V191S PAGE TWO "fBB KINSTON; FKEH PHES8" WEDNESDAY; JANUARY Y2,i l ! THE DAILY FREE PRES H. GALT BRAXTON, T41U lad luifif Published Erary Say Except Smithy by the Kinston Frea fresa vo, Jnc, Kinston, N. C Entered t the post office at Jtinston, North Carolina, aa aecond-cW'S matter oncer act oz voogresa, aiarca s, wtv. ' Snbaerfptloa Hates Parable la Adaaea: ' One Wek $ .10 Three MonUu ,....$1.25 On Month f At Six Month $2.60 One Year $5-00 NEW YOEK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd St, Mr. Balph R. Ifolliran, In aole charge of Eaitera Department Filei mt The Free Fran can be WES TEEN OFFICE In charge af Mr. C J. Andereon, Marquette Building, Chicago, where filea of The Free Press can be aeen. Subeeribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, flie Free Preae of any faregularity of dslivary or inat tendon whataoever on the part of the carriers. After 7 p. m. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy wiJI be sent promptly, if complaint la made before 9 P. M., without cost to subscriber. . boone for severs) daya with little or no fire is s matter that should be investigated. It i a fit subject for' grand jury investigation, if the details are correctly f.ild. In the first place the negro was arrested on a r-'ijui-sition from Virginia which alleg-ed that he wa a iia:k er and had failed to register when in fact he hud turn ed to his home in rink Hill to secure his recutration Suffering Described Ai Torturi Relieved bj Black-Draught Roisville, Ga. .'.Us. Kate Lee Able, ol j . a . , t , ... t. . . I ui j umi, wiilta. till ttiuuatiu m mit card as evidence of having complied with the rematra-l ... ' . .... ..... ... engineer, aim once wnuc jiiiinK, nc in tion law and was in possession of that card when put in 'jy himself with a piece of heavy ir.a- ail. lie was kept in jail for a lay or to durinj? th chincry, across the abdomen. He was severe weather and claims oniy to have been provided on the second night with an oil stove which didn't huve sufficient fuel with which to carry him through the night, and then he was brought to Kinston. The man was entitled to merciful treatment even if he had been guilty of some serious crime, and his mistreatment is all the more emphasized because of the fact that he was innocent, at least of the charge for which he was in carcerated. , WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1918. Too much of a good thing is bad enough, but an excess of a bad thing is worse still snowl If the average fellow met in Kinston these days has the telltale mark of where the water was applied on his face characteristic of the small boy due allowance will have to be made because tho water supply has gone and .put itself in league with sugar and coal. If we thought that there was anything in the ancient suspicion that what happened on Now Years Day would be oft repeated during the forthcoming year We would be somewhat discouraged when contemplating the char acter of the weather endured this New Years and in connection with the fuel famine and the high cost of living. MUST CLOSE SPY GAPS. The destruction of $2,000,000 or more in property, and the loss of several lives in a fire in Norfolk, suppose! t" have been due to. the work of German agents, bud as it is, is but an incident of war which may lie expocteJ. In America where'the doors have been flung wide for the reception of people from all parts of the world who have been invited to come and enjoy the blessings of a demo cratic government and where the authorities and loyal so sore be could not bear to press on himself at all, on chest or abdomen. He weighed 1C5 lbs., and fell off until he weighed 110 lbs., in two weeks. ile became constipated ahd it looked tike he would die. W'c had three different doctors, yet with all t!