ynNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 '1917. THE K1NSTON FREE PRESS 5? r r v t H mm CtUry, green peppers, peaches, sujrar nears and all kind or iruiw ar, we Phone aoey ; - Olympi. 1 Saw tff f! ground mill at once. AppfrVJ?Mi Thomas, Bculaville, N. C. ir-26, 27.'- Paibed vnrds. S.v 9-25, 29. wire for sale. D. T. Ed- Lst Cameo Brooch with pink back- sround. Please return to Miss Ha jlorris at Clerk', office, Kinston, and pet reward. , ' Sw 9-26 For Sal un e"n " mtvutx, water and ! lights, corner Water ! Vance St Mm. J.vC. Heath, 801 jlly 9-24, 10-1 Fifty Thousand ZXf Lo". yean' time, amounts $S,000 or more. First mortgage either farm or eity real estate. E. C.Stnon. piy-6-22tf. ( awedOld False Teeth: don't natter if broken. I pay $2 to $15 per let. Send by parcel post and re ceive check by return mail. F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe S, Baltimore, SCd. Dly 9-4 to 10-4 Use Slug Shot dn Collards, Cabbage and all kinds ef flowers to destroy worms, bugs and ell leaf eating in sects. Get it at"' Mara ton Drug Store. Dly 9-21 to 28 ' Sw 9-22 to 29 Lost Large bay mare, with one small spot irt forehead, weighs about 1,100 pounds. Has small ecar on right limb about ankle. Also black Whitfield buggy. Driven off by man who called himself Johnson. Finder please notify C. S. Whitfield, Kins ton and get reward of $25. Dly 9-14 tf. THIS MEDICINE WOMEN VALUE Positively Relieves the Suffering. More Convincing Proof. When Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was first introduced its cur ative powers were doubted and had to be proved. But the proof came, and gradually the use of it spread over the whole country. Now that hundreds of thousands of women have experienced the most beneficial effects from its use its value has become generally recog. nized and it js now the standard medi cine for women's ills. The following letter is only one of the thousands on our hies. Dennison, Texas. "I cannot feel that I have done my dutv until I tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I Buffered from female troubles so I could hardly drag around and do my work. I was very nervous, and had dizzy spoils, heat nasnes, ana neauacnes unm mo was a burden. My husband brought me a bot- Lie ui A-tyuio ti. i i.iiviiciiii o , rcuiuio Compound and I soon began to improve. I continued its use and am now free from all pains and aches that made life a burden. You may use this letter in any way you like for I want the world to Know wnat a grand medicine Lydia Social and Personal- Mr. L. J. Chapman of Centerville was a Kinsfaon visitor Wednesday. Mr. Louis Mallard of Jones Coun ty spent Wednesday night here. Mr. Frank Quinerly has returned home after spending several months in the Western, part of the State. Misse Ruth Davis, Fanny Wade and Alice Edwards of Morchead E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is. Mrs. G. O. Lowery, 911 S. L'arrett Ave.. Denison. Texas. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., tor lree advice. Buy Natural Iron If In Need of Tonic Go to Drug Store and Get a Bottle of Concentrated Acid Iron Mineral. Non-Alcoholic Natural Iron. Just plain, .'ortd-fashioned, natural iron, without a single drlap of alcohol or laxative of amy kind, has built weakened, run-down people up and brought the rich, red blood back for millions of people, and doctors all ov er the Vorld have prescribed it. Just iron it is iron that builds you up and puts the rose in the cheeks of Women and makes heartier, stronger, more energetic; men just plain, med icinal iron, as Ntvture herself com pounded it, then , highly concentrat ed, tested and bottled' under the name of Acid Iron Mineral. Acid Iron Mineral is of course more economical than then prepar ed iron tonics, yet it is stronger, goes farther and contains no alcohol or laxative to derange or affect the system. Iron Has Many Uses. Iron has many'ue3 when highly concentrated as Acid Iron Mineral. A teaspoonful in si glass of drinking water makes a delightful, unusually invigorating tonic, blood medicine, appetizer and remedy for indigestion It wil not injure teeth, cause consti pation or harm the must delicate stomach. Used externally, it stops bleeding, acts as a healing agent, preventing soreness and festering. Is an anti soptic and germicide too, and old sores, pimples, sores on the scalp etc., are quickly relieved without th of anything else besides Acid Iron Mineral. People with sore. bleeding gums, dilute a tablespoon of Acid Iron Mineral in a glass of water and use it as a mouth wash exactly as dentists do to stop bleeding and prevent infection -when extracting teeth. A child with sore or wound; a cut in camp, at the shore, at home or abroad, needs nothing else. Just put enough on the cut to completely cov er It and Acid Irton Mineral does the rest. Acid Iron Mineral comes from the only medicinal iron mineral deposit of its kind in the world. Analysis proves it contains in addition to iron in three forms, calcium, sodium, pot assium and free sulphuric acid. A your doctor if a combination of these elements hasn't wonderful value. No chemist has so far been able to du plicate Acid Iron Mineral, which like radium, is another of 'Nature's phenomena. Most druggists have it in 50c and $1 bottles. The lessors iof the de posit, the Ferrodine Chemical Corp., of Roanoke, Va., will send a large bottle anywhere prepaid upon receipt of $1. Mete: The iron having an astring ent healing effect, to some seems to contain alum, but such is not the case. Whole families use it. No home should ibe without it If being used for stomach, kidney, digestion or blood troubles, and the bowels are not regular, we recommend that you procure a 25c box of A. I. M. Liver Pills also. Acid Iron Mineral is sold by J. E. Hood & Co. and other good druggists. adv, f Tlie Lady From Egypt Sensation of Richmond and Norfolk. She knows everything. She will tell you any thing you wish to knowiuf ! Ask her any question pertain ing to love, marriage or busi ness. If you' have lost any thing she will help you find It Theatre Three Days Thvpdav, rFriday. and Mattrtw 3:30,40 And .15 Evening 7$0, 15 and 25 FT"" fr 'V ' 3 t W I 1 . i 4 I 1 . 41 .'A "Serve by Saving" (From the Food Conservation Divis ion of the Food Administration) ARE YOU A SLACKER? nave you pledged your daiiy ser vice, Mrs. Housekeeper, in the great army of women fighting to save food? Or are you a slacker? Have you neglected the appeal your country has made to you to "do your bit"? If so, it is never too late to join the thousands of loyal women who have already signed the food pledge and are backing it up with faithful, daily service in their kitchens. If you did not see the food pledge in the magazines or newspapers, or have not gotten one otherwise, send today to the Food Administration in Washington and get one. In signing it you are not pledging yourself to hardship on promising to sacrifice any extra time and labor. The pledge reads: "I am glad to join you in the ser vice of food conservation for our na tion, and I hereby accept membership in the United fatates rood Admini stration , pledging myself to carry out the directions and advice of the Food Administration in my home, in sofar as my circumstances permit." So, you see, you are only pledging general willingness to do all you find practical in your circumstances to help the ctountry keep the Allies from starving by sending them beef, pork, dairy products and sugar. But how are we going to spare these foods in such abundance from our home supply? Dees it mean we must deprive ourselves of food? No, indeed! The solution suggested by the Food Administration is to eat less of these and mone of other foods of which we have an abundance. Also, to waste less of all foods. Following out this program is made very simple by the new Home Card now being sent out 'by the Food Ad ministration. If you do not already have one hanging in your kitchen send to the Food Administration in Washington for one today. It has been issued because so many women understood, since the first home card was in the form of "Six Saves", that food conservation was a matter of hoarding. This is not necessary, nor desirable, nor the intention of the Food' Admin istration. As the new home card ex plicitly -states, we can eat plenty, if we learn not to waste, and to substi tute for the flood we must ship to the Allies, other fod we have in abund ance, but which is unsuited for ex port. The new home card tells you imply and concisely how to do this. City were . guests here Tuesday of Miss Irene Fort. They went from here to Greenville. , Miss Marjorie Sumrell of Kiiu ton spent Tuesday night at Greens boro