MONDAYygMBER J9, 1917 (uvxlaoveL THE KINSTON FREE PRESS i ; h.f .-' h I til fllEl DAILY FREt PRESS H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor ami Kiur Pttbhahed Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Free Press Co., Inc., Kinston, N. C. Entered at the postoffice at Kinston, North Carolina, as Meond-daM matter tinder act of Congress, March 8, 1879 Subscription Rlen Parable In Advance: Om Week I .10 Three Months $1.25 One Month $ .45 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 NEW YORK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd St., Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eaatern Department. Filei of The Free Pre can be soon. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. AndeTT, Marquette Building, Chicago, where file of The Free rreaa can be aeen. After 7 p. m. subscriber are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before 9 P. M without cost to subscriber. MONP.n EVENING. NOVEMBER 19, 1917. Are you listed among the Y. M. C. A. contributors? Your dollar may be the means of supplying cme American boy witft a warm cup of tea and a cheering word just a he is called upon to go "Over the top," Have you contributed T The Russian Embassy m Washington ia apt to find ifc clf cut off from the pfty. roll, if extreme care is net exercised to maintain its neutrality until the clouds of uncertainty as to who's who lift in I'etrograd and Moscow. A little moae "pep" seems to have been injected into the Italian resistance than vpn. Mackensen expected The eteum roller has apparently struck another snag. Hera's hoping that it will ba(oerturnecl somewhere near the top of the Arpa. , 1 Tha weather man is entitled to the thanks of the pen. pie in city and on form for the delightful brand he has dealt out for the past few week. Not only can the city fellow's desire for thV free ozone be gratified hut the harvesting can be accomplished. Well enough is it, too. to pause to five thanks. Premier Kerensky evidently finds himself in a most awkwAt d situation. He is a fugitive from the wrath of hli enemies. Ilig country la reported to be under con trol of the Bolshevikis and Siberia has recently elected the ex-t'xar king. Germany hold.s out no welcome hand to Kerersky. He probably will hnvc to change his name and sail for America. . t- -'M'JJIL i..... .. CENSORSHIP SHOULD BE LIFTED. The War Department has given out the news of the execution of an American soldier, who was convicted uy a oo irtmrrtiul of rape and murder. The hare an nouncement thai nummary puni4iment had been meted ta the culprit been made. It fs intimated In the press dirpaUhes from Washington that when General Persh ing's dtailwf rrport arrives V.te full story will be giv n to the people. I'.v mej.ns this should be done. The censorship sioult be lifN'l. The po-ple have the right to know the name of thh o!Tnil'r, who has besmirched the fair re cord of the Army. The good names of the other men m'lft rol be allowed to remain under the shallow of snspicRn. The fall story should be given to the public and to the world. Sui emphasis and example should be m xle oh will uphold the manhood ct America and differentiate it-, character in the minds and esteem of the people of the world from that of the German brute. The Wr Department should not withhold this story. SO BE IT TO ALL SUCH BRUTES. One of the ;irst public utterance made by General IVrshintf wher hif expeditionary forces landed in France, was to give assurance that the American soldier is the Mi.tector and guardian of the home. Jle called on his men to uphold the standard of the past, to demonstrate to the defenseless women' and children, whose husbands, brothers and fathers were in the fighting lines, that in them they could put their trust with confidence that protectioi' would be given and honor maintained. Tho American people endorsed General Pershing. They felt th;t his insurances were well founded and safe. They expected no report of the violation of women by an Am;: icon roldier. They are shocked and chagrined at tha word which comes now of the rape and murder of a French woman by an American soldier. They applaud the quick and severe punishment meted out to the culprit. So be it to all such brutes. Kinston