MONPAYJLECEMBER 10,,1917 THE KINSTON TREE PRESS -" WANT ADS. Typewriters Remington. Under wood. L. C Smith; immediate de livery, cash or easy terms Stevens. .': , c. w. Dly 12-7-10 gix room house for rent Water and lights complete. Orion St. Address mg'i care Free Press , Dly 12-10 tf. Pecans for sale Small sizes, soft shells, 25c per pound. Phone 418. 12-10 It For Sale Ford touring car, prac tically new. Troy Tyndall, Ford Garage. ' ' 12-10 It liiOOATE ; nuns Why She Recommends Lydia E. PbLharn's Vegetable Compound. ror twoyears, caused by a displacement. ami durinrr six Chicago, I1L-'I r,'aa in poor health months of thin time was undtr a dy tor's care vJthcut getting ar.yS hulp. I deculcd to try LydiaE.Finkham'a Vegetable Com pound ord it mada me feel like a now woman. I am en tirely relieved of the displacement and IVr iodic nnina and am now the mother of a beautiful healthy baby. I am a graduate nursa and will be clad to recommend Lycia E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Compound to other women." Mrs. R. W. PmAw r:nffn Pob. -.u: ' for that diamond or wedding ring. , Tner8 Bre manv w' n xr,' lost Scotch collie pup, male, yel low.. Name Don. Finder return to J. W. Black, and get reward. Dly 12-8, 10 jfice time for your seddlng. See us - ' - r rr- r ! ;f Social and Personal J PAGiTiirii:: Mewborn Jewelry Co. Dly A Sw 12-1 to 12 Wanted -January First An expeti enced Sales-Lady for our dry goods department in a General Supp'y Store. References required. Address Copeland Brothers, Kinston, , N. C, fifty Thousand Dollars to Loan, five Tears' time, amounts f 3.000 or more First mortgage5 "either farm or city real estate. R. C. Strong Dly 5-22 tf. Wanted You to see our line of Christmas Jjf ts before buying. You are sure .to find just the gift you want. Mewborn Jewelry Co. Dly & Sw 12-1 to 12. '., Christinas is comingj. Select jour Christmas gifts ,now. We. will re serve them for you. Buy early and avoid the rush. Mewborn Jewelry Co. Dly & Sw 12-1 to 12 Wanted td rent a nice five or six room house, well located on lot large enough to afford garden plot, with, all modern " Improvements. Would like to consider proposition to lease if owner would build. Referenc es exchanged. Atraress ;;iiouse wanted" care Free Press. Dly 12-6 tf Wanted JannaryFirst A Lady Ste nographer with experience for of fice work in a General Supply Store. References required. ., Address, Cope land Brothers, Kinston, N. C. Dly 11-27 tf. as Mrs. Sloan did and who ere being benefited by this treat medicine ever," day. It has helped thousands of women who havo been troubled with i'i,;r !n. menU, inflammation, ulceration, irreg ularities, periodic pains, backache, thut bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration. , K yu Pd- special advico write Lydia E. Fmkham Mcdicir.. Co. cKili "jential), Lynn, lilass. ' . born Jewelry Co. Dly & Sw 12-1 to 12. Peas for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Farmers wanting peas will do well to corr spond with me at once. K. fi. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. , Dly & Sw 12-3 tf. Miss Mary Tapp was the guest of friends at Ayden Sunday. ' . i Miss Mary Pridgen was home from Raleigh, where she is attending a col lege, to spend the weekend. Meeting of Round Table. The Round Table w! meet with Mrs. E. B. Marston Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock, . ' , Rev. George Jamie, until recently chaplain of .the Gordon Highlanders in India, has started on another lap of hid journey hoir(ew&rd after a visit here with his brother, Mr. David A. Jamio. When he reaches Scotland his trip to and from India will have carried him around the world. In Honor of Mrs. Taylor. Last Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock, at the rwidence of Mrs. J. W. House, Roanoke Rapids, Miss es Josephine Brye and Helon WVdv er entertained in honor