. . v . t ' ; ;fv V- .' .ti'i'.V': Y-..'-' " r.v'-i' t:-'-' V The Home Paper a t n. n -Today News To"" VOL. XVIII. No. 144 RfTAM OND EDITION L f ,' KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS-ON TRAINS SIX. PAGES TODAY 5 BBNWOBRY.THeSE-PANniAS fIT MB THREE MEN CONTROL KINSMINS WANT j C0NGRESSF.1EN WARN GEN'L SCOTT STAKES S out jp i WHO 10'ST SMESjlfET W!IAT GARRANZA'BUTTER PRODIJCT'N ANTi-LIOOOa BILLSlTHAT NA1S0N MUST ENGLAND, WW 0: BELGIUM ME HE ARE LCSiNS LITTLE D3D ABO'T PROTOCOL OF UNITED STATE! NOW PENDING, LAWSIBE PREPARED SOON ILUSTRAT'G POINT .. . J 1 11 ,'" X& . ; , vrm ,. American. Officials Believe Allies Will Insist Upon Restoration DISARMAMENT CROPS U? All Belligerents" Must Be Ready to Part With Large Portion of Their- Guns, Is Thought In Washington ('By the United Press) London, Dec. 18. American As hnssadcr Pace today delivered the Gcomcn peace note to the British for eign office. Restoration Belgium Necessary. Washington, Dec. 18. United States officials are convinced there can be no formal discussion of peace until Germany and Austria avow wil lin.srrsc.-s to restore Belgium and Ser l ia and all the rations involved are re&.'.y to disarm on a rather large -.rile. In his forlkcwiiing speech "r.-nicr Lloyd-Ucorge I a expected to . . rr-L. 1. on swell .action, ir.is on nn vy.id .serve as a "pass-butk" to Cer-nv'.iy. Moreover, ofii Itlicve "he will outline fully the Al!ie;' are fighting for, but WTestern Union Can Afford Bonuses to Boys New York Simply Revels In the Greatest Wealth in History ip-: p:. v.'ha m I'D cic.urii'-tftnL'c.! v. Ill he voice r.!J i- ffat rejection of German What Aiofjics Expec The Unite! JPre?. ; position to y . - - outline ct ir..- government' co . '. " ":; cn sevf.. :ii mglea of the : tr ' vc'.Dpmenu, It is believed Crnjwy offered peace because (her :.:; rccple arc becoming; restive .-mull I " i i i )' have snruni' un like '"Ay hr.'e demanded greater Ftrt'io:i. They are becoming skep '.:?. military p-urposcs and are f : thil the war, with the Ger t .. '.iclories, appears to be a war of i.:r,r,-ue3t rathor tian of defense ;'s c'aimed. I' i-- believed the people of all '..v'r'os w.irt peace, America ln- ; so long as there is no caeri c .: principles for ivhich thev arc r::;'iling. Xo reason is seen why Lloyd- Oeorsre should "ail to outline genera! posce terms far the Allies. Unequi vocal rejection of the Teuton proffers '":vud immediately react to Eng lar. l's rllrad vantage in neutral coun tries, it is believed. It would also embitte - the German people to unite more solidly behind the governmental form which England desires to des troy. The German peoplfl then would be convinced that their's is a war for existence, and woosld urge ruthless, vnrsslrieteJ, pursuit .of it. It is pointed ont that GermEny would no fight to the end to resist a demand fs" restoration of Belgiwn and Siv but w ould fight to the last to -ne demanis for the life of its oiirn nation. Ktnect Much From United ilates. Home, Dec. 18. TheCentraJ. Pow ers have urged the Pope and the nited States to back up their peece 'roposa!?. according to reports had here. -Ml Depends On Lloyd-George. LwNrt, Dec. 18. Am.bassador To infilled hia mission today with- making any comment on the note. Lloyd-George, better, hopes to r fBmc his duties today after a week's illness. The premier will find tho nation squarely back of him rf. a exrected. he meet3 the German peace Pronosals with an unqualified refus-a'- It seemed certain today that th P'cier will be able to address the House of Commons tomorrow, outlin ing the .policy ; of the new govern