tnr MONDAY AUGUST iriftn . PARE FOint . t .' : -TUB &1NSTON FREE PRES9 . ' . J . .-Si . - 1 .0 ! ! l 4 1. : TO :- Corporations, Business Firms, Individuals. We offer a!l the conveni ences of modern banking, to gether with interested, per sonal service. This should prove of value to you. Farmers & Merchants Bank Kinston, N. C. DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATH Upstalra Neit Door Old Potttoffice EXAMINATION FREE. . Out Size Skirts and Shirtwaists For the Stout Lady Splendid" 'Values in Boys Pants, 69c Great Values in Lace 4 and 5c yard O. N. T. Cotton,' 6 for 25 CHAS. A. WATERS The Telephone Store Phone LOCAL INTEREST Partly dowdy I Weather Forecast: Partly cloudy i tonight and Tuesday. Iobably ! showers in mountain district?; light cast to .southeast winds. Krd Cross Meeting Tonight. . The monthly meeting of the F.e I Cross will fee held in the Pythian lodge room tonight at eight o'clock. Masons Meet Tonight, SI. Johns Ledge No. 4, A. F. and A. M. will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in regular communication. All Masons are Invited. Weekly Weather Forecast. Four South Atlantic and East Gulf States: Moderate temperature will prevail during the week with oc casional rains. Subscribe to The Free Press. insurance of All Hinds Klnston Insurance & Realty Co. C. OETTINGER, Manager Telephone No 1 82 11 0 L Gordon St. To Eastern Market. Mr. E. G. Barrett, Mr?. A. L. Brewer and Miss Myrtle Tucker of the firm of Barrett and Hartsfie have gone to the eastern markets. Patriotism and Business Krary t ettlM at Oil time ahoukt do hta ahr to ward atrengthening tb Federal Reaerr Banking 8ya Um which nr GoTernment haa created with lta billion iollara of reeonrcea to atatid back af lta aaamber baaka a4 all their lepoaltors. Tea eaa eontributa direct!? to the atrength cf thia aya Uai, aai at tba aame Una aecure lta pnVtioa by de positing your munnj with oa, aiace part of erery dollar yaa iepoalt wltii aa goes directly Into the new ayitew, wfcara It la alwaya reaa for yom wh wAaUA, THIS IS A 8UGGEST10M FOR PKOMPT ACTION a4 for aVMklat, "HOW OX3 IT IJCMXTlT HO?" ' BafUJ . I I . . The National Bank offfinsfen Kxcurmon Leaves 10 O'clock. The Duplin excursion will leave the Kinston Carolina depot Tuesday morning promptly at ten o'clock. About sixty members of the Cham ber of Commerce will go as far ns Ileulaville on the "get acquainted" mission. The return will be made ubout 3 o'clock. The Hymen Knot Tied Sunday. Mi. Lewis Gaylonl, master me chanic of the Kinston Carolina, and Miss Kiltie Worrell were married at the Courthouse Sunday afternoon by Magistrate K. F. Foscue. Chief of Police Skinner and Patrolman Bur sell acted as witnesses to the happy affair. Hard Problem For Court. What to do with the street walk ers and fallen women is a problem that constantly confronts the May or's court. Monday morning Eunice Wiggins, Betty Morgan and Tiffany Pate, the latter a girl apparently about sixteen years of age, were be fore the court and the two last nam ed were given the option of leaving town .they both claimed to have homes to which they could go be fore night or serve a sentence of 30 days in jail. The Wiggins woman is the occupant of the house on Heri tage street where the women were rounded up. She was allowed to go with the warning that any more such j offenses as permitting women to con- rejrate at her house for. alleged 5m I ... ....!. i ,-,,i.;,.t u. n a thirty day sentence. The case against Thomas Parker for abandon ment was set for Monday afternoon. Far in Loan Association. Mr. W. K. Camp, State organizer, will come to Kinston, Wednesday in the interest of the farm loan associa tion work, lie will hold a meeting in the Courthouse Wednesday night at eie;ht o'clock for the purpose of orga nizing a local farm loan association. Mr. Camp is also interested in creab inir belter marketing facilities and (iiose farmers who are interested in marketing hogs in car load lot.s are invited to be present Wednesday and confer with Mr. Camp. Or. LaRoque, Hospital Head. Dr. G. Paul LaRoque, brother ; of Messrs. Mab, Walter and Frank of Kinston, has been appointed medical director of the Virginia Hospital a place of considerable responsibility. The following notice of his appoint ment is clipped from the Richmond News-Leader,: Dr. G. Paul LaRoque has been ap pointed medical director of Virginia hospital, the city home and Pine Camp. The position is a new one created hy the administrative board. Dr. LaRoque practically takes the place of the superintendent of Vir ginia hospital, and if ihe sees fit to reorganize the service the board will probably give him a free hand. It is said that his appointment is made for this purpose and that the board decided to add the city home and Pine Camp with the idea of connecting them mor,e closely with Virginia hos pital, thu3 giving the city a better system for the treatment of all kinds of patients, from emergency cases to contagious diseases. Or. LaRoque studied at Bellevue hospital, New