MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1917 PAGE TT7TJ THE KINSTON FREE PRESS A 'i H . i A) 'v'- If 'I -Tl r ' .1 r i 1 VJ r M SUE DAILY FREE PRESS H, GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager PubHehed Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Free Preae Co., Inc, Kinston, N. C. Entered at the po toff ice at Kinston, North Carolina, as eeeond-clase matter under act of Con press, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates Payable la Advance: One Week $ .10 Three Months f 1 25 One Month $ .45 fiix Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 NEW YORK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd St, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of The Free Preea can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where Ales of The Free Press ean be seen. Ater 7 p. m. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before 9 P. M., without cost to subscriber. Subscribers ere requested to notify, by Telephone 75, ne Free Press of any Irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. IT IS UP TO YOU, MR. CITIZEN. Winning the -war into which the United States is now engaged has ''pen put squarely up to the people in the tall for the "sinews of war" now being made in the campaign to float three billion dollars in the second Lib erty Loan Bond isue. Every man and woman in Ameri ca ha t:ad the lexponsibility of lotnir his or her part 'troufrht hquarly home to them. There is no dodjring the issue. If voj can, by any leasmiable sacrifice, take at least ne bono the responsibility is yours. We are not to make a donation to the govern ment, but to Invest in government bonds, always a synonym for .-ecurity; ami make an investment which vill net four per cent and will place in our hands an in-Ktrumr-nt of collateral good for its face value at any batik in America Not only that, Mr. Citizen, but- it is vour patriotic duty to upport the government of which you are a part. Germany's strength is apparently waning. A feeling of optimism prevails in the capitals of the Allies and with the military leaders. However, no check in the pre parations is i:eing made and none will or should be made until the goal of the Allies the freedom of the world from the menace of Prussianlsm has been achieved. The second Liberty Loan campaign closes on October L'7. When this article is read there will possibly remain $2,200,000,000 which must be subscribed by October 27 And more, there must be another over-subscription for the moral effect upon kaiserism. Buy your Bond today! MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15, 1917. But then, Germany's apparent weakening may be but feint There is no red taps about cashing interest coupens Any postmaster is authorized to cash them. Just as easy as drawing money out of the home banks. That game in Chicago Saturday between the White Sex and Giants, aspirants for world championship hon es, would have done credit to the champions of Skee-Junk. Brother Haywood of the Raleigh News and Observer evidently forgot to change his score board Sunday morn lag. Me remarks: "The White Sox are running down ht the heel." The death of Mayor Benj. S. Skinner of Durham will e a source of t egret to the many friends whom he made while attending the Municipal Convention In the sprint Cf 1816 in Kinston and on former visits. Mayor Skin ner was one of the prominent figures at the convention. Although of somewhat retiring disposition, he Impressed those with whom he came in contact as a man of depth and parts worth while. Me was serving his second term as, mayor of the "Bull City" and had held other public offices in connection with the city and federal j overn-menta. THAT Old) I ASHIONED NKIGHBOKLJNKSS. In thchi day-, of rush and bustle and intensified scram ble for the almighty dollar, it is to be regretted that the j.ood old fashioned style of neighborliness, when on Sun lay nfte noons or evenings one neighbor the svhole fimily -moved over to another neighbor's for a plea sint sojourn of up hour or two and possibly to break I read, the highest mark of hospitality and neighborji ness of the yesterdays, has disappeared. The commercial calls and other responsibilities .of 'nodern society consume entirely too much of the average rvortal's time, excluding from his life those social re ireations and intercourses which rub off the rough places and develop the bonds of sympathy essential to well rou.ided and good character. Oh! for a renar of the good old fashioned days when the fathers and mothers of the present generation had time to swap visits, shake hands occasionally in passing ttnd otherwise be neighborly. ' llltr lMtlIIM I I SI.H f 'HI IKSW I l.i T fiiJ a. if'h V ....t.hi.,-j, . T nitW'". v "r .t i i j. - i t MB tfpiJU- V Beautif N ow 1 1918 M On ''Exhibiti axwe eimwaisiiaiiiiiiiii mi wsin'iiwinirnii' riiiiMiisirantimiiMiiBuiHiiisiBBsmiwiimiimniuiffi!siHiusiaiBii! The Greeneyhoro News: "The effectiveness of the fuel 'idministration hasn't reached Columbus, Ohio yet, press dispatches Friday recounted how the street car system of the Ohio capital was 'tied up' because of a coal short age foremtf thousands of people to walk to their work." Hoastimr, eh, just because you have a fuel administrator with you? We recall a few weeks ago a smilar wail from the Gate City. In order to save his official head Chancellor Michaelis is said to have adjourned 'the Reichstag, the recess pe riod being exterded to December. By that time there may not be any occasion for reassembling ths body. Without altering the iVorld champion motor, the famous perfected clutch and transmission or the mighty axles, the Maxwell builders have produced a new wonder car, far superior in construction and in appearance to anything yet turned out by the Maxwell factories we have this new and beautiful car come and see it. imiMiininn!iiffiiii'aiiii!iiao;iiiiiitiii;:iinriii!inw!iniiv: i. IWIEill-HUniliBllimMTOMBM OVERWORKED, TIRED WOMAN TOOK VINOL NOW SHE IS STROXG HEARTY. AND Pkilsdelphia, Pa. "I was ever worked, run down, nervous, could not sat er sleep. I feit like crying all the time. I tried different remedies without benefit. The doctor Mid it was s wonder I was alive, and wrhen Vinol was given me I began to im prove. I have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, and have rained in weight. I can not praise Vinol enough." Mrs, Surah A. Jonea, d&25 Nevada St., .Philadel phia, Pa. ; We guarantee Vinol to make over worked, weak women strong or re turn your money. Formula on every fcottle. This is your protection. Sold in Kinston by J. K. Hood & Ce. druggists, and at the best drug store' in every town and city in the country. adv. UJirfea j ilWMff i ii a-nta..