JL .k. " WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27: 191ft "i THE KINSTON FREE PRESS i t, m If a r, i THE DAILYrFEE PRESS (United Pr Telegraphic Keporte) I. GALT BRAXTON. Editor and Manarer Published Every Day EiUepf Stfrfiay by the Kington Fre. Press Co.i Inc., Kinston, N. . 1 i MM ascription Rate Payable In Advance: JOna Weak .$.11 One Month Three Uaothi $1.00 Sis Months , Ona Year 14.00 .81 2.00 J, EntereaV t-th poitofflc at Kinston, North Carolina, ' MwM-cla matter under act of C'origres. March 3, 187H if- "ii iiW YORK' OFFICE 38 Pari Row, Mr. Ralph I Mulligan, in aole charge- of Eastern Department. Fi if The Free Prei can be teen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Mara,utU Building, Chicago, where files of The Fre. Press can be teen. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call Wes. ra Union and report failure to get the paper. A op. 4ill he sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nil P. M., witheut cost to subscriber. ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, ISlti Britton, inquires: "We suppose you trot your nick tie?" Answering for ourselves: Yes, several of thorn Germany may be bluffing, as her enemies and some aemi-neubrals daim. But the stake is worth the game, il' by calling the bluff peace is insured. . The Belgiun men, not already drafted for "social ser vice" in Germany, will perhaps not be solicitous concern tog the wtlfar of Governor-Genqral Von Biasing, now Indisposed, to whose iron rule the enslavement policy is largely credited. f o A former German steamer, which was confiscated bj the Portuguese and put into trans-Atlantic service, is r ported by coastwise shipping to be cutting some peculiai papers. Apparently on scout duty. J.ist force of habit we assume. ,. Teace and prosperity was the team that carried th .Democratic colors to victory in November. And it ie pins to look life Miss Peace is gathering strength among 'the nations to make her "come back" as a world influ ince and supplant the God of War, so cruelly taking her place for the past two and n half years. The British statesmen and newspapers ure 'busy tryini .to inform the world what Germany is "up to," and inci .dentally misconstruing Mr. Wilson's good efficea while ".Germany is taking advantage of the opportunity to maki ''leply to the President's no;e and also, it is reported, t- outline her peace terms. t i "SAFE AND SANE" PREACEMKNT. The safe and sane doctrine of the press and other aducutional agencies is manifesting results in recent years. As ar. evidence of this fact, Kinston has just ce! .brated its most orderly Christmas season. There v;i.s a time when h I'llumim and rowdyis-r. eiirne l supreme here, and thv jroixl people of the town were almost afraid to venture out on the streets. Not o bow. In spite of the thrones that crowded the streets in I stores Saturday before Christmas, there was no se.-i-.us ilisorder anywhere. The usual tin-can brigade wn mspicuous because it made no appearance, the recen'.lv nacted anti-firecracker laws were well observed. The services Sunday were well attended at the vari us city churches. The story of Christmas was told and he great Impcrtunce of the celebration was emphasize). This is fine. Let the good work go on without hinJ ance. THE SOCK HANK RISK. A Louisiana farmer and his entire family, save one mall boy, not found by the intruders, were murdered on :hri tmas Eve night. The terrible crime is charged to hree negroes, and is attributed to the fact that the nan had openly boasted that he had four thousand dol ars in his house, and was aide to take care of it with ut the assistance of a bank. In the first place, what do such people think banks are .or: wny take tne risk or Keeping so mucn money one's home? Not only is there danger from burglurs, numbers of whom are ready anil eager to go to any ex 'remc for such a goal, but there is a fire risk and, too. the liability of less is greater. In the second place, if money is to be hoarded in the home and the household .hereby subjected to unnecessary hazard, why bras about ;t? Both the hoarding and the bragging show unwisdom i nil a lack of information, which every householder should ,e possessed of. The banks are the safe depositories