ATURDAFEBRUARYlQl PAGE THREE For Rent Tw cottages on East St, t bsad of SJng. uiy 8-zg tx. For cr hire phono W. H. Murphy 257-J. Sunday phono t.7-J. Good ,ervlc. Dly M If. For landacspe gardening call 362-L am ask for F. D. Ward. My 2-7 to 14 For sale or rent One five room cot- taire on East Gordon Street E. K. Waller. Dly 2-7 to 13 I'nr Sale One black mare, 6 years M. Gentle. One auto, C or 8 cylinders, in pood condition. E. It. W aller. Dly 2-7 to 13 NHice Itcginning February will charge sixteen cents a fur milk. J. F. McDaniel. )ly 2-7 to 9 8. I quart Lost Purse containing about $70.00 in cash. Finder please return to this office and get reward. J)y 2-7 to 9 For Sale We will issue for sale Jan uary 1st Fifty Thousand Dollars of 7 per cent, non-taxable Preferred Stock, interest payable semi-annually. Chesterfield Manufacturing Co., J. F. Taylor, President and Treasurer. Dly & Sw 12-26 tf. Peas for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Fanners wanting peagjicill do well to corre spond with me at once. E. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. Dly & Sw l-3 tf. I A NERVOUS WRECK From Three Years' Suffering:. Saji Car dui Made Her Well. Texas City, Tex. In an Interesting statement, Mrs. Q. H. Schill, of this tows, says: "For three years I suffered untold agony with my head. I was unable to do any of my work. I Just wanted to sleep all the time, for that was the only ease I could get, when I was asleep. I became a nervous wreck lust from the awful suffering with my . head. I was so nervous that the least noise would make me jump, out of my bed. had no energy, and was unable to do , anything. My soirpr young boy, had to do all my household duties. ' I was not able to do anything until 1 took Cardui. I took three bottles In all, and it Surely cured me of those awful headaches. That has been three years ago, and I know the cure is permanent, for I hare never bad any headache since taking Cardui. .. Nothing relieved me unto I took Cardui. It did wonders for me." Try Cardui for your troubles made from medicinal ingredients recommended in medical books as being of benefit in female troubles, and 40 years of use has proven that the books are right Begin taking Cardui today. NC-134 Dr. Geo. B. Kirkman EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Fitted Correctly. . Nervous System Analyzed. Cross Eyes Straightened Without Pain or Operation. Office Over Temple's Drug Store, Kinston, N. C. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays and evenings by Appoint ment. Graduate from ' McCormick's Medical College Chicago, 111. C. L RQSEMOND PUinpand Machine Shop Quick Attention Given to Repair Work. ; Phone No. 585 110 W. Gordon St NEW SKIRTS AND SPRINGHATS We are showing Borne very attractive designs of the . new Sol Satin Skirts and a few Spring hats. ' ' CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON PHONE 234 PAY - YOUR The taxpayers of the County have been very alow this year ia paying their State and County Taxes and the State Treasurer Is urgently insisting thai we push the collection of taxes and remit. PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER PROMPT ATTENTION. A. W TAYI.OR;- SUNDAY SERVICES IN The sixth of the coal-saving union ervices will b held Sunday night Gordon Street Christian Church will bo the place. Rev. W. Marshall Craig, pastor of the First Baptist Church, will preach. . Kinston's churches are glad to welcome strangers. ADVEXTIST. Seventh Day Adventist Church Wuters Street. Sumray nijrht at 7:30, sermon on "Has God Anything to Do With the Present War? If So What Tart is He Acting?" Pastor Farman assur es his congregation that this will be a very interesting discourse. BAPTIST. First Baptint Church, Rev. W. Marshall Craig, pastor. At 9:45, Sunday school, Mr. E. O Moore, superintendent. Classes for all ages. , At 10:50, deacon's praycrmcoting. At 11, morning worship; subject, "Letter Writers of Today." There wiH be no evening service, as the congregation will jjin in the union service to be held at the Christian Church. CHRISTIAN. Gordon Street Church, Rov. B. P. Smith, pastor. From 10 to 10:55, Bible school, Men and women are especially in vited to attend the auditorium class taught Iby the pastor. All ages are cordially invited to enter the school. From 11 to 12:15, meeting for worship. Preaching toy the pastor. lAt 6:30 p. an., Christian Endeavor meetings. At 7:30, union service. Preaching i Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who Drinks Hot Water f Say an Inside bath, before break- fast helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Sroarklimr and vivacious merry. bright, alert a igood, clear skin and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only 'by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be induced1 to adopt the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change Would take place. instead ol tne thousands of sickly, anaemic-look- inz men. women and girls. With pasty or muddy complexions; instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "run downs," 'brain fags" and pessimists We should see a virile, optimistic throng of irosy-oheeked (people ev erywhere. An inside ibath is mad my amiuung each mottling, (before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone pnoapnate in it to wash from the stomach, hver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshen ing the entire alimentary . canai De- fore putting more food into the stomach. - ' " ' . Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated very orten, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will coat but a trifle, bat is sufficient to demonstrate the auick and remarkable change in both health and appearance, awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We must remember that inside cleanli ness is more important than outside, because the skin does not absorb im- Jtmrdties to contaminate the blood I wants uie pures m 'uj vuu igr acci, i bowels do- ' ' " adv. TAXES! Sheriff Lenoir County it, it. AAitl TTTT T V - " - - i f Social and Personal Mrs. J. E. Barker of New Bern is the guest of Mrs. A. Z. Edwards bare. . Muss Rosalie iNunn returned to her home at Winston-Salem Satur Jay after sperkfing several weeks wfth relatives and friends here and at Ayden. . Mr. Connor Allen, a former Kin ston young lawyer now on the legal staff of the Federal Land Bank at Columbia, S. C, is spending a few days at the residence of his parents, Judge and Mrs. Oliver Allwn, King Street. Mr. Allen has been ill with fever. His condition while not SC' rious caused him to take a vacation to recuperate from the effects of the fever. . Little Miss Hawkins at Home. Susie May Hawkins, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Hawkins, was at home to more than a score of her friends at the residence, 110 South p5a?ft Street, Thursday. The little ncstess ceieurmea ner seventh natal anniversary. The young celdbrant fras prettily by Rev. W. Marshall Crais of the First E'.iptist Church. Every one is invited to attend this interesting service. EPISCOPAL. L Mary's Church, King and In dependence streets. Services for tomorrow may be ex pected as follow: Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. No evening service. The congre gation is asked to worship at the Christian Church at 7:30 for the sixth union service. Next Wednesday being the first day of Lent, services will be held at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; also on Friday at 5 o'clock. ' solid construction many months. THIS $7.50 BED Full size, white or Ihnnnrno I ' I .' aorAaa ' THE ' t Ocssacsgaxa,-J ' A Beautiful Tapestry Living Room Suite is A Fine j j j: 1 in nn eitn en reuucea iroin xw.w dressed for the occasion. She is one of the most attractive nd interest ing of the "much younger" set of her neighborhood. : Appropriate games were played, and the refreshments were just grand by unanimous opin ion of the happy assistant celebrants Voting Mias Hawkins is classically dainty, quiet and polite. Librarian's Report, i . , The librarian, f (the Kinston Pub lic Library makes the following financial report . for January: Brought forward from December, $8.67; appropriation, $25; 2 sub scriptions, $3; 1 v6-months sub scription, $1; fines, 43 cents; con tribution,, 1 cent; total, $33.14. Dis bursements: Rent, ?15LS3; 5 books, $3.35; librarian's salary for Decem ber, $10; sweeping $1.25; bringing- up wood, 25 cents; lights, 80 cents; total, $23.15. Balance, $959. The books purchased were: "The Deflnfte Ob-1 ject," by Jeffrey Farnor; "The Tur moil," Booth Tarklngton; "Virginia,! Ellen Glasgow; "The Captivating Mary Carstairs," H, S. Harrison; "Dabney Todd," F, ; N. Westcott. Three yeabooks--for 1914, 1915 and PRESBYTERIAN. Atkinson Memorial Church, North Independence Street Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. G. B. Hanrahan, at 11 o'clock. . ' There will be no night service in this church. The pastor and congre gation will join in the Union service to be held at "Gordon Street Christian Church atj7;30 p. m, (METHODIST. V Queen Stfe'ttJ Methodist, Rev. M. H. Tuttle, pastor': .; ' Sunday School at 0:45 a. m. Preaching ' ail U; subject, ' "The Great Physician." v At night, union service at Gordon Street Christian Church. All are in vited to attend these services. and tHe best workmanship. It will pay . . i e eJ- HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE VALUES (HCrnr . . h -m m VXUU XVJk See it in oxydized enamel ; xx7mu C05IE J4RLY NEXT WEEK AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CHANCE. 1916were also ordered. . The library is open from 3 to 9 p, ft t'JtX: m m m Little Roosevelt to Beaufort. , The children of Mr. . and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., are expect ed to go to Beaufort shortly to visit their' great aunt, Mrs. A. Hoffman. Mrs. Hoffman resides on Bogue Banks a short distance from Beau fort. The children's parents are in Europe. ."' CHURCHES. (Too Late to Classify) First Church of Christ Scientist ' Service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Evening service 7:30. Sub ject for the lesson sermon, "Spirit." Sunday school 10 a. m. Wednesday evening a testimonial meeting at 7:30. The reading room is open daily from 3 until O p. m. All are cordially invited to attend these ser vices and visit the reading room. Primitive Baptist Church, Caswell StreetElder a B. Hall of Golds-1 boro will preach Sunday at 4:30 p. ' m. The public is cordially tnvitea. KlNSlViN-CAKULINA RAILROAD & LUMBER COMPANY. Kinston, N. C, Feb. 7, 1918. Effective at once and continuing ( until Monday, February 11th all freight for Kinston-Carolina, points is embargoed. Passenger trains will be operated as usual, trains arriv ing and departing from Caswell Street Crossing. F. II. HILL, Supt. Dly 2-7 to 9 $109 Reward, $100 Ths reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there la at leut one dreaded dleeue that science haa been able to cure In U Its stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh bclnn urestlr inlluenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is takon Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and asmistlng nature In dolnn its work. The proprietors have so much faith In the curative power of Hall's Catarrh Medloine that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F. 3. CH15NET & CO., Toledo, Ohio, gold by all Druggists 75c I - 1 ' ' A 10 PIECE MAHOGANY DINING SUITE FOR. $195.00 When will you ever have another chance to furnish your dining room in the highest grade furniture at such an astonishing low Sf3- IVkM V.AC mwv.ww our window. Selection of Rugs is Still t- j j iteauceu x-. KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMPANY C.OETTINGERM gr. Telephone No. 182 110 E.GordonSt TIN AND SLATE ROOFING Quality, price and Workmanship Guaranteed, We " have the largest Stock of Sheet metal in North Caro lina. We also make Tobacco Flues that fit. E. R.WALLER COMPANY PHONE 189 ffiie birth ofMetodg otted tie tiVrtte&m universe. Music Is the great refining influence In the lives of men. Select a piano that will last a life-time. The Schubert Piano is perfect ia tons and touch, perfect In construction, perfect In design, perfect in inish. We control the sale of this piano in this territory. , The ' Livingston 88-note player-piano at $550.09 is a big musical money's worth. Come In and listen to its wonderful tone. It will charm and delight you. WE WANT TO SELL YO UA PIANO! ' CASH ott TERMS. . ' :'. 'v ' v:. "' J. D. LEONARD PIANO-COMPAMY. ' Queen Street Near Caswell Hotel. a ' t . rpmarlraWv Inw nrices you to anticipate wwv. 1918 Model Carriage $35.00 Value Here . - gcu. .. jam - I rit on Fuimiure of your wants for $29.75 .....'. ! ' IU Pi 4 kK

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