as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. A. Grimsley, said the Greensboro Daily News .Wednesday. She was to leave Wednesday for Fassifern Col lege, Hendersonville; .. - ;-- v STALLIXGS PROMISES UNUSUAL ATTRACTION dm . - , ine imosx asiounaing act, or, we might say, the most mystifying act, that has ever appeared in the City, will be presented at the Grand The atre Thursday, Friday and Saturday," was the promise made by Harry Stallings, manager iof the Grand, to theatregoers today. "The Lady From Egypt" will feature the bill each day of the last half of the week. "She knows all." Stalling says that. He also is (responsible for this: "She sees all and tells all. In fact, she will tell your name and what you are thinking of. The Lady From Egypt has appeared in all the principal cities iof the World and will answer any question on any subject during her engagement in this Citv." 'oimLKSouTtrFwr,, TRAINS LEA YE K1NSTON East Bound 11:21 p. m. "Night Express." Pull man Sleeping Oar New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. 4:46 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. 7:60 a. m. Daily for Beaafort, New Bern and Norfolk. Parlor car service between New Bern and Norfolk. West Bound. 6:30 a. m. Dally for Goldsbort. 10:25 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:39 p. m. Daily for Goldaboro. J. F. D ALTON, Gen'l Pass. Agt Norfolk. Va. E. D. KYLX, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. Is Your Battery Ready for a Long Trip? For Rent Modern Store. Knox and Stephenson's former location. N Rouse. Iy 9- tf . Wanted two or three first ctaaa so licitors, men or women for city and country work. Must come wen re commended. Apnly "salesman" Oar Free Press, Kinston. Dly and Sw. tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate 01 Moses Joyner, deceased, all persons having claim against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned administrator, at Snow Hill, N. C, on or before the 22nd day of August, 918, or this notice will De pleads 1 ?n oar of recovery. A'.l persona indebt- l to said estate will please make omp t payment to the administrat- This August 22, 1917. SAM J. JOYNER, Adm it is requested that all col lectors of pennies for the Red Croee leave their collections at Barrett and Hartsfield's store from this date en. Th-money should he put in envelope, 'with mAnnt The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Decline of its Ionic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BKOMO UUIN1NK is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing- in head. Remember the full name and look ior the signature of U. W. GROVE. 30c. How much of your pleasure in tour ing depends upon your storage battery ! Press the button, and it spins your engine for you. Turn a switch, and it lights your way through strange coun try. Hour after hour it provides igni tion for the motor. Make sure that your battery is ready for the trip before you start. Let us look it over for you. Our battery experts will put it into first-class condition, and practically insure you against battery troubles during your trip. You won't have to lay up your car, for we have a rental battery for your use while we're work ing on yours. And while you're here ask for your . Willard Service Card. It entitles you to free testing at any of the 950 Wil. lard Service Stations. KINSTON BATTERY CO., Ill West Blount Street, BATTERIES CARRIED IN STOCK A Correct Size for Every Car. amm Apother Shipment Morehead-Jordine Hats Just Received CHAMBERLAIM & BRAXTON PHONE 234 Insurance of All Elinds Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. C. OETTINGER, Manatr Telephone No 1 82 j 0 E. Gordon St ! Now Is the Time for the Farmers To Prepare For The Future While Crops Are Selling High All Save a Portion of the Money You Get From Your Crops and Thereby Provide for a "Rainy Day" - a. Op It is not safe to carry money home with you. There is danger of loss by Robbery or Fire en A Bank Account We Handle Checks drawn on Any Bank. Four Per Cent. Paid on Time Deposits. For Your Convenience, We Are Open Saturdays Until 9 p. m. - TheC aswell Bank W. D. LaRoque, Pres. m I C R. Dodsfea; VicelPres. & Irust Company Ji - - u T. M. Healh.-Ca:!:: :- 11 nirrfttJA ,iiik..m,'I!.1nl ,;hmm ,K vil.'-i,, lulu. , Jui'i ,u.ll 7T. : 1 f

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