SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917 PAf.K TWO TTTR KTNSTON FKRF. rF THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. CALT BRAXTON. Editor mm Miuw OqbKihM) Every Day Except Sunday by tha Klnatoa Prat - . ' PrM Co., Ine Klnaton, N. G Entered t tha poatoffica at Rinnton, North Carolina, ai ' cond-ctaaa mattei under act of Congrresa, March I, 1879 SubarriptJoe Ratea Payable In Adtaacei One Week .10 Three Month . .,..1.25 One Uontfe ...... , AS Six Monthf 12.60 On Year .....15.00 NF!W YORK OFFTCE -80 E. 42nd St.. Mr. Ralph R. If allfg-aa. in aola charjre of Eaitorn Department Filet vT Tbe Fre Free eao be WESTERN OFFTCE In char of Mr. C. J. Anderson, tfartraette Build inf. Chicago, where fllee of The Free rV ran be aan Aft' 7 p. m enhiicriWt are requested to rail Wet rn Union and report failure to. rt the paper. A copy win be ri promptly, If eomplalnt la made before 9 P. M.. without ooat to tubacriber Suharrlhwa are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, Hie Free Prcut of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. XDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1917. Even Siberia mma to be too warn for the ex-Czar. If the report f the Meana Wirt written by the staff correspondent of the News and Observer reflects the true attitude of the defendant and his family, it S to be re fretted that a spirit of . belligerency and hostility can V so manifested In ft Nortit Carolina court. From read ing oar Raleigh contemporary's report we are led to be lieve that the Means family are prepared to take things in thetr own hinds,1 if the need be. We don't want any Allen tactics in North CaxoHna. . Above all things the preparation of Christmas bas kets for the r.oldier boys should exemplify the idea of useful and practical gifts. The boys In the trenches dont want powder rags, smoking jackets , nor easy walkers. , Tiny dont want useless trinkets. , Their ator vr .rcom !s limited and when they move their bsKfrnjre l?rjre1y goes on their backs. OmforU kits are the re pltmiahlnir of, those which were given to the boy when ilwjr left auggest one sensUbie way of remembering tnem L Christmas. There are many other practical ways that wfil appeal to the donors, friends and loved ones of the boys at the front end in the training camps., a ' THE BREATH OF PATRIOTISM. If there wers any pacifists, weak-kneed patriots, spies or traitors to the audiences which listened to Dr. John Jeter Hurt of Wilmington, who addressed the people of Kliwton In the First aptist Church auditorium Sunday, occupying the pulpit of Rev. Marshall Craig footh msrn Ing and evening and epeaking to mass meeting of men, women and children In the afternoon, they must have felt uncomfortable. Dr. Hurtle forceful messages were inlying calls to the patriotic. Nothing of the molly coddle, effeminate, smooth-over advocacy type, but straight from the shoulder portrayals of America's re sponsible position in the gallery of world powers and the Influence that ehe must wield when the war is over and the rehabilitation of the countries of the world, whose resources ore being drained and devastated, io undertaken.. Dr. Hurt' emphasis of Americanism and the cssen tlality of unhoMing ftnd maintaining its principles by the continued rule and control of true Americans was moat timely. Such discourses cannot fail to have a far reaching and beneficial influence. COUNTRY MFE CLUBS. The inauguration of the work of the country life dubs is another step forward In the progress being mode in j rural Lenoir County. At