TntsnAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1917 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS " PXHE TTfUEH .1 li I IMS. ." i i . ' ONK CENT A. WORD KACB INSERTION RATES: Only Whe Aeepmnld by Cart 1 Insertion ..., wor4 I InrtIont ...,. wor I InMrtlona ....... wH 7 Insertion .- wol 12 iBiertiona , e wri II IiuMrtiojM ...Millt war4 !j Red Cross Bulletin Automobile One Dodge touring car almost new fr sale at barf?ain r:mvr B. Cox. Dly 9-7 tf. For Kent. Furnished house. Apply to Mr.. P. L. Dixon at W. T. Hines' residence. Dly 9-11, 12 and 13 For Rent Modern Store. Knox and Stephenson's former-location. N. J Rouse. Dly 9-3 tf. Miss Lucy HaskittV Music Class will ni.pi Seit. 17th. Number limited. i Illy. !-6 to 13 o ' j.or v,ae Mountain grown apples and cabbage. F. F. Brooks & Son, Coiner Blount and Heritage. Dly 9-8 to 11 Lost. Olive Green Stetson Hat be tween City Hijrh School Bldg. and Hines' Junction. Finder please noti fy Kay McNuiry care Caswell Train i'r.g School. Dly 9-11 and 12. Fifty Thousand Dollars to Loan, live years' time, amount $3,000 or more. First mortgage either farm or city real estate. R. C. Strong. JJIy-5-22tf. All ladies who are willing to knit sweaters, helmets, mufflers, wristlets and socks for the Ked Cross will please communicate with Mrs. Tom Harvey, 707 North Queen Street. The Roc Crosi work room will be open from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Friday, as usual. The room is located in the Pythian hall. It is requested that all col lectors of pennies for the Red Cross leave their collections at Barrett and Hartsfield's store from this date on. The money bhould be put in envelopes, with the collector's name and the amount thereon. O Social and Personal Wanted 1d False Teeth j don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per set. Send by parcel post.and re ceive check by return mail. F. Terl, 4(13 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. My 9-4 to 10-4 Wanted two ... or three first class so licitors, men or women for city and country work. Must come well re commended. Apply "salesman" Cart Free Press, Kinston. Dly and Sw. tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Frank Ray Brown, deceased, all per sons baying claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same to the under signed administrator, at KinsJn, N. C, on or before the first day of Au gust, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment to the administrator. This July 30, 1917. GEO, O. BROWN, Admin., Frank Ray Brown, Deceased. DON'T BE BALD. Here's a Good Way to Stop Loss of Hair and Start New Growth. If your hair is thinning out, life less, full of dandruff, and your head itches like mad, it's a sure sign of the dangerous dandruff germ, and quick action must be taken to save what hair you have and start a new rowth. Don't wait until the hair root is dead, for then nothing can help you, but get from your drug gist four ounces of Parisian sage it dvn't cost much and there is noth ing you ould use that's any better. )r. Sangerbund, the famous Paris specialist discovered that dandruff and falling hair are caused by a mi crobe then came tlhe discovery of the value of Parisian sage (liquid form) to destroy this germ, prevent falling hair and the formation of dandruff. A few massages with Pa risian sage are all that a;e usually needed, and very soon you should be able to see the new hairs coming in. Parisian sage is women's favorite hair dressing, because it will not stain and makes the hair lustrous, soft and fluffy. Be sure you get Parisian sage (Giroux's), for this brand is guaranteed. J. E. Hood & Co. can supply you. adv TO RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAF NESS AND HEAD NOISES. Miss Mary Pridgen has gone to Raleigh to reenter college. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Hines were recent visitors to Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greene and child visited relatives at Greenville a day or two ago. Miss Mamie Ruth Churchill went to Durham Monday. She will at tend Trinity College. Mrs. John E. Weyher and child went to LaGrange Monday, to make a short visit to relatives. w Miss Ila Morris, assistant to Clerk of Superior Court J. T. Heath, has returned to her duties after a few days' absence. Mr. Walter Wells is here for a short stay. Mr. Wells, who was lo cated here until a few weeks ago, is now residing at Wilmington. Mr. Barnett Naiman left Tuesday for Chapel Hill, where he will attend the University of North Carolina. Miss Martha Britt ha gone tin Red Springs to attend Flora McDonald College the coming term. Miss Britt is the daughter of Capt. and Mrs. T. II. Britt of West Lenoir Avenue. Mr. C. Burt Martin is back from Raleigh, where he made application to be transferrer from Ambulance Company 43, about to be called in to service, to the headquarters com pany of the First Field Artillery, al ready in the field. Meeting of Daughters of Confederacy. There will be a meeting of the A. M. Waddell Chapter, United Daugh ters of the Confederacy, at the home of the president, Mrs. J. F. Parrott, Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. AH members are requested to be present. vjl A '.. . tar I, jtf, A7 ..rUbv sks ..' v -..., .