PA Two rm KINSTON FREE PRESS SATURDAY, NOI 1: ! 1 I s i 11 Ti i III lUIH FRII I'MSS H. GALT BRAXTON, Kdllw tod Msis-s HOPEFl'L BIT NOT THE END. More hopeful ir the news from the battle fronts. In ita.1rl the leportb of General Hai's magnificent successes in gv.'ri'wg ground in his latent drive is the most satis factory devchpment of the campaign in many months Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kiniton Free , i rra o., inc., ji.insi.on, n. . . i . . . I if, in fact it is not to be considered as important as the Entered at the postoffice at Kuifton, North Carolina, as j victory of the Marne. Some cf the milita.y critics have cond-dass mattei under act of Congress, March 8, 137. u aitiv ..-U i.3 liiuut luijii iaiiiv LU lilo iij.;-i.j ii ui ic as the tiirnriify of the German hordes by Genera! Joffr when they wae knocking at the very gates of Tarij in 1911 The au-cts'ses now, however, can hardly have as' Subscription Rate Payable la Adtanre: On. Wek I .10 Three Months I1.25 On Monti .45 Six Months 12.50 On Yer 15.00 " ' ' NEW YORK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd St., Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in tola char of EaaUrn Department Files of Tha Free Preaa can bs seen. WESTERN OFFICE la ehsrrs of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, whr file of The Fret Press can bs eeen Subserlbm arc requested to notify, by Tslephont 76, Phe Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or Inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. After 7 p. m. subscribers are requested to cell West ern Union and import failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, If complaint ia made before 8 P, M., without coat to aubacriber. u t : i.l . I .. I riiecu tritium "J-wh liic miuulji;ii ua wuuiu uic eajcury pjac(? j wag of fans hav; nan, but certainly no battle or succession of battles sin'.e Germany was thwarted in her plans to capture the capital "before the brave defenders .mild get tiieir benrings can be compared with the pre sent E'riti.vh successes. Not only is ;he report from the Western front en couraging and satisfactory, but the valiant fighting of ! pruvted the opportunities of tho Italians is jriving heart to the cause of the Allies. ; and are now classed as illiterates It is safe to conclude that the Central Powers put into ' 0URnl 10 De lel aIone m tnelr Dllss. Vox Populi , Just "Fellows." ! Editor Free Press: I regret that your reporter in his ' news-gathering tour on the 19th inst. 1 quoted me as he did, because I have ' always endeavored to fiave my ut- j terances in keeping with the Good Book, which says "Say not thou fool" lest thou be in danger of the bad in conversation with a friend in my office fut the adult illiteracy question, and not talking for publication. I told him I doubt ed the wisdom of the act as passed by the last legislature and I thought ttiose "old fellows" who had not ini- WE CONGRATULATE YOU MOST HEARTILY ON THE SPLEN DID SUCCESS OF THIS SALE '"The reult is highly gratifying to ua," writea a satisfied client for whom we recently conducted a "Sale." II is letters likes these and we have many, that MUST convince one of the comprehensive scope of our sales organization and aervice. But here Is the actual letter read it for yourself SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24. 1917. Shopping procrastinatora have but twenty-five days in which to concole themselves. TV Jones County farmer somnambulist, who was kill ed while t liking a nocturnal hike, literally walked to his own death. When you stick a Red Cross aeal on your letter, re member Uncle Sam prefer to have them on the back .rather than the front of the envelope. r the Italian drive all the force and push that they had in reserve. The reports of the capture of cripples and Sol diers, who allegedly were taken out of the hospital in oHer to stem the British, indicates that Germany's man power reserve is not encouraging from her standpoint. In F.p'tc of these hopeful signs it must not be lost sight of that Germany in still conducting the right on the soil of her enemies and the end of the war is not yet in signt. The plans of America and the other Allies must be carried out There must be no let-up in the prepara tions. The blow must be a decisive one and without the command and utilization of every resource the Allied powers will be able at any near date to deliver such a blow. ' Tho developments of the past few days are encourag ing, but let them not be permitted to create overconfi-dence. it is reported irom ew ior tn.t nrty apunous in the fi(fht a(pinst the grat ite plague h jugt nine ernsn army men are circulating and imposing them felves vpon America. Reception committees should be wire of tho counterfeit. . RED CROSS SEAL SALE. Elsewhere in this issue of The Free Press is announc ed the campaign for the sale of Red Cross seals. The committees in charge of the sale will make an active can vass of the business district Monday morning. Not only will it be the purpose of the selling commit tee to get business and professional men to buy generous ly of the seals but