the opening of the present school year the plans for the organization of country life clubs, their purpose and prospective benefits were outlined very comprehensively in a booklet issued by the county school aurfioriti". The preparation of the booklet and its distribution was under the direct supervision of Miss Mary G. Ehotwcll, the new assistant superintendent The first club was organized at Sharon Friday night, Mr. John E. Cameron, the well known and progressive citi zen c-f that community being named as the president The country life club has to do with the betterment of tho local community in which it is organized. Its chief force for good is the development "of the com munity and co-operative spirit Wide awake citizens everywhere are now appreciating tho importance of co operation and the mutual dependence one upon the oth f of tho citizens of every community where progress and development are keeping step with the times. Tho spirit of crmmunity pride and development is not a new ore in tho South. A generation or more ago the chief nodal centers were to be fsund in the rural communities, when the call of the cities had not reached j out and made the call back-to-the-farm necessary. But j erven then community clubs, were not org:ini7.ed for as ! comprehensive or specific work as is planned in the country life clubs of the present day. These clubs have 'to do with every phase of . the life of the community, education, health, letter farming, home economies, social advantages and recreation. Wi!l it will be if all the communities represented by groups of rural schools follow the example of Sharon. ..VfJ.. -47 L '.?!- -rV!?rt:'!Kvv. hmtYJ-! you -m&c your . cattle-feed with cation? YOU know that such a combfn&Uon v;r-M be carrjeJ throash.the digestive tract vitliout &rr.z tlie mi(! producing and fat-producing lb ;d a ch:.:"2 to fcs assimilated. .The lint on old style h.'.b tds the ecme way. It forms a pad or cushion -Ilk? o.'er.n around the concentrates that prevents the diesUvi jUiCea firoia -extracting the full amount of protein. RDf MASK Ot&JGB' I hi yr n A i 3UL1 r Una GRIEVED L'UT NOT DISCOURAGED. Tho people of Amorlca were grieved and shocked Sat urday when the papers flashed throughout tho length nnd breadth of iHo nntion the news of the sinking of iihe first American warship and tho conserri'cnt killing cf s'xty or seventy of tho. brave representatives of the Stsrr and Stripes who manned her. There was Interest and concern in North Carolina be cause two of her brave sons were on hoard, The com moner of the Jacob Jones was none other than Lieuten ant -Tommsn ler David .Worth Bajrley, brother-in-law of Secretary Daniels of the Navy and the brother of En sign Worth Bagley who gave his life in the service of his country in the War with Spain in 1808. There was a of reliei in iNortn uaronna in Gie later reports indicating tho res-cue of Lieutenant Commander Bagley. ; Concern is still felt for Gunner Harry II. Hood of Ashe ville, whoso fate is yet unknown. ' . i The sympathy of the country goes out to the bereaved , relatives of those who were lost in this the first victim of our navy to the German submarine. Tho sinking of ; the Jacob Jones is but an incident of war's awful pnno-j rama. While there Is grief that tho brave sons of this COTTCWCCED ::I.tNTLC3 v contain no lint to clog or 'flux the digcsltvc trcct. They ere digested and they allow h: c'.h.-r fcrage to be di gested the carae as hay err r.y c' her rr-hasc. When you nix your feed with jC?udreye Hulls you know that you are using roughage that v.i!l hc!