TIIE KINSTON FREE PRESS." PAGGTOUB L TAILORING DISPLAY Schloss Bros. & Co. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Order Your Easter Suit. J. C. Dail & Co. Dr. Geo. B. Krkman EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Fitted Correctly. Nervous System Analyzed. Cross Eyes Straightened Without Pain or Operation. Office Over Temple' Drug Store, Kimrton, N. C. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays and evenings by Appoint ment. Graduate from McCormick's Medical College Chicago, 111. Coat Suits, Dresses, and Coats for Spring We are pleased to announce the arrival of our Spring Suits, Dresses and Coats. They are made according to the latest fashion decrees in the most up-to-date materials and colors. T. W. MEWBORN & CO. "The Dependable Store." Pleasant and Profitable Business Relations Are obtained by the customers of this Bank. You arc cordially in vited to open an account The Caswell Bank, and Trust Co. W. D. LaROQUE, Pres. C B. DODSOX. Vice-Pres. T. W. HEATH, Cashier. Protect Your Money by Depositing it with THE NATIONAL. BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus Over T WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Yon Are A'jqi Protected by The 1XDKRAL RESERVE SYSTEM v of WhichThe Bank Is aMember "STRONGEST BANK THOMPSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS- No advance in these fronds. A splendid gar ment for the price of $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 ItRASSIEKES Plain and Fancy. 33c, 50c and S1.00. CHAS;J, WATERS The Telephone Store Phone 8S DR. IRA M. HARDY Honrs: 8:3t a. . to It p. m. Phone Connection. Offices: 104 West Caswell Street (Subscribe to The Free Press.) .. IN THE COUNTY" LOCAL For North Carolina: Fair tonight except rain in extreme East por tion. Much colder. Friday fair. Moderate West to North winds, be coming variable. To Speak at Snow Hill. Mr. C. V. Cowper will address a community meeting at Snow Hill Tuesday nij(ht. Hen .vi Coming. I'.en Avi, the noted Jewish orator, v i I! ppeak here under the auspices cf the Daughters of Zion during April. Sew Druggist. Mr. Henry Marston of Henderson has taken the poxition at the E. 6 Mara ton drujr store made vacant ly tiic calling to army service of Mr, T. E. St:t!nback. Mr. Marston has been located t Raleigh for several years 'past. lie is distantly related to Mr. E. B. Marston. Qualify as Executors. E. S. Hamilton, Atlanta, and Clar ence Hamilton, Lenoir County, have qualified as executors of the estate of their father, W. E. Hamilton, who died here recently. The estate is valued at between $15,000 and $20. 000, including city and country real estate and personal property. Accidental Shooting. Freil. Tucker of Glenfield lost his left hand by the accidental dis charge of a shotgun recently. Tuck er was standing on a stump holding the gun, his hand over the muzzle, when it slipped off the stump, the hnmmer striking the stump and dis charging the weapon. He was car ried to Hookerton for ampliation of 'the tei'l'!y-miangiled member. Death of Mrs. Aquilla Sugg. Mr3. Aquilla Surd; died at her resi dence near Snow Hill recently. " She was an invalid for months before her ibath. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Thomas Mc-M. Grant of Hooker- ton. Rurial took place in the ceme tery at Rainbow Church. Mrs. Sugg was well-known in Greene County Sho is survived by her husband and the following children: Staten Sugg. Kitwton; Thomas and Aquilla Sugg, Jr., Greene County; Mrs. R. L. Stan ford and Mrs. Walter Arthur, Kin ston; Mrs. C. L. Harper, Snow Hill and Mrs. Thoma3 Miller, Mount Olive Wants to Help Canners. Miss Adna Edwards, hsmc demon stration agent, takes it for granted h.-t amoiii? the hundreds of home .-nrrner') in I.cnoir County this year there will be many who wiM put- up rarden products for sale. Church societies iiml nthor organizations and Individuals who intend engaging ir the business should correspond with Miss Edwards at once in order thai she may be of assistance. She is ar ranging the schedule for her Sum mer work, She is enrolling addition al canning club members every day. Organize Demonstration Club. A home demonstration club for 'he Airy Grove school group was organized at the residence of Mrs. V. H. Kil patrick, in that section, Wednesday. The following officers were elected: Mrs. W. H. Kilpatrick, president; Miss Addie Moneley, vice presldent; Miss Nannie Scarborough, secretary and treasurer. Com mittees on gardening, canning. Red Cross activities, wfer-savings and magazines and publicity were ap pointed. The next meeting will be held March 22 at 2:00 o'clock, at Airy Grove School. The club, with jrirl as well as women members, will be interested in numerous phas es of war and community work. Miss -Vina Edwards organized the club. M;ss Mary Shotwell, assistant sup erintendent of schools, and Mrs. L. J. Mewborne accompanied her to Airy Crove. Colored Health and Civic League. The first branch of the North Car olina Negro Health