DAILY AONECENTSTAET Tfc Htfi4 ECU fUCDHEMH wa uu tu rMr i om Of erhUkrsla -Ts4ayi TWO fTENTS VOL. XIX.No.291 f I SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918 FOUR PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS : : MOSCOW tSOVICT IS FOR 'RATIFICATION PEACE WITH BOCHES Looks Like Bolsheviki Prem ier Will Gain His Point in That Neighborhood ATROCITIES IN RUSSIA Germans Slay 200 Civilians. SlaVs Threaten Reprisal. May Shoot 160 Teutons Held Near Pskoff Franc is Goes East (By the United Press) Petrograd, Mar. 7.The Moscow soviet has voted overwhelmingly to ratify the peace treaty with Ger many following a visit from Zionovieff and others. This is accepted as indicating that Premier Lenine's steam roll er may succeed. This is not the soviet gathering called to meet March 12. ,;. Huns Kill Russian Civilians, ' " Petrograd, Mar. 5 (Night). The Germans have shot and hanged 200 Russian citizens at Yurieff without mercy, refugees from lEsthonia re ported to the Smolny Institute today Women's and children's ibodies were thrown in the river, they said. Trotsky was asked to notify the Ger man and Esthonian officials that a continuation of the German outrages would result in the execution of 160 barons and landowners held as hos tages near Pskoff. Francis Reported to Have Moved Again. Petrograd, Mar. 7. American Am bassador Francis, wiring from Vol ogda to the Norwegian envoy here, today urged the latter to afford Amer icans dn Petrograd every protection. According Ho the commissarit " of foreign affairs Francis and staffhave left Vologda for Perm, capital1 of the province of that name, 650 m51eS East of Vologda. It is less than 300 miles from the Siberian border. Despite the signing of peace with Germany the Russian government is remov ing its valuables from the capital. Students Conspire; Killed. Petrograd, Mar. 4 5 (Night) A conspiracy of students and officers to overthrow the Bolsheviki govern ment resulted today in a raid on a house near the Winter Palace. Six students were killed. , ' , Whitehair Coming to y This State iain in Interest War-Savings (Special The Free Press) Winston-Salem, Mar- 7. That Charles W. Whitehair, a returned Y. M. ,C. A. worker from the Palestine and the war zone, is to return to North Carolina on a speaking tour 01 five days is good news to North Carolinians, especially to those who heard him in Raleigh on the occas ion of the war-savings institute. He will receive a great welcome from his hearers in North Carolina as he com pletely captivated his audiences on his former visit ' He will speak dn a number of plac es and as often as two or three times a day. His first appointment is at LeaksvilleSpray, March 6. r Mr. Whitehair is an ex-professor of Princeton University. SWITZERLAND SORE OVER RUTHLESSNESS (By tne united Press) Washington, Mar. 7 Switzerland mdignant over the torpedoing of hip laden with wheat for her by ft Germans, cording to extracts from the Journal De Geneve of h 6. GORE WANTS HIGHER MINIMUM PRICE ON WHEAT; $2 T0010W 7 Senator Gives Notice That He Will Try to Upset President's Figures Haven't Served Purpose, SaysSuggests $2.50 (By the United Press) Washington, Mar. 7'. Further as saults by Congress on President Wilson's war measures are impend ing. Senator Gore has given notice of his intention to upset the wheat prices fixed by the President Gore is trying to get a minimum of 2.50 a bushel instead of the $2 fixed by the President The President's prices were announced to stimulate wheat planting and increase product ion.' Gore and McCumber declare price fixing has failed to win as a war measure because the prices fixed have not been enough to induce the farmers to increase the acreage. COTTON Receipts Thursday were seven or eight bales, the high price 31 1-2. Futures quotations were: Open. Close. March ,.' 32.10 32i25 M&y ............ 31.80 31.88 July ............ 31.35 31.42 October 3i.l8 30.24 December . .7. . . . . 