-5 not hinder the meal, corn, oats, or v;hatcvcr cene ::; '. Cther, "Adxsxicgcs 2000 pounds of real rougfcaze to I.'o tra h c the ton not 15C0. Pfvyto. .: Cost much icn per ton. s . . , . v -Go much iaiCicr. , , 1'i .y li.-2.-c U Mr. C. K. HcnacTton, AlLtn, . C,; ',: that In', ucvh! relher 8nrrr Brp.yi H-- h lie U5--;i Duckcut I2uh vUsicflr s chf(i-it end VcUen ...,,.;i;,i.. .;, Te sccr be r-ti:';j wrf t (level? ;!. t liiorsu;. .'y .ivi; fn.trn btior-t (ee:'-,:7- : vci'ir.j ;!-; a ''.ov.t, i tA,i ci.l r.ijrtii.-i; trj ('v.- i ! Ih'.i faw-.t ? 'Vii?, wet dafi tt hni t:.'..-.;' ' feed t' hul's d.7. use ariy ktrfftt n.uch ' ticrix of Sflixed Feces ."'"j : you prexer. ! because sae'red. .it'i other forage. , in t.'.e bara. :i air others, is i hat aa t -r! t?i in'i.r: l.J U at -r.iv Ur. : ', ti.u pru:ir t Glv3 tltc rl'i'it .V ; tet'.'.iif, it va.tU. ucing j-rccriy. Th ila for evc.-y mrr.'.ir i':'.x !o U-'-Si i'qr r.;. ; Prp$t J Buckeye. Cr,!cf. rs;d !a the S 'i SALTS IF KIDNEYS R BLADDER BOTHER COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the authority of a de cree of the Superior Court of Le noir 'County made and entered on tho 8th day of December, 1917, in a cer tain cause (herein pending wherein L. J. Carter and wife, Winnie Car- ' - T : .. 1 1 1 VAnMJ vv . . . - . r vcr, j..(i rati njtiiver niiu net iiuu.aiiu, Harmles, to Kidneys and Neu- Peter DeaVer. L. F. Carter and wife, tralue iT-tating Acids . Sa!lie Carteri Gilbert Carter and .Splendid for System. wife, Zellar Carter, Minnie Lee" and Kidney ami BbHder weakness re- Jer husband, -H. A Lee, Grover H. ,1.. m ' :j - x-j ... . Carter and wife. Alma Carter, and country have fallen victim thus to the pirates , of the th0rftv. hWns filtor C" Carter and wife s Emma Car- enemy, w. .re not discouraged but rather., spurred on from bloc, I and p.,, . Cartw bX inmT by their ext to greater efforts, to renewed consecration of our ener- j JfinkL? "3inrbynrend ,RVAf h pies and resources, for the elimination of those prin-'me- sensation,, or fettin-r up an irrl- S a rl'l a,'i t-M'f vff.Z eiplo, which Inspire the enemy from the reckoning as 1 two or P 'cJXJtl world factors. . ' . ' ithrpV Wmes during the nighfc ' The' JTtT - .- . ' . sufferer -is -in constant dread.. t- ZuLtJ t.Lpx. i x.l " . to tha biehest bidder for cash, at the - i wauer passes sometimes ,wiwi a scaia- f-L . r:n.trm t Some friends of Representative London, Socialist mem- imr . sewstion and A very profuse; CarolinT on Mondav Januarv T her from New York in the United States ConW may thre te dlfficulty in JwMta .: W rt UISok i' cMdone hi3 solitary vote in opposition to a declaration,;, Bladder weakness, most folkcaJl iSTnmknm KlhS -. - .!, a. xt.. .oociw. rney rant conr.roi uri- . , rnfw Kmtx, rnB i! possession cf the courage of his convictions. However, noyins and sometimes very painful,.' Maxwell and 1C wouiu nave ocen lar uewr nau mr. iunuorj aysunifu is no neutral ground. Sodbern Railway System 6'4R a m for Rii(rh lhn OreeaslwTO Wlnstott-fisl ea 3tatsvii; snd Asbavlll. eon. Bttn st Ornsbre for points ivorth and sooth and at Ahvtll for Clrrinnati Chicsro, St Lools. Mem phi and all points witt (This fraio operates s ' fVmslon-Sslem and Rarhar) Parlor car Ooldshor to AiharUla No U :M a. m. roea Ornb ro Durhsm and Ralaiirh Pullman lp!njr car from Winston-Salam te Morehesd City sod Beaufort ..No 139 2!ix) p. a t Ralsiffb Kirhsm. Graenshoro nd Wiaston Salem, connecting at C5.