for noncy. The interest of the depositor is safeguarded by overnmental laws and regulative measures, and further mil more important, too, the men who man the bank' re, as a whole, men of the highest integrity and of good wind business sense and ability. The hank is the pro- ier plnre ',t the surplus money and the man who keeps lis money in the sock bank to bait the night marauder mil assassin is accountable to a large degree for the on sequences. THREE GREAT EVENTS IN AS MANY MONTHS PROVED THAT FRANCE HAS THE MEANS AND WILL TO KEEP END OK WAR ON TO FINHSIl ARMIES SPLENDID (Continued from Page One) e conside ed an oojective in itself or a great offensive movement. Tin ncluding of all these objectives in a ingle movement and the attainment f them in six hours of fighting, i. nueded by European military cr:t rs to have only liee.i possible by the ittainmcnt of a degree of co-ordina u.n between infantry, artillery and lerial service never befo e attaint1 mil by the development of a degrei 'f genius on the part of the French ommanders which shows France onclursively at the highest point o: he military power she has developed n the present war. Of the morale of the men who ac implished this great achievement, 1 an speak personally. A few days fter the reocTiipation of Vaux, I vis ted the troops in their, front line renches before the 'ftf. They had een there far days under a terrific lombardment, suffering hardships hat 1t seemed inconceivable that hu nan beings could sustain, living an xisterxe that seemed ta make the ot of their comrades whose dead bol es lay wind and rain beaten in the idjiuent shell holes, one to be desir d and preferred a thousand times ver. And yet these men were gay; ray with the censciousness of men vho have done their duty, and gay vith the consciousness that they hail ittained for Franco a superiority ver the enemy for which every one f them was willing to die that it night be eternally maintained. Almost at the same moment of this rreat victory ef France's military j strength and France's military mor- ain her credit abroad. Since the issuance of this invita ion, this has poured into the Bank of 'ranee at a steady, undiminished av rage of 1,000,0(10 dollars a week. ' : de-vite all that had been turned i before the floating of the recent nn, irr :;j,0O0,(MM) dollars' worth f .- uhscriptions to the latter were ail in' gold. Not only this but dur ng the three weeki that the sub .c i;.tion was in progress, the aver se of 1.000,000 dollars a week of 'I il Wf rn rnr nans mawj ,wa ot only-maintained, 'out even .in in i cased ranching one week a total of noo.OOWlrVnes, or 1,40(,)W44U- With thisjnniHtary strength dis laye.i at Verdun, with this financial ;rength (J;9played jn her October an, and her new cabinet, together vith the morale of the urmy ami the pirit of the civil population, France els that she can look forward to 17 with great cheer and great hopes. HOW TO CHECK THAT COLD When it is painful to breathe and fever sends chills up and down your .:ic'-i, vou are in for a cold. A timely do-e of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey .' ill stop the sneezes and sniffles. The pine balsam loosens the phlegm ami clears the bronchial tubes, the honey soothes and relieves the sore throat. The antiseptic qualities kill the germ and the congested IiOi -rTTTT"ri ,f,TiTT"' TrnmimiTf m i iniiT ihi' ireim am) the congested condi tion is relieved. Lroup, wnooping cough and chronic bronchial affec tions quickly relieved. gists, 25c. At all drug- adv. WANT ADS. ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION The response of the local Jews to the call for heir om their r-trirken people in the war districts is worthy estimony of the loyalty and fidelity of the Jewish peo !e, one to another. No call, which comes from the de ar.tated countries of Europe, is more deserving than hat which is necessitated because of religious persecu- ion. Both Jew and Christian have been called upon to 'iidurc many hardships and cruelties on account r then 'niths, in the terrible struggle now in progress. MARINE BOYS LOOKING TO ANNUAL EXCURSION MAR. 17TH WITH PLEASURE (By the I'nited Press) Chicago, Dec. 