IAG1) TWO yeu ktnstot? axee fueei THE DAILY FDEE PRESS JL GALT E2AIT0I. rito ami Euif ' ' FosUebed' Erery Hy Except Sunday by the Elnstoa Free .: .: . Pimi Co, toe, Klaston, N. C. Ifctared at the coetoffics at Winston, North Carolina, aa second-class natter under act f Consraaa, March S, 1870. Baheerlptlea RaUe PayaUe la AeVsaeei Cm Week ........I JO Three Mentha 1125 Ou lionta 9 M 6ix Mentha 12.50 Oae Yea. M OO ' 171W TtBX OmCE SO E. Und 8t Mr. Ralph R. VnUzaa, fa aola chart Eastern Department. , Fuu fTaa Free Praaa can to WESTERN OmCEIa charge at Mr. C J. Aadersoa. Katitaf BoiUkff, Cafcefo, wear files of The Fw Fnae eaa to seen. ,. ... ara reqoested to aotly, by Telephone 75, Oka Free rraaa of ny ewegolazity of dclirary or Inst tsntSoB wfcataoarac the part of tto carriers. Altar 7 p. m. ubserinera ara requested ta aaH Watt ara nea and raort failure to fat the papar. A eapy wiB U peoesetfy, a eotanlatat la mad bafora 9 f. U., whaovt oat to aaaaariaar. r f -a action of the city SCW0L3CIVK way; 7","" TO THE WITHER. 1 The Free Press believes that the school directors in announcing the postponement of the opening of the schools following the holiday layoff on account of the tevere weather is wise and will meet with tlie approval of the majority, if not all, of the school patrons. It would have been practically impos sible in. the prevailing temperature to have made the school rooms at all comfortable for the children, and it U very doubtful if more than a mere handful would have braved the weather to attend school. In addition, the conservation of the fuel supply is in keeping with the spirit of the t.mes. The Free Press is informed thA the city schools are fortunate in having an ample supply of fuel to carry them through the winter. Be that at it may, the protracted cold spells such aa have been en dured ilur'.rg "Hem'biwilinake it hard to ostimate lust tow much fuel will needed, and the saving of some now will unquestionably be practicing a eafety flrst policy. The time lost can no doubt be made up at the conclusion of the. session with slight inconven ience perhaps to the plans tf. the achool authorities, but nevertheless without seriously - hampering tho- work the year. ' . . ' of TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1, 1919. A HArPY NEW YEAR. The Tree Prest wiihe for all of its readers, friends and one fraught with the gravest national problems that those of the balance of the country, a liappy New Year. The year of 1917 Just closed has been an eventful one ad one fraught with the gravest National problems that this country has ever been called upon to face.. Indi vidual prelum and trials have been likewise vexing and complex. The terrific Increases in the cost of all living necessities greatly exceeding, on the average, the increase in Incomes has. brought the. people face to face With new economic problems as respecting the Individual at well as new economic fiiestiona with regard to the national life. These developments have not overwhelm d nor discouraged the people of America for they arc possessed of those sturdy traits of character which JU them for the hard foatiles of life. They have faced the new conditions vi'th determination. :mi itetoohition Jo bring about in the world Jllioae conditions which shall make for the uplift, peace and prosperity of mankind generally. ' ,.' , Under the able leadership of Woodrow Wilson, presi- KEVISED CENSORSHIP. J" The action of the Committee on Public Information in revising regulations promulgated last June as a guide to the voluntary censorship of the press of America will result in jiving the press k.tude in certain directions to give news which is of real value and intense interest ti the people. , The principal revisions are those relating ti the publiihing of the names of officers or the indi vidual vnita of expeditionary forces and the identity of merchant ship (successfully defending themselves against German U-boats and the crews of such ships. The Committee on 'Public Information has found out that the enemy could get, such information irrespective of whether !t appeared in the American newspapers or not, ami it has very wisely cancelled the restriction which the most of the newspapers of the country had respected and observed. The personal interest element attaching to the identity of men, ships and regiments, which take prominent part in the fight, is so intense and keen that its gratification will help, The Free Press believes, in preserving the morale of both soldiers and civilians,. -," It is not out of place' here to call attention to and congratulate the loyal press of the country, as well as the patrone, for the observance of the strict regulations ;mposcd upor. them in their" voluntary censorship and In the patience exhibited bjrtbe readers. OPENING THE WAY FOR V. SOUTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. ' - The ordtr of Director-General McAdoo of the Ameri can railways to give the imovemeht of freight priority I COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. . Rheumatic Aches Drive them out with Sloan's Liniment, the quick-acting,' soothing liniment that penetratea without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than muK pLstera or ointments; it does not stain the skin or dog the pores. Always have a battle in the house for th aches and Ens of rheumatism, gout, lum n, strains, sprains, stiff joints I all muscle soreness. Cuxroua tin bottlw at all dnig iU, 23cSOc.Sl.0O. aa I DON'T BE BALD Hew te Make Hair Grew Strang, Thick and Luntrtus on Thin Spots. If your hair is falling 4put don't "wait another day but get from J. E. Hoed & Co. a package of Parisian aage, the really efficient hair invig erator. Don't say "It's the same eld atory I have heard it before," but try a botlte without risking a pen ny. Parisian sage il guaranteed to grew hair, to stop falling hair, cure landruff and scalp itch or money re funded. It's a scientific prepara tion that supplies all hair needs there is nothing better. Parisian sage is in great demand by discriminating women because it is delicately perfumed,, not stick er greasy, and makes the, hair soft, lustrous, and seem twice as heavy and attractive. If you want to save yeu hair and .beautify it by all means use Parisian sage you will not be disappeinted. . 1 adv. By virtue of the authority of a de cree of the Superior Court of Le noir County made and entered on the th day of Decemlwr, I'Jll. in a cer tain cause therein pending wherein L. J. Carter and wife, Winnie Car ter, Isariah Deaver and her husband. Peter Deaver, L. F. Carter and wife, Sal lie Carter, Gilbert Carter and wife, Zellar Carter, Minnie' Lee and her hiwsband, H. A. Lee, Grover H. Carter and wife, Alma Carter, and C. C. Carter and wife, Emma Car ter, the said Sallie Carter and Alma Carter being infants by their next friend R. A. Whitaker, are plaint iffs, and R. R. Carter, Carrie Carter and S. S. Carter and wife. Bessie Carter, are defendants, the under signed Commissioner of the Court will expose to aale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Kinston, North Carolina, on Monday, January 7, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, the fold ing described tract or parcel of land, situate in Pink Hill Township, Le noir County, North Carolinu, adjoin ing the lands of W. A. Jones, Dr. J. F. Maxwell and others, and bound ed as follows: Bcjrinning at the north of the canal in Cherry Tree Swamp where it emp H intn the run of Tuckahoe ! Swamp and runs up said canal 68 poles to a stake; thence N. 11 W. 346 poles to a stake in or near me m-uu of Wild Cat Branch; thence down the various courses of the run of Tuckahoe Swamp; thence down said run to the beginning, containing 113 acres more or less. This sale is a resale of the property under order of Court because of an advance fcid of 10 per cent. This 8th day of December, 1917. N. J.' ROUSE, Commissioner of the Court. TUESDAY JANUARY 5 Insurance of All lirid KINSTON INSMCE and REAITY COMPANY C. OETT.NGER, Mgr. Telephona No. 182 110 E.Gord nSt PHONE 684 216 HUNTER BLDG. Insurance ol All Kinds Real Estate and Rent Collectors The Insurance Service Agency, Inc. S. R. DUNN, Pres. J. H. WHITE, Scfy dent t the United States, the people of this great coun-l relieve tl congestion somewhat, particularly o to I in the matter of 'fuel and food stuffs which, are given try 'save undertaken a great task in setting about " make the world, In the word of the President, . "free for dtmooracy." . They entered the conflict a"nd assum ed ' obligations and responsibilities almost beyond human imagination, after exhibiting a patience which had been heretofore unknown to the American ' impulsive spirit and after; the most careful thought and deliberation! With all that the year 1917 had much for which the peepla of this country should he and are thankful. , The year 1D18, just beginning, hold in store what, no nun can tell. That greater and more trying problems, that the people of this country will have to suffer more deprivation and that much of the blood of the young Wanhood of the Nation will have to he ahed is the grim rospect now, but there 1s that' hope that before the year shall have closed the dove of peace will have found a resting place and the lofty purposes of Ameri ca and her Allies will have been attained. To that end America's resources and energy are consecrated. preference over other freight An important develop ment of government . operation of the railroads too eems to be the prospect for much of the export freight heretofore going through the port of New York to be diverted to other Atlantic and southern ports. Not only will this relieve the congestion at New York and thus facilitate the handling of export trade but it will be of iminenec importance and value to the ports which benefit from the new order. It should give them an opportunity to demonstrate their accessibility and adapt abilify and open the way for a larger share even after ths war has been concluded and the country