of Mrs. Goo: ge Taylor, Mm. Taylor was Miss Sarah Waller of Kinston until recently! Her husband is a noncom missioned officer in the army, Mrs. taught school at Roanoke Rapidds be fore tier marriage. At the function verses of good wishes were composed by the guests. Kef re3hments; were served. The prize Went to the bride for the best verse. It was clever: "I wish for: happiness I'll get my own If Kaiser Kll ::::...'V ,"' Leaves my man alone." A large basket, filled with gifts for the honoree, was borne in by a little maid. The guests were. Mesdamcs Georgo ! Taylor, J. W. House, Hale, Leslie, Villi Taylor, A. . M. . Proeto"-, Leslie Towe, Misses Jfearne, Watk'ns, Jen kins, Bain, Medlin, Gary, Mizelle, Lykes, Crews, Edgerton and Powell, AFTER THE : GOLD WALK HOME The plowing comfort dispensed by the Perfection Oil 1 I eater is mighty welcome. It lights instantly, warms any ordinary room in no time, and is easily carried wherever it is needed. Invaluable for the between seasons of fall and spring and for providing extra comfort in cry cold weather. Npw used in over 0,000,000 homes. For bcstrcsults use Aladdin Security Oil. OIL COMPANY BALTlMOIlli TOMMY JUST HAD TO CAPTURE FRITZ. Lost Saturday night on Queen St newly half soled girl's shoe. Find er -please return to Free Press. Dly 12-10, 11. Horse for sale cheap Change of bus mess reason for selling. Sam Pearson, New York Clothing Co. Dly 12-10 tf. for Kent Seven room House on East Vernon Avenue just off Queen. All conveniences. Occupancy after 15th. H. C. Edwards. ; Dly 12-JO tf. Call at R. S. Simpson's market for your fish and Oysters. Fresh fish very day, 16 cents lb.; oysters, 43 cents quart. Fish and oysters only. Try (us. Phone 510, 712 Caswell St. Dly 12-5 to 12 Christmas gifts bought from as mean quality gifts and as such are greatly appreciated. We have suitable gifts for everyone. Mew- Mrs. F. A. Moore going away Ev erything for sale. Household and kitchen furniture at your "jwn price at the house, 402 N. Heritagj St. Dly 1210 10 14 CALL 498 For. General Plumbing and Stove Repairs R. E. L. Rhodes VALUE GIVING SALE OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SHIRT WAISTS AND HATS Is Now In Progress CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON - PHONE 234 Continued from Page One) prisoner.' "Tho man's persistence worried me. It was then I threw the pork annd beans can at him. But he only burst into tears. ' r."I told him I couldnt help his troubles. If he chose to 'be born on the wrong side of a war like this he must take the consequences. And if he kept on weeping on the wire, it might cause a short circuit. "The man's persistence finally woie me down. So I marched fcitn on" to the nearest dressing station. "That was my first and last pris oner." : MEET ME AT THE CASWELL CIGAR STORE. adv. TIRED, NERVOUS KOUSilFE I DO YOUR SHIPPING AND SHOP PING EARLY. Insurance of AH Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMPANY C. OETTINGER, Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E, Gordon St More of "Our Boys" will be away from home and family this year at Christmas time than ever before in our history. On aedcunt of the enormous volume. of War Materials and supplies, in ad dition to the usual large movement of Holiday shipments, it will require from now on' every available bag gage, mail and express car that can beput into service. To meet the situation and to in sure vhnstmas packages reaching their destination on 'time and thus avoid disappointment the Public is earnestly " requested to ship their Christmas packages (whether by mail or express) at least ten (10) days or two weeks before Christ mas. " ' This action will not only be ap preciated by the Government but by the Railroads, . whose already heavy burdens they are trying to carry with to carry with promtpness and dis patch. , 1 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD J. F. Dalton, G. P. A. Now She is Strong and Well. , Berkley, Cal. "I was nervou's, ir rita.ble, no appetite, could not sleep, and was always tired, so my house work was a great ; effort. After many other medicines had failed Vi nol built me up, and made me strong. I 'have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, ailing woman should try it." Mrs. N. Ed mundis, 2107 Dwight Way. Berkley, Cal. We ask every nervous, weak, run down, ailing woman in this town on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to help you. J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, and at the best drug store in every town and city in the country; adv, fMiiroih'Son 7mvfm TXAINS LEAVE KlXSViK East Bound '1:21 p. m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern t- Norfolk. Connects for .all point North and West. 1:48 p. ra. Daily for Beaufort ai : Oriental, v,-- ;:Sf) a. rn. Daily for la'jrt, f Bern and -Norfolk. Tarlor cs- service between New Rm aoi Norfolk. Wnti Boanl :30 a. m.--Dally for Gold3bor. !0;23 a. m. -Dally for Goldsbo 7:89 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. J. T. DALTON, Genl Past. Agt . Norfolk, Va. I. D. KTLK, Truffle Uanager. FOR QUICK SEIU7CE CALL AT THE CASWELL CIGAR STORE. : adv. KINSTON CAROLINA RAILROAD AND LUMBER COMPANY. The announcement of the -railroad management and the schedule for the w double daily service follows: P. M. A. M. TIME TABLE H-l Passenger Mixed Going South Effective No. 40 No. 51 Passenger Mixed AUG. 15, 1917. A.M. P.M. No. 41, No. 60 '. STATIONS 8:20 , 2:2tf 4:30 " " 9:30 Lv. Kinston Ar. 8:1" . 2:05 4:40 9:40 . Boney Going Nerth 4:45 '9:50 , Albritton 8:05 1:5S 5:00 10:20 Deep Run 7:50. 1:35 5:05 10:40 Lynchburg J 7:35 1:20 6:20 10:45 Pink Hill 7:30 1:15 6:00 11:30 : Ar. Beulavillo Lv. 6:50 12:30 Wm, HAYES, General Manager. F. H. HILL, Superintendent. B Tlie plowing comfort dispensed by the -7 'I j I ' : J I JNpwuseit In over 0,000,000 homes. U - j ;: 1 ;j rorbcstrcsultsuscAIaddinSecurityOil. fc -v'a r-"1 a:f ' STANDARD ..OIL COMPANY "(New j.rMr) fc Sv'r".V- ' :: j ; Wn'hiiiptnn, 1). C BALTlMOIlli Charloltp, N. C, ' I A .S''JLz' ;j 3 Koif.ilK. . tfU. Cbm k-ih'ii, W. Va. Sv hT - 1 Kulunoiia, Va. - Charleston. S. C. .! O- V. , ) tiiJ ' h ri&sM . ... -0 .tv- v-----v---! if Oil liii fvmvl I S'Rif :.P!i 4f'M WnI -ViAHLj rt . A: A Quick Action Sale of W. oman s Weal Smart Coats and Dresses at Amazingly "Low Prices. All the new and fashionable models in the handsomest Fabric ''and Favorite Colors. SaHie Miller Co. Hunttr ButlJing-'Ca&Tvell Streel Shirts of All Kind; and prices with Our Guarantee stamped on them, will satisfy any well dressed man THE Hi TAILORING "The Tailora Who Guarantee" CALL AND SEE US For Your Slateand Tin Roofing Stove Pipe, Gulteri and Sponta, Galvanised Roofllng, Mi ............ Roof Faint and Roof Repairs, Sheet Iron, Black and Gal vanicd. We have a very large, stock of Tin Rooflng In . oar shop. Come and take a look. Trade with ns and be E. R. WALLER COMPANY PHONE 189 . Holiday Gift Suggestions ' -rrt THE DEPENDABLE" STORE Jnvites the Ladies' of Kinston : . . TO CALL AND INSPECT ITS STOCK OF BRAND-NEW CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES An wray of gift opportunities suitable and useful for the Christmas season. Ivory Manicure Sets, Ivory Combs and Brushes, Beaded, Leather and Plush Hand Bags, Embroid ered Novelties, Etc. T. W. MEWBORN & CO. ' "The Dependable Store.' II lir11.:, .......... ........ ......... . ..... .:. ll lit. 4 u LU New Show L : 10 1 K . X Capable Jbun Makers and a Big Beauty Ch orus mm snav New Faces THURSDAY Clara Kimball Young in "MAGDA," Adap ted From the Famous Play By the Same .lv; Name, in Seven Reels. FRIDAY First Screen Appearance of a Noted Beauty. MAXINE ELLIOTT, in "FIGHTING IODDS," in Six Reels. Evening 7:o0 bmTL : I rjatindp .-.DaSBy . : S:SO