SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1917 THE KINSTON FREE. PRE S3 PAGE Tli MADS; For RantSecoad alary of Elks Building now occupied, by armory. C. Ftlix Hamy. ' liy n-4 26, 27 Sift Books for Christina 250 ular copyrights just received as Haod'a Book Stors. piy to as Typewriters Underwood; L. C. Smith, .Remington, other makes for gala; now K wtyiilt. C. W. Stevens, Kinston, phono 490. Dly 11-48, 24, 26 For Kent Part of John B. Hill Farm on Central Highway about 3 miles West , Kinston. Good to bacco, cotton and corn land. Apply to W. Dv Pollock. Dly 11-24 to 30 Sw 11-28, 12-1 fani f of 'Salo 153 urea, M acres deared,'! mile from Kinston. Ap ply to, Xnatfratea Service Agency, Inc Hwatar, Bio. Room 16. J. H. Whita,' secretary. Dly 10-; Wanted Old False Teeth; don't , matt ex If broken. I pay $2 to $15 par sctft Send by parcel post and re ceive check by return mail. F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, Md. Dly 11-4 to 12-4 For Balo-Bnlldera' Lime, Agricul tural, Burnt Unslaked, Slaked and Oyster shell Lime in bags or bulk, ar or cargo shipments. Clyde Mac Csdlum, State Agent, Hertford, N. C, far Limestone Products Corp. and Chesapeake Shell and Lime Co. Dry Wed. Sat, 11-1 to 12-31 Jj4r V; Men in Training Fighting isn't the only duty of a soldier, and exposure to bullet is not as serious as exposure to all kinds of weather and dampness. Rheumatic aches; sore and stiff muscles, strains and sprains, chil blains and neuralgia, all are enemies of the soldier, and the relief for all these pains and aches is Sloan's Liniment. Clean and convenient to carry or use; does not stain, and penetrates without rubbing. Generous lirod bottles, at aU drusawta. 23e..SOc.l.0U. jaggSE..: 'Social and Personal f Land for Sale 1 am oifering for sale either as a whole or cut up into lots to suit purchasers, 1,436 acres of land; 400 acres clear and plenty of necessary buildings, mostly new. This land lies 8 miles S. E. of Kinston and is partly in Lenoir and partly in Jones Go. and consists of the Stevenson farm and a part of the Beasley land. For further par ticulars, terms, etc., see the under signed, Lovit Hines, Kinston, N. C. Dly Wed., Sats. 1 mo. Sw 1 mo. What is LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AD IMPROVED CASCARA k Digestive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic and Liver Tonic. Contains Cascara Bark, Blue Flog Root, Rhubarb Root, Black H jot.May Apple Root, v-enna Leaves and i'epsiu. Combines Blriiijjth with pala table arotriat;c taste. I-iots not gripe. 50c Wake Forest Glee Club & Orchestra At The Grand, Tuesday Night, Nov. 27. Ben e fit Red Cross Twenty-five young men led by Dr. Hubert M. Poteat noted for entertaining ability. This in addition to reg- , ular program of vaudeville and pictures. Proceeds i both matinee and evening to to Ked Cross. Matinee, Regular Prices. Evening, 25c--50c icjketejat J;. K Hoed and Co'u. " Treat In Stmv For All Protect Your Money by Depositing it with THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus Over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS You Are Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of WhichTheJBank Isja Member "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY" Miss Ila Morris is making a short visit at Greenville. s Mrs. Joseph Temple is the guest of friends at Greensboro. s Mrs. Grover Cox is spending short time at Rocky Mount a Mrs. Thomas McGinn of New Bern came Friday to - visit Mrs. E. B. Hargett a. Mr. T. C. Ethridge has returned after a short stay at New Bern, Mrs. C. F. Harvey, Jr., is here from Petersburg with ner husband, who is' stationed at the army camp there. Mrs. Marietta Brown Hostess to Violin and Piano Clans. One of Mr. James G. Mehegan's violin classes comprised by Misses Adelaide Randolph, Francis Brown, Christine Meadows, Masters Robert Rhodes, Moses Stadiem, John Me hegan, and Misses Geneva Ketcham, Pauline Bodell, Ellen Rouse and Louise Bland, pianists, were enter tained Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Marietta Brown on Queen Street Mesdames John H. Dawson, P. S. B. Harper, Luther Tapp, Swann, Misses Edwards, White and