-, 4 M SB, Uu. I . ', "pHE l ev; hot weather drink Pablo ia fare, healthful and in' vigorating. Its good old "hoppy" taste delights the palate and re freshes all the way down. Pablo, the non-alcoholic thirst-quencher, will make your lips smack with joy. Convince yourself with a glass of ice cold, satisfying Pablo today at any good drink-stand , or buy a case from your grocer. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System Thr Old Standard general strengthening tonic, r.KOVK'S TASTKI.ESS chill TO.NIC,drivesout Ma laria. enriches t he-blood, and builds up the svs leui. A true tonic. For adults and children. 60c If you have Catarrhal Deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength), and add to it 1-4 pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulat ed sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath ing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleas ant to take. Any one who has Ca tarrhal Deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. J. E. Hood & Co. can supply you. adv. F. A. Whitaker, M D. F. Stanley Whitaker, M. D. Office in Rear of Post Office KINSTON, N. C. Office hours by appointment. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cola. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. VV. GKOVfi'b signature on each box. 30c. ANNOUNCEMENT! We will carry a complete line line of Nobby Coat Suits, Cloaks and Dresses this Fall. Watch for date of opening Chamberlain & Braxton TWO DOORS SOUTH OF SKINNERS Books to Be Used in Higher Grades City Schools This Winter Below is a list of books to be used in the City Schools the coming term. Those from the lowest grades to and including the sixth were printed Monday. Those below are for the grades from the seventh up. The 'X" mark means dont purchase until notified." Exchanges should be made before the schools open or not until ifter the congestion of the first days is over. 1 he prices are subject to slight changes, but no material dif ferences may be expected. .1. E. Hood & Co. and A. F. Pittman sell the books. The list: Grade VII. Mace's School History of U. S $1.00 Dodge's Comparative Geography .K8 Walsh-Suzzalo's Essentials of Arith metic 45 Essentials Studies in English, Book 2 15 Carpenter's Geographical Reader of ' Thcme TabIct Europe i urn . i o u i ii- i Pen and Staff Oi We'liters Common School Diction-1 ' inff 20 Writing Paper for Practice 10 Webster's Comp. Book 0o Pencil 0." Pen and Staff 03 Community Hygiene and Sanitation (To be selected) First Year Science Snyder (for Science Pupils) $1.25 Second Year. Grade 9. Bennett's First Year Latin .... $1.00 Bennett's Caesar 1.00 Tarr's New Physical Geography 1.115 (For Science Students) Outlines of European History, Part 1 $1.50 Milne's Standard Algebra (Revis ed) $1.00 X New Latin Composition, Ben nett's $1.00 Sandwick-Bacon's High School Word Book 40 Biubacher and Snyder's High School English, Book 1 $1.00 Webster's High School Dictionary .00 X Merchant of Venice 25 X Scott's Lady of the Lake 25 X Oliver Twist .' 50 MADE BY PABST AT MILWAUKEE Sumrell & McCoy Dial rtbutor J A Kv Kl ' a Outlines :of European History, Part 2 $1.50 ! Writing Paper for Practice 10 Fourth Year, Grade 11. X Civil Government, Schwinn and $1.00 j $1.00 $1.00 I $1.25' . i Pencil 0; - Palmer's i I ing .. Method of Business Writ . .20 X The Courtshin of Miles Stand- jgn j- X. Do not purchase until notified by ir teacher. Evangeline 15 Palmer Method of Business Writ- i ing .20 .10 SOME OF THE BIGGEST HOG RAISERS SAY IT CURES CHOLERA AFTER YEARS OF TESTS, STATEMENTS OF US ERS INDICATE HOG CHOLERA MAY SOON BE A THING OF THE PAST IN NORTH CAROLINA, TOO Hiis Remarkable Remedy and Pre ventive Increases Hog Weight Also. W;th the htghfprice of pork the lestion of keeping hogs well and vigorous is important whether a man has one hog or- ftye thousand, says M. V. Bridgers.;-who ia now in this vicinity arranging for the distribu tion of AntiChcleric, Hog Remedy .'hroutrh Ini-al ... i v A u - . ovu.ry ill cavil uinu an" Tossroads. , . v . Anti-Choleric"speed3 np a hog's digestion and helpshim to get the food cut of his fo3. It drives out wnns and prevent constipation, and ther hog ailments including cholera, 'in!? fJHl.ffver," continued jrrv Bridgets, Hrfd1 that. is. what j wakes hog die,, )ookdreamy-eyeol fail to growl" 1 ' f ' ,. AnU-Choleric is not a new Kine- U is the result of tea years --yAai-Xeseardj. .