fK1NESPAYtAjARY2,J91 1TJE KINSTON FREE PRESS rTB CllREDA i CUI WANT ADS. For Ssle cr 'rm nilca of Kinston, apply to Dr. Ira M. Hardy p!y ft Sw 12-17 tf. for Rrnt Two cottage on East St, at head of King. Dly 2-20 tf. for sale or rent 4 -room house E. Grainger Ave. Sea H. C. Edwards. Ply 12-11 tf for ear hire phone W. II. Murphy. 237-J. Sunday phone 2'7-J. Good service. , . ., ... Dly i-- If. r ' r .-. For rent or Bale 7 room house on East Vernon Avenue Just off Queen. All conveniences. Occupancy after 15th. H. C. Edwards.' Dly 12-10 tf. For. Rent Seven, room, modern house. 309 E. Blount St Water ami electricity. Large garden. Ap ply to Mrs. S. .H. Rounree. lly 12-29, SI and 1-1 Fifty Tnoosand Dollars to Loan, Ave years' time, amounts $3,000 or mora. First mortgage either farm or city real estate. R. C Strong. Dly 6-22 tf. Fcau for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Farmers wanting peas will do well to corre spond with me at once. K. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C Dly & Sw 12-3 tf. For Sale We will issue for sale Jan uary 1st Fifty Thousand Dollars ef 7 per cent non-taxable Preferred Stock, interest payable semi-annuuHy. Chesterfield Manufacturing Co,, J. F. Taylor, President and Treasurer. Dly & Sw 12-6 tf. THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory where this uiuaaiui KTnnTjjf ! mstiu impresses ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness which attends the making of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs are used anually end all have to be gathered at the season of the year when their natural iuic Ami muliinoi stances are at their best I he most successful solvents are used to extract the medii !rml nmurtlAn -., , , r- infill these herbs. Every utensil and tank that comes in Contact With thr mrw4if.ina to of;i: 1 - - - . . . . .a nil i 1 1 1 and as a final precaution In cleanliness me mruiuiue m pasieunzeu and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the skill and care used in its preparution which has made this famous medicine so successful in the treulment 'f female ills. The letters from women who h;.ve been restored to health by the u-j of Lydia E. Pinkham's VegvLulih- Com pound which we Hre continually pub lishing attest to iu virtue. electricians. Good wajje.s. Good chance for advancement. Liberal sickness, disability and pension plan. Ages 19 to 35 years. No experience necessary. . We will teach at our ex pense, with full pay while learning. Write or apply in person, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Western Electric Co., Inc. Training School for Installers, 925 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dly 1-1-18 Wanted to rent a nice Ave or aix room house, well located on lot large enough to afford garden plot, with all modern Improvements. Would like to consider proposition to lease if owner would build. Referenc es exchanged. Addrefs "House wanted" care Free Press. Dly 12-6 tf Wanted One first-class job com positor, either Union or capable of holding union job. Also one ap prentice, with .Ability to advance rapidly. WrHgiving full particu lars, to Barber Printing Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. Dly 12-31, 1-1. We need several hundred telephone NOTICE. Having quaified as administrator of the estate of L. P. Elliott, deceas ed, late of Lenoir County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ef said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kinston, N. C, on or before the 7th day of November, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment J. L. PHILLIPS, Administrator of L. P. Elliott, de ceased. This the- 7th day of Nevember To Cure a Cold In One Day. , Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It top the Cough and Headache and work off theOold. DruRffista refund money if it faila to cure. B. W. GROVE'S aicnatare on ear-fc bos. 30c. VALUE GIVING SALE OF COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SHIRT WAISTS AND HATS Is Now In Progress CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON PHONE234 PIANO TUNING Experienced, Accurate, Reliable Testimonials from hundreds of the best musicians JAS. G. MEHEGAN Room 126 Whltaker Building A Good Banking Service It matters not the class of business you are engaged in, or the volume of business transacted, we are prepared to give you a BANKING SERVICE suited to your needs. Open an account with us, and yon will find our services will measure up to conservative and safe banking prin ciples. , "I The Caswell Bank and Trust Co. Jf. D. U20QUE, Pre. C R. DODSON, Viee-Pree, V T. W. HEATH, Cashier. Social and Personal 4 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dawson are hack from their bridal trip to North- Mr. Clay Brewer has returned to an upstate college after spending the ho'.iduys at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rosemond are back from Norfolk, where they visit ed Asst Surgeon Mercer Parrott, U. S. N. Mrs. Walter D. LaRoque is at Warsaw to attend the wedding of her brother, Mr. James Mines, Greenville, and Miss Anna Pierce. ... 1 Mr. W. T. Kyzer, farm demonstra tion agent, went to Wilson Wednes day to attend the State livestock ex hibit there. ... Mrs. C. P. Harvey, Jr., has re turned to Virginia. Her husband is stationed at' Camp Lee. She will visit at Danville and then go to Petersburg. Mrs. McDaniel Levis has gone to Danville to stay l Jh (relatives a while. Her husband, Lieut. Lewis, has returned to Camp Jackson, S. C. . Miss Maryt G. Shotwell, assistant superintendent of the schools of the county, has returned from Oxford, where she visited relatives during the holidays. e Prof. Joseph Kinsey, County sup-c-intendent of schools, continues ill at his resideiicc at LnOrance. Mr. Kinsey is reported to be improving, however, and hopes to be able to return to his office here by next Monday. Better Farming in the South - c3Ar4fesiM Vi m LsV' ' THE FARMER ONE OF UNCLE SAM'S DEFENDANTS By D. B. Osborne, Chairman Soil tin provement Committee, Atlanta, Ga. k i ,, W' r - .sir- r- Mr. Farmer: H The above picture 7 J exemplifies the vital . Importance of your position in the World War Tlie fight of free dom and democra- I j'.KuAt. c against German '" autocracy. Upon you Is placed the grave responsibility