and 3vicLegue, being organized by Rev. James E. Holder of this city at the instance of the Stat Boai"d of Health, was form- eJ at St. Augustus A. M. E. Zion Church, North Street, Tuesday night The officers are: ; Mrs. Helen Bynum, presijent; Rev. Edtor. Fields, vice president; Mrs. Betty Lawrence, sec retary; Mrs. L. C. Perry, assistant secretary; Mrs, Betty Saunders, treasurer; Dr. C H. Bynum, lectur er; Rev. Edw. Fields, machine op erator. Committees will fnave charge Every promise of J. E. Hood & Co. about Mi-o-na stomach tablets is fulfilled. adv. INTEREST of various .phases of the league! work here. More than 40 persons enrolled at . the organization. The Kinston league, as all others when organized, will be registered at Ral eitfh. State Director Holder gave an illustrated lecture on the hookworm disease at Tuesday night's meeting, James S. (Mitchener, county health officer, made an address. Mrs. Weeks' Body to Cedar Point. The body of Mrs. Orrin Weeks of this city, who died in a hospital at El Paso, Tex., last week passed Itirough Kjnaton Wednesday Ifnigtot en route to Cedar Point, Carteret County, for burial. " Mrs. Weeks was reared in Carteret County. Mr, Weeks, who arrived at El Paso shortly before hit wife's death, ac companied the body. A sister, Mrs Charles Hardesty, joined him at Ral tigh. In Springtime the Fly; Swat Tin, Or You Die; New Poem by Mitchener In Springtime young men s thoughts usually turn to romance. IAit Doc. Mitchener, county health officer, is daffy on the subject of flies. He has written more po'try and the pome printed below is about flies. Doc. really thinks it's good True, the geography of the piece is a little bit twisted, but well, "edi torial comment" is to be withheld. Here goes: "In the early days of Spring, Our friend the fly begins to sing. If we him do not now prevent Lo! The disease that will be sent "To you who own a stable, Keep it clean as you would your table! For there we know flies' eggs are laid And do please often use a spade. "Your houses you should screen Lest, on the food he will be seen; And when of this you do partake From . filth, sick yourself you'll make. "You must connect with the sewer And open closets make fewer; For there germs which make one die Are found when visited by the fly "Your back yard of trash now make free So that no waste you can see, And when suddenly appears your friend, No apologies you should begin. "Po not think your high fence Will keep us from using common sense And know not it hides many faults, As gold is kept secure m vaults "So, folks, since Springtime now is nere, Take advice, for life is dear. And screen the house and clean the stable And keep that fly off the table!" ANSWERS TO HEINIE'S NONSENSE; HE'S A STUPID SORT OF FELLOW (Continued from page three) peae and England h preventing it." Answer. Ask the man who tells this lie to state the German terms. i-ie rxo. 5. "lhe Ked Cross is a eapitalists' money-making concern It sold a Bweater made by the grand- motther of a girl who lives on -the comer of Washington Street and Wilbur Avenue." Answer. That girl hasn't got any grandmother. Three corner lots at the intersection of Washington Street and Wilbur Avenue are va cant, and the fourth is occupied by a stag hotel. Find another grand mother. Lie No. 6. "If you have a food conservation caird in your window the government will come and take away nil your jellies and preserves and ev erything else you put up last Fall. Answer. Yes; they're for Mr. Rockefeller. He's fond of jellies and preserves and can't afford to buy any. lie No. 7. "If the Allies lost the war, that wouldn't hurt America any. Germany wouldn't try to do anything to America, even if Ameri ca were on the losing aide." Answer. "My heart bleeds for Louvain." (The Kaiser.) Lies No. 8 to No. 1.263,407; that is, all the other lies. Answer. Find the German who started them. ' BUY THRIFT STAMPS; GET THE in om rrka CMi ir PLAID WOOLENS for SKIRTS. SOL SATIN . in wniTE. 40-in. wide. A. J. SUTTON & SONS Telephone 34 - - J. L. HAMME LAWYER Office with Cowper and Whitaker First Always or nearly always you will find us just a little ahead of the season in showing you the new things. Natural ly you can expect us to be prepared to show you the things you want a little better than other stores. And you can usually get a better value here just for these reasons we prepare earlier by buying far ahead and at lower pric es than if we buy late in the season. Now We are showing a full line of swings, hammocks, porch furniture, refriger ators and other furnishings you'll need during this mild Spring weather arid later on in the Summer. i Fin rn fir i mi i ' ' Tnr ! ms& .1-P A simple, strong and well made reversible disc harrow. composed of few parts, strong and duraWe. Tho low-' -frame enables its nse La close quarters. The toagne'Ia - veil braced.' The gangs arc supported by a heavy steel '! a : arch that eaa be tilted to any desired angle for working rev or between ridges. The reverse eaