THE KINSTON FREE PRESS SATURDAY, AUGUST IS i9l7 PAGE TWO HIE DAILY FREE PRESS I. IALT BXAXTOIf, EIU -U - VANDALS, PIRATES AND BEASTS The conviction of two men from the mountains of Sou'h'.'xst Virginia for "conspiring to Bclze by fur property of t.rt United States" and their sentence t HbtkkU 7 D7 IxPt 8unUy by th Hwtwa Free r, servitude f.' five years in the federal peniU-ntia Preee C., Inc., Banston. N. C Babecriptloi Rate Payable la Advaaeai Om WMk I .1 Thr Montht ILI8 Oa Kant. f AM Six Months ....... t.H Oa Ye? M M ,i' Atlanta should he a warning to all others who ate t':i ,.te 1 to m;''.e league with German agent and vh d ;mpede ;n uny way the plans of the Government o: tii'- i rnte'i Mans lor vanquisnine an enemy or :.: : ' i .iiioii at.d all mankind (ierman autocracy. ; ilow any American citizen can read t!ie stories of van-daii-m, piracy and Lcxtiality, chargeable to the savage hcaits which have maMpjiTuded in the guise of civiliza tion, and then undertake to detept the aims and purposes if tin- (iove'-'imeiit in its litrht for humanity ami tin jinn -ipli-, whi.-'i are esM-ntial to making tne world a m itnl safe place to live in, is hard to c mprehend. The story ca-ried :n The Free Press Friday of the wan- , ton destrucli' n of another of the renowned cathedrals of I the old world at-d of the demolition of all property, in cluding household effects, which could not lie carted off Jt 7 p. m. laWrlbm art raooeaUd to eaU Waat-j '""'' Germans, is hut further evidence an Union and rep art failure to fit the papar. A copy that the "fury of German destructivenc is again a sert irUJ ba tent promptly, if complaint U made befere 0 mi- itself." F. MU without coit to aubecrfbat. Xatared at tba pottoffica at Klnston, North Caroli a, i aeeead-cleaa mattar nndar act of Cong-ran, March I, 187 V NEW YORK OFFICE 30 . VIA St, Mr. fialph R MuHigaa, la sola charge af E eUn Bep raat FUi ti T&a Frae Preee can ba aeea. WESTERN OFFICE la charga of Mr. C J. Anderaen, Marquette Building, Ctdcage, where fl!ee af Tie Free Praaa caa ba aee. Subecribare art requested to notify, by Telephone 7b, The Free PrtM of any irregularity of delivery ar inat tention whateoeyar on the part af the carrier. ho at.y of tl.e followers of Torn Watson doiiht. for a minute that those monsters would refrain from sacking, pillaging and I'l'inin;: the capital of this country and f. om laying wa ! the homes and all that i.s near and deal to Americans, wire they to fiml the opportunity'.' Five years the penitentiary is a long senfnee, but it i- not long i -.ugh for the traitor who wvuld betray his country in n the hand, nf an enemy. Mli. lUMTTOVs MTOINiMKNT. Anti'itincement m Salinday's Kali-igh News and (1! server of the appointment of Mr. KJvvard K. Ilritton, who has Keen editor "f Raleigh's morning daily since the priprieior, .losephus Illinois, went to W. idling; on to 1 v(.rvc in the President's C;ilinet, to be private secre- SATI KDAV, ACGIST 18, 1917 ,;y , Mr i(.ltM..s is ;i matu. of (.onsiderable inter,- The fall gardens are beginning to show themselves. ' , M.,,,, UUWPr, ui friends of the North Carol in-. The doctrine of "Plow, Plant. Produce" is still finding a ,.r,.ss Association, of which he served as President da reception in these parts. in(, ((,rm ,.,.,in(, in Jum. f tnis y,.ar. njr Uritturi's long association with Mr. Daniels in the Very naturally old line Insurance companies kick and ,.ws); ,.,. f.i( ,,s,iinnce that he will fit into the afpwm at the proposed cut rate insurance for aollii'M.j l.lni,.s' organization in the Navy. The Free Press ex They might, however, console them.u'lves with ( ic t houjh t t(.f),s ,t Im-U'ih! 1 1 ritteM conrat u l;it j oris n t he n'foin i that Government insurance is but extra compensatii n. jtiM f nis W()l !ll to );ti-ls in thus being called a service, although hardly more resptm-ible, is one that New-l dispatches y thllt PoPe HcnMlU t is greatly de- wi ,,t. ,.