(pir medicine, his bowels failed to act. He would turn up a ten-cent bottle of enstor oil, and drink it t ao or three days in succession. Jle did this yet without result. U c became j desperate, he suffered so. He was swol- len terribly. He told me his suffering could only described as torture. I sent and bought Thedford's Black Draught. I made him take a big dose, and when it began to act he fainted, he was in such misery, but he pot relief and begr.n to mend at once. He got w ell, and we both feel he owes his life to Thedford's Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught will help you to keep fit, ready for the day's work. Try it I ,. . NC-131 NOTICE! Th annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Dank of Kinstoa will be held at their bank ing house, Tuesday, January 8, 1918 at 3:30 o'clock p. m. D. F. WOOTKN, Cashier. peopl6 have been unsuspecting the Germans in their lorn? , rf rQIi 'OZiX SOI7TIIEI2N preparation for world conquest have had a wonderful fT'TJT?'". T''.'TTi SHOULD BE LOOKED INTO. The report carried in Monday's Free Tre&s of the ar rest of a Pink Hill negro and his incarceration in a cala- opportunity to build up their spy system and send its r-anehes in every direction throughout this country. Wnen this is taken into consideration the wonder is that more such incidents as the destruction of the Norfolk property haven't occurred. There is one thing that is apparent and that is, this Government must take very drastic steps now to close the doors and grips which were left open in peace times. The time for giving Gorman subjects in this country the benefit of the dmibt has passed. 'Every alien enemy subject in America should be regarded with suspicion and should be l.ept under the strictest surveillance if not actually confined in a prison or interment camp. The Free Press believes that the Administration is showing too much leniency to such people who may be and In all probability are spies, who would stop at nothing to serve their country. The exception made in the registra tion rule promulgated in President Wilson's recent alien proclamation perm't.ting German women and children to escape is, we believe, a gap which should be closed. Of course the women can make the 'boat sort of spies and 12 or 14-year-old children are capable, under the direction of older heads, of, doing much damage. Every alien enemy in this country should be known and under the eye of the authorities constantly. j MOMENT'S THOUGHT SAVES HUMAN LIFE OBSERVANCE OF THE SIMPLEST RULES OF SAFETY CON. SERVES THOUSANDS. CARELESSNESS CAUSES DEATH North Carolinians Should Be Careful During Wartime Stopl Look I Listen I (By T. Alfred Fleming, State Fire Marshal of Ohio,) A moment's thought may save hu man lives; the observance of the sim plest rales ot safety may mean the conservation of thousands ot. dollars in badly mwded commodities. And yet the newspapers are full ot harrowing, heart-reudlng accounts ot men, women and babies, burued to death through the thoughtlessness ot others. "Habe perishes In Are iMother visit Ina neighbor," reads one headline. "Explusitlon kills two; boy and mother fatally burned when lad at tempts . to start fire with gasoline." reads another. "Burned when gas explodes," Is still another headline. Death arit carelessness are allies; and carelessness Is the barrage under which death makes the charge. Wartime Is the time ot conservation. The government orders our food served; we give gladly and willingly to the sacred cause for which our own sons are fighting; we are denying, ani we will continue to deny ourselves, things thought Indispensable to our lives before the clouds of a world s storm covered the glabe. Is It conservation that a babe, who might In the time to come, be the nnm or woman who would turn the sphere of Destiny, dies through carelessness T Is It conservation that through not properly inspecting vacant property, a lighted match and an open valve makes for a dangerous explosion and possibly kills or maims for life a hu man being? Stopl Think!) Reason! 