and Lenoir County must do better hfthe Y. M C. A. campaign. It is no credit to the community that It fell shcit by more than fifty per cent, in the apportion ment for this worthy cause. The county failed to com? up to the mark in the Red Cross campaign last summer Its response to the Liberty Loan Bond issue was more commenuiible. The returns from the Y. M. C. A. war fund has fallen far short. The people of the county must do their part. They must not permit Lenoir's record to trail whih other counties are reporting over subscriptions. Now is the time to make a suhscriotion! How about Kinston's municipnl wocd yard? Unless the city undertakes to purchase wood and sell it at a price which the overage wage earner ,can pay, untold hardship will lie experienced hero among the poor. Fuel cannot possibly If. bought at the prevailing prices by many of the noorer people. Take for instance the wash-wjnen: It will require the total amount received from one lo two washes to purchase enough fuel for the work of the week, leaving nothing for meat and bread or labor. VINOL MAKES WEAK WOMEN Positive "onincine I'rcof. We publish the formula of Vinol to prove convincingly that it has the ppwer to create strength. Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron and Manganese Peptonates, Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Lime and Soda Glycerophos phates, Cascarin. Any woman who buys a bottle fcf Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it did not help her, will have her money refunded. You see, there is no guess work about Vinol. Its formula proves there si nothing like, it for oil weak, run-down, qycxw-oi ketl, nervous men and women and f r feeble eld peo ple and delicate children. .Try it once and be convinced. Sold in Kinston by J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, and at the best drug store in every town and city in the country. adv. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT Wonder whrse ammunition the various Russian rebels, seeking rontuxl of their governmental affairs, are using? Bad Year for Ticks; South Has Benefitted Largely This Season, (By the United Press) v Waohington, Nov. 13,-pHere are some of the reasons why December 1, 1917, will he a memorable day in the Sjouthern States: An area greater than evtfr before freed from Federal quarantine gainst the cattle fever tick will have been released 'between March and December. A broad wedge of free territory will have 'been driven through Mie tick lin to the Oulf of Mexico. More than fcal: cf the 728,5fi5Tiqunrc mile heavily infested in IflOt! will have been pronounced clean. . AM Qumtat That Dots Not Affect the ttead Kkmh o( Ita Ionic and laxatlva cttrct. I.AXA TIVK BHUMOUl'ININK l br'trt lli.-i or.liuirv Quinine and doa not cause t)rrvuunrt nor riugiot in head. Keturmber llir lull name ami louk r Uie aisoatui oi u. w. Ckovii. iJc. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Take a Glass of Sails to Fluah Kid neys if Bladder Bothers You Drink Lots of Water. Eating meat regularly eventually produce kidney trouble in some form cr other, says a l( well-known authority, because the uric acid in meat extites the kidneys, they be comes overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts -of dis tress, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipatijn, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary ir ritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers' you, get about four cunces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys . will then act fine. This famous salts is madj from the acid of grapes and lemn juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutral ize the acids. in the urine so is no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts canhot injure anyone; make a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. adv. Slipper Time j That's the coziest time of the whole day : J IF for lather. Slipper and pipe and a book hfffc jLj 1L j and the Pertiction Oil Heater to keep the ?f jjtjnf !;?jfJ Sw, drafts iiwav ami add an extra touch of com- 31'' nil if J I1T fort. The iVri'ection is good-looking, sturdy, f f j tJ K-J I reliahlc, and inexpensive both to buy and to p Jt - Now used in over .3,000,000 homes. tSi