PAGE FOUB THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 24. 191S (l ' ' 'I " ' l MADE TO-ORDER CLOTHING II IN teuton . I 1 ' , ;, 1 1 j jr Let UiSiow 'Yoif 0. .... if 'V '-'r' .. 1 J. e. Dai EC CURTAIN SCRIMM AND ACCESSORIES ..ta t tttp-f r In North Window. SILK HOSE Battleship Grey $1.50 the pair O. N. T, Cotton, I for 25c. ' 4 GHAS WATERS IB TeI;;Hs M l,s.- Fcr Expert Wcrfc Gat Engine.'' Brazing Etc., 409 College St. Phone 496 Plssbajf MacTuiie Shop .Quick Attention Given to Repair Work. Phone No. 585 no w. (tofgrsg r vir, farmer lis.'.? . : "-if, '.tf f- Seed 170 for Bprfaf avwiaf, See m row for your flour, po ' fatoec, homo " oapplUo, otc. Wo are ia potitioB Ur fturnlakr onr farmer cuotomora thl ytar at et? attridlf prleoa If foods aro bontii 'ta taH. ' Oar prlcea ia ukutft in eA r.vty' flog killing weatlur tad haTo plenty of aatt. F.F;BPii(ScVSo:i "Something to Eat" DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT r " SPECIALIST tt mmm f,Waoa Ml ChOlraa Offleo: Iff w. Caaowoll 81 rissBawr'irii. ESfess Silks New Arrivals In Dfess Silks Alt Shades. In Stripes, Plaids and Solid Colors to matcriy sat j prices that will please. . : T. W. ME7BdRN & CO. Xit ) J DM Storo." r.-s eaa Prices On All Shoes elJucfaon From $1 to $2 On . Every Pair. Cash Only TVT f innAi. irnrnrc f. For Norta Carolina:- Pair and warmer torrffht. Friday fatr; mod erate Southwest winds. I'io Party. A pio party will too held at Lyn Wood School Saturday nljht, for the benefit of the school. The public is invited. Ice cream wfll also be sold. Rountree when he lived here was one of the most popular young men In Kinston. Practically everybody knew him, and all hands liked him. MOLASSES MUST NOT BE HOARDED; BARREL TO PERSON School Track Uaefal. The bad road in the vicinity of Grifton have not held up the trans portation of children to and from school a single day. Aa at other places in Pitt County, a motor truck is being used, and with complete auc- ja flit Ha4 the Habit. Patrolman Frank Bursell reported a queer incident at the police station Thursday morning. He was etand- ing on South Queen Street when the Courthouse bell rang, be said. In stantly an idhsr close by took to his heels and fled precipitately. Lacks Nerve. Northeast Kinston reports a would- be burglar who is easily frightened. H. J1!, appeared at dwellings in the dead. hours ibut hasn't copped any thing so far as known. Frightened off once, he made a record sprint ov er aa icy street. A not her . Postponement . The, Norfolk Southern Railroad's ice-damaged Albemarle Sound trestle may ho reopened to traffic Friday, is the latest. report. The bridge was to be reopened last Saturday, then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in succession. Home Economics Lesson. The second lesson of the home economies and food conservation se rioa being conducted by Miss Adna Edwards, home demonstration agent here,- was to bo (riven at the Graing er Hurh School, Lenoir Avenue, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The subject was to be fowl selection. Peculiar Death. "Snow cream" Is believed to have caused the death of Ephraim Mc Clees, a faTmor, in Pamlico County recently. A physician said the snow contained' poison "drawn up" from the ground. After eating the stuff McClees' body was covered with car buncles and boils, from which he died. t Iasnrsace ia All Its Braachea. Real Estate Bought and Sold. -insurance and Keal Estate. Offices lia-214- EnoL llig. TELEPHONE H.' Grfnd Jury Upholds Abemethy. The grand jury at a term of Su- porior Court at Gresnvine being presided over by Judge Oliver Allen of this city has reported to the bench that criticism of Solicitor Abemethy for being frequently alb- sent from court was' ill-founded. "He had a good and sufficient reas on for feeing absent" and the State was ably represented when the' prose cutor was away, the jury reported. 9ctfutsr. Commissions Here. Sc6uf master Alfred Cheney, lead er of boy scout activities here, has received commissions from the Na tional Government for the local scouts making thent official1 dispatch bearers for the Government in 'Wat; The youngster h'ere and through out the country win distribute ' pa triotic literature to offset proper; ntan propaganda and perform such other duties as the President may exact of them . Jack Rouptree's Fat Now. Relatives her have received a pic- j tare of RevY Jack Hounrree, who for some years past has ' sojourned tn Arizona . The photograph - sttow Mr1. Kountree to' be developing along broad" ines, literatTy. Hi' health has Been such as to increase his weight trenwndousTy. His rotund ity and ruDescefifo leave" him no less good-tooking than ho waa when he left here. Mr. Rountreohaa a hand some pastorate in a place not far from: Phoenix, capital of the South western State. He has an automo bile from his parishioners. "Jack" (Continued from page one) of the molasses. There is' reason to believe, thinks Mr. Rouse, that illicit dintillers are using molasses and he wants it known that he is cooperating with the In ternal Revenue Department to put a stop to any such use. Transportation companies will be called upon to ac count for the delivery of molasses in excess of one barrel at a time to consignees and the delivery of any quantity to fictitious purchasers will be regarded With suspicion and be reported to the Internal Revenue agents, t -Extraordinary