TUESDAY, NOVEMBER' 13. im'T PACE SIX THE KINSTON FREE TRESS ' I v-v.v-''-' FN 1I& We have a Large Auortment of Silk Mufflers Fa icy and Plain Colon Come and ire it ail We Ask. J..DAIL& CO. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY , . SPECIALIST In DIaea of Women and Children Office: 103 W. Caaewell St Office Hours: ! t 12. Serge Middy Suits Same Old Price $10.00 A Splendid Hand kerchief for 4 cents Silk and Kid Gloves any Style CIIAS: i WATERS The Telephone Store Phone 89 LOCAL INTEREST For North Carolina: Rain tonight; j cooler in We. jxrtion; Wednesday 'partly cloudy; nf iterate Northeast i wind, on the coast. Cotton StatiHtim. There were 3.R6J bales of cotton ginned in Lenoir county from the crop of 1917 pri r to November 1, as compared with 8,258 balea by the same date last year, Edgar L. Hardy, special agent of the Bureau of the Census, states. Red Cross Meeting. A fall attendance of the member ship of the Kinston Chapter cf the Red Cross is desired at a meeting to bp held at 7:30 this evening in the di rectors rooms at the First National Bank. The meeting was postponed frcm Monday night. j. l. hamme LAW OFFICE With T. C WooUa. CALL AND SEE US For Your Slateand Tin Roofing Stote Pipe, Gutten and Spouta, Galvanized Roofllng, Roof Taint and Roof Repaira, Sheet Iron, Black and Gal-' vanlsed. We have a very large stock of Tin Roofing in onr shop. Com and take look. Trade with tia and be aatiaOed. E. R.WALLER COMPANY v PHONE 199 '-.Wv Hot Drink Season is Opened1 at the Olympia Candy Kitchen We have at all times from now on, Hot Chocolate, Hot Hot Tomato Flip, Hot Bouillons. Give us a trial OlympiafCandy Kitchen Phone 358 Kinston, N. C. Masonic Meeting. An' important special convocation of Caswell Chapter wo. 38, Royal Arch Mayans, will be held this even ing at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic Hall. There will be work in two lie grees. All companions are earnest ly requested to attend. A supper will be served. Tuesday morning. The police had sought the dog-since-ome time Mon day. It was known to have bitten a number of other canines, and Tues day morning a young son of Mr. J. C. Rasberry was bitten on an arm by the animal. The head was sent to Raleigh for examination at the Pasteur Institute. One well-known citizen was reported to have killed a highly valued, canine pet because it had been bitten by the suspected dead one. Rcme Turnip. . Mr. K F. Moore, who farms on Mr. Joseph Stricklin's place East of the City, brought a turnip to The Free Press Tuesday which weighed 0 1-4 pounds. The insignificant root was icf the Red Top Olobe va riety and the seed w purchased lo cally. Mr. Moore has bushels and bushels of the turnips. Final Plans to be Submitted. The Chamber of Commerce's union station committee Mi , nday nifrht ac cepted altered ohms submitted by the chamber's architects and will present them to the Corporation Com mission as soon as a hearing can be arranged for. The principal alter ations from the Atlantic Coast Line and iNoiToik southern KaiiPJJd iom- pimies' plans are ir-.i cased elevation of the front and increased pitch in the waiting room. It is believed the companies will nrt protest the chang es. Only nit a Child. A supposedly rabid dog was killed by a colored citizen near The Adkin THURSDAY ' WILL AMELWi I asici 25c Su)t Jora t NfewS, ore Our first enamel ware sale was such a pronounced success we immediately planned for the second. We announce it for Thursday, November 15 th. 3 Specials In White Enamel Thursday For 10 Cents 1 To the first twelve customers enterin x our ft ore Thursday morning after 9 o'clock and making purchases of $2.00 or more we will sell one of our high grade white enamel DISH PANS for 1 0 'ents. (Regular value $1.00) To the first twelve customers entering our store Thursday morning after 9 o'clock and making purchases of $1.00 or more we will sell one of our spec ial white enamel boilers for 10 cents. (Regular value 60 cents) To the first twelve customers entering our store Thursday morning and making purchases of 75 cents or more we will sell one of our large white enamel dairy pans for 10 cents. ' (Regular value 35 cents) Ooly one article to a customer. We have a complete line of en amel ware, in wh.te, blue and grey. An. assortment of the most useful articles for the kitchen and home. . FT3 BT ill n Look for the Green Sign WMEfc 309 N. Queen St. . Kinston, N, C. Juvenile Band Projrrexsei. Prof. Jamee G: Mehegan's beys band' is a coming institution. The cornet arv! reed sections practice long and faithfully. The other w'.inns instruments will arrive shortly. They were delnye.i dm-huso of th war orders swupipnii trio inanu faeturers; the a-,ny is f!ttta oj many now bavU and thoi's-.'ti.'