29.88 30.03 Conference for Social Service Picks Officers and Hears Mrs. Booth '(Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, Mar. 7. the North Caro lina . Conference fwir Social Service last night heard an address by Mrs. Maud E'allington Booth of New York on "Out of the Shadows." About 30 men from the State prison here were in the audience by special permission. They wtre dressed in citizens' clothes. , , Mrs. Booth told of the experiences of 20 years spent in prison reform work. She is known the country over as the "little mother." The conference yesterday after noon elected the following officers: President, Dr. Howard (E. Rond thaler, Winston-Salem. Viice-presidents: First, Mrs. Clar ence A. Johnson, .Raleigh; second, Dr. E. C. Branson, Chapel Hill; third, V. S. Woodard, Charlotte. Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Lingle, Chapel Hill. Dr. C. B. McNairy, Kinston was among those in attendance yester day. : The conference closed last night EMPEROR CONGRATULLATES LEOPOLD ON SUCCESSES. (By the United Press) Amsterdam, Mar. 7. Emperor WJlftam, in a telegram to Prince Leopold of, Bavaria, the Austro-Ger-man commander-in-chief on the East ern front, according to a Berlin dis patch, congratulates him that after three and a half years of struggle the German armies have called a halt to the "Sussian army, which ' with an ovewhelmdng superiority of num bers, threatened our country." FIRE AT PACTOLUS- Pactolus, Mar. 6. A fire started by a tramp destroyed two Atlantic fVmt TJna box cars here yesterday. The cars were loaded with lime and brick. The tramp, a foreigner, was (arrested near ParmeJe during t&e afternoon, confessed and was tasen fo Greenville. - ' ' FIND STILL. Greenville, Mar. 6.-Jitt County officers raided and smashed a 60-gal-Ion moonshine still in Beaver Dam Township yesterday. It was Sher iff McLawfcorn's 49th staH in three years. - . w ENCOURAGEMENT TO FARMERS IN LETTER FROM Bickett Believes Laborers Will Not Be Called From Plantations for ' Army Service Before July 15 Says Go Ahead The Lenoir County board is in re ceipt of the following letter from Governor Bickett in regard to the drafting of farm laborers: "March 6th, 1918. "To members of local and district boards: "I am glad to be able to announce after a careful investigation of the subject that, in my opinion, no farm ers or farm 'laborers in the second draft will be pent to training camps lefore the 15th of July. I am giv ing out this opinion in order that the farmers and farm laborers may pro ceed to cultivate- their crops upon the assurance that they will not be disturbed earlier than the 15th of July, by which time the crops will be laid by. "This announcement, however, does not include the deferred percentage of -the first quota made up of color ed men. Colored men who are liable to call in the first draflt, are now Piable to be called at any time. "Please give to this announcement the widest publicity possible. -v-"T. W. BICKETT, , ' "Governor." Wisconsin House of Representatives is Against LaFolIette (By the United Press) Madison, Wis., Mar. 7. The loyalty resolution in the Wisconsin legislat ure censuring Senator LaFolIette was passed by the House of Represent atives last night The vote was 53 to 32. The resolution had been pass ed by the Senate. Dry Zones Around 7 Naval Stations and Academy at Annapolis. (By the United Press) Washington, Mar. 7. Secretary Daniels has ordered the establish ment of "dry zones" for five miles around seven naval and marine sta tions and the academy at Annapolis. The stations include those at Nor folk and Port .Royal, S. C. "Con ditions amply justify" the order, says Secretary Daniels. 18 SHiPS SUNK. London, Mar. 7. The last week's losses from mines or submarines were 18, merchantmen, 12 of them of 1,600 tons or over. Kaiser's Getting S., Says Edwards; Extravagance Helps Him (By D. T. Edwards) If you want to take your place (by proxy) on the firing line in France and shoot one of those big guns at Hindenburg, Ludendorff, the .Crown Prince or some other part of the ag gregation of murderers and ravish ers that are now terrorizing the world, just join the Limit dub and buy war certificates to the amount of $1,000 and Uncle Sam will place the shot for you. It will take, thousand dollars to fire one shot, so they say; but that shot may be very effective. If you want to shorten the war, save a thousand lives and more, and bring back peace to a distracted world, the most effective way is to join the Limit Club and do your duty by your country as well as yourself. Let the Dollar Do. the Work. . i And it Trill do it Every dollar is going to work for somebody or some interest In the present state of world-conditions ft must work eith er for Uncle Sam or for Kaiser Bill If it is engaged in stimulating in dustry that is essential to the war or if it is loaned to the Government LITTLE ONES BEING DEPORTED BY HUNS (By the United Press) Washington, Mar. 7. Germany is deporting boys from Belgium as wolt as older men, accor ing to Belgian legation information Some chil dren under 13 1-2 y lars have been included, while in the Mons district about 300 boys have been sent into Germany. The destruction of in dustries and carrying5 away of all rail supplies continue. PROOF OF NEED OF MERCHANT VESSELS (By the United Press) Washington,. Mar. jf America is falling behind in" the ship- -mont of grain to the Allies at the rate of 5,000,000 bushrfls a month, due chiefly to the 1 k of ton- , naged. I BULLETINS STABILIZE STEEL PRJCES. Washington, Mar. f. Prices soon will be fixed on altmaterials entering into the manufacture of steel with a view to stabilizing the ultimate producs, it Is learned at the offices of the Var In duHtries Board. Chrome refract ory brick, crucibles ano) all ma terials entering into the con struction of blast furnaces are af fected. RAID REPULSED. ... ' . London, Mar. 7. A heavy raid under protection of a barrage di- rected ngainst the British troops near Epehy last night ifl report ed by Gen. Haig to have been re pulsed. - ' - 7 NO MORE DESK JOBS MEN OF DRAFT AGE (By the United Press) Washington, Mar. 7. Bomb-proof Jobs for men of the draft age will no longer be granted by the War De partment.. The staff corps has shut down on commissions to men of this class except in the rarest cases, where men are shown to be of un usual fitness. Such types are called swivel chair warriors and desk-gren-odiers by the regulars. No New Army Divisions Will Be Formed 1918. Tho' Many Men Called. Washington, Mar. 7. No new army divisions will be organized this year, it is stated. The large numbers of men called will be used in filling up existing divisions. Substantial Aid that it may finance the war then it is . worthily doing its work in the world; and the lender has a right to 'point with pride to the fact that he is represented so ably in the strug gle with autocracy and the powers of darkness. The Traitorous Dollar. iBut every dollar that is hidden away, spent for things that are pure luxuries, for non-essentials, in the way of waste and extravagance, is a traitorous dollar. It encourages unessential industries, takes labor and capital out of essential industries, makes it more difficult and slow for Uncle Sam to bring his strength to bear "at the battlefront, sacrifices American lives, destroys the homes of our Allies and prolongs the agony through which the world is passing. Silent Allies of Germany in Lenoir County. These silent allies .of Germany must be driven from tAmerica; and, for fear we all look at The other fel low, let us (realize the fact that they must be driven from Lenoir County. This good old county is not free from them; for they exist wherever there PETERSON FAILS TO APPEARFOR TRIAL; COURT TAKES STEPS Solicitor at Raleigh Asks Camp Jackson Command ing Officer to Give Major Up Judge Won't Con tinue the Case (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, Mar. 7. The chief of police at Columbia, S. C, has been requested to arrest Maj. George L. Peterson, an army officer charged with embezzilement of 7,(iOO while military disbursing officer here. Peterson, under bond for his appear nrice in count here yesterday, failed to show up. It was said ithe mili tary Authorities would not permit him to leavo his duties at Camp Jackson. Peterson recently went to Camp Jackson from Camp Sevier. His home is at Clinton, N. C. Judge W. P. Stacy yesterday declined to continue the case again. It was con tinued several months ago. Solicitor Norris baa wired the com manlh'nr general -at Camp Jackson asking if he will deliver Peterson to the Columbia police. 'Dots Miller Didn't Enlist to Play Ball, He Tells the Marines. (By the United Press) Washington, Mar. 7. Notwith standing the fact that he's in the Marine Corps as a volunteer, Jack "Dots" Miller, former captain and first baseman of the St Louis Nationals,- thought he stood a good chance of being "drafted." The Marine Corps baseball team in this city needs ;rcltjnfieldora , and "Dots" Miller's name headed the list of prospects. "Gee, I dont want to be drafted and play ball," grumbled "Dots" when informed that he might be chosen to play on-the crack Marine nine. "I want to fight that's why I joined this outfit And now they want me to play ball. Can you beat such luck?" But when General E'arnett was informed that he would rather fight than play ball, he declined to order him to Washington. Miller would probably have man aged the Cardinals the coming seas on had 'he stuck to baseball instead of joining the colors. COMMANDER OF FAMOUS BATTALION DISCHARGED. Richmond, Mar. 7. Major J. Ful mer Bright formerly commander of the Richmond Grays' iBbttalion, First Virginia Regiment, has received his honorable discharge from, Federal military service on account Of defect ive vision. (Subscribe to this paper) From U. 'p. waste and extravagance wherev er there is a slacker nickle, dime, quarter or dollar. After the Kaiser's Own Heart They will help the Kaiser. They will kill American soldiers! Waste and extravagance take force from the power of America. Every pen ny spent for luxuries and unneces sary things is a penny lost to the production and purchase of food, clothing, supplies, ships and mu nitions for our soldiers. As long as we spend wastefully Germany will ireoeive powerful help from America and just so much fur ther away is the day of peace. Become a War Saver to the Limit! Join the club awl become a war saver to the limit of your ability. Nothing less than this will enabhj (you . to have the consciousness of duty done. War-savings stamps are profitable, simple and secure investments. You 'll never find a better road to pros perrty titan Uncle Sam has provided. ; So join the club. Help yourself to prosperity end your country to victory! . '. GOVERNOR TO SPEAK 7' COURTHOUSE AT 7:30 Will Spend Night Here- Public Invited to Hear Address on "Patriotism." Be Guest Drs. IMcNairy and Hardy Governor BKckefct is expocted to arrive at limes' Junction about 4:40 o'clock this afternoon. He will stop at the Caswell Training School to bo the guest of Dr. C. B. McNairy, tfhe isupormtemlent, land Mrs. Mc Nairy for an hour or two. Tho Governor will come into the city at 7:30 to deliver an address on "Patriotism" at the Courthouse. He will spend the night here as the gueat of Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hardy. War Thrift Speech. The Governor in his speech at the Courthouse will stress war-savings, lie has been active in the campaign for war thrift in the State. The courtroom is being decorated for the occasion. ' ' Dr. James M. Parrutt county war thrift chmirman, will preside at the meeting. Mr. John G. Dawson will introduce the Governor. All Invited to Hear Address. Every perron is invited to hear Governor Bickett, and women es pecially. The prospect for bad. weath er will ivo prevent him from being heard by a house-filling audience, it is expected. . It appears that those in charge may not be able to get an instrument into the courtroom, and for that reason a musical program planned may have to be abandoned. One American Tries Going Over the Top All Kinds of Ways ' By J. W. PEGLER (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the 'American Expeditionary Army, France, Jan. 20 (By Mail). If they ever invent a new way of going over the top there's one Amer ican officer who will probably be on hand to try the new wrinkle. The French Government has dec orated him with the Croix de Guerre for going over the sacks in every way known to date. First ho went . over with , the French infantry in an attack last Spring. Though detailed as an ob server and not required to take too many chances the American officer was one of the first wave to cross No-Man's