-conbo?o f racling chair ear Goldsuora to Win on-Slm No. 108 l;fH0 p. m, from Winston i)!m, Ornsb(ro, Durham and R ieigh. J. O. JONES. rrTMnf Pnn?er Apent Ralwlith. N C TOBACCO FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! Yon are vrged to sell the remaind er of your tobacco as early as pos sible as the Kinston market will a nn naint (i iifiTfiB-i runrfarTT na an nvnirn'o nr t.hb . . ' " " Jli'l'l""- T 111 IVJ tl 13 V I-1 r'lllVlV ; iL- 1 ) ttr A T' Ul . t. (lUIlCSt -l . ami nthnrs. nnd hnnnH. Sim- i . j ' He ailments-to overcome. Get about i?iV"sA ja himSeif from the roll eall.1 There is no place for the pa- W onnee, of Jad Sal hft in Cry fVct IwVmpwCeit clfb't in America now.; Those who are not with the Gov. : ?n "r UoS! V thr?1B,ruI1n 5?? ernment are against it and must be so classified. Uera ; continue this for two or three davs. ZITL S rtaketh ri w w again. ' r .. Jad Salts is inereni?ive,jharales.s, at!'1 .is made from .the acid of grapes i antJ lemon mire, combined with li- thia, prwl. w used by thousands of folks who it sirWcct to urinary dis- fl'lpr r'3ti.l Kw .lwl li-TifnUrtn -1 I it. m ..... - ' ciusu ivr uio season on -.xaursaay, . m JSnlts is splendid far December 20th. E. Y. SPEED, M i Secretary Kinston Tobacco Bqard of Trade, adv. GET YOUR CIGARS AND CI GARETTES AT THE CASWELL CIGAR STORE. adv. kidnovs apd eayces no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant eflfr-r- q nwnt lithia-wnte.- drink, wh'wrh quickly relieves bladder trouh'tf. . - adv. J. Jj. ITAMiVIE LAW OFFICB With T. -'c'-Wnot.. . ' Tuckahoe Swtmp: thence down said run to the beginning, containing 113 acres more or less. This sale is a resale of the property under order of Court because of an advance 'bid of 10 per cent. This Rth day of December, 1017. N. J. ROUSE, Commissioner of the Court. CHICHESTER PILLS yonr V r'S--Sf-V '", "'! Vol PwwllicVVi -.Ni-' ('"M-. te::, 1, 1,.- liiiiwn T IH K-'vJ Ti'.o t. mMpt. l;,i, 0f Va A5 n loiursnce in AB lu Bianchea ' Real Estate Bought aod Sold '--TiW.sD. ; L a R O QUE INSURANCE AND REAt ESTATE Offices-212-214 Huaier BHg. ' TELEPHONE? PHONE 684 216 HUNTER BLDG. Insurance or All Kinds Real EataS9 and Rent Collectors The Insurance Service Agency, Inc. S. R. DUNN, Pres. J. II. WHITE, Sec'y Hot Drink Season is Opened at ihe Olympia Candy Kitchen We have at aWtimes from now on, Hot Chocolate, Hot HotYTorpato Flip, Hot BouillonssGive us a trial Olympia Candy Kitchen Phone 358 Kinston, N. C Protect Your Money by Depositing it with THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON I ' ipital Sn pli- 'vh' TWO IIITNhUKD TllrSANL) 1)01. LARs You Are Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of Viichriis Baakt3 aMember "STROVE KS.T BANK FN THK COUNTY"! A Dollar's Worth of Value for Every Dollar You Pay That's what you get when you buy one of these new suits or overcoats They will give you 'more style, better fit, fabric and tailoring. Griffon clothes are worn by men who are good judges of cloth and who de mand correct style and careful tailoring AT LEU BR O THERS 120-122 M. Queen St. Kinston, N. C. n III -- . . . LAZ2T2r -..II III UU.UYZ w. December Sa! Is iiig The receipt of several cases of clothing which should have bean delivered in October, but which was delayed because of traffic congestion, adds greatly to the splendid values in up-to-date and seasonable merchandise being offered in this big sale Tha Big Bargains in this Sa!e are Making Hundreds of New Customers For o n n iylitllQD1 "Tho Spot Where You Will -Eventually Trade" It? Ml LJ E!n:;tcr Dulldfng CUnsfon, Hr C.

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