page two: TUB KINSTON TREE PKESfl SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918 THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. GALT BRAXTON, Ulter ImM Maiar PubUahad Evnr Day Except Sunday by tha KJnatoa Praa Praaa Co, Inc Kinatoo, N. C EnUrad at tha poatoffiea at Kinaton, North Caroliaa, at aaeoad-alaaa matter under act of Conrroa, March 1, 1879. 8abacrlptlo Rat Ona Weak f .10 Om Month I .48 Ona Year . . . Payable la Advaacai Three Mem tha 11.26 Six Monthe I2.B0 ........15.00 NOT FANNING THE FLAMES. - The Free Presi it not fanning the lamea of discord in its dhtcuwion of the Selective Draft Regulations and their application un pertains to Lenoir County regis trants. There is a Rreat Hoal of atreet comer and loaf Intr center gosvip which magnifies its aubjecta by hi own repetitions, which The Free Press is not fostering or in eympathy with at all. This paper does not think that every rejristrant who fails of the classification sought at the hand of the exemijrtion hoard, has the right or is justified thereby in vilifying the board and buttonhol ing everyUxxly that they meet to air their grievance fiuch tactics smack of the flavor of slackerism. They Jo not bear the earmarks of the patriot. The Free Press appreciates that there may be just cauae for some complaint. Certainly if the rumors of the alleged treatment accorded some registrants by the local board, are t alt dependable, there is. But not withstanding the provocation, if there be such, there if b proper course to pursue in righting the wrongs. That, however, doesn't necessarily apply in every case where ft registrant is disappointed because his claims for de ferred classification are not accepted at face value. The taanl of exemption may err in judgment and unless such After 7 p. m. abacribara are requested to call West- errors have been made, an unparalleled record has been ,tm Union and report failura to get tha paper. A copy established. Where there has 'been an error in judgment NEW YORK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd 8t, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in aole charge of Eastern Department Files tf Tha Free Praaa can be eeem, WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where fllaa of Tha Free Praaa can be eeem. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 76, le Free Preaa of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whataocvet on the part of the carriers. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast WIS be aent promptly, if complaint is made before 0 P, M without cost to subscriber. or otherwiHe made, the right of appeal is clearly set forth an the regulations and such registrants as feel' that their true circumstances entitle them to different classifica tion have the privilege to exercise that right and they cannot rightfully be denied it ' The Free Press stands ready to uphold the rights of the registrants, and likeise to give its cordial and full support to the eremption board in the proper exercise of its duties. It does not propose, however, to fan the flames of alaickertam. This country is at war. It needs armies to dafend it. That need is testing the patriot ism of the men of this country. They must Stand the test or suffer the ignominy of the slacker. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1918. i It looks good to see Brother Mesa" Clark'a name again among the editorial staff of the Times. .-. a t Wonted to know the whereabouts of one Sun, which strayed from these parts a week or more ago. Raleigh Times: "Spain certainly know better than to start anything with her iUnele Samuel." he may be bothered witDuan hallucination that this la the time to even up mattera. , . . If the daughters of the former Czar of Russia have rxpouaed the Bolshevist cause as thlnka a Wisconsin Unfyersity .professor, . there may be "method in their madness." But Nicholas can hardly make a come-back in any such fashion. Reports indicate that some wheat substitute manu facturers" have already Ibooated the prices of their pro duct, JProtobly thought it wae the "ill wind" for the wheat folks blowing them good. If such be so they arc , headed for an awakening of the rude, jostling kind. The mtodvlnery for registering aHens, consisting of Chief Skinner and the volume of regulations, is ready, but where are the aliens ? Incidentally if their bo any such "crittura" about here, they are commanded by Presidential edict to make their presence known and properly enroll themselvea jwith the chief of police be tween Monday, February 4 and Saturday, February 0 or else suffer the consequences of their failure so to do. NEW EDJTORS UAI.Eir.H TIMES. Announcement in the Raleigh Times of Friday, Feb ruary 1st, of the icsignation of Editor Robert L. Gray and the advancement of Oity Editor Oscar J. 'Coffin to be editor-in-chief and Miss Susan Men, now society ed itor and reporter, to be city editor, is of interest to the friends of Raloigh's live afternoon paiper as well' as of ithe persons involved. Editor Cray, while frequently taking a position with which we could not agree, gave to the readers of the Times an editorial page filled with thoughtfully and capably prepared matter. Readers of the Times have come to recognize the "handwriting" of Editor Coffin in the bright paragraphs and his other contributions to the columns of the Times. His accession to the "chief seat of the sanctum" promises the same high standard of merit in the page presided over by him. In the selection of Miss Susan Iden for the important place of city editor, Publisher Park has chosen well. No brighter newspaper woman is to be found in the State or the South than Miss Iden and her many personal friends of the press of the State congratulate her upon this further recognition of her worth in the newspaper field. To feol as' fine as the proverbial ftdJle, we must keep the liver wash ed clean, almost every morning, to .irevent it rxmre-ilike pores from clogging with indigestible material; ,our bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician.. U you get headaches, ft your liv er. If you catch cold easily, t s your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred tongue, nasty breath or stomach 'becomes rancid, it' your iver. Sallow skin, muddy complex ion, watery eyes all denote liver un cloanliness. Your liver is the most important, also the most abused and neglected orpin of the body-. Few kno Hs function or how to release ,he dammed-up body waste, bile and resort to viol- ' NOTICE ! TA Andrew1 Bridgee aad R. H. Leach. ' i ou will take notice that at sale for the non-payment of county and city taxes held by A. W. Taylor, sheniff of Lenoir County, and W. B. Coleman, city clerk, and tax collect or for the city of Kinaton, N. C, I, at the said aale purchased, and hold a certificate of purchase for the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lincoln and Trianon streets, in the oity of Kinaton, N. C, and runs about at with Lincoln Street 80 feet to a stake, then west 120 feet to a stake, on Geo. WesHey's line, then about west with said line 80 feet, to Trianon Street, then about south with Trianon Street 120 feet to the be ginning. You will further take notice that thia land was listed by you and in your name for the city, and county taxes for the year 1916 and that the time for redeeming this land from the above mentioned sale expires on the 7th day of May 1318. CHAS. F. DUNN, Purchaser. This January 22. 1918. adv. NOTICE To William Phillips. You will take notice that at a sale ,.ox ns. ;tioi ioik reswri w , . 2nt calomel, which is a dangerous, " V iwC Tk.. T r ,n,if LUT l i th ' purchased, and hold a certificate of tacks the bones Every man and woman, sick or vtll, should drink each morning be fore breakfast a c'a of hot water jvith a toaspoonful of limestone phos phate in k, to wawh from the liver .ind bowels the previous day's indi-.rf-Jtible material; the poisons, sour fiile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweet ening and freshening th entire ali mentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. I Lmi tone phosphate does not re strict the diet like calomel, because it can not salivate, for it is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It is inexpensive an I almost taste less, and any pharmacist will sell you a quarter pound, which is suf ficient for a demonstration of how hot water and limestone pho?phnte cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling fit day in and ( ay out. ndv. "A SPLM TONIC " Sayi Kiison Lady Who, On Doc tor's Advice, Took Cardui And Is Now Well. purchase for the following real ea tate to-wit: Beginning on the south bank of Corstentnea Creek at the corner lot No. 4, and runs up the bank of the south side of said creek, 6 poles, and 8 links, thence south 5 east to Lenoir Street, thence with said street to lot 4, the beginning, on south side of Coralentnea Creek, kuwon as the Lon Mathews lot,' it beins in Kinston township, ami being of re cord in book 34, page 787, and in book 50, page 300, register of deeds office for Lenoir County. Yqu will further take notice that this land was listed 1y you, and in your name for the county taxes for the year 1916, and that the time for redeeming the land from the above mentioned sale expires on the 7th day of May, 1918. This the 19th day of January, 1918. adv. CHAS. F. DUNN. Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMPANY CO ETTINGEIi, Mgr. Telephone No. 102 HOE.GordmSt NOTICE "Turn on .the steam" again on Mondays after the fourth of February observance, is the prediction of Wash ington's "prophets" following the conference held be tween Fuel Administrator Garfield, Director General Mc Adoo and representatives of the business interests touch ed by the closing order. It is stated that the Govern ment heads now feel that the purpose of the closing or der can lie obtained in some other way. Well if such be the case. Southern Railway System No. 1382:00 p. m. (or Ralslgtt. Durham, Greene bo ro ud Winston reeling chair ear Goldabore to Wiee Salem, connecting at Greensboro for ton-Salem. ' No. 114:48 a. u. for Kaleiegh. Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Statesville and Aeherille. con necting at Greentbore for points north and south and at Asheville for Cincinnati, Chicago. St. Louis, Mem phis and all points west (This via Wtnston-Salem Parlor ear Goldabore train operate ind Barber), to Aibeville. J. 0. JONES. Travails Passenger Agent. Rateie-h. N C For Sale We will issue for sale Jan uary 1st Fifty Thousand Dollars of 7 per cent, non-taxable Preferred Stock, interest payable semi-annually. Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., J. F. Taylor, President and Treasurer. Dly & Sw 12-20 tf. No. 1081:30 p. m. from Winston Salem, Greensboro, Durham and E leisjh Hlxson, Tenn. "About 10 years ago I was..." Bays Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of .his place. "I suffered with a pain la ay left aide, could not sleep at night ivi'.h this pain, ahrays In the left itde... My doctor told i:ie"-ito ise Cardui. I took one bottle, which helped me and Utcr my baby came, I was stronger and better, but the paia was still I here. I at first let It go, but began to get weak and In a run,-'i$fta condition, o I decided to try iUfijjjjiiore Cardui, which I did. This last Cardui which I took matin me much better, In fact, cured me. It has been a number of years, atill 1 cave ro rrtnrn cf this trouble. I feel it was Cardui thit cured mo, and I rcco.Tinfnd It as a splendid fo malo tonic."" Don't allow yourself to become weak and run-down -from womanly tronoles. Take Car.'.ul. It should Bure ly help you, as it has bo .var.y thou sands of other women in lue pant 40 y?ars. Headache, bafkache, tldcacho, norrouBness, e!eepl3sanes, tired-out feeling, are all signs of womanly trou ble. Other women pet relief by taking Cardui. Why not you? All druIbU NC-123 To Kinston Real Estate Company, Gary Silk Company, owners and Ashley Spinning Company, lessees. You and each of you Will take not ice that at a safe for the non-payment of taxes held by W. B. Coleman, city clerk, and tax collector for the city of KinSton, N. C, on the 7th day of May, 1917, I, ait said sale purchas ed, and hold a certificate of purchase for the following described real es tate to-wit: Beginning at a stake near the mouth of a ditch 32 1-2 feet at right angle from the centre of At lantic tOoart Line Railroad track, and runs iparallel with said railroad track N. 18 32 poles to a stake 32 1-2 feet from the centre of said railroad track, then 72 VV. -11 1-2 feet to a stake, then 87 1-2 ,W. 35 1-5' poles to a stake, then S. 72 E. 27 1-2 feet to the beginning, containing 6 1-3 acres more or i-ess, according to survey made 'bv Wirtiam Arthur on the 10th day of March. 1916, it being all same .'and that is described in a deed from W. H. Ashley and wife to Kinston Real Estate Company, which is re corded in register of deeds office, book 33, page 72fi. You, and each of you will further take notice that this land was listed by the Kinston Real Estate Company and the Kinston Spinning Company, and in their name for the city taxes foe ne year 191ti. an 1 that the time f r ledeeriing this land from the above mentioned sale expires on the 7th day of May, 1918. This, the 24th dav of January. 1918. adv. CHAS. F. DUNN, Purchaser. PHONE 684 216 IIUXTEU BLDG. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Real Estate and Rent Collector THF INSURANCE SERVICE AGENCY, Inc. S. R. DUNN, President J. II. WHITE, Secretary. - HERE THEY -ARE cur PRICES OM ROOF PAINTS ETC. Tobacco flues A lew sets only 15 cents per pound. Pump Pipe $1.00 per joint. Other prices in line. . , ; Try us for tin and slate roofing. E. R. WALLER COMPANY PHONE 189 ; Protect Your Money by Depositing it with THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Sarpl us Over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS YouJAre Also Protected by The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMJ rf iVfli:hTil5 BaakisaMember "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY" Fence Your Farm With the Best ; American Field Fence and Galvanized Steel Post and Gates. We also prepared to supply your requirements in Farming Implements and Roofing. B. W. Canady .& Son "THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING" "Hp The Proof of the EVierit Contained in TP- C3 LTJ TJ 5r . . .. ...... .... .. - - - Manufactured By XJnion G-tiaiio ssssi . , IS IN THE SUPERIOR CROPS WHICH THE V PRODUCE. These Fertilizers Are Now Being Used EXCLUSIVELY By Many of the Largest and Most Successful Planters In Vir- ginia and the Carolinas. Special Brands for TOBACCO, COTTON, TRUCK, and AL I GRAIN CROPS. Office WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Factories and Warehouses NORFOLK, WILMINGTON, NEW BERN WINSTON SALEM FOR SALE BY . . 0 i i I Call At Their Office and Place Your Order COPEiLANBJ BROTHERS KINSTON. N. C. &9C.CKK --.-Wfra 1 XMIft

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