Land. He stayed with his unit until the objective was gained and when they had to fall back before a heavy counter-attack he fell back fighting with them. Some weeks later he went over the top in a tank and followed that trip a few days later by an aeroplane ob servation flight For the greater part of an, afternoon the plane cruised up and down a German sec tor watching the effect of big French shells on concrete defenses. The boche anti-aircraft guns made it warm for the American flyer tmt he was still an enthusiastic aviator when the 'plane came to a successful land ing on its own field at dusk, v French Buying Agent Embezzled Millions, Charged ; i Arrested. Washington, Mar. 7. JVank J. Golds!!, a retired French soldier, is under arrest here charged with em bezzlement of several million dollars in dealings ' with 'American manu facturers as representative of the Paris government. ColdsoU was born In Ohio but became a French citizen some years ago. He is wealthy. Ohio State Has Given 4,000 Men to Nation; to Have Service Flag. Columbus, 0-, Mar. 7. Four thous and stars, representing both grad uates and u nder-graduate a, will adorn a huge service flag which will be un furled on commencement day, May 23, at Ohio State University. WASHINGTON FEARS JAPAN MAY MKE AN ENEMY BV INVASION . . - . Officials Say Russian Might Join Huns in War Against All Allies NEW GOVERNMENT COMING; America Confident Iienina. Will Be Overthrown . Finland Likely , to Be In vaded by Swedish Force Holland's View . , (By the United Press) Z' Washington, Mar. 7. Authorities here fear that if Japan invades SU ' beria Russia, remembering the last-, blows from Japan, easily would side : with Lenine's policy and join ' with the German army to fight the Jap ancse. The Russians would then be used for fighting the other Allies.. Lenine in Danger. Tho ousting of Lenine is anticipat ed. That' another Russian govern'1 mont will arise is deemed! certain. This Government may attempt to upset a Rus-so-Gcrman - pact even" though the task is enormous. , t . Neutrals' Views. v , Holland and Sweden have eon- v demned the German course in Russia. Sweden, may seize this opportunity : for, a move against Finland. One part of that nation is still strongly Swedish. City Has War Budget; No More Soliciting . . at Aberdeen,' Wash, , Aberdeen, Wash., Mat. 7. "Drive less fund Taising" is the novel plan under way here to id war relief. " - To provide funds for the various war relief measures to come during the year, business interests are rais- ing a fund of $75,000.-: From this, Aberdeen's quota for future money , raising campaigns will be appropriat ed, eliminating soliciting. . Only, movements endorsed by the State Council of Defense will be aided. Largest Service Flag in World Will Fly on . Pinnacle of City Hall. ; Philadelphia, Mar. 6. The larg-; est service flag In the country will fly from the city hall here if present ' plans are canried through. Police-. men and boy scouts are now engaged r in, taking a eensus of .the -city to de-. . termine the -exact number of Phil- adelphians in the United States and Allied services. It is estimated that I the number will total at least 50,000. GERMANS STILL FOOLING THEMSELVES ABOUT U. S ' Paris, Mar. 7 The Germans per-'? sist in declaring that they are not aware of the presence of American troops on .the Western front, says. the correspondent of the Temps with - the British army dn France. This f he says may be pretense or the result ' of what thejr have been taught, but all prisoners, officers and privates, taken in the latest operations whei asked about the Americans in variably reply: "Yes, we know there is a division' in France and there never will be more. That is not enough to scare us." U. S. LINES 8 MILES LONG. Washington, Mar. 7. The Ameri cans in France now hold eight in ilea of trenches. FAVORABLE REPORT; HUN PROPERTY BILL i 5 1 hi (By the United Press) , . Washington, Man. 7. The Sen. i ate .Appropriations Coounibtee to-; day unanimously reported favorabljrt : a measure autnorrang tne govenv, j monk to eeS ell alien enemy property s In this country,

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