Robert son conducted a knitting bee to the tuneful strains of the music, and de lightful refreshments were served by the hostess. Earrings in Style Now; Can't Be Wrong if You Wear 9 Em By Margaret Mason (Written for the United Press) She had a tear-drop in her eye, An ear-drop in her ear. She'd let the other ear-drop, drop, And that explains the tear. New York, Nov. 24. If you ask any female to lend you her ears these days she will be forced to lend you her earrings along with them, for an ear Without a 'dangling ear-drop or a button of pearl snuggling close to its pink lobe is scarcer even than sugar or coal. Perhaps you are laboring under the delusion that when you have a pair of stockings, shoes and gloves to match your new gown, your toilette is complete. You're all wrong. Turquoise, lapis lazula and imita tion sapphire offer shades of blue in all shapes to go with your frocks of the blues. There is amber,, clouded or clear, and also ear-drops of chas ed and filgred gold for your yellow ish toilettes, jad, cryrophase and imitation emerald for the green girls and coral, pink -and red, for the rosy robes while new hoops, oval and odd shaped pendants of tortoise shell of fer shades for any frock that is done brown. For the evening oriental effects of every color in the rainbow enhanc ed with brilliants are guaranteed to make even the dullest girl bright, if Fhe has an earfull. GERMANS REWRITE THE MAIL OF ALSATIANS. (Continued from page one) now pass through a newly created office at Stuttgart. There govern ment employes make extracts of the letters, and it is these extracts that the 'families of the soldiers in Alsace-Lorraine eventually receive. The entire system is self-explained in the following ."extract" that has just come into the hands of the F-rH-ilitary authorities: Suttgart, October 12, 117. "As recent measures prohibit the sending into the occupied portions of Upper Alsace and Lorraine let ters coming from soldiers in the field, I am communicating ycu below the analysis of a letter from your husband, Monsieur Alptionse A , whose address we are holding here: " 'I hope you are awys in good health as I am, but recently I have only heard from you rarely, although I write you every two weeks. " 'Is the harvest good at home this year? Here with us we have had nothing like it for the past 30 years. It will give us plenty to eat for a long time to come. Potatoes and fruits are both in most unusual quan tities. I am eating enormous quan tities of both, but naturally not to the point where it makes me sick as do others here who verily eat too much. " 'I hope that in your prayers you will not forget me, as I do not forget you, so that when we meet again we can without fear look each other in the eyes to the depth of our souls. , ,j , . "'Alphonse .'" Southern Railway System No. 21 6:40 a.'m. for Raloiegh, Durham,,, i Greensboro, Winston-Sal-em, StatMTiUa and Ashovills, con necting . at Greensboro for points north and south and at Ashorillo for Cinx:innAti, Chicago, ' St. Louis, Mem phis and all points watt. (This train operate ia Winston-Salem and Barber). Parlor car Golds boro to Ashovillo. No. 112 6:58 a. m. rom Graansba ro, Durham and Raleigh. Pullman sleeping car from Winston-Salem to Morehead City and Beaufort No. 13& 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh Durham, Greensboro and Winston Salem, connecting at Greensboro for reeling chair car Goldstar to Wina-ton-Salem. No. 22"-9:2B p. m, from Ajhsvill $instoD-lom, Greensboro, ate. , No. 108 1:80 p. m. from Winston 5a! bin, Greensboro, Durham and Rs ledgh. 1. O. JONES, traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C 13 eater si Heater si HEATERS! We have just unloaded a car of heaters, and we 'are now in a position to supply you any kind and any price heater you desire. These heaters were bought early and in large quan tities, therefore we are prepared to make ydu some attractive prices. Come early and select yours, for they wont last long as there is a great demand for heat ers, and they are hard to get. L 13. in m Furniture of Quality MOler Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Orove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known ionic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Build up the Whole System. 