.H u buglers are n:i' 'nrr to be r ' i Mr. Mehegnn r.as secured ad.litiwi floor space to t -ovide som;!.!i'"nr of a gymnasium for the lads. Charities Broke, Absolutely. The United Charities Tuesday morn ing did not have a red cent, Capt. M Veruleville, the superintendent, said The demands for the past few week have been very heavy, and calls con tinue to come in every day. Tuesday the Charities had to tlsul with the following: Family in need of grocer- is; woman in bed from tuberculosis minimum expense per week $10 for purse, $3 for medicine, $3 for grocer ies. Family in need of provisjons husband and wife both sick, fna child t-3 work; in destitute circumstan ces. Mother with three children; husband at "war; no help from Gov ernment; she appeals for charity and must have assistance. Two othe families simply up against it hard and bound U have assistance. To Teach Lip Reading in Schools. A conference will be held at the IIirh School at 3 p. r... Wednesday nt which school authorities and other interested local persons will discuss With a specialist, the subject of lip reading in the City Schools. Supt. K. R. Curtis says there are a number of children in the schools who have trouble' with their hearing. "The all important problem is to make school progress as sure as possible for these pupils." The first step is c-o consult a physician, and the next tb give the affected pupil "some training in lip rending." This would be of much benefit to the slightly deaf as well as those hant ni hearing, it you arc interested please be present," Supt Curtis asks The Free Press to say to the public for him, "If any member of your family does not hear welf 1 hope ytu will attend the meeting." Lyceum Attraction Thursday Night. Mrs. Helen B. Paulsen, lecturer will be presented at the High School Thursday ni;rht in the City Schools Chamber of Commerce lyceum series. Mrs. Paulsen's subject will be "Thumbs." On the platform when she speaks stands a table covered with rows of dolls. L'ach doll is dif ferently costumed to represent a character. "They take the place of renl people," says Mrs. Paulsen. "Everybody recognizes them when I introduce them." She was educated in leading institutions of learning, including Columbia ' University, nnj has been a teacher in West Virginia ana Oklahoma colleges, this se cond number of the series is an un u.-ual attraction, and the managers of the course anticipate a large at tendance. A Long Time Since. Durant Roberts, "73-out" and col ored, stopped Police Sergt. K. F Fescue Monday and told him he was awfully glad to see him. He nurs ed Mr. Foscue when the latter was no bigger'n a minnow, so he said. He hadn't seen him for S3 or 34 years past, however. The old man , knew Mr. Foscue the "minute he sot ' eyes on him." The pelite old fellow's name is no indication of the real caste that attaches to his person, he avowed Tuesday as he was telling at City Hall about the tld times." "AH on us was Foscues," he said. Sergt: ' Foscue's father owned Durant and his parents. The old man said he never knew what it waa to'l'are ld. Jly until the Foscue family Tefugeed irom tneir Jones County plantatfcn during the War Between the Sta,te3 to Hillsboro, Durant accompanying them. "Up there" he was emanci pated, and thing went badly. Tin OuMm That Dos Rot Affect tteReatf Ercue o4 it. tonic and taxaH effect. LAXV T1VK HKOMO Ol 1N1NH is beun than or.ti.ary Oniame and doc not cans. MrawtrM mot nntang i. lifi. Remember trie lull name ami kok bt Lac vgaatace oi & w. OKOVU. ijc The One Prfc Cash Stre" NEW GOATS for MISSES AND GIRLS. ' Sizes 7 to 14 Years. BOYS' PANTS. Sizes 5 to 18 years. Something Nice. A. J. SUTTON & SONS Telephone S4 Si. DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATH Upstairs Next Door Old Postoffice EXAMINATION FREE Qur Ready-to-Wezff Stock Is Complete Suite, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Middy Suits. Let Us Show You , Barrett & Hartsfield : -J Het tor linoleum was never made. It is wat-er-)ro('i and almost wear-proof. The pat terns are new and attractive, and come in a larce variety for all purposes. The price is low for such good quality. Sl.() per yard and we lay it free. eeting The Demands 0FM0DERNBUSINESS Your financial home should be a BANK which can and is willing to meet the de mands of modern business. Wc have excellent out of town connect ions, and feel that our facilities for handl ing any business entrusted to us will mea sure up to your demands. Open an account with us today. We can serve you ably. The Caswell Bank and Trust Co. W. D. LaROQUE,; Pres. C. R. DODSOX, Vice-Pres. ' T. W. HEATH, Cashier. fVA rsusw snaves an ; extraordinary beard . does the face. It is poor economy to buy ordinary. f.. v unvoached-for tools or cutlery. ft.- Tools anfl Cuflery are made of the finest steel, perfectly tempered and guaranteed.: If a Keen Kutte Razor pulls uu 113 euge turns on a strong oeara get your money back. If a Keen Kutter Pocket Knife proves to be, too soft, or too brittle, or too bard, or nnsatistactcry m any way, let vcur rnop.v hack- ' We sell them. H. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE COMPANY. a- " . ii i . i . taal Dr. Mercer C. Pamtt PHYSICIAN and SURGEOft Cfenelft! Practice. ' -Office with Drs. J. M. aaff A D. Parrott' ; Residence Phone 17.. w f v e have plenty of and Chickens this week F. F. BROOKS SON "Something to Eat" We Can Fit Ladies & Misses of all sizes with our new line of La Resista Corsets CASEY THOMPSON (CO. A H. M. StepKenson' OldStaoc Phone7fi: The longer you neglfect those roofs the more serious become the de fects. Why not have them re paired now, before the storm breaks and caus es a lot of damage? t I estimate cheerfully and figure reasonably on all work new or repairs. . y R. B. SCOTT ' rHOKXSt Besldeae: I92-L. Office W -W. Ate De PlMtal" (Subacribe to Tia Fre Prei)