of producing abund- D. B. OSBORNE ant crops with which to feed and clothe our army and navy; the armies and navies of our Allies our own people at home and the peoples of our Allies in Eu rope. Failure would bring disaster to our army and an untimely and unneces-, sary death to many of our boys who havo rone forth to battle In defense of mi liberty. But, Mr. Farmer, we know that un der the great responsibility placed on you by our Government, that there Is no such word as "fail" (n your vo cabulary and that nothing short of in surmountable providential causea could prevent your answering fully to this responsibility. However, maximum crops can only be had by the judicious and intensive use of fertilizers, good seed, thorough cultivation, and labor-saving machinery. One of your mont pressing prob lems and one to be acted upon without delay, is the matter of obtaining your fertilizer. In spite of the best efforts of the manufacturers and the Government, materials for making fertilizers are scarce and high in price. Therefore, it is all the more neeeary that what fertilizers are to be distributed, should be used upon soil that has received the very best preparations the farmer is capable of Riving. The mobilization of our army, re quiring a maximum movement of troop trains and supply trains, nas ov er-taxed tho capacity of our railroads as never before, and in order for fer tilizers to be 'distributed this season, the movement must of necessity, be- gin early and the unloading of cars at destination be 'done with utmost despatch. Every car must be loaded to capacity. Today fertilizers are cheaper than farm crops or farm labor. A bale of cotton, a bushel of corn, oats at nheat, will buy more pounds of rertit 'xers now than ever before, hence to assure the performance of a patriotic duty, with great profit to yourself, or 4r your fertilizers promptly so that ,rou may be sure to get them. And when you get them, use them with 't),e greatest degree of intelligence. Satisfactory results are bound to fol jlow both to you and to the Govern ment. In from the Trenches After the snowball fight, the cheery wnrinth dispensed by the Fcrfectlon Oil Heater is mighty welcome. It thaws out icy hands and feet in a jiffy. It's light, easily carried wherever it's needed always ready for any cold weather emergency. Economical both to buy and to use. Now used in over 8,000,000 homes. . , Aladdin Security Oil as fuel gives best results. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jcrwr) " Wahlnrton, D. & BALTIMORB Charlntt. N. C. Richmond, '. Ctuuleitaa. S. C PERTOTION I OILHEATERS CHEERFUL WORDS THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN r j-DONT LOO at ) J HCR SHE'S t ? PERFECTLY 5tiOi-lAj i d nice LOOK rXJT 1 50 vV-3H?UL 1 r:' vKniw id r 1 V C (HO - DON'T ) J j5KXiy Copyright. For Many a Kinston Houseliold. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed to he entirely free from annoying, dangerous uri nary disorders, is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. The following advice of one who has suf fered will' prove helpful to hundreds of Kinston readers. Mrs. J. F. Davis, 211 Peyton Ave., Kinston, says: "My back ached and I had headaches. My ankles be came swollen and I also tired very easily. I tried various medicines without satisfaction until I got Doun's Kidney Pills at the E. B. 'Marston Drug Co. They helped me from the start so I continued using them until I was relieved of all symp toms of kidney trouble. When I atn bothered by my kidneys now, Doan's always benefit me quickly." Price (50c at all ' dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Davis had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfgrs., E'uffalo, N. Y. adv. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR KINSTON. CAROLINA RAILROAD AND LUMBER COMPANY. The announcement of tha railroad management and the schedule for the P.M. A-M. TIME TABLE H-l Passenger Mired Going South Effective No. 40 No. 51 Passenger Mied AUG. 15, 1917. A.M. p- 11 No. 41' v No. 50 STATIONS ":20 2:21 4:30 9:S0 Lv. Kinston Ar. 8:10 2:05 4:40 9:40 Boney , Going North 4:45 it ' 9:50 Albritton . ;8:05 VM , 5:00 10:20 Deep Rua "7:50 1:85 j 5:05 10:40 Lynchburg 7:35 . 1:20 I 5:20 - 10:45 PlnkHiU . 7:30 1:15 fi:00 11:30 Ar. BeulavUle hwftM'.- 12:30 Wm. HAYES, General Manager. F. H. . Siaston, N, HILL, Superintendent C. f !?' Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens So Naturally That Nobody Can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients are sold annually, says a well-known drug gist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. . Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because' after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive . folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with j Wyeth's Snge and Sulphur Compound tonight and youll be delighted with I your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet requi- Bite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. . ' 1 .adv. Protect Your Money by Depositing . it with ; THE NATIONAL BANK, OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus Over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS You Are Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of VVhlchThe Bank is aMember 'STllO NGEST BAN K IN THE COUNTY" To Our Patrons: tUi We wish to express our appreciation to our friends and customers who have patro nized us so liberally during the past year and assure them that we will strive harder to serve them more efficiently during 1918. .With cempliments of the season, . :B:W..Cacady,& Son PHONE 684 216 HUNTER J3LDG Insurance 01 All Kinds Real Estate and Rent Collectors The InsurancelScrvice Agency, Inc. S. R. DUNN, Pres. J. II. WHITE, Sec'y Whenever Yoti Need Oeneral Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is eqiully valuable as a General Tonic became it contains the vrli known tonic properties of QUININE ; and IRON. It acts on tbe Liver, Drivel j out Malaria, Enriches tbe Blood and , guilds up the Whole Syslett. 60 ceots. As Age Advances the Over n-irc3 Mtm.iMllMr.. 22 rr.TSJ eccasional slight stimubtioo. CARTER'S LITTL3 LIVER PELLS torrect CONSTIPATIC:;. Genuine bar isnatur. i

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