r"t ard stating Britain's view on lne Germans' peate proposals. Dy LOWEL MELLK1T, (United Press Staff Correspond'. nt) New York, Dec. 18. New York rolling, reveling, rolickinj. u -.faith. This is a "never befon. u, istory" story. . - New York banks today held ui re serve $816,794,200, and fro n every :uartC'" cf the globe moey n pour ing in actual yellow gold by the millions, to be changed f.om the coin of other nations into the eol.i of the U. S. A. Wall Street Has become a gambling table onto which b being thrown money from the earnings, winnings and savings of American and money frcm the coffers of kings. While the large majority of "cv. York's six millions are fV-.ting t'le U river sal desperate battV with the n-..t of living, on the surf a e it np renrt thai evprj'hidy f. mi ..ey ;,ei;J. I'lioy arc spending it for ne .'tsr :ues alid luxuries. Fo.'t' or more block ii. .'i n.h.'t- tan are given over entirely to tha A.v.'ieiit trio, wine, won en and song. V; r bri 'e (lividcr.nR have given night i'ro B:o '"'ay new life. Men hose .t s'-'c it is to tike money irOiii spCi.' :j say they ncer wrr- "aible to l:tkc ;'0 much of it '..-ffore. Ancii- tt .Babylon could bo r.ct ''own inside -haw . y?:k'a M;i:iter pleare g- mm.'- without being raited. Ne buchadnezzar wculdr.'t have a rcnLta- tion outride iliis o (Ey the United Press) Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 18. What In Elg'in, III., Each Sat- i'lCSSeng'er j Cal r!lnza l with the border proto- ! col is s.t U unknown quantity here j ibis afternoon. .'!?rtr Pani, who presented the J doevment to the first chief, occupied j '-i t cure nioriiii.ir session of the In- rernational Comtnjjsion today In ! pre?entinjjji-Kcr.l.al reportf an m- .erview with Cafranza. P; ,w:i urd&j', and Name Price for Whicn Next UTeek's Output Shall . Be Sold Charges Newspaper S'-3. liountoine, writing in the New 'mi offered no writ'on drx-umcr t v"-k W-'std, says." three men every I.o commissioners. I week set the price of butter, for the I U'iitJ State "On one sale of 25 : f 00 ',:our.da, each weekly. theyN iw'i .u.rtiffr.v 'ill i ! o?tr.:ih the cverage-.annual cost of 0 (' : ( i.O of tfep product vai nly the Unit-"! Press Washington, del!, an! Mr? their fi--' illy with The i p vi'! :n '-V,. Dec. 13. The Pre.si- j Wilson celebrateo wedlmjv aiiniversnry to rn only r and of golf, p a family dinner tonight, ic (.; o!e wi'l rhon enter : f tb" the.: tor. :;i',.'3C)0'0' approximately,' iy; t'le World's headlines over a I frr.'.i'.-c s'.orvi'-iie Chicrro. 'Trem- I i-:.m ;,ai.i by n' fev Chicago dealers, ' v 1 (-it t'ie Kivji, standard, to a amtsiies fnS bane of the trade," r.tated, quoting Frederick It. ,i reform member of the F.l ard, who in an intw-'iew de- d the practice of ft; iChictigo rt "'fn!'-: !k ' "'.Ir for the it is Mo'o rl. ;! cr;. n'.iy in (hr; u'.rho'.'t the A '.ut- n a' ( .- k . i ; iir ''!. 1 r. ; Pres.-; j Charlotte, I .;?. 1. Complete res toration of the ' Charlotte Daily Ob server plant, pertly destroyed by fire late Saturday, is expected. The Ob server ia Mug printed in the News office. The loss was fully $30,000. mm m YOUR NEW GOWa "OR YOUR TOY the mushrooms and dar.ee halls thrive is in any new gold camp. "Eusines3 is three times as big m the biggest we eTer saw before ihis season," ;2id the manaeer of the 'argest raba et in the city. i H.Jtcls are crowded, theaters are i ;iJ ctt. Crowds that the ' shop j o f ly" do not Account for, fill the de-! i tir.cn - -. cs. i Vv'r ;ht-j. c : are 'ecletail f-f s -cs I ir.r! deliveries are far behind. :'.iingo, Dec. IT. -Singing models first, in the hNt.try of fashion, it aid, male their enpeanance at convention of tho De.dgners' As atxrt r' Women's Clothes here '''hp Ovcrrmert rr.ref.niy have these tren her-rd I l.c::.. '? ehuut with li.gai tafe- ! that inveM Orator . have been : : find rry ev .!! i-e that the ( i ' en any xiolntio'i ot" the I-'her- ' I ;.: man travel every Sutun'ny .wr- ' ." :rn Ciiiago to Klgiv. ' .!.. 