'J5 For children whoso Christmas Eve was shattered bv nuarrellinir nr. ents. Judge Stelk (Special to The Free Press) I f the .ourt of ,,,mciti(. Rclalions Washington, D. C, Dec. 2(5. With Sunday set up a great big Christ- tile prospect of viewing the greatest mas tree decor iK I with cranberries engineering feat of the century, hun- ' :'ml I "P'-orn ai d sicks of candy in dreds of Unite ! States Marines, now his h,nlr nwn- Tl " jllde lluyei1 the iart of Santa 'l '.us to all children JUST TO PLAY SANTA CLAUS IN CHILDREN'S CO CRT serving with the Atlantic Fleet, ure THE CAPTAIN TO BE SI RE OF FAVORITE R A DSTER'S 1) ELI V ER Y eagerly loooking forward to March v ll,,st' ',1,,eMts ,,JV,? ,,lcn in his c""rt 17, when battleships, cruisers and with domestic t (Kibles this year. CONGKESSMAN JEFF M l.EMOHE MARRIED destroyers are scheduled to make five day trip to the Panama Canal. The war in Europe curtailed the rustumarv visits of the sea soldiers to many foreign ports, and, while no (By the Cnited Press) foimal arrangements have been de-j CaKeston. Dec. 27. Miss May cided upon, plans are being made to ( lark "r G:ifve,ton was married here enable the men of the fleet to mak. ! u,iil' ',.ng . ; nan Jeff McLe an annual visit to South American ' m"t' of Houston. The wedding took and other neutral ports, mainly for , ',llu'(' nl tlu' n"""' llf hride's wid educational and recreative purposes. 1 V0,1 niothcr rid only members of until a wi(ld-wide peace has been established. PAIMTL COCGIIS RELIEVED Dr. King's New Discovery h a soothing, healing remedy for cough and colds that has stood the test of nearly fifty years. For that cough that strains the thront and sans the ritulity try Dr. King's New Discov ery. The soothing pir.e balsams and mild laxative ingredients soon drive the cold from the system. Have a bottle on hand for winter colds, croup, grippe and bronchial affec tions. At your druggist, otic. adv. the immediate family were present. NOTICE. The nnnual meeting of the share- holler of the National Bank of Kin don will be hold at its banking ho ise, Tuesday. J muary S'th, at 2 o'( lock p. m., said meeting for tht, election f officers and such other business h may lawfully be trans acted J. J. STEVENSON, Cashier. Dly -12-10 to Jan. 11. An interesting commentary on tht high favor in which the Dodgt Brothers Motor Car is held by tht gowrnment troops on the Mexicar border is afforded by a recent incl dent in Massachusetts. Capt. Harrj Martin, of the second regiment, that state, had frequent occasion to ob serve the car in operation during hi. prolonged sojuorn in the "land of tin bandits." Consequently he made up his min. then and there that he would own Dodge Brothers car. When the ord er came for the Massachusetts sol diets return he lost no time in get ting to a telegraph office. "Please have Dodge Brother? Roadster waiting for me at statin when M. N. G. train arrives," he wir ed the Dodge Brothers dealer ir Springfield. Sloan's Liniment for Stiff Joints. Rheumatic pains and aches get in to the joints and muscles, making every movement torture. Relieve your suferiiig with Sloan's Liniment: it quickly penetrates without rub bmg, and soo'.hes and warms vou so'e muscles. The congested blood is stimulated to action; a single ap nluation will drive out the pain Sloan's Liniment is clean, conveni cut and quickly effective, it does not Main the skin or clog the pores. Get a iottle today at your druggist, 2."c auv. i!e at Verdun, came the announce nent on Oetoher 20, that the French lation as a whole was standing be hind its fighting ranks in a manner equally as firm, '-and evidenced by its ubseription of nearly 2,.'i00,000 (hil ars to a new war loan, destined to nable the army to continue to a vic orious end. When, following the war of 1S70, lermany imposed on France an un precedented war indemnity of one ullion dollars, the sole object of vhich was admittedly that of crushi ng France economically and finane ally, the entire "World stood amazed it the manner in which France, in ess than a year, borrowed this sum 'rom her people, and paid off the lobt. One cent a word each Insertion, unless order Is accompanied with cash and insertions are to be given In consecutive Issues of the paper. MINIMUM 15 CENTS CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 