B.Cni'h distillery here. The case was completed hue today and the rity was out on hour and ten minutes i q":?s retu-ning a vedict. McCoy's af'.inieys informally gave notice of a K'liti' t for a new trial. Tt was announced that sentence will riot be passed on McCoy until after the prospective motion for a new trial h.n Wen heard. The maxi- mum j.einliy is four years in the pen itentia. - y or a fine of $20,000 DIES WHILE (Ty the Unrred Pfev) Cambridge. Dec. l:i. Prcf. Hugo Mirenstcrberg of Harvard, the nottd German p.sychologist, dropped dead today while lecturing to a class of students at Radcriffe. BRITISH AGAIN ON OFFENSIVE IN hSa London, Dec. 13. British troops have taken the tsffensive in the region cf Kut-El-Ajnara, In Mesopotamia, and have occupied Turkish positions on the Hai river-, south of Kut-El-Amara, says an official statement is sued tonight. BILL DUPREE SHOTBY BEN FAULKNER SATDRDT : Mr. Bill Dupree was shot in the breast by Mr. Ben. Faulkner Sat urday afternoon about 5 o'clock. The altercation took place at tbe Central Warehouse. Th cause or other facts were not obtain able before going to press. The injury of Mr, Dupree ia painful, but not necessarily aeriona, ac cording to Dr. Hargrove, " who attended Wat," ' ! N Davis Conies Uer Sunday, to Lead Union Meeting in Gordon Street Christian ChurchLively Service Promised In Gordon Street Christian church Sunday niffht there will be a big union service in hr.e interest of Na tioual prohibition. Other churches are expected to forego their own .ser vices and meet in Gordon Street u.-ch. r.vcry member or ev,ery congregation, say local prohibition advocates, "should try to be present I.cv. L. I'avis, secretary oi he North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, will make an address. He alvays has something interesting to tell. "He is on fire," says one friemi of Mr. Davis, "with a great real, and will warm up those who hear him." There will be lively songs and a special solo by Mrs. Dan Quinerly WESTMINSTER. TRIO .... HERE MONDAY NOT IN LYCEUM COURSE The Wosrir.ir.ster Concert Enter taintrs wnl be the next numbe of i lvrcm course nude'" the auspices i" the Mothers' Club. This clever trio will be here Monday night, at S o'clock, in the basement of the "irst ptist chuit'h. Tine presentation ti'eir performance, as tne others tn the course, will be for a playground benefit. ... There are few companies in the lyceum of whatever t;ize that com- jrn e vviyi this big , litjecpa&u They are but three in number but an fiil?r evening to overflmv wit!. . . .... ... m. r.eir ro!locKing entertainment, me entertainers arc Mr. Larry Bnll, tru ly Scotch; Miss Dorothy Cole, a a lighter of the Emerald Isle, and Mi -s Iras Wilson. Mr. Bnll giver, tories and songs in Scotch; Miss Cole h the reader-accompanist; Miss Wilson is the soprano. Mme. Wag- ncr-Sharik organized this company. Dr. Lern. Broughton, lecturer, will be hero December 28th. STILL, CHRISTMAS ISNT HERE YET This mellow drama was acted dn the Southern Express office the oth er day: , Clerk Where'd you order yours from? Notihing doing. Next! First Darky Oh. xif. Clerk Where'd your's ought to ome from, "Jim?" Investigation. Slow music. Second Darky Well, Kir; Exit. Clerk How about your's, nigger Fountain of youth discovered. Thirl Darky Thanky thanky. boss. MORE HARD KNOCKS FOR JOHN BARLEYCORN Washington, Dec. 15. Legislative measures aimed at destruction of the liquor traffic continue to accumulate in Congress as both houres are del uged with petitions from all parts of the country urging adoption of the national prohibition constitutional amendment and passage of other anti-liquor measures, including the Sheppard bill to prohibit the manu facture and sale of liquor in the Dis trict of Columbia. The House Postoffice Committee opened the door to another phase of the problem today in reporting favor ably a bill designed to cJoso the mails absolutely to advertising, of any in toxicating Kquora and to (deny mail order houses the right to- go into either "wet" or dry". territory to so licit aales through the medium of the mails, - - . '. . : Ipesforj Resumption of Good Relations.ahd "Re ciprocal Confidence" COMPLIANCE COMPLETE That New Franco-British Cabinets Are Doing Things Noticed) -by Peo plesVerdun Offensive Is One Indication Athens, Dec. 10. The Grek. gov ernment's reply accepting the de mands of the Entente Allies,, is in omplete compliance with th,eir ulti matum and contains an expression of hope for the resumption of , "tradi tional relations with the Entente na tions based on reciprocal confidence." Xew Ministers Hard at Work. London, Dec. 16. The first evi Icnce of new blood Injected into the British and French governments through the cabinet reorganisation was seen today in Ue reply to. the ul Limsitam to Greece and France's new Verdun offensive. OiTicial Statements Brighter. London, lec. lfi.-Aeceptance by Greece of the- Allied terms, will, un doubtedly reflect credit on Lloyd- George and Premier Briand, justify ing the recent revolutionary policies of both England and France. News from all sources today continueto pile up evidence of a renewed deter mination.: to wagQ,thjB ,war,t9. ".c- csaful end Oflicml statements, which t'cenfciVere drab and colorless, now cLlact new . inspiration and joy, In r-,x:h the same tenet s they dki in flaw wTJRTthr-BigPusJf atarted. National question hanging fiie cos several weeks, and month are rapidly taking ahopei under , Jh,e. vig- o:-au,leaderhip of, .tJojrdrGeorg.' Newspapers all emphasize 'Geheil Nivallc's "push" at Verdun as t- tiag reply to the Gernjsui peac'f 'ers. , Bulgara Take Town. , , t Scfia Dec. lC-T-Occupation , of. Pe- resti , is announced In a Bulgarian Reparation From Greece. tatement. ,i Athens, Dec. 10. "Legitimate sat- itfactipu" is premised for the at tacks upon the Allies here n De cember J. Arbitration is suggested for adjustment of the details. The Greek raply to the Allied demands concluded with a hope, that the- En tente would reconsider the blockade decision. HODGE BROTHERS CAR PERFORMS AT VERY LOW COST Out in Los Angeles there is Drdgn Brothers ear that is establish ing a record for consistent perform arue. Used as a "jitney" by P. F Kritih, it has regularly covered 1,0 miles per week for 20 weeks and bid t-r to continue to trael at the s;n:8 rate for many weeks to come. Mr. Kritch uses .the car on . a route which covers eight, miles in tho cityiand each day he drives fcack and forth over this route. , During the 20,000 miles he has av eraged slightly more than 20 mile to the gallon of distillate, which he uses in place of gasoline, and he hS! used only one and one-half seta of tires. He got 17,000 miles out of his front tires and 11,000 miles from the tires on the rear wheels- DROWNED WHEN SMALL BOAT SUNK UNDER HO r South port, Dec. 15. Allen Hewett. employed on toe government dredge Hear; Bacon, was drowned tMs af ternoon when a skiff he was using t$ fix a pipe line sunk. '.' r t "