THE rot JTOV'yJME TREE MONDAY. DECEMBER 3L iQn THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. GALT BRAXTON, Editor i luipt PuMiafeed Every y Except Sunday by the Kinitoo Free Preee Co, lac, Klneton, N. C Entwd t the poetofflce at Kinstan, North Carolina, i eecond-clMi matter nnder act of Qmgnu, March 1, 1879, SahecrlpUea Rata PaT.Ma la Adraneei Om Week I .10 Three ItMHb 91- One Month 9 49 Six Mentlm 12.50 One Tew 15.00 NEW TORE OFFICE 80 E. 4fci St, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, ai eole charre rf Eaatern Department File ef The Free Preee can be eeem. WESTERN OFFICE In charre of Mr. C J. Anderton Marquette Building, Chicago, where file of The Fret Preaa can be aeeo. , Sobeerlbere are reqoeeted to notify, by Telephone 75, rte Free Preee of any irregularity of delivery inat tentioa wbateoeter on the part of the camera, CONSERVATION OP FITEL. - Tit wcmity for fuel conservation is being fmpha iicl !1 th wore because of. the nevere temperature that are Lcihk experienced throughout the country. Fmv, if any, Dwcrribm of the past have experienced uih bittrr cold generally and very naturally the con sumption of fuel ha been jrreatly in excess of the noriu cl uiajre for the "period. Every indication i for a Tery levere winter and perhapa the widest temperatures fire yet to be felt. n, . . Comterviiion of fuel can be accomplished by the re duction in the1 number of fires in those homes accustom ed to have them in every room. Consolidations can lie made which will wave one fire and conserve fuel. .Par lors and sitimif loom can be abandoned where tha du ng rtoms ulTord ampli? pace for use such, and other such combinations can be made. Of course in K;psttm tbre are a number of S-eopIe . . .. i j t WnOf" IUe! supplies jMiewij pruviucu, nrr aiuji c lur mot any emergency th.t may arise during the vrinter, but the average fuel supply is far from being adequate and the source of supply ive little lromiae of 'beinir able to care for the needs 'if anything like the fcevera temperatures initcated now a. to be endured. The ad monition for conservation is .not necessary for thos who are r.ot plentifully supplied. The danger of wjstn I is with thor? who have plenty, and it is they who should (fiv heeJ tc the warnings of the fuel administration in conserving by intelligent true of fuel and elimination of w.ik to. L'PTADS.V tor Sale 10 acre farm, 4 mile of Kiiwton, apply to Dr. Ira M. Hardy Dly & Svr 12-17 tf. For Rent Two cottage on East St., at herul f King. Dly 12-20 tf. Slniyed or stolen Valuable hound dog from Ford Garage. Reward far return there. Dly 12-28, 29, 31 For aale or rent (-room house E. Grainger Ave. See IL C. Edwards. Dly 12-11 tf MONDAY' EVENING, DECEMBER 31, 1917. Good bye dear Old 1917. The report that the thermometer is 15 degrees below tero in Massachusetts ia another reason why we are glad we don't live in .Massachusetts. Regardless of what the thermometer has to say about the temperature the average person hereqiMvta wtili readily agree that it k the coldest weather they ever felt. - Premier , Lloyd George's intercession for the women alleged to have been guilty of attempting to poison him is heaping coals of fire upon the head , of the enemy. Let's hope it may also prove to be the "soft answer that turneth away wrath." ; . . 1 So accustomed are we nowadays to talking billions that the announcement that Uncle Sam'e credit to his Allies exceeds the $4,000,000,000 mark is not of suf ficient news value to be even given preferred position or display head. When that popular election is held by the people of Alsace-Lorraine to determine Whether their allegiance Ibc to Germany or France, it would be well if some corrupt practice act could be invoked to prevent ballot stuffing by the poll holders the Kaisurites. A nationwide survey of foodstuffs is being made now by the Government. Every individual householder, deal er, firm or corporation having in its possession $250 or more of foodstuffs is required to make report in detail of whaV was on hand December 31 and give a comparison of the supplies held at the same period twelve months ago. Few city housekeepers perhaps -will have to make report, but in all probability the provident farmers, who have laid in store a year's upply for their households and employes will be numerous, and it is well enough for all to take stock of their supplies for there is a pen alty attached for failure to make reports. INVESTIGATION VERY TIMELY. Thi" admission of Quarter-Master General Sharpe t the Serial? militury probers that there have been mont'os of delay in buying wool for uniforms and