to get them to obligate themselves to sell t3 their customers. The plans of the general Red doss seal committee contemplate the sale of as many ss!s this year as have been disposed of during the past nine years. In other words, the call to the people now j Br7i if ginorance is bliss, and we should bend all efforts towar deducating j the boys and girls of today so they wil Inot be dumped down as illiter ates on the next generation. As the legislature made the appripria tion I presume the proper thing to do is to carry out the law and hope for results. JOSEPH KINSEY. WHIGS (tfm IM3 times as as it has been in any preceding year. The responsibility of the Red Cross has grown to the stoggering point. Not only will the work at home have to be cred for, but victims of tuberculosis in the ranks of the soldiers, those young men who have left home and offered their lives and who fall victims to the tllpute the claim. We were not out of our cozy covers in 0f the trench life must be ear.rf for. Th;, ,, must be supplied. The Red Cross purposes to do ius' Ea'ly risers claim that snow fell in considerable quantity hereabouts Saturday morning. We care not to tine to get any contradicting evidence. 1 PROVIDE FUEL NOW. The warning note eounded by Fuel Administrator Reuse in Friday' Free Press should be heeded toy the people of this community. Mr. Rouse urges that those, who are in pwition to do eo, provide their fuel now while the open weather permits the easy hauling and the de mands of those who are not in position to buy large BunpliM at a time are not so acute. From everywhere come reports of fuel shortage. Irnr.porttlon facilities are hard to obtain. No ship ment daiivery date can be" guaranteed. This, of course, has and will continue to be a handicap in the coal supply throughout the winter. Kinston should not suffer, how ever, if the opportunities for providing wood which are vailcbln and which can be made available be taken ad vantage of. It behooves every citizen to take ad vice of the Fuel Administrator and look to hia wood yard and coal bin in anticipation of their needs for the next three or four months. In thii conrection it might not be amiss to suggest tnat the estimates be conservative that no hoarding and consequent inconvenienco to others be indulged in. thRt thing. Every sell bought h a contribution t the fund that will enable the great Red Cross to pursue i:s miasicn of merry. The young women who will make the canvass Monday should have the co-operation and asnistancc of all the people of Kinston in their moat worthy undertaking. It is said that 4,000,000 pounds of potatoes are tied up at the railroad terminals of Cleveland for lack of own err. It might not bo a bad idea for some minion of the lw to bore a few auger holes in the barrels to mak sure mat incy really contain potatoes. The lack of claimants in these parts for freight shipments is gener ally taken to be prima facie evidence that the shipment is contraband and not what it is cracked up. to be in the lull :f lading. ARE THEY WEAK OR PAINFUL? Do your lungs ever bleed? Do you have night sweats? Have you pains in chest and sides? Do you spit yellow end black matter? Ar yo continually hawLins and eounhing? Do you hav paint under your shoulder blado? These Are Regarded Symptoms of . LUNG TROUBLE Ton ehoulil tal:o immediate step to check the ironress of those symp toms. The longer you allow them to ndvance and dovelop. the more dei'p ecated and seriou3 your condition be comes. There 1$ Poslttvn Proof that Lunr t.ormlne has relieved completely ami "peodily case after case of Incipient Liuiw Disease. Chronic Bronchitis, Catarrh of tho Lungs, Catarrh of the'hronchial Tubes and other similar af eetlons. Many suf ferers who said they hail lost all hope iind had been Riven up by physicians, declare they have been completely relieved by Lung' Genuine. If your coukU and other uynwt'Jips are due to weak lunrjsi, i loua dsvelonments may follow negl rt. NOW is the time to begin on LUNO OKUMIXE and mild up and strengthen your lunss. t.untf Ocrmlno has relieved Incipient '.jnjr Disease", aeeoruimr to state ments of sul'i'oreri tlieimelves, as well ; j statements x.'t;ii tiieir doctors and the patients remain strong and In splendid health ior'ay. You take no elianecn v.-hen rou try -UNO GE KM IN 11. It ia nst lilte cheap coush eyruns. It ia a real lunjc and bronchial mnllcino of proven merit. Try one bottle and nee for yourself how quickly and enlcmlldly it acta. A full month's supp'y, which formerly cost 5.00, can now be had for only $3.00. If you are not satisfied with the benefit you have derived after uslnjr one full bottlo, ask tho drug gist for your money back. Oood dtiiBKlsts everywhere have Luns Oermine, or can get it for you from their wholesalers. 