-jrorlc sal jwas. perfected in 1912. The past five years it has been tested out on thou sands of farms. Ha3 proven an ab ,olute cure and preventive ct Chol era, worms, fever and swine plague according to the testimony of big hog raise:s. It is used in Iowa, the greatest hog raising state in the Un ion, where ten million hogs are mak ing the farmers there wealthy. It i nsed in Virginia by Virginia Ham perple and in many parts of North Carolina many hog raisers buy Anti Choleric year in and year out. "If your hogs are stunted, not growing fast, are sick or of .poor ap pearance, get a dollar, hundred dose package at your nearest etore and fp how wonderfully Anti-Cholerir: ptit3 them back on their feet If your store ha3n' stocked up yet, have them order some from the man ufacturer, r; rrV-.r? fM Writing Paper for Practice . X Water Colors 2." Pen and Hrlder 05 X Talcs of Shakespeare 50 Now World Speller. Grades 4 to 7 15 X. Do not purchase until notified by teacher. First Year, Grade 8. Milne's Standard Algebra (Revis ed) $1.00 Bennett's First Year Latin .. $1.00 (For Latin Students) Walsh-Siizzalo's Business Practice Arithmetic 55 X Br-ubacher and Snyder's High School English, Book 1 .... $1.00 Sandwitk and Bacon's High School Word Book 40 Webster's High School Dictionary .!)() X Vision of Sir Launful 25 X Ancient Mariner 25 X Last of the Mohicans 10 Palmer's Method of Business Writ- Third Year, Grade 10. Bennett's Latin Grammar (for Latin Students) J $1.00 Bennett's Caesar (for Latin Stu- . dents) $1.00 X Bennett's Oration of Cicero (for Lain Students $1.00 First Course in Physics; Milliken & Gale $1.50 (for Science Students) X Chardenal's Complete French Course $1.25 Wentworth-Smith's Plane andi Solid Geometry . i $1,115 History of American Literature, Pace SI. 40 Bmbaeher & Snyder's High School English, Book 2 . $1.00 Sandwick-Bacon's High School' Wo'il Book . .40 X Hamlet Lake English Classics .25 Webster's High Schoc Theme Stevenson Bennett's Latin Grammar . Bennett's Oration of Cicero X Virgil Wentworth-Smifh's Plane and Solid Geometry $1.35 X' Hart's Essentials in American (History $1.50 Chardenal's Complete French Course $1.25 French Translations (to be selected) X Brownlee's First Principles of Chemistry JSandwick and Bacon's High School Word Book 40 Bmbaeher & Snyder's High School English (Reviewed) $1.00 X Silas Marner, Treasure Island .25 Theme Tablet Note Book, Ivoose Leaf 40 Palmer's Method of Business Writ ing 20 Practice Paper for Writing 10 Pen and Staff .05 History of English Literature (Se cond term) $1.40 X. Do not purchase until notified by teacher. IRIS i Beautiful IJust and Shoulders re prmible if you will wear a cientiflcallr constructed Bien Julie Brassiere. " The rlrnirfinir weight of an anronflned bust m atretctiM tha supporting uuaclu Ibat the contour of the Arure la savllad. put tlw bust back where It lour. Drrvrnt the full bait tarn havin the appearance at lab- nr-AH jo.itil ninesa, eliminate the danrer af BRAS3"IErtE5' OfMtfOlf moaclra and conflna the ucnai ill, lUVUIUCr (rraieful line to the entire upper body. They are the daintiest and moot nrrTireable raiments Imaft nalile t-ome in all materials and styles: Crou Back, Hook Krnnt, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with " Walohn," the rustleHS bouiug permittin(washinr wititout remoTal, Have your dealer ahow you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. BENJAMIN & JOHNKS, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. 1.9 ljf.MlIMI!Bllllllin!iaitililM 411 BAD STOMACHS- THE PENALTY. Stomach .sufferers should take warning. Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Auto Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis, and other dangerous lulments, are some of tha ienalties. .v'ost Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles are quickly overcome with Mavr's Wonderful Remedy. This fa- Dictionary .00 , vorite prescription has restored mill- Tablet lons " people. Let one dose ot . . T , . A.'.ayr s wonueriui ltemeuy prove to- Note Book, Loose Leaf 40 1;liy that it will help yfu For gale Palmer's Method of Business Writ- ly J. E. Hood & Co. and druggists jng 20 cvetrywhere. alv. W T , L : r o. ALL! J. B. Jones Clothing Company 9 Announces Their Fall Opening Wednesday and Thursday Our Mr. Pitts of Baltimore,- M. D., repre senting the well known firm of the M. Mos er & Son will be here to take your measure for a suit of clothes or overcoat. Mr. Pitts will be pleased to have you come and inspect his line, which includes the very latest that is to be shown in high class tailoring. . B. Jones Clothing Co. Hunter Building - - Kinston, N. C. sSSS ONE OF THE MANY RIP-KOARIXG COMEDY SCENES IN " TWIN B FJ)S" THE FUNNIEST OF vISTUCa COMES TO, THF XJA raEATP.i:Tia"2SpJlVXnIBEIM3. If Intelligent and Accurate Banking Facilities Appeal to You Give Us Your Business In self" .liiii: this Hank as a factor in; the con- rv'ti!i and furth rance of your financial v!f;iro, your judiTiu'Wir, will bo ittirroborated ly the xoriouco of many; of Llinfinost care ful and prosperous INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS and COHPQllATIONS of our community. We invite your inquiry regarding Interest Ac- counts. Checking Accounts, Loans-ln-vestments and. Trusteeship. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS MMSwaiiiAiiTiiyuTco'; W l D. T. W. HEATH. Ca.!.: s 1 . V, '- ) ! ft ft' I r t V fill!' i.

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