1 ncre at noon m the as m cf 'the Elgin Hoard of fix the weekly qujtation rc-'smeiy butte.. The tel- Strong Resolutions Adopt ed at Mass Meeting Sun day Night and Forward ed to Washington Rev. -Vir. Davis Spoke Twice A fj.irnr.cr resolution en- o-o .unr Vr.i ;iroh,oitio: hills tiOY.- pculmt; in the Nation al C- ; e?s ?uk1 imdn.p- the rep.'e T'i'tivos or tins nis- r't i, io lend their sunuort (Fy the United PreSii) Waidungton, i Dec. 18. America must push her preparedness plans now lest neace come and find her still ith pending ir.ternational diffi- .ultics, or with milit.i:ism and lav iiikh still uncrushed abroad, many Congressmen warred today. e a -jieca rc'.t, m elodies tt'es. :rrl: stiit t:: n or pink s'lit :.re sunft dash- Aew ?r.ey l or: "...nd rpetu!:!!. . t.tin'r what it it f r.. lea- Frcm t one ir Sv.i it kec" an Euroner.n throne, ti:ey ; .:g their .rr.jrey I : .V.v Y: ',: ettcr p.-.:'. ?f it is enij hr.t Sfcc;':n of ':e city in .he nan.e of Wail Street. On ' s .hr e d-ty s i ;.I tho :ct cars ago 4' i evlMig .-.in for eiers in irch cn (.!.!' .'no, train, gre-- roc 'irir.g Komething revcic. ItV to iiiustrRtc the ivotner. una to lm- -.-.;th the fjc'. that iity is shape 1 to a 'v iho tarte vi'h wl'.ich ;ir)lorrv ' WOULD urn m m TO HELP END Wt WAR c. w. ran, Dee. . of New Yi 1 p exchange cone '.o be r .'..re. wlierc '"'"0 shares was a r ay's ifading. When every nc ' '.or, the trading rej.hes two mil, hr.res rjaroely is it noticed. Over .-.n.! -rr.rd sbout the floor (Coifi.ir.cd r,n Page Three1 million- r : -. 'or o. two i ani: ..v., ! c .. ! f -r tb : , t.d a rivni epresentatives t'-e . Frederick who recent- i'ier.s in I'idend od : of STEAMER POWMTAN WW! TYLO? Ml OF POfS. PASSES Hryant Tiy'or, 35, for ebort f -r.r cir? past "tipcrintendent cf the Len ir county road force, and an efiicier.t employe or the uoari of vonms- iners. d.icd at his home in tho northern part of the city Surd-v j a. m., following an illness of Monday afternoon, with intei T. or.; Mcolcv.cc d cemetery. Pastors TT. I' f-iih of Gsrdon .Street Ch". J-n church, and H. A. Humble of Queen Street Methodist church, conducted the jer.-'-e. Mr. Taylor was a mem- i ' m.. i a pov.-o1'4 time. He v.id : t.ions lations of thev w--.il'1 e.nce in reh i restoring Uockefcller r of sera who met h rre cf Miss Mabel : ,.f -re i.' 1 Cross, that .-' . CO':;!. fsO-j. eo!le-'-d iii ;! ml offered I" r relief of :-: Fi:ro,A' would be nea. e infiuei '-e at this -.11 su b. an act would ate popular denvonstra- ;o among civilian ponu " n ring nations, because anxious for the assist iitating their homes and rial living conditions. mi:e.;. 'i'ra io i.!-.i tor f:.!i. in vgnph r.nd cable carry their dotree to evcy merchandising center in the .rii' ; and to ovoiy narkct in th. ' i world to which tho export try do cf the country extend:-., end it four s ,ho liai.ic p: ices for all grades 'f tr.ble bu-i.'.ei- until these food arbi ter. nwc again. to the res, was pnvsad by the Hnasr? nestini r.elc at the Gordon Street Christian church Snrday nipfht. At the cor l-''on ' of th? ad dress of Rev. K. L. Davis, superintendent of the North Carolina Ant.i - Saloon ioaffuc. Mr. Y. T. Ormond presented ilie resolution hie.h fr.vored the immedi-paf-?.