Fill it vith Aladdin Security Oil, clean, clear- lyiAl 1 buniin" lui l. l iL'bt hours of comfort from a gallon. J jirfy ' STANDARD COMPAN Y ! IMM j ' w-tSt 0Mmn4- .J irtHM twkQ vnu YtoRK 50 HAR0 ALL THAT YftU MUST ,CT 50MC1 5LttP - I'LL via THr. FLOOR WlTrtpAftV) mwmw WW OL ill y IX - -1 p;'afililA ('ifty Thousand Dollara to Loan, five years' time, amounts J3.000 or nore First mortgage either farm it city real estate. R. C. Strong. Oly 6-22 tf. r.H!GHESTER S PILLS jSj'&TK ' 3rK'l Ank your lritfnt fr A tUOJrfS i'Uln in ltt-d Sti.l l.oIl metalliAVy Hv TV'.' j 1 .ifii u ith'O kiMKun. ItH ifrV4,J i iUo t'i oilier. Vuy or your I I " iif lrcixl. Ask (Wf 'l.'H.TPn'8 .mis ':nowr as t(et. '"ite'it. Alwivs Rrij.Me 8WRYPW!S!STStTimVK:EE DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY SPECIAUST In Disease! of Women and Children Office: 105 W. Caaewell 8t Office Hours: llf ia 12. IKAIXS IJBAVJS KliNSTUa East Boirof ' 1:21 p. m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. 4:48 p. m. Dsily for Beaufort and ' Oriental. f:60 a. m. Daily for.Baaufort, New Bern and Norfolk. Parlor, car service betweaa New Bern and Norfolk. Writ bonnd. 4:30 a. m. Dally for Goldsbore. 10:23 a. m. Daily for Goldsbore. 7:89 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. J. F. DALTON, Gen'l Pass. Aft Norfolk, Va. fi. D. KTLX, Traffic Manage, Norfolk, Va. Soothern Railway System No. 216:48 . m. for Raloiegh, Durham, Greensboro, Winiton-Sal-em, States-villa and Aiheville, con necting at Greensboro for points north and south and at Asheville for Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louis, Mem phis and all points west (This train operates via Winston-Salem and Barber). Parlor ear Goldsboro to Asheville. No. 112 6:88 a. m. rom Groonabo- ro, Durham and Raleigh. Pullman sleeping car from Winston-Salem to Uorehead City and Beaufort No. 1392:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro and Winston- Salem, connecting at Greensboro for reeling chair car Goldsbore to Wins ton-Salem. No. 229:28 p. m., from Asheville, Winston-"aIem, Greensboro, etc No. 1081:30 p. m. from Winston- Salem, Greensboro, Durham and Raleigh. J.O.JONES, , Traveling Paasenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. . ON FREE TRIAL NO DEPOSIT -NO EXPENSE we wfli tend you a new Acousticon. This t!ie imoll instrument that Has positively enabled over 300,000 deaf people to heu. GENERAL ACOUSTIC COMPANY, You Can Hear w FWith th Acousticon hear conversation of yourfriradi, mumc -emjf ound jiut u yog mod lo. We guaranty or you CM Khim ihr A com be on at our expense Write at once, for ten J f L m. I aayi ir oomvihtxitii. 1300 Candler Blctff New York Insurance of Alt Minds ICkiston Insurance $k ReoifyCo. C. OETTINGER. Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E. Gordon St. n FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON was asked by the United States Treasury Department to sell $104,000 worth of Liberty Loan bonds. It sold nearly $125,000 worth. It is proud off the fact and extends its grateful acknowledg ment to its friends and congratulates them upon their wise invest CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $175,000 N. J. ROUSE, President D. F. WOOTEN, Caahier DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Preat J. J. BIZZELL, Asst Cashier W. B. HARVEY, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady DIRECTORS J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler N, J. Roase C. Felix Harrey David Oettinger H. E. Moseley E OF VALUABLE EEA m iw 4 jLatYfelJ X jfh James S. Wooten Farm has been sub-divided into small farms and will be sold at Auction - FriclaL Novenifcjer .23, at ll a. in This is one of the best located farms in Lenoir County, fronting over amile on the Kinston and Trenton Highway; 1-2 mile from the best high school m the county, near two churches, 1-2 mile from Caswell Station on Norfolk Southern Railroad, only 4 miles from Kinston. ' Terms-U4 Cash, Balance in I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Years. Brass Band Valuable Prizes THE ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY Offices Greenville, N. C. and Petersburg, Va. THE NAME THAT JUSTIFIES YOUR C ONFIDENCE -Tld. R- pouIasg'Crnpany, Representatives. I: