PAGE TWO THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. GALT BRAXTON, TdiUr a4 luiftf Published Every Day Except Simda by the Kinston Ftm Ptcm Co, Inc, kinston, N. C Entered at the postoffic at Zinston, North Carolina, ai aaeond-claaa matter under act of Congress, March I, 1879. ftahacrlptloa Eatea Payable !a AdTiacai Cm Week ? .10 Three Montha 11.25 One llontii .' $ .48 Six Montha $2.60 One Tear $5.00 NljJW YORK OFFICE 80 E. 42nd St, Mr. Kalph R. Mulligan, in aole cvg- of Eaatem Department File wt The Free frear can be aeea. WES TO V OFFICE In charge el Mr. C. J. Anderson, atarjueTi uuuamg, unicago, wnere niea of To Free Freae can be aeea. 6nbacribera are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, Fbe Free Preaa of any irregularity of delivery vt inat tention whataoever on the part of the carrier. After 7 D. m. aubscribera are reouestad to call Wh. trn Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy ! will be eent promptly, if complaint is made before 0 ' P. M without coat to subscriber. , t PRESIDENT WILSON I AGAIN REASSURES. The probability that twice many American tTOop will be in France by June as wa originally intended was announced to a party of senators at the White House by Pieiiiietit Wjlson Wednesday. Such information is reassuring and counteracts the 'hartrcs of administration critics who have been prone o helittle the preparedness plans and to charge that the Government had fallen down in the big task undertaken. As a matter of fact, such reports from the President in dicate that America has exceeded all expectations in get ting ready for the war. Not only are the assurances of the President convincing that such has been the case, but the testimony of representatives of our Allies, who have commented upon the situation and who know from experience what it means to prepare for modem war fare, is that America ha exceeded- all expectations. While this is indeed encouraging, it is not to lie tak en ns a reason for any letup. America and her Allies have everything to gain in quick preparation for deliver ing the decisive blow, while they have nothing to srain by deferring the Mow. "F.very energy and resource of he Nation must he consecrated" to that end. VINOL CREATES STRENGTH THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1918. Dr. Garfield seems toTiave overlooked the weather man in Jiis recent order and the old chap has been as ac tive as a kitten in doing all he could to check the good always brought forth sharp divisions and the fight for A MISLEADING REPORT. Alabama Democrats are reported to be organizing for M fight against the national prohibition amendment. A campaign in the interest of the amendment wms launched by the Anti-Saloon League this week in Birmingham. The president of the Anti-Saloon league and various other officials gathered together for a lug rally, at which Honorable William Jennings liryan spoke. The repoi c that the Democrats are organizing to defeat, the amendment is somewhat misleading, for those who nre familiar With Alabama politics see in the list of leaders calling the conference at thy Alabama capital fhe names of men who have consistently fought prohibition both in its local option and statewide periods and now they propose to stand for "state's rights." There are many leading Democrats in Alabama who are opposes! to the liquor evil and who are in favor of routing it from the country. The prohibition light in Alabama has effects which might have otherwise accrued from the in dustrial reet of five days. George W, Perkiim, exchequer and commissariat plenipotei.tiary of the erstwhile Progressive party, urges a law to compel folks to vote. Before commenting we would like to know if the Bufl Mooscr wants to stipulate how tlhoy shall vote. the ratification of the amendment will probably not be an exception to that ride, but let it not be understood that the Democrats of Alabama are opposed t) pro hibition, for Alabama is overwhelmingly a Democratic stii'e and it has enjoyed statewide prohibition for some years , Positive Convincing Proof. It is all very well to make claims, but can they be proven? We publish the formula of Yinol to prove the .statements we make about it. Cod Liver and Lkef Peptones, , Iron and Manganese Peptonates, J Iron and Ammonium Citrate, ; Lime ami Soda. Glycerophos j phates, Cascarin, Any doctor will U-U you that the j ingredients of Vinol as published j above, combine the very elements ' needed to make strength. All weak, run-down, overworked, I nervous men anil women may prove" i his at our expense. j There is nothing like Vinol to re store strength and vitality to feeble