60 cents. A NERVOUS WRECK From Three Years' Suffering. Says j Cardui Made Her WelL Texas City, Tex. In an interesting statement, Mrs. G. H. Schil!, of this to wa says: "For three years I suffered untold agony with my head. I was unable to do any of my work. I just wanted to sleep all the time, for that was the only ease I could get, when I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck Just from the awful suffering with my head. I was so nervous that the least noise would make me jump out of my bed. had no energy, and was unable to do anything. My son, a young boy, had to do all my household duties. I was not able to do anything until I took Cardui. I took three bottles In all and It surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ego, and I know the cure is permanent, for I have never had any headache since taking Cardui. ... Nothing relieved me until I took Cardui It did wonders for me." Try Cardui for your troubles made from medicinal ingredients recommended in medical books as being of benefit in female troubles, and 40 years of use has proven that the books are right. Begin taking Cardui today. NC-134 NOTICE. Having quaified as administrator of the estate of L. P. Elliott, deceas ed, lato of Lenoir County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kinston, N. C, on or before the 7th day of November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thein recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment J.'L. PHILLIPS, Administrator of L. P. Elliott, de ceased. This the 7th day of November, BEGINS AT Chamberlain and Braxton's Tuesday, November 27, 1917. Cnntc Qtft'rc Drecwc nn ShirtuininfQ 'Reliirpfl tn fi0urps thnt mnu nnt ndnin J 0 L.M VUitly km i WWW WW . W frjW-W WWV W st wv1 w- w " m O ft 1 ( be possible for many years to come, while thestyles are so good as to WU.IIU.llL fJUIK.llU.OlHQ IMI I OCUOUII ClCfl II :hwi1. uviwuui; MbVUbu ivuuy. No Goods Sent on Approval or Chaged at This Sale - mm i Insurance in AB Its Biaachea Real Estate Bought aid Sold W. Da LaROQUE INSURANCE AND Offices-212-214 Hunter Bldg. REAL ESTATE TELEPHONE37 Insurance of All Kin ds Winston Insurance & Real t) C t C. OETTINGER, Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E. Gordon St, Hot Drink Season is Opened at theOlympia CandyKitchen y We have at all times from'now on,"Ho(.CiocoZae, Hot Hot Tomato Flip, Hot Bouillons. Give us a trial Olympia Candy, Kitchen Phone 358 - - Kinston, N. G Jfr mm ie soul within us cidims for its own zaeotd-tim metodie5 and the music of the moderns. THE Yoik Player Pino bring to the family circle Whets no member is trained in ,.muic. everything in mutic that can be deiiwd. Its extraordinary flexibility ensbies one to provide music with the delicacy and feeling ol a skilled pianist. Pries $675.(X , Exchange your old piano for a beautiful, new York piano. This is s wonderful piano and not too high in price. We will make a liberal allowance for soar old, iastm menU We control the exclusive sale in this territory of the Shilrzot Baurea pianos, ScVu bert pianos, York pianos and Livingstoa pianos. They are sil high charactered , n.ents. Let us give you a demonstration, Craphonolas; style 1 3 $20; syle 25, $30; j 35. $40; style 50. $55; style 73. $80. $ j J. B. LEONARD PIANO COMPANY. Queen Street Near Caswell Hot ... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTl I was asked by the United State Treasury Department to I $104,000 worth of Liberty Loan bonds. It sold nearly $125C 3 worth. It is proud at the fact and extend its grateful acknowkv ment to its friends and congratulates them upon their wise lars.U ment CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $175,000 . N. J. ROUSE, President 1 D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier DR. HENRY TULL, Ylc-Pm J. J. BIZZELL, Asat Caahlar W. a HARVEY, Taller v- riPr. Henry Tall t. aaVCaaaay DIRECTORS J- P. Taytor H. H. McCoy S. IL later N. J. Seas C Felix Earrey Da rid OettlrieTj H. E Msae!?j

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