York, before taking up practice in Richmond .and is regard ed as an authority on hospital orga nization. The board has elected Dr. Stuart Michaux and Dr. R. C. Fra vel to the Virginia hospital staff, to succeed Dr. Lownes Peple and Dr. George Bryan, now on war duty. PHONE 64 222 HUNTER BLDO. FIRE LIFE INSURANCE CASUALTY AUTOMOBILES THE INSURANCE SERVICE AGENCY, Inc. 8. K. DUNN, Preatdent Intelligent and Accurate Banking Facilities Appeal to You Give Us Your Business In selecting this Hank as a factor in tho con servation and furtherance of your liiiaiu-ial welfare, your judgment will bo corroborated by the experience of many of themost care ful and prosperous INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS and CORPORATIONS of our community. We Invite your inquiry regarding Interest Ac counts, Checking Accounts, Loans-Investments and Trusteeship. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS THE CASWELL BANKING S TRUST CO. W'D. UROQUE.'. Preside. T. W. HEATH. Cashier. D THEATRE Whatever you do, don't ret BAIA; ! Prevent dandruff and falling hair by using the treat French preparation f KD. FINAUD'S HAIR TONIC This original Eau de Quinine h the one t ffeciive tonic for itching sick hair and dandruff. , IVd hy wen. and women of refinement the world over for years. Don't risk the iie of unknown or inferior omc.aED. PlNAl'U'S is pure, delightfully perhimed end the one for yon. Ask your drugsisu Send 10. to our American -Ottocs lor a testing bottle. , ' , Psrfuoerie ED. PKACD. DepL M ' ; ED. PINAID ELDO, New York FROGRASV3 THIS WEEK Look this list of features over, see them and if you don't like them tell us what you do want and Ave will get it. MONDAY AYilliam Farnum in a William Fox super de luxe photoplay "AMERICAN METHODS" l ounded on George Ohnet's "THE IRON MASTER" IILARST-PATHE NEWS Showing (irnen.I Pershing in France with the first con (iugent of America's expeditionary forces ready to join in the great struggle for humanity. TUESDAY Margaret Illingtnn in a Paramount Feature. The fa nious Iail King's story "THE INNER SHRINE" t a-t includes llohart 'liotworth and Elliott Dexter. Victor Moore in a Klever Comedy "MOVING" WEDNESDAY Lionel Hum more and Irene Howley in a Metro feature udapted from Earl Mitchell's story "THE END OF THE TOUR" Mrs. Vernon Castle in "PATRIA" Thursday Norma Talmadge in a Selznick production "PANTHEA" You saw "Poppy' and "Law of Compensation' with Norma Talmad;;e, see this one FRIDAY George Beban the great character acti.r in a Paramount feature "A ROADSIDE IMPRESARIO" Matinee Daily 4:15 Evening 7:30 "The One Price Ch Store ki Childrens DRESSES 2 to 14 year Sizes Misses Dresses 13 to 20 year sizes in Ging hams, Linen and combina tion of both. Best Fabrics, a 1 workmanship, attractive styles. WE ARE OFFERING A. J. SUTTON & SONS Telephone 64 Dr. J. Frank Stainback, DENTIST, 118-120 Hunter Building Men's Summer Clothing, Oxfords ' - ' , and Straw Hats AT REDUCED PRICES Barrett 1 llartsfield 1 20 REDUCTION ON ALL KAL TEX FIBER FURNITURE Porch Shades, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezars and Water Coolers. Buy now and save the difference OiirFall and 'At r. Winter Samples for Tailor Made Suits Aae Complete We would appre ciate your looking them over. COMPANY Taa Tallpra Waa SaarattK Dr. Mercer C. Parrott I PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, General Practice. Of flee wither J. M. and A. D. Parrott. - Residence Phone 17S-L. i i Drink Freely of Whistle. And enjoy the carefree bubbling health of other days. You will find your self whistling before you know it- ewiTwr iaW use BOTTLED DRY BY S. C. Sitterson Insurance in All Its Branchei Real Estate Bought and Sold j W. D. L a R 6 QUE INSURANCE AND REAM! ESTATE Offieea-2 12-2 1 4 Hunter Bldg. TELEPHONE 3 7 AND 14 MOWERS .12 In these mowers you will find machines that are well fit ted to meet the varying conditions of the hay field. No. 12 is a light, two-horse machine furnished in two widths,1 4 1-2 ft and 5 ft, and intended for medium farms while the No. 14 'i furnished in Ihree widths, 5 ft, 6 ft, and 7 ft, is designed to meet the heeds of those who require a big powerful cutter. V ' ' Every revolution counts. No lost motion. Positive alignment - light draft Exceptionally easy on horses because of well balanced construction. . : . 4 E. U03EEY HARDWARE CO, CIca. H C Six attractive offerings of extra eood values 1 lot of children's white lawn dresses V 39c ea. 75c children's fine lawn with embroidery trimmed dresses, sale price ddr pa. 1 lot of white lawn chi- dren's dresses, 2 to b ana 8 to 14 years . 2 to 6 8 to U 44c - and- - 50c 1 lot of girl's handsome embroidery white dress es, wortn uo lu each, special price $1,45 ea. 1 lot of children's dresses, marlp " nf 0Ood Quality gingham, z 10 o yw sale price 18c ea. About 100 presses made of fast' color gingham, sale price' t . 39c ea. Ladies' r 'striped under kirts, sale price , '23c ea. Men's blue chambray shirts, sale price 50c ea. ELI IAGHAr.1 SOU