-?f--3 of the Shepperd. l. rsr.v io-f0m hn Sennte,. for inn outJawinrr of saloons ? not of ( olumbirr, r.uTvovinir the Un- '',!(. .'impiiflment which nroposes to submit the ques- voro oJ: tho people ,1 ,) he District. r.ub:ivt t 'ii The Webb a National LEGISLATIVE FIGHT OYER DRY AMENDMENT (By the United lVes) Lincoln, Neb., Per. 18. With the c -.ering of tie Nebraska Legisla '.'lie's thirty tifth sc .j.on here Janu ary 2, interest will center on the wet jr. x dry lir.c-up end the legislative buttle for laws to make effective the 1-y r.mendmeat passed by almost 30, t'"0 majority at the recent election. The wets, realizing that prohibi tion would carry, cent Ted their fight toward the last on winning enough men hers of the legislature to 'blc5ek, if po.isible. passage of laws aimed to make prohibition effective. The drys hve a slight majority in the hoti'.'c. In the senate the major i:y of ;ho members are personally wet k '. f the tidi tv-thrce members, six if-- are known as "law enforcements." There aVe men who before election .'idmitied t!i!,t they were personally not ia favor of prohibition but would !-e governtd s legislators by the Score', '.try to their deliberations i."' of the Elrrin Board of Trr. !e i on the call beard the irrrran'. of r cfTerod for sale at m'nirr.t.'.i price-, and the o-monrt for uhicii !i':e:o is a .',id at the maximum pric. A t ;!' saction .s in vr.riaidy enrcio" at a ipvc! cetween -aese nric ps s-.tisractji-y to Ire jroaVio"" ar-i the bid 'e ". end this ole, apjinrt ;: ' bone, fide, so far sir, the observations of the Federal authorities go, constt t'ttes the iiasis upon which e-.ery neater in every nty sind hamlet fix es the pi ;. upon which butter croej into co:' .;.r..itiori." to th? States for ratification '!"iv;pr liauor out of the -p-T'iy. 'lIvr;,', ondorKfol, as vf.i oS vx proposed bill .to Vren from the mails rjl ad vc.d i.ir t matter pertaining 'o i l,o 'uraor business. The v?S'.hit;on was telegraphed to W.nshhifrton MonrJcy inoTT.in,''-:. air. Davis rnokc twi.a in Kins ton Sunday. At tho morning hour he amendment! verdict of the people on the prohibi- .emrnd.a tut. Vhese "law en ;':: ..;. enta" combined with the drys DuT.i-wbor the out-and-out wets in the Senate. LEFT M1B (MY if the Queen roh. His F'ub- i.scussOid tha et'riod the pulirit ract Methodi.ifc . : : -.VV. - bject f'-om the standpoint of per-i;-J, civil .and religions 1'berty. Sunday nift-i.t a nrars meeting in the chiT-bcis in town jein- wbieh ,'d V,T ABANDON EFFORTS TO POLL SUMNER OF RW$m SAYS NO CHANGE !N HIS LAW New Void-. Deo. 17. Efforts to f?oat tiie U . ; . transport Sumner. which went agrou.-.d off Tiarnegat, N. J., last JTuii lay nigiit were ter.iTior arily ab; rdone 1 tonight by order of e War Department. Col. Johi M. tr'rscn, Jr., in charge of tne ruai tormasf. r .raid, however, held i.t the Gordon Street .:i'.ii'v:r. cht' ch. Mi. Davis told of -ho !!.:. ci the Ar.ti-Sahon Lertrue for - !t i.-' ii '.iau by ''-.c forthcoming as.orr.-blv. '! he conteinp!. ted laws will res trict the amount of Ihjaor for any m i ;;!: , ..i ;ios.-s to one hr.if gallon, and any eitie.i, regardless of repu tation, who is dote -to 1 aith more than thai r.-.ar.i will be amenable to the lav.-. The manui'-cture of wines will ie restrictc 1 to five gal Ions fT yea,. and ih:s must be for p-or "onal use. Ciuor wid also be giv en altlotion and the matter of pub-- d.-inbi.tg wiil be prohibited. No- :' fbo l'r.kd Prew) F, . no tobacconists ray that not "ncre than a quarter million pounds op tnhnrco rem lin to be sold cn the lorul market. When the market sus pends the middle of this week for the h'.iilays, not to resume until well on in. .Trmur.ry, ther-. will be less than o-.e midieascn day'r. breaks left h? contiguous territory. The -dances are that the warehouses will be oiirn a e;-y IV . v days in January. 'Northern Neighbor Could Walk All Over America, He Intimates MLF MILLION NO SLIRT For the Army Jhis Country Would Have to Put In the Field In Event of Break With Any First-Class Mil itary Power (By the United Press) Washington, Dec. 18. Major Gen eral Scott, before the Senate milita ry committee, today pointed out the nation's unpreparedness. He called attention that where once the War College believed a half million men to be available at the outset of any hostility would be sufficient aa a starter, lessons learned in the Euro pean war lead staff officers to decide that thia initial force should be not less than a million and a half train ed troops. Gen. Scott explained that a north ern neighbor has Intilt up an army to a strength approximately that of other great European powers. He emphasized that England ci ltrols the seas, that its mencl nt Vrine is sufficient to transport without delay a million men,. etc He praised the spirit of the militiamen but condemn ed the system. . , BLINDFOLDED ENEMIES IN ITALIAN TRENCHES " n.fl V.'i itr-.-'riier Concert Enter- t:iir''-.i. a niin.her on the lyepurr rocrso being hrul here this Winter Odder the auspices of the Mothers' t '. "i'l rive a petformance in the i -.-a:c nt .'" the First Baptist ch-f'h Moi.day night at S o'clock. The at traction is one of the best in Ike en !iie course, acror. 'dig to a'l roorts. bo renewed a pc. mito. irrr.y depot in New Yoikj that the work would soon as the weather Washington, Dec. 17 P.eports that! railroad and brotherhood heads in -eaoe conference have planned to propose the repeal of the Adarr.son Act and the substitution of a work ing agreement of their own making for it today, aroused Representative Adamson, author of the law, to de- 1 FIREWORKS WILL IBE ALLOWED IN THE mm mm ber of a Christian ,chur;h in iihe clare that Congress would City GannciJ following the lead taken by other East Carolina cities, "spank j Saturday night in special session took He was a native of the ; both sides to the controversy if nec- action prohibiting the use of fire- i essary." works in the fire district during the and; Mr. Adamson, who the House holidays. They will be tolerated in representative of President Wilson in. ether parts of the city. - county. county. Surviving 'him are his wife two brothers. body will be permitted under the ' A full bouse i; looked for in spite of toe prom: ing ir.c'cnency. rr? proceeds will go for a play goun 1 benefit. TWO DOWNED WHENCE PLUNGED THRO' BRIDGE piOj.oscd law to drink bi anv public ri their own premises. The -.o i; o.lco considerinsr the aovis- ; '.y of working for a commission er wh-.-o duty it will be to enforce the krsrs. At the cono'usion of the address an offering was taken for t'.ie votk of the league for t'..e com ing year. ; railway legislation matters, is will ' ing to co-operate in any plan ' em- ro. Va.,J)ec lr-Tugs and lowing, a collision with the wnres and Miners liner. Powhatan,1 sunk on ployes- and employers may evolve for Wednesday of Willoughby Beach, fol- the interpretation of his law as ap- British plied to working- conditions, but will RETHEAT IN ROUMANIA. : ' CONTINUES, REPORTED OBerb'n, Dec. li Retreat of the rKwrso-iURrancnians to Bralia and an connected with local w-recking tanker Telena. Divers have com-1 rigorously oppose repeal of it, as he ' the frightening of horses and possible attack on these retreating columns by t iraoon began the pleted the task? stoppe-P7---wa toe-aaj aeropl; wrk f ntoiag tha Merchant great rent la the aMp's aid, -- .-'booses. --' taken Into consideration. c'-". ; City efftciah declare the danger to property in the downtown section i.-. too great to allow Young Klnston fall swy. Likewise there L the bother t pedestrians, especially women, and mm mmm by mm SATUSD&Y Fire Saturday about 8 p. m. de stroyed a ga-n;e at the hoe of W. G. Cradj- ir ?-r.h Kinston, together with a new .foid, car. A Chevrolet in the garaiTO was badly damaged. The cars we.o,thc property of Mr. Grady and a son-in-law, Will Costen. The caui.e of the blaze is a mystery, since no on had been around the place with firs! It had gained con sidenable headway before being dis covc red. Tlie , loss is estimated. at around $750. . '. ",-. ; Rome, Dec. 18. How hostilities between Italian and Austrian troops were temporarily suspended while blindfolded officers from both sides met to discuss the merits of a cer tain explosive in civilized warfare was told here today for the first time. The Auatrians hoisted the white flag of a temporary truce and negoti ated a diseusaion by wigwags. The Italians accepting, the Austrian re presentatives masked their eyes and crossed No Man's Land for the Itali an trenches. The Italians gave them safe conduct to headquarters. Fol lowing the conference the blindfolded officers were led back to their own fortifititions and hostilities wore renewed. roplancs is reported offl- JacksonviVe, Kla., Dec. 17. Mrs. Orcar K. Hartley of Jacksonville, and her four-year-old son, were drowned and lix .' er persons bruis ed late today v.hen an automobile plunged through an open draw at Amelia river, between Jacksonville and Fcrnandina and tumbled twenty feet to the water. it SCIENTIFIC KNOCKOUT New York, Dec. 17. After ex haustive testi updh rats,, mice anu guinea pigs the nse of radium as a cure for cancer and tumors has been found to be a failure, according to the tnnual report of Dr. Francis Carter Wood head of the Crocker Cancer .Research Fund of Columbia University, made jrublic today. For cases on which operation is not pos sible radium is sttccessful aj a pallia tive c-V, t"-" r 1 VICTIM S ATURDAY'S SHOOTIG TO RECOVER Unless Complications Set In Du pree in Hospital Ben. Faulkner to Be Given Hearing Friday Warrants Against Other Members Dupree Family Bill Dupree, the well known plant er, 3hot by Ben. Faulkr.er following a fist nffray in the vicinity of Heritage and North streets Saturday after noon, is likely to recover unless com plications set in, it was reported Monday afternoon. Mr. Doprce is 62 years of age. Faulkner, also we'l Vnown, is at liberty under $500 bail. A preliminary hearing is set for nrrt Friday. Mr. DupTee Is in the hos pital, j". ' -' 1 v The official understanding of the affair is that Faulkner cursed Dii pree and was badly manhandled by the latter. After intervention Faulk ner drew a levohrer, and, it is alleg ed, declared he would skill Dupree, The bullet fired entered i the left shoulder. ' 4 :'---'vv'i- t; After the shooting James Dupree, a brother to, and Horace Dupree, , a nephew of,' the injored man called at City Hall, Where Faulkner was being detained. ? They (were - served with warranta I charging disorderlr con duct .According to on of the Da press, they intendad no harm to tie prisoner; the police misinterpre'rl their intent! n, he says. It Is said t City ITa'l that it' was " ti; !l! K.i; s -ir - :(J" 4 f?'1:-' Ml 'StiU : lis : jr. i'v ' tt ', mm. mm Km l 4,; w ( m "Jt n tit- 14