1 1 The railway crossings are guarded by the sign "Stop! Look! Listen!" It Is true that this does not elimi nate all accidents but It does a vast number. In the brain of every mr-n nnd woman should bo emblazoned this slogan, Stop! Reason! No one can tell when property has been vacant for months, what con dition the gas pipes and fixture.) may be In. As a manor of self protection and for public safely throw opon doors and windows before striking a light. Kxumlne all gas connections and be sure every .thing Is as It should l. Cellars are the subterranean galler ies where the noxious gases lov to hide Air ont the cellar before stop ping there long. Gasoline a Menace. Gasoline Is always dangerous. In a hurry or In the darkness the gasoline ran Is too often mistaken for the coal oil receptacle. Have distinctive types ot cans so thern can be no mistake Hi the dark. If nece- sary wrap sand pa per about the wooden grasp of the gasoline can. In that way no mistake can be made. Paint the gasoline can red; have a certain place to keep it In and when not In use see that It Is knit there. In the cold months the.e Is always dangsr In the heating appliance foe the house, whether coal, gas or oloc trlclty Is the agent employed. Never leave children aloha In the house where fires are going. This may seem needless advice, bat read tho papers. Tots will play with fire; will get to tho match supply. Follow tires aad death Save Yesra of Agony. A moment's thought on the paat of parents will save years of agony, re morse and gflef. America Is at war; condition will become more and more active, -this la jbound to be; but with the Increased activity must come also an increased mental capacity. The brain In tl'.Rse Irjih tension times must be mentor of the safety of the commonwealth. We, as a Nation, we, as Individuals, must think as we have never thought before, as well as work as we nvr labored before. As a community, as a state and n a nation, we cannot afford to lone crt.: ounce of commodity; neither otrn v afford to logo a single hutnoi life, heedlessly, needlessly nnd naneeei. sarlly. Conservation does not alon mean the gathering and husbanding nad dis tribution of foodstuffs, nmn'tloni. clothing, boots and shoes, but It iran also the safeguarding of the livm, and health of our people as a natfon. To accomplish all of this our bnalnr must he kept at hlght tension voltage We must Stop! Think!! and Rer. son!!! LEA V li KLN8TUC East Botni 11:5: p. m. "Night Express," Pull man ;.eping Cars New Bern tc Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. 4:49 p. m Daily for Beaufort ami Oriental. 7:.r0 a. m. Daily for Beaufor New Bern and Norfolk. Parlor est service between New Bern and Norfolk. West Boo ad. 1:0 a. m. Dally for Goldsbor. 10:2S a. m. Daily for Goldsbore. 7:89 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. J. F. D ALTON, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Norfolk, Va. D. rTLa. Trsffia Managwr, EXECUTORS NOTICE. Food In the mouths of our allies means shalls in the mouths of out enoK". Careless fires which burn food mean shells In the mouths of onr allies. Having qualified as ..Executor of the last will and testomennt of B. F, Jones, deceased, late of the County of Lenoir, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the' estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at his home !.n Contentnea Neck Township, Lenoir County, N. C, on or before the 5th -day of Decem ber, 1918, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their ..recovery. All persons indebted to said estafe will please make, immediate settlement. This the 4th day of December, 1917. ' ' J. CARL JONES, Executor of , B. F. Jones. Y. T. Ormond, Attorney. DON'T BE BALD How to Make Hair Grow Strong, Thick and Lustrous on Thin Spels. If your hair js fulling out don't wait another day but get from J. E. Hood & Co. a package of Parisian 8a.ge, the really efTicient hair invig orator. Dcn't aay-j-'It's the same old story I have heard it before," but try a botlte without risking a pen ny. Parisian sage is guaranteed to grow hair, to stop, falling hair, cure dandruff and scalp (itch or money re funded. ,It's a scientific prepara tion that supplies ali hair needs there is nothing; better. Parisian sage is in great demand by discriminating women because it is delicately perfumed, not stick, or greasy, and makes the hair "soft, lustrous, and seem twice as heavy and attractive. If you want to save you hair and beautify it by all means j use Parisian siia-you will not be disappointed. ' adv. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the authority of a de cree of the Superior Court of Le noir County made and entered on the 8th day of December, 1917, in a cer tain cause therein pending wherein L. J. Carter and wife, Winnie Car ter, Isariah Deaver and her husband, Peter Deaver, L. F. Carter and wife, Sallie Carter, Gilbert Carter and wife, Zellar Carter, Minnie Lee and her husband, II. A. Lee, Grover H. Carter and wife, Alma Carter, and C C Carter and wife. Emma ( ar- ter, the said Sallie Carter nnd Alma Carter being infants by their next friend R. A. Whitaker, are plaint iffs, and R. R. Carter, Carrie Carter and S. S. Carter and wife. Btessie Carter, are defendants, the under signed Commissioner of the Court will ex-pose to sale nt public outcry, j to tne highest bidder for cash, at tne courthouse door in Kinston, North Carolina, on Monday, January 7, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, the follow ing described tract or parcel of la ml, situate in Pink Hill Townhip, Le noir County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of W. A. Jones, lr. J. F. Maxwell and others, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at the north of the canal in Cherry Tree Swamp where it emp ties into the run of Tuckahoe Swamp and runs up said canal (18 poles to a stake; theme N. 11 W. .14(1 poles to a stake in or near the- head of Wild Cat Branch; thence down the various courses of the run of Tuckahoe Swamp; thence down said run to the beginning, containing 1111 acres more or less. This sale is a resale of the properly under order of Court because of an advance bid of 10 per cent. This 8th day of December, 1917. N. J. ROUSE, Commissioner of the Court. Insurance In All Ita Branches. Real Estate Boo grit "and Sold. W.D. LaROQUE Insurance and Real Estate. , Offices 212-214 Hunter BIdg. TELEPHONE 37. insurance of All Kinds i KINSTON INSURANCE and RELTY COMPANY C. OETTINGER, Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E.GordonSt KINSTON-CAROLINA RAILROAD & LUMBER COMPANY. Kinston,' N. C, Dec. 24, 191? Effective at once and continuing until fur ther advised, embargo is placed on , all freight for points south of Pink Hill, N. C, and effective Wednesday, December 26, 1!)17 embargo is placed on all passenger traffic south of Pink Hill, N. C. ' F. II. HILL, Superintendent... -HUvU XV !Uv" CrJk vk HlHIll III BA- WJT,.. , ; - X...- IBM 411' Your Battery Needs Distilled water every two weeks, regular hydrometer tests, and occasional thermom eter readings in hot weather or when you're running your car long distances that'sfhemost, and the least, you cap do for your battery. Let us help you make sure of that little difference between a dead battery and a live one, high cost and low. electric power Even the best battery will wear cut some day. Before that time comes, let us show ? you the Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber Insula-., tion, recently put on sale after two years remarkable perform ance in 35,000 cars. KINSTON BATTERY COMPANY ' ; 111 West Blount Street. $h 69 $V IS) ..M i , i M -.j,:,.. .jjj u . ...... .? ScctLero RaHwaj Sysleia No, tl :48 a. aa. for Salalega, DurkAm, Graaatboro, Winstoa-Ssl-em. StaMrilL wd Aaharilla, eoo oaeting at Graezubora foil points north and aoutb aad at Ashrrille for Cincinnati. Chicago. St. Louis, Mem poia and all poiata waat (This trala operataa na Vtmstoo-Saleia and Barber), parlor car Goldsbore ta AsaerHla. No. 112 I:M a. aa. ton Oraaaaba re, Durbaia and Ralaiga. Pallmaa aieeplnf ear from Wiaatoa-Saleai ta llorehead Gtj aad Beaufort No. 1081:30 p. m. frota Wiaatos Salea. Creanaboro, Durban aad Xa- leiga. No. IX-i.Zi p. from Ashevilie, vViEiton-slem, Greensboro, ate, J. O. JONES, Tr-s&:r frn-'T Axtat. HANK AMD FETEi5! iiTmetiif: mt mm ebb" a":"'agy voo m uttcc son, ami? if rr tar c For oomdoctor, i vc t V;r"&i I K YwFfSfS : J5 YEARS OuO , - TC COM OuCTOR ASKS W J Nc UOV.H.STCR NCvCR HA0 10 VtH SOr1G ' rtS S AHEM . MAY E AMO BALO - Jr V N. G J - " J' ' - , , - ' - . :rr5 r-rf- . -- .--..) ; ' . ' in