old people, delicate children and all p ons who need more strength. Tiy it. If you are not entirely sat isfied, we vill return your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection. Sold in Kins ton by J. E. Hood & Co., druggists, and at the best drug store in every town ami city in the country. adv. NOTICE. By virtue of the Moseley Creek Drainage District Assessment of Roll No. 4, for the year 1917, in my hands for collection and in default in the payment, according to the provisions of the existing law, I have levied on the lands of the following named persons and will sell the same at the Courthouse door in New Bern, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., Monday, Feb ruary 18th, 1!HK to satisfy said as sessment and cost on same. This January 14th, 1918. R. B. LANE, i Sheriff Craven County. To Be Sold in Lenoir County. i Dougherty, L. J., 71 acres Lenoir County, $42.87; Dunn, I.esa, 4 acres Lenoir ' County, $3 '.)?; Hargett, Joe, 8 acres Lenoir County, $."..'!8; Mines, Lovitt, 70 acres Lenoir County, $32.1)1; King. Joe, 2 acres Lenoir County, $.1.27; Kilpatrick, Lewis, 4 acres, Lenoir Coun'.y, Morris, Penny, 2 acres Lenoir County, $:!.2"; Richardson, Geo., 20 acres Lenoir County, $1().70; Spivey, Moses, .1l." acres Lenuir County, $J27.18; Ti!gh man, Joe, 70 acres Lenoir County, $ii!.22; Thomas, Caroline, 0 acres Le noir County, $4 (!8. adv. - It is reported from Washington that the presence of Acecnding to a news story a North Carolina mother arrived in Danville, Virginia, a day or two ago to take charge of her two daughters, aged 12 and 7, who had Colonel Roosevelt in the capital city is conducive to the ' run awav rom homo Mn1 1,0,'n f,mml an'! ll't;lin''11 dealing of the breach between President Wilson and Con gress. This reminds om of the predicament that the would-be peacemaker find himself in when he inter feres with a domestic squalbble. The purchase of a War Savings Stamp not only means doing your bit for the Government, but means nn invest ment which will pay 4 per cent, compounded semi-an-nua?'y. free from taxes, federal, state or local. The campaign for the sale of War Savings Stamps is on now In Lenoir County, as elsewhere. A news story from Washington purports to carry a laugh on a French officer, recently arrived in this country, who saluted an old man in uniform who Jitppened to be a messenger and not a ranking officer. The show of respect for the old man regard'oss of his rank was commendable in the Frenchman and would have been cn more so had he been aware that the old fellow was only a messenger. the police of Danville nt the station waiting room. The mother believes that trashy literature was responsible f r the escapade of the children. If such was the case it but emphasizes the necessity for greater care being exercised for their children. The truth of the matter is, far too many pa.ents p;iy life or no attention to the class of reading matter that their children while rtwav the moment., with. Not only do the boys revel in their 10 cent wild and wooly west robbery stories, .but the girls find novels uf questionable character anil "fenst" therein. One of the chief reasons, as we understand it, for Fuel Administrator Garfield's drastic order closing industries Mast of the Mississippi for five days was in order that the fuel famine in New York and Philadelphia might be somewhat relieved. The newspapers of those burgs, however, seem to have failed to catch the point and huve U'cn howling as if the order had been to benefit the South. Have fed 200 tons of Buckeye Hulls Foster & Fits, Tuscaloosa, Ala. have fed 200 tons of Buckeye Hulls and axe still feeding them. Users like these and there are thou sands of them have proven conclusively that Buckeye Hulls are not only the leart expensive but the most satisfactory roughage on the market. You are not buying an untried product when you order your fust ton of 0 COTTONS'lO HULLS You can rest assured from the experience of many other successful farmers, stockmen and duirynten that Buckeye Hulls will meet your needs better than any roughuge you ever have used before. You can look forward to your roughage not only costing you much less than formerly but giving you better results. No lint. No trash. No waste. No trouble. Te tature tha bsit results and ta develop the .nsilaf. odor, net tht) hulls thoroughly twmlvm hour btfori fording. It is sy to do thii by wetting thorn down night and morn.nt for Iho next feeding-. If at ny time this cannot be (Una, wet down at least thirl; minutes. If you prefer to iood tha hulls drjr, mm only half as much by bulk as of old slylo hulls. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Olvea the right foranula (or tvny combination of Cmla inrj in the South. Tf 111 how much to food for maintenance, for milk, for fattening d work Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives direi'Uona for using them properly. StnJ for your cvfiy iu khto mi u. Dmm4. J A tlmmtm Amtmtm The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Deaf. 1 Birmingham CnarJorte Croenrvoo JacSnwi I ittU flora Aremo Stimm WHEATLESS BISCUITS. heavy mitxm HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Fa I Less Mnt if You Keel ftarkachy or Have Illaddcr Trouble Take Glass of Salts. N'o man or woman who eats meat I'egu' irly can make, a mistake by flushing t.he kidneys occasionally, says a well-known antminty. Meat fort...- uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked fr m the strain, Tet shiggish and fail to filter the waste and poisons from i he blood, then we tret sick. Nearly all rlicumatib.n. headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleep lessness anil urinary ' disorders come f um sluggish TtidneyR. The moment you feel a dull ache it: thf kidneys or your back hurts or i . the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular jf or attended by a sensation of scalding, I stop citing meat and get about fl'Ur ounces f Jad Salts from any phra- macy; takt- a table.-,'pflrmftil in a glass j of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys wid act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with Hthia, and has been used for generations to flush, and stimu late the kidneys, alsj o neutralfze the acids in urine so ft- no longer causes irritation, thun "ending blad der weakness. .lad Salts is inexpeijiJve and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lit! 'a-water drink which ev eryone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean ' and active and Lhc blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. adv. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells Flow To (id Quick Helicf from Jleud-C'olds. It's Splendid ! NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD 1'aH. enger Train Schedule Corrected to January 1st, I!IS ( As information and not guaranteed) Trains Leave hinston 7:"() A. M. for New Horn, More head City, Beaufort, Oriental, V'Tashington, Kli.'.abeth City, Norfolk. Parlor Car New Hern to Nor folk. Connecting at Norfolk with Rail and Steamer Lines to all points eat and north, at Washington for Raleigh and points west. 1:10' P. M. Daily for New Bern, Morehead City and E'eaufort. 11:21 P. M. Daily for New Bern, Washington and Norfolk. Sleeping Car New Bern to Norfolk. Connecting at Nor folk with Rail and Steamer Lirtea to points east, north and west. 111:25 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and intermediate points. 7:3!) P. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. .":M0 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. Only North Carolina Line operat ing into Norfolk Terminal Station. For through rates or other in formation write or apply to any Norfolk Southern R. R. Ticket Agent or J. F. DALTON, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. W. J. NICHOLSON, T. A. Kinston, N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS (0 - HEKETHEY ARE - CUT PRICES ON ROOF PAINTS ETC Tobacco flues A few sets only 15 cents per pound. Pump Pipe $1.00 per joint. Other prices in line. Try us for tin and slate roofing. E. R. WALLER COMPANY . PHONE 189 Parched coriiineal Is the feature of these excellent wheat less biscuits, first, the i ' n 1 1 1 1 i"i 1 one-half a cst is put in a shallow pan placed tn the (Men niul siinvd frequently until it Is a delicate brown. The oilier Ingre dients arc a teaspoon of sail, n cup of iichiiiu butler and one anil n half cups of water. Mix the peanut but ter. r and salt and h.-at. While this mixture Is hot stir In the tneiil wbi.-h should also ho hot. l'.eiit thor oughly. The do";:h should he of such consistency that It can be dropped from a snn. Take In sniail cakes In an mificas.-il pan This makes HI Msci'iis. each of which '"ilalns one sixth of on ounce of protein. In one minute your clogged iinstrns v.'ill open, the air passa;re of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, siiullling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or cnturrh wi'l be gone. Jet a small bottle of Fly V Cream Balm from your druggist' now; Apply ;i little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cieam in your nostrils. It ie!i ctralcs through every air passnge of tha is !. -cothes tha inflamed or swollen mucous mcuibraiio aud. relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stunVd-np with u t!.,i or uauty catarrh Relief comes hO quickly. Southern Railway System No. 1392:00 p. m. for Ralaitfa. D-irham, Greensboro and Wtnston r .ling- chair car GoldsWa .to Wina Salem. connecting at Gre-ansboro for ton-Sa!m. N. II :48 a. m. for KalalcKh Durham, .Greensboro, Winston-Sil-im, Stalatrilla aad Ashsvills, con tracting at Graensbora for pointo north and south aad at Ashevilla for Cincinnati. "3lcago. St. Louis, Mam phis and all points wast. (This train oparataa via Wiuaton-Salam and Barhar). Parlor ear Goldsbora to AshaviU. No. 1081:80 p. n. from WinatoB Sataa, Graaosboro, Durham and Sa- ' j. a JONES, TrTUf Pumbiv Axwat. North Carolina Lenoir County. In the Superior Court llefore the Clerk. India Walton vs. I.. A. Walton. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. To I.. A. Walton, the defendant above named: The said above named defendant will take notice thaf an action entitl ed a- above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Lenoir County for the purpose of, Dip plaintiff ob taining an absolute divorce against the said defendant, and for alimony ami suppt of herself, and her child on the ground that the defendant w.-onsrfully abandoned the plaintitf, failed and refused to support ber and said child, ani committed adultery. I And the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appesr at the term of the Superior Cov.t of Lenoir County to be held on the 2nd Monday before the first Monday in March, it being the 18th day of February, 1918, at the Court j House of said County in Kinston, N. j C, and answer or demur to the com- 1 plaint in said action ,or the plaintitf will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, as pro vided by Ist. This the 1 Ith day oWanuary, 1918. J. T. HEATH. Clerk Superior Court. Cowper & Whitaker, Attorneys for . Plaintiff. - LA Ml. ' A f i, . a ...... ... . 1'IIU ut li-U "il ti.ctjl'. i. -;r-.c 1 :t'.i l.i e 'I'niait no t.tlK-r. I!v mf jfrjr yesft f-.iior a1; Iir,l, ? .t.'c t. A: i'r. If SOI H RY BRIGO'STS FVERVV.KIiPI Dr. Albert D. Parrott Practice Limlteal to Gcnlto-Urinsry, Bcctal Dlaeuei and Kaaaral Sorcery. Office with Dr. J. M. Parrrtt Hours: 11-12 a. m. 8-t 9. bl HoaolUl: 3:11-4:1 x aa. DR. IRA M. HARDY Honrs: 8:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. Phone Connection. Office: 104 West Caswell Street. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops tha Cough and. IIratacbe and worlcs off the Cola. tHiiKgists rr-luml tnonty if it fails to cure. H. V. GKOVii'S sinialuie cu curb box. 30c- OWING to the great struggle for independ ence now going on among the nations of the world, changes in all walks of life are constantly taking place. BUSINESS and professional men find themselves confront ed with new problems each Nlay. OUR ENERGIES are directed to the end that we may meet each new demand and give to our customers a service equal to the de mands of the hour. YOUR BUSINESS IS INVITED. The Caswell Bank and Trust Co. W. D. LaROQUE, Prea. C It. DODSON, Vice-Prn. T. W. HEATil, Cannier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON I j -Thorp is no placo an safe kr your money during these war times aa in tto Uank.l CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $175,008 N. i. BOUSE, President D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier DR. HENRY TULL, Vlea-Praat. J. J. BIZELL. Asst. Caahler W. B. HARVEY, Teller W. L. Kaaaedy Dr. Henry Toll J. H. Caaady DIRECTORS J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Uler N. J. Rohm C. Felix Harrey David Oettlnger U. E. MoIey Protect Your Money by Depositing it with THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus Over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS You Are Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of WiilchThe Bank Is aMember "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY" Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMPAiW C. OETTINGER, Mgr. Telephone No.-182 110 E.GordonSt s Tobacco Canvass For Your Tobacco ' l 4 . Bed at Copeland Pros. r . ... , , Cover your tobacco bed and pro tect your plants from the cold and snow. Owing lo the excess ive cold weather this winter, we have bought seventy thousand yards of the very best quality. Come and get what you want w hile it lasts Our price is right. jjj).imix. The Uqvd Waak faf rktm Dtwaae lVe In wfiMr4 suc 'Thte rnrr. ak V.- wmttiiMr wali M tbU w oa.-r twdio ua (lie iu.m'' tuax imir- tt bl tlw aiM fnr .'. tt Vuata yw tjut a aVUU SMiSWiaaatUaai 4. Et-Hoj4 & Copy-- North Carolina I -1 m I v. a v a

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