THE K1NST0N FREE PRESS PAGE FIVE li v in mi 111111 a 21 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918 Lower Prices cn Good Furni ture. T!;an You v.iil ever fuid Again. .A. v . ' -' -..I .T. I Hi 7 ' : i f H Sale. G Better and Bigger Than Ever. m U F i X. xfc- ifa W . &a El W 'If '1 J r it? ft rii 4 11 O a S A'J i U f. tJI a 1 fa 'US (-.4 ; Sji pi SI I s ir4i .Liliii VIM We emphasize th " word REMARKABLE in this instance, become ve do not believe similar values in fur niture of quality were ever offered here or elsewhere. Vv t u .2 nc to the extreme limit in the matter of paring profits down to the minium, our object being, to MAKE THIS THE GREATEST FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE IN STORES HISTORY. 4 iLA v.-. HE KITCHEN CABINETS Mahogany Bureaus, good values at $37.50, for Mahogany Bureaus, worth v35.00, for Mahogany Dressing Tables, worth .$20.00, for . Oak Dressers, worth $17.50, for .White Enamel Chiffoniert.-', worth $18.50, for . Chiffonieres, worth $15.00, for . $32.00 . $29.50 . $17:65 . $14.75 . S15.95 . $12.83 M3 sr 1 f :v...- Odd Dresners Caiffoners and Dressing Tables At a sweater reduction than ever before. The well-known Sellers line, the cabinet that makes cook ing a pleasure. Only a limited number of these at a great reduction. $25.00 Kitchen Cabinet, now . $30.50 $30.00 Kitchen Cabinets, now $25.95 $25.00 Kitchen Cabinets, now $31.50 J:M:::.j ".--ijirliJ B 5 ii 7, I . . ELECTRIC LAMPS The one thing that will add more to the looks of your prirJor or Ih'ng roon' than anything else $22.50 Floor Lamps, for $17.95 20.00 Floor Lamps, for $14.45 $18.50 Floor Lamps, for $13.95 $15.00 Floor Lamps, for $12.65 S15.00 Table Lamps, for $12.65 ..$5.00 Table Lamps, for $3.85 Dining Room Furniture V Combination That h Truly a uemaikaWe Valu This 2-in. po iron bed, worth S 1.0. 00, for $7.95 A comfortable S'O-jioiuid felt mattves, woi'th 513.00 39.85 A spring,, guaranteed for 5 years, worth $1.00, for $3.45 Bed spring and mattress, worth $29.00, for $21.25 Think of getting $29.00 worth of furniture for $21.25. ... ' ' . . And this fs only one of the many remarkable sale values. ii .1 M'M i t"-1 . . WW and odd 1ieccs recently re ceived should cer taicy infiTest you at the low prices we are now offer-ittWtiem. Of I i ! fi'.:,t.i-aii .,74 , $250.00 Genuine Mahogany Suites, for $195.00 S12 ..00 Beautiful Jaccvan OakJSuite, fo- . ....... S09;0 850 . 00 Oak Buirets, for . $ 1 1 . 50 .35 . 00 China Closets, f or . $28 . 50 $18.50 China Closets, for .. . $15.75 The New Spring Style Baby Carriages Will be placed on sale at great reductions from our usual low prices. One $55.00 Baby Carriage, for , $37.5) $40.00 Carriages, for $34.83 $35.00 Carriages, for $29.75 $25.00 Carriages, for $21.65 20 . 00 Carriages, for $17.25 $17.50 Strollers, for $14.93 $10.00 Strollers, for $8.45 r I P i it-ten KINSTON m mm biCi SZi:- I I f' Y' ' H Mb 4 i' -ill mm : : fl 111! I 1 I-JI tZ'SZd u ii 1 1 p f ly I north ; cmmmM i n