goes buck t- normi.1 export and domestic business. Following the latest "hot trail" across the Mexican border which resulted in the killing of six Mexican ban dit hung up more sculps than did the Pershing expedi tion last year. aviag e,uaifle4 as aaatiaislratsr ef e estate ef L. P. UlieH, deceas ed ht ef Lesfr Cava. Nerth Sarebaa, Hilt ia te aetrfy all perseas aaritg claims against the estate ef aM 4aeeata te exaJalt ekeaa te the atiaifne4. al KraaWa, N. C, en er veiere the 7th Hf ef NertMVer, Mill, er this sekice win Ve alssded in ear eg fcaeia remery. All- perseaa in Seated te aaid estate will please saake kraceMate yeyeaeat . j. u raoxips. Aaaaiaistrster ef L P. Ellistt, de , taaaed. This she 7th dr ef Nevemher, Scithai Riihray SytJca Ho. Il-!tt a, sa. let Kaleiagh, Iterh, ' Greeaebere, Wlastoa-Sal- eaa, 8tateerllle aad AaherlUa, aeoti&c at Greensboro fan . petatt aorta aad eonta aad at Aaheville for Cincinnati, Chicago, 6t Lools. Ilea pais aad all aoinU west (Thi train opera tea a Wiartoa-Saleei and Barber).' Park ear Goldebere te Aaheville. ' No. 112-4:11 a. aa. roa Oreeaaoe ra, Dttrhaai aad Salelgh. Pollaua ateep'ag ear troai Wine ton-Sal sza te forehead City aad Beaufort No. 13S 1:J0 p. m. ttvm Wlastoo falam. Greens bore, Dors am aad Ka laia. '- ' ' ' .. i:, ZZt;Zl a. n4 froas Ashsrllle, Tn3if5aSilaa, Creaasbore, eta, '. . ,; . J. O. J0X? KINSTON CAROLINA RAILstOAD AND LUMBER COMPANY. The announesmtnt of the railroad management and the schedule for the w double daily service follows: P.M. A.M. TIME TABLE 1-1 Passenger Hated Going South Effective No. 40 Ho. ft Paaaeng er Mixed . At'O. 15, 1117. ''T A.M. P. tK No. 41 No. SO STATIONS, :20 i:3t 4:0 ' :I0 ' I,. Kinstea . Ar. ... 8:10 . . BJ06 :0 :40 Bnney Going North 4:45 . 9:50 Albrittoa 8:05 1$S 8:00 10:20 Deep Run 7:50 1;8S ;05 10:40 Lynchburg 7:85 120 8:20 10:45 pu Hill 7:30 1:15 U:30 , Ar. Beulaville Iv. 6:50 lf:30 Wm. HAYES, General Manager. P. H. H1LU Kinston, N. C. Superintendent laAiAs ulavs ninaroa East Boonfl 11:11 p. m. "Night Exprew," Pull. man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all point North and West 4:46 p. m. Daily for Beaufort aad Oriental. 7:60 a. m. Daily for Beanfort, New Bern and Norfolk, . Parlor ear service betwsen New Bern and Norfolk. West Bound. 1:80 a. m Daily for Goldsbere. 10:28 a. m. Dally for Goldsbore. 7:39 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. ' J. F. D ALTON, Gent Pass. Agt Norfolk, Va. . D. KTTJ. TraffJe Manages. , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testomennt of B. Pf Jones, deceased, late of the County of Lenoir, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at his home in, Contentnea Neck Township, Lenoir County, N. C, on or beore the 5th day tf Decem ber, 1918, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their ' recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 4th day of December, 1017. J. CAKL JO.NKK,.. Executor of 1. F. Jones. Y. T. Ormond. At Lorn v. When You Buy A Christmas Present Yeu want something that will he long rememsered and ap preciated. We have just that something fer yeu. Come and tell us to save it for you. Mewbern Jewelry Co. Where Quality Excels. 1 Jewelers and Optometrists. Phene 4 17-J. Iu4 S. Queen St KINSTON, N. C. CALL AND SEE US For Your Slate and Tin Roofing Stove Pipe, Gutten and Spouts, Galvanised Roofilng, Roof Paint and Roof Repairs, Sheet Iron, Black aad Gal vanized. We have a very large stock of Tin Roofing la our shop. Come and take a look. Trade with as sad be satisfied. i, i E. R. WALLER COMPANY PHONE 189 Dr. Albert D. Parrott Practice Limited to Gentto-Urinsry, Bectal Diseases and Geaeral Surgery. Office with Dr. J. M. Parrott Hours: 10-12 a. m. 8-8 p. At HosDltal: JJ0-4:J a. av DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY SPECIALIST ia DUeasee of Woraea and Childrea Office: 105 W. Casewell 8t Office Hoars: 71 te 11 KINSTON-CAROLINA RAILROAD & LUMBER COMPANY. Kinston, N. C, Dec. 24, 1917 Effective at once and continuing until fur ther advised, embargo is placed on all freight for points south of Pink HiUV'N.'C.," and effective Wednesday, December 26, 1917 embargo is placed on all passenger traffic south of Pink Hill, N. C. i:' .' F. H. HILL, Superintendent. . . CHICHESTER S PILLS ai MUKTsnrirmeaUK . s)l.eave.tfe IMftanM elBni. ri'a in ai I nfbrr. Hay mf vmmr - " "''" ri.la sftt .':Mwr Lct.Ualst. Atmev-. 1.11 w P.Y PW.fi.'STS Hf ttWHPF Car Load of Farm Implements Now at. Copeland Brothers. This shipment includes "The LitUelDutch Sulky Plows" that has no equal. Disc Harrows, Smoothing Harrows one and two horse plows that"arethe -Best. Hackney and Thornhill wagons. All on ay"Jterm$Iat a'small margin. We want your busines5.EiCome tojsee us. ; COPEONID BROTHERS gAMrTAND'PETE ByKEN I ' !. --."jlCJ .' trrK ' Lrv uuTi - ' ' SAf STUPID, TMC ) SAT, WHO APBOlNTCOl ' Ifi ' rM" 11.x 1- " . s5i.- .f rr-" . sw, Us. ,y;e , siocmoc awrfl mywaV, fnoN. rf ? .1 i ri'.'X N, C. V ' IIO.NG

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