State of Affairs. A novel situation is presented here as a result of the orders limiting purchases and holdings of flour and sugar. Consumers are selling to mer chants. Business is very good, too. Many barrels of flour and many "surplus" pounds of sugar have been returned to groceries during the past 36 hours. The well-adevrtised fact that it is dangerous for a town resi dent to own more than half a barrel of flour or five pounds of sugar country residents double those quan tities caused many persons to get level with the maximum. One man is said to have sold nearly $100 worth of stuff to his dealer! Numerous families are rumored to have held several barrels of flour. Several came to light with all the way from five to 25 barrels, it is said, and one is reported to have Hid no less than 60 barrels. Dealers Thurs day were not promiscuously bandy ing these "unfortunates' " names about. In all instances, so far as reported, Compliance with the orders was in the most cheerful spirit possible. Le noir County food "hoarders" are pa triotic. Reports to Food Administrator Rouse Thursday led him to believe there was no sugar or flour shortage here now. Oh, no. Mr. Rouse, fuel administrator al so, has diverted nearly a carload of coal to the Caswell Cotton Mills, which needed the fuel to operate Families badly in need were supplied also. MRS C. BICKETT SAYS Y. W. A. KEEP FIRES ABLAZE Continued from page one) The meeting was adjourned with the benediction and an earnest pray er by the Rev. John H. Griffith. This morning at 10:30 the various canvassing committees met at the Christian Church and arranged for the canvass for funds, assigning ter ritory, etc. The canvass is to be completed by Saturday. The same work will be taken into the rural dis tricts by rural preachers and teach ers and the .war iwork fund will no doyfbt be helped from that source. Work Shoes For Men W offer On. Hundred Polls r Reward fr any cih of Catarrh that cannot be cura by Hall' Catarrh Medteln. Halt's Catarrh Medicine hae been taken fey catarrh autferara for the paat thlrty tr rears, and haa become known aa the moat reliable ranedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucoua surfarea. ezpeQlna the Pol- soa ft-em the Blood and heallnc the dla- eaae Mrrlneta. n i . . . ' Aforr you hi taken HJr. Catarrh MedM Ine for a short time you will urm a great .Improvement.. In .your . (eneml SfciHH Start TOkin HalVe Catarrh Mmli- laa-! naca and rat Hd of catarrh.- Bend lor testimonial, it. r J.THENKT CO., Tetedo, Ob la Sold by aD bruaalata. Tic esror Children Our immense stock of I shoes affords a selection of all styles, weights :and.("iriaterials. Our shoes have always- had a, high standard of quality. Prices t6o,Nwe make satisfactory . Thjs weather is destructive to shoes, and we advise you to see us about the net pair. IjV, STOCK OF . 0V Elfc AJXS, PANTS and SHlRTg; :'V j;iiv York Cfaihfng Comply " -Tf I opuiar More' jT"i"iii& it uau Tit Oil Prtoi Caal; Btara" PEilCALES Liht and Dark Madras Shirting Collar Bands Uiih TWill Braid and Ribbons. A. J. SUTTON & SONS Telephone 84 DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATH Office Hours: 10-12 2-5 t No garment is more useful tor co rA H weaih . m er than 1 lii.. a good sweater. We can supply you. The prices are Reasonable. Barrett & Hartstield Every Desirable Style In Iron Beds Is Included Ina Carload We'Re ceived This Week N:j; I About 200 excellent quality iron beds and National sagless springs offer an unlimit ed choice in style, size and price. We bought these beds in September, but due to unavoidable d elays they have just arrived. Naturally the prices are lower than the present market prices, and there is no doubt that we can give you better beds for the money than you can get else where. J. L. HAMME LAW OFFiqt With T. C Wastes. Just Received A NEW LINE OF SPRING COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES. Smart stylesf Spring shades and reason able prices. CASEY THOMPSON CO. J. M. Stephenson's Old Stand. PHONE J78 ston Stalk Cutter : Vf -mm M V uSXi 1 W .- .Sit. j-w -Ji Mil", i f - It CIV t'"f '7Jis f - " tae 'eir thn itnpteim-nt, and a H I. k -"TrSv 'TV tpe m w frame. siVioc s lew tit 1 I 1 Our Mid Winter tlearance Sale Our friends and pa trons will find some ex ceptional bargains in our large stock now be ing offered at greatly reduced prices in our annual Mid - Winter Clearance Sale. Ready-to-Wear, Suits, Coats, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. J: HIRSHFIELD CO. National Bank of Kimlon .-- Caafo Stalk CotM a a simple auiettra . trong stalk cottef, as sb- olota oecasr ity oa all coca farms, and f. Hsarora self is time aredins Wwrttiafc. on the kltrB which .K. I make it much uW Inr mme than .nr other stalk cot- : : ' ,; . . , ' " -m ir ong nooic. rae trie tratra m ltn i it ... t r!.: ' " W""t. ass naa can- II. E MOSELSY HARDWARE CO ft Dealers. Kindtnn M n - , atwvu. 4v a . J tad i t A Make those repairs to jyour roofs now. Don't ,.(wait until the storm breaks and the. damage is done to remind you of it I am prepared to sup ply you with the kind of ; material yoil want,1 and lay it, too, if you wish. Roofing is my specialty and - to , entrust , your 3 roofing matters to me, means to be certain of a first class job. . R.B. PHONES: , Reaidence 39 Mi Office 697 "We Also Do Pluasbiiifr 53

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