(llay important at the present time. pressed at trn leception accoi ilel his peace plan. That's ' nothing to what would be said of the feeling in Herlin il'j , , , , There is a rav of hope for the married men, caught in the real truth were known. ! . the draft, in 'In reports ci ming from Washington tba1 1 President Wilson will again call to the attention of tin l War Department the urgency of exempting men with families. Ifnipu ..tioiiably theie is more than the mere I matter of supimrt of dependents to he considered in tak ing the head of a family, and so long as there are those without families in sufficient numbers the sacrifice that they are called to make is not comparable to that which is caused by he separation of husband and father, and wife and child'ui. ( The Small Boy Has Little Trouble In Indentifying Uniforms! (By the United Press) (Special to The Free Press) N'cw York, Aug. IS. A group of youngsters were playing on River side Drive. A military man, dressed in khaki and accompanied by a young l.o ly, approached the grtup. The boys stopped their playing and, with nudges and gesticulation, were evi dently trying to identify the man in khaki. As the young lady ar: her escort j drew nearer, one young -;, with an ai:' of superior knowledge informed his companions: "lie's a United , States Marine." j Overhearing the remark, the young i laly questioned tho small boy: "Ilow do you know he is a Murine?", "Why lady," exclaimed the yo;ing- . r. "lie wears an ornament on his iL showing an eagle, globe, an I an- j cfmr, hut doesn t wear any Mat cord." I The colored hat cie-d-, yellow, blue.' and red, help many civilians to rccog- ; uly.e at once a caval: vrnan, an infan- ! t"yma:i or artilleryman. However, tiie U. S. Marine diessed in khaki is lill an enigma') to many persons .v'ao lack the p ueis of observation lisplayed by the .-mall boy on Kiver- -;!.; Drive. "per Gallon - ' , '' ,'.' The report that the Allies may commit the phrasing of their reply to the Pope to President Wilson reminds us that that gentleman does enjoy an enviable reputation for note-writing. I i I Every time a leport comes across the waters about tl.e Canadian troops it is a good one. Invariably they are credited with having done all that was expected of them and a little moie. Greensboro News: "Senator I'ob I iFollette asks that all the Deflators renew their oath of loyalty. And many will renew the oi.ths which have been applied to Pompu- ! 2 itsli ! Why neglect those roofs longer? Why not have them repaired now? Remember the longer you delay the more it will cost, besides your walls, ceilings and fur nishings are apt to be damaged by an unex pected heavy storm Better let me get to work on the job with out delay. According to statistics compiled by a life insurance company "going to war is after all only about twice as dangerous as civil life", says the Greensboro News, i dour Hob during the late unpleasantnesses." Does the j That's a pretty high rate, In wever, when the hazard at- j Senator refer to the brand of loyalty exhibited by him tached to the avirage pedestrian's wanderings in view of and others of the 'wilful' few? j the speeders at large is considered. ' k B. SCOTT PFIONF.S: Residence: S92-L Office (17 "W Alio Do I'lumMn " The Maxwell is mechanically right. All the world knows that today. Why? A Maxwell stock car went 22,022 miles without stopping the motor 1092 Maxwells in our May gasoline economy contest averaged 27.15 miles on one gallon each. 2040 Maxwells in our June contest aver aged 29.04 miles on one gallon each. If the standardized, one model Maxwell were not mechanically right these achieve ments would have been impossible. Isn't that the kind of efficiency the kind of economy you want in YOUR car? fc-i - tJ : if 2 Vi -v jw,; Utl,JJ 4t si.. ')' aniiin mm st-v Touring Car $745 Roaditer $74 5; Berline $10 95; Sedan $1095. All prices f. o. b. Detroit KINSTON CAR AGE, Inc. Phone 414 Xiia, Southern Railway System Schedule of Train Arriving and Leaving Goldaboro Effective July 8th, 1917. No. 111.-10:35 p. m. tor Raleigh and Greensboro. connecting at Greensboro for points north, south and West. Pullman car for Greensbo ro and Winston-Salem. No. 216:45 a. m. for Raleiegh, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Statesville and Asheville, con necting at Greensboro for points north and south ami at Asheville for Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, Mem phis and all points west. (This train operates via Winston-Salem and Barber). Parlor car Goldsboro to Asheville. No. 1392:00 p. m. for Raleigh. Durham, Greensboro and Winston Salem, connecting at Gitisboro for point north, south and west Free reeling chair car Goldsboro to Winston-Salem. No. 112 6:35 a. m. rora Greensbo-i ro, Durham and Raleigh. Pullman sleeping car from Winaton-Salera to Morehead City and Beaufort. No. 108 1:30 p. m. from Winston Salem, Greensboro, Durham and Ra Wgh. No. 2?. 9:25 p. m., from Asheville. Winaton-lein. Greensboro, etc. J. O. JONES, Traveling Paasenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. Th Southera Serve the South" mm LHlaer Made (o Grow Long, Soft and Silky AMr teTANNft M ,t'r "-ifi'V "-I mill ,),,. 1. tint! f-.i.,!, f. itsl in, tt, iviiK. ?iiN " nn'l he fH.I,-l all your U(e bv usfnuHr Mime fake prcpiiniiion w hich i luimj'M in niniicntt-n k.nkv hair. Vou are just fmilma younvli by uinK It. kinky I. ur cunniit be mude iitr.ili.-ht. Vou must h.ive hair f irat. Now this EXELENTO SB5 in a Hair Grower which fcnln thevitp .. in me nir anti ni .ko. kmky ii ilHy h.ur urow Iodk. unit un.t mlkv. It .'IMIl. it.lrll 1 - , ,, ' Mir it, ,-. Prlca 2Sc bv mmlon receipt ol tamp or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Writ for Particular (XtLINTO MIOIC1MI CO. ATLANTA. A. Insurance in All lis Branches Rcul Estate Bouttltt am) Sold W. D. LaROQUE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Office.-2 12-2 1 4 Hunter Bldg. 1 ELEP1 ION1.37 LISTEN! If (here is any reason no matter of what nature it aiay bt. hy you cannot ace fit to favor us with your valued business, we will he glad to hear from you. It Is our pol icy to satisfy every customer at all timea. Give ua a call If it's anything in rooting and cornice work. We are at your service. E. R. WALLER COMPANY PHONE ,93 TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bound 11:21 p. m. "Nij;ht Express," Pull m:in Sleeping Cars New Bern t Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. 4:-l( p. tn. Dailr for Beaufort and Oriental. 7:."i0 a. m. Daily for Beaufort, New Hern and Norfolk. Parlor car service between New Hern ant Norfolk. West Bound. 5::;t a. m. Dully for Goldsboro. 10:25 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7::i!) p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. DALTON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Norfolk, Va. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $175,008. Ia at your service with all reasonable banking facilities. N. J. ROUSE. President I). F. WOOTEN, Cashier DR. HENRY Tl'LI., Virc-Prcst. J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier W. W. HARVEY, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady DIRECTORS: J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. II. Isler N. J. Rouse C. Felit Ii"''rv,'-V David Octtimrcr H. E. Moseley HANK AMD PETE By KEN KUm W bay imI py th hight pric lor all kind Juk Coppw. Bra Itm. Booms Rubber Tire d Rub UrSb$m. W ftlM kwy HfcU Kinston Junk Co "" JOfJ 8. Qa 8t r -"Cob Boo-Mdr, ProprleUtr. I A7 f'Vt ''' !WNl1' ! ' '.-;'T, bcrj HAm oio nuc f ANEW onc h-ft-ut " is ot.?,t.. wr i. 'vu..v, r ( ,TUy ;r) KrcA orcou,Se.' r- WW) HEY i::i"5 . il .""i- .isiw; V, "1