overcoats for man i training and that camp' commanders had char;etl that such delays bad resulted in tho death of many mn, indicates a situation which it was topped would not :an daliae tr.c preparation of this country for war. The stories from the European countries in the early ttfugos of the war told that many soldiers died from exposure and many wounded soldiers died because of lack of medi cal attention and surgical .apparatus and dressing, t ut that is no reason why the young men of America who have responded to their country' call thou Id bii si b jeeted to unnecessary hardships because of delays Vh ch could be prevented. The Senale investigation gives promise of setting in motion the wheels which will eliminate much of the in competency and dilatory tactics which apparent ily have been pursued in some important phases of the getting ready It is well, too, that the investigation has come so soon and It-fore the results of the delays have Teachod more nerious proportions. Tho death-rate in the army has, according to the medical director, been less than th average mortality rate of the civilian population. I Thai fact, e.icournging as it is, of course will not maka j amends or lve excuse for deaths af soldiers caused n j necessarily by neglect or incompetency in providing them ' with adequate clothing,' shelter or food. ?wo rooms with board and table board for few more can be furnish d byMrs. Efrogden, 201 East Gordon Street. Dly 12-28 to 31 For rent or sale 7 room house on East Vernon Avenue Just off Queen. All conveniences. Occupancy after 15th. H. C. Edwards. My 12-10 tf. ' ' Wanted by lady, position. Expert need a$ watchmaking and engrav ing, clerk in d-y goods sfnv. Can jrive references. Address "Q," care of Free Press. Dly 12-27, 28, 23 J'or. Rent Seven, room, modern house. -309 E. Blount St. Water end electricity. Large garden. Ap ply to Mrs. S. II. Rounlree. My 12-2!), 31 and 1-1 Peas for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Farmers wanting peas will do well to corre spond with me at once. K. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. Dly & Sw 12-3 tf. Vifty Thousand Dollars to Loan, live years' time, amounts $3,000 or more. First mortgage either farm or eity real estate. R. C. Strong. Ply K-9jt tf. iaai A. Stitch in Time Get ready now for those sudden cold snaps that are sure to come. Get a Perfection, Oil Heater, It's always reliable, ' easily carried from room to room, economical to buy and to use; good-looking, durable and trouble-proof. Now used in over 3,000,000 homes. The best fuel is Aladdin Security Oil-gives -eight hourscheerful warmthforevcry gallon. STANDARD OIL COMPANY For Sale We will issue for aale Jan nary 1st Fifty Thousand Dollars of 7 per cent, non-taxable Preferred Stock, interest payable semi-annually. Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., J. F. Taylor, President and Treasurer. Dly & Sw 12-6 tf. That Petrograd pence celebration neminds one tof the Hlow who counted the chickens before they hatched. However, tl.e temporary cessation of revolutions in IV-t-ograd may lie a just cause for giving the natives the idea that peiicc has been declared. 1 yv v - "Freer Movement of Coal" says a headline in a news dispi'ich. If Director-General McAdoo can accomplish iinv re.iult-s in that direction there will be no donbt what- i soever of universal approval being given his appoint ment as well as governfnj'jit operation of railroads. j tt BKiM vt rent a nice lire or six room house, well located en lot large enough to afford garden plot, with all modern Improvements. Would like to consider propositioi to lease if owner would build. Referenc es exchanged. Address "Heuse wanted" care Free Press. Dly 12-G tf Wanted One first-class job com positor, either Union or capable of holding union job. Also one ap prentice, with ability to advance lapidly. Write giving full particu lars, to Barber Printing Co., Win- Uton-Salem, N. C. Dly 12-31, 1-1. jm mil Save several dollars per ton on roughage NO matter how much or little you are paying for old style hulls you always can save several dollars per ton by buying ! MAM L)cbe:yF COTTONSEED V B HULLS k LINTLKSS You pay more for the old style hulls because you are paying for about a pound of lint to every three pounds of hulls. You pay less for Buckeye Hulls because you pay only' for hulls. The lint is sold separately. Other Advantages Durkeye Hulls are 100 per cent Every pound tatt farther. They allow better awimilation of other food. No trash or duit. Sacked rasy to handle. They mix well with other forage. roughage. They do not contain lint which