-, ,M.imWmX39SSSM Dr. Albert I). Parrot t Practice Limited to Genito-Urinary, Rectal Diseases and General Surgery. . Office with Dr. J. M. ParrotL ileum: 10-12 a. m. 8-9 p. m. At Hospital: 2:30-4:30 p. m. Dr. Mercer C. Parrott PHYSICIAN and SURGEON General Practice. Office with Drs. J. M. and A. P. Parrott. Residence Phone 173-L. . DR. IRA M. HARDY Hoars: t:M a. m. t II p. as. Phone Connection. Offices: 104 West Castwell Street lb QuMbo That Dost Ret Affect tto Rted ram of In tle and laxative rflact. LSXA. TlVR BitoMOUUlillNKtbnrrtlsortiaaTr 0id1d awl Sara ot Hrmnm aor i im btaa. RaaMmhcf U iutl am aa4 UX tM SitfoaiufS at fc. W. OM.UVM. JVC Airmen in the great war arc using WRIGLEYS regularly. It steadies stomach and nerves. It is pleasantly lasting in taste. Teeth set firmly in WRIGLEYS make sure of achievement. Our land and water forces arc strong for it. And the home-guard finds refreshment and benefit in this economical, long-lasting aid to teeth, breath, appetite, digestion. The car is larger and roomier, for one thing the wheel base has been increased six inches. It is also a stronger and more rigid machine for the road. The frame is now six inches instead of three inches deep. And the body rests directly on this powerful frame in stead of on brackets extending from the sides, as in the past. Do you know what that means? Itmeansthis: The firmness with which the wheels grip the road and the steadiness of the car at high speed give you a sense of security such as you have been able to enjoy before only in cars shackled with a bat tery of shock absorbers. This New Car is 50 Pounds Lighter There's a marvel of engineering for yon, friends! The car is made bigger and stronger- and ye t actually lighter. This means greater ease and comfort on the road. More than that it means greater economy. And the Maxwell before was the most economical 5- passenger car in the world. ... Compensating underslung rear springs the last word in spring suspension mark this wonderful Maxwell of 1918. They mean greater comfort greater economy, by less ening wear and tear on the car. Maxwell Now Has the Style of the Costliest Cars The new Maxwell is a car of great beauty. It has a sloped windshield and rakish lines never1 before produced in any car costing less than $1200. Its good looks now equal its proved mechanical effi ciency. The new upholstery is richer and gives a new comfort. Inside and out the new 1918 Maxwell is a perfected car.J We're proud to sell it. ...... You'll be proud to own one. Touring Car $745; Roadster $745; Coupe $1095; Berline $1095; Sedan $1095 All prices f. o. b. Detroit KINSTON GARAGE, Incorporated. Phone 414 rMffl.MfellaaaWaiWse'flfriT NOTICE! Paymeat for space rented ia build ing er for booths in the Fair Greuad is due Oetoher 15th. No spare held after that date. Church Societies and others own ing booths, remaining on the grounds from last year, must notify the Sec retary by October lath whether they will use the same or not this year. E. B. LEWJS, Secretary Kinston Fair. EXCURSION RATES via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD to NEW YORK account SOUTHERN STATES EXPOSITION October 13-20. 1917 SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CONGRESS October 15-17, 1917 Round trip tickets on sale October 10, 11 and 12, 1917 Final limit for return October 25, 1917 j NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD . SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES huurance in All Its Branches Real Estate Bought and Sold ROUND TRIP RATES TO NEW J W ..DA A II C BERN. N. C. ACCOUNT EAST- W. Urn L a K U V U C I ern Carolina fair. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE October 16-19, 1917. Office.-2 12-214 Hunter Bldg. TELEPHONE 3 7 Tickets on sale daily. mmm October 15th to 19th, final limit for return October 20th, 1917. adr. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD 10911106 Of All EUllClS SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES to kinston, n. c. Kinston Insurance & RealtyCo, kinston fair, October, 23-26, c. OETTINGER, Manager 1917. Round trip tickets on sale t October 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1917. Telephone No 182 1 10 E. Gordon St. Final limit for return October 27, 1917. ' ; TM SUBSCRIBE-TO ..THE - FREE PRESS. GRAND EXCURSION FARES FROM GOLDSBORO, N. C Via Southern Railway System. $36.70 Vicksburg, Mies, account National Reunion end Peace Jubilee, oa aale October 14, 15, limited Oc tober 31. J. O. JONES, Trayelling Paaaeng ar Agent, Raleigh, N. C s Dr. J. Frank Stainback dentist. 118-120 Hunter Building Opening Forrest Stores CHICHESTER S PILLS V-r-v Til i.ViO BKAMtL. At 0 I'll In i Krel .oll metitltc r2Xnn. A UI MM IU TFRIfj IAWtt II HA r at CtD BY CttWIS YtRVn rftRE i ' J ay' .n. . . . v WAIT! WAIT! Only Three Days Until the Grand H. Smith Cos. 309 North Queen Street Green Front in Whitaker Building Kinston's New 5, 10 and 25c Stores Remember the Date Thursday, October 18 at 9 o'clock ; i ! 1 J

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