9 I 1 s Carv Lumber Company nout MB MMa LONO AND SHOUT Lf A NONTM CAMOUMA PtHt LUmBI DURHAM NC. !ar.;4,l(.l?. Atlantic Coast Rtlltjr Co., Fatarsburf, fa. Gentlmn:- nctO"d plssta find renlttnnce f -r'v-f. ! oovrlti( your eomnlttlons on sale mad fcr .i s- 1 - yaatarday. Wa contratulate you aoat ci. -. cf this sale, the rssult is hijhly sratlfyir.j to us. r (ulHy of lnyatltuda if as tli not ox.'roua qui . appreciation and thanks for the wonderful anU-uelaem yeur -r.Kifctt had acriied up for this sals, in fact wa thank and conratulato every memcer of your Company connected with thla aula a each and every cne cf them rendered perfect and enthusiastic work from the first toot of the horn until the laet bid was r-ads. 7.iahln you the fullest measure of success in your work, and aaeurlne you our business In the future, we remain, Youre very truly , Cary Lumber Co. l'tl tl - 1 LnMiwi C2 liw.-i-ef We have rondurted successful galea in more than 13 states; we have turned Over million of dollurs to our customers; e have comman ded better prices quicker sales and general satisfaction in every instance. The personnel of our organization is of the highest char acterit is an association of highly trained, thoroughly efficient land expert Not only do they knew values when they see land hut how to improve property and make it bring higher prices. Every transaction is systematized. A careful record is kept of every detail of each sale, ready for instant reference at any time. We know how to stimulate interest, bring out the crowds and keep enth usiasm keyed up to the highest point from the first announcement to the closing bid. f jou have property you wish to market in the most profitable way, write, wire or cell for information about our methods of uoing business. It's to your interest to do it now. f ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY """ niai. me uisneviKi leaders now temporarily in the saddle at Petrograd will not suffer if the Russian treasury happens to be empty. It is ap-pa-ent that they are on the Berlin payroll. Probably controlling one of those slush funds which made von RernstorfT so notorious. DO YOUR SHIPPING AND SJIOP PIXG EARLY. be put into service. aw inns wi itunuon ana oo in sure Christmas packages reaching More or uur eoys win be away their destination on time and thus from home and family this year at -void disappointment the Publia is Chriitmaa time than ever before in tly requested to ship their our history. " I Chrit!s ' packages (whether by . . ... , I mail or express) at least ten (10) On medovnt of the enormous volume! . . v days or two weeks before Christ mas. ef War Materials and supplies, in ad ditien to the usual large movement of Holiday shipments, it will require This action will not only be ap preciated fey the Government but bv from now on every available bag-( the Railroads, whose already heavy gage, man and express car that can . hardens they are trying to carry with to carry with promtpnoss and dispatch. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD J. F. Dalton, G. P. A. Fifty Tnousand Dollars to Loan, five years' time, amounts $3,000 or more, .First mortgage either farm or city real estate. R. C. Strong. Dly 5-22 fi. (Subscribe to The Free Press) J :frt-i' 'W--nViiiWftsWi The Name That Justifies Your Confidence. Offices: (.retnville, N. C. and Petersburg, Vs. "T"7'rTitriTiririsWi Headquarters for Horses and Mules W. E. BaOey Plumbing-Heating Special Attention Given to REPAIR WORK I Will Appreciate Your Business Phones: Office 587 Residence 296 To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take tAXATIYK BROM Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works ofl the Cold. DruUK-lfttfl rrtliliil mnnM, If 11 f..1. in K. W. UkUV K S sigoatute os each bos. 30ci We have one hundred horses and mules that are just as fine as money can buy. All new stock, just gotten in. We can suit any purchaser and invite you to come and look them over. We sell wholesale or retail and terms to suit the purchaser. Our stock is the quality kind, and our guarantee is behind it. Come and select what you want and we will make terms and pric es to suit you. The Ears of the DEAF Must Be Stirred To Activity L Us Send You for ff Tho Acouetieon For lO Days' Freo Trial Jh1 The Deaf If yon will write ne that ycra aro hard of hearing and will try tha f Arouaticon we will send you. Thiii olrVraMr am very nwnai, bat It has nnIM ap to tha prasast la Baakiag aaarl? aw.WOaaiicatadcu.tomera for ui. wbo now hear elaariyonrAnore. www. ACUUSTIC COMPANY. llOO CmAh BidMmm, NW Tatft ehanrca pnpajd, t ha Instrument for 10 days' free trial without dapoait or oxpensa to you. CH!GHESTERS PILLS If W.ts I t AST 1'IIV MUMUXlt nnAKn. Aift4h-I Aak voar Irrnsctrlu f' t'lilfcrsvler! IMssnond It -'. IMH in Ktd attd Vtl4 irtetaiiicX boves, with Blue Riblxm. lake no other, llmr f yoor T. j !rBaaut. A3kI1rflI.:'n;8.TP, vears hnom-na. Bt.Saft. Alwavs Reltab SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERVW'HtK lr rSJvi Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday G 66 raiadl ilmeatre JAMES ARNOLD PRESENTS HIS Monday Tuesday and Wednesday SIX DANCING GIRLS eanties 55 BILLY KELLY, YODLER Special Scenery. 10 People 10. Oectrical efects. THE 1MUSICAL ARNOLDS RAY EWING, A STUDY IN BLACKFACE QUARTETTE THE TEMPLE PHESAY SISTERS Matinee Daily 3:30 10, 20 and 30c Evenings 7:00 and 8:45 i . - oee i neaa vara in "LAmlLLE by Alenandria Dumas, Thmsday and Friday. -5 1