baa no food value. You get 2000 lba. of real rough age to the ton not 1 500. Jt X Parkkam, CnmmBmt Cm., ayn I fftdabout fifty cows and calvts and us Buckey Hulls vttf succt$tfutli). I coniider Bucktyt Jtutl$ a$ good Jttd and (htopn Jted than tht old ttylt AoJj ." Ta ascBre tha scat retails and la derlap tha anwlif tarn, wt tha hmO thoroafhty tutca hurt Mora folding. It ia aaty ta aa this ay vattinf Hwai aawa aifhl and KHrniaf far lha nail lanKof. If at any tuaa Ikb taanat aa daa, vat aa at Uaat thirty aunutct. I! yaa araler to laa' tha Hulls dry. ma eniy Katf aa awca by bulk at ai aid ttylt hulls. ' Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the right formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tcllt how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describe Buckeye Hulla and gives directions for using then properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. VALUE GIVING SALE OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SHIRT WAISTS AND HATS Is Now Ia Progress CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON ' PHONlV2:U - "r Wt.hlnrtnB, D. C BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. C, 1 ' f. Knrlalk. Va. Ml). CSxrlcloii, W. Va. , ' ' ' aCirlimoatl, Va, UlailctCuu, ti.C I ' , mmmmmtUmgi-mt0mmmMmmVSm COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the aulfiority of a de cree of the Superior Court of Le noir County made and entered on the 8th day of December, 1917, in a cer tain cause therein pending wherein L. J. Carter and wife, Winnie Car ter, Isariah Denver and her husband, Peter Denver, L. F. Carter and wife, Sallie Carter, Gilbert Carter and wife, Zellar Carter, Minnie Lee and her husband, H. A. Lee, Grover II. Carter and wife, Alma Carter, and C. C. Carter and wife, Emma Car ter, the said Sallie Carter and Alma Carter being infants by their next friend R. A. Whitaker, are plaint iffs, and R. R. Carter, Carrie Carter and S. S. Carter and wife. Dessie Carter, are defendants, the under signed Commissioner of the Court will expose to sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Kinston, North Carolina, on Monday, January 7, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, the follow ing described tract or parcel of land, situate in Pink Hill Township, Le noir County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of W. A. Jones, Dr. J. F. Maxwell and others, and bound ed as follows: Betrinning at the north of the canal in Chsrry Tree Swamp where it emp ties into the run of Tuckahoe Swamp and runs up said canal 68 poles to a stake; thence N. 11 W. 346 poles to a stake in or near the head of AVild Cat Branch; thence down the various courses of the run of ; Tuckahoe Swamp; thence down said run to the beginning, containing 113 acres more or less. Thisale is a resale of the property under "order of Court because of an advance bid of 10 per cent. ' This 8th day of December, 1917. N. J. ROUSE, Commissioner of tho Court. Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE an. REALTY COMPANY C. OETT1NGER, Mgr. Telephone No. 182 lid E. GordonSt Insurance in AH Its Branches. Real Estate Bought and Sold. W. D. LaJlOQUE Insurance and Real Estate. Offices 212-214 Hunter Bldf. TELEPHONE 37. PHONE 684 216 HUNTER BLDG. Insurance ol AH Kinds Real Estate and Rent Collectors The Insurance Service Agency, Inc. S. R. DUNN, Pros, J. H. WHITE, Sec'y ftHiGHESTER S PILLS Jt C iVil 'M.chi-U'r't iUrniHil h-and f'CLlOCv I'll., hi K, l ul Cold ,!.,. 'K. TV Vi !, cal-.l iih Fh Ril.l.i.i,. M VJ Tlm nix mthrr. Rar of Tmr v yeiti'. -novniM Best, latest, AIwbts KelUl l SOLO BY DRlTifi'STS EVIRYW'KLR KINSTON-CAROLINA RAILROAD & LUMBER COMPANY. Kinston, K C, Dec. 24, 1917 Effective at once and continuing until fur ther advised, embargi) id 1 cn ail freight for points south of 1 1:.: Hill. N, and effective Wednesday, December 26, 1917 enibaigo is placed on all passenger traffic south of Pink Hill, N. C. . . F. II. HILL, Superintendent. . . THE TIME Protect Your Money by Depositing it ' .with. V" THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus Over " TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS You Are Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of WhlctiThe Bank Is aMcmbcr NOW IS To lay the plans for your next year's Christmas spending money Save and Have a Christmas Check Join Our CHRISTMAS (SAVINGS NOV CLUB I o OTirrl I OamL!Jm P O T Comp The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. rust vao w cu , JLiaillilliH any Atlmmlm Biimiintkmm Mmmmim Am Mm "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY' W. D. LAROQUE, Prident T? W. HEATH, Cashier