61 It "lliiniTi riniTTn-iTi ffi r i rnrinmiTimni(iBfsiiai, Pictured above is the Hub-Mark Storm Slippery FROM the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Gulf to the Great Lakes, this is the favorite rubber of men and women who want a liolit-weiijht and dressy rubber that is a real protection in snow and rain. This Storm Slipper is also made for men, boys and girls. Hub-Mark Rubber Footwear is made in a wide variety of kinds and styles to cover the stormy weather needs of men, women, boys and tprls in town or country. The Hub-Mark is your value mark. HUB-MARK RUBBERS The World's Standard Rubber Footwear For sale by all good dealers. SPECIAL PRICES KOR VHt HOLIDAYS On AnyShoev Men Women and. Children Yours to Please, Clapp Bannister and Florsheim Shoes Sold Here Only. RATES: ONLY WHU.N ACCOMPANIED BV CASH 1 Insertion lc a word 3 insertions 2c a word 5 Insertions 3c a word 7 insertions 4c a word 12 Insertions 6c a word 26 Insertions 12c a word POSITIVELY NO BOOKS KEPT WHEN THESE RATES APPLY For Sale House and lot ; 1 black mare, (! vears old; ton bujrerv. two let in the Resent instance, after fcts harness; one-horse w,-.on. three ver two years of warfare, after sub- ' iow. Will cpii ,hn Annl Ann .... ! - .rt,.j -.. rininir in an amazing manner to Manning St. 12-24 to'7 weeding loans, the Freneh people. three weeks lot in a year, but in . 1 I ! 1 . I iiuy. siuxcrinpi a new w.ir loan ver two billion dollars, or over twi.-o he amount "o'f the indemnity imnnseil ii r ranee in 1H,0. Like the military victory nt Ver Inn. the real significance of this fin- meial and economic victorv :in onlv ' appreciated bv vie win ir it in con- etiun with other things. With the beginning of the present Wanted Old False Teeth Don't matter if broken. I pay $1.00 to $1.00 per set. Mail to L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Will send cash by return mail. Dly-12-lii to Jan. 1 Inactivity Causes Constipation Lack of exercise in the winter is a frenuent cause of constipation. You feel heavy, ilu!l and listless, your lomn'exion is sillow and nimnlv nnH var, for example, the French people energy at low ebb. Clean up this con- ere invited to turn into the Hank ot ,m" n at once Wlth 1)r- king's New rame their herds of gold uce-n- i " U ""'l' ,Ia.xative that-rejoin, .u.o.h lleves the conjrestej ,testincs with- mr 111 its place ordinary hunk nntni out iirinino- 4 rlr. krA.n :: - f--f-"-. uxwic jcurmg his g,!l, thev were told, wns n I. assure you a full and easv move ment in tne morning. 2oc at your adv. i i . merit in d in o.der to permit Prance to main- Jnjggist. TODAY Lat day of the Vaudeville George Ga-dner and Ins Company of Pielty Girls giv ing an Entire Change of Program. A Paramount Feature F.dna Goodrich in THE MAKING OF MADDALENA" THURSDAY A Woild Film Feakre Bra iy Made Ethel CUiton and CarKIe Blackwtll m "A WOMAN'S WAY" The divorce evil gfts anothtr severe jolt in this superdr mitic photoplay FRIDAY f 'armount Feature, Stwue layak aa llie Japanese who made suth a SU CC5S in "The Cheat and Alien Sou't' Male a greater name for himtelf in this great picture. "THE SOUL OF ' KURA-SAN" Supported by MYRTLE STEDMAN. SATQRDAY THE THIBO CHiPIEB OF THAT GREAT SENSATIONAL SERIAL "THE ... SHIELCI'iG SHAOCr WHICH iPPEARS IN THIS CHAPIfB, DON'T KISS IT. Job Printing LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CIRCULARS RECEIPTS ' BOOKLETS ORDER BLANKS SIIIPPIING TAGS BOOKS LABELS CARDS STATEMENTS i -va r yrtttLKf tra. i but the RayoLamp will he'p you to rtad fi.r hours without a strain. Steadier than pas more restful than elec tricity cheaper lhan either. N.i in.i.Mesome lamp-shade or chimney to remove when lighting. Clean Steady Portable Use Aladdin Security Oil the most eco nomical kerosene oil for best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY l New Jersey) BALTIMORE, .YD. nr'en. D.C. Charlotte, N. C. ,.Vn Charlestori, iuoiuI. Vs. Charleston, S - ... J Lj WHnrcn, D.C. Charlotte, N. C. 11 ; f No.-fc.k.Va Charleatori, W. V. I Ric! niond. Va. Charleston, S. C. CALL HHt SITTERSON'S PURE ICE CREAM In Fact Any Kind of Printing You Desire The Kinston Free STATE ANALYSIS PROVtS IT TO BE THE BEST MADE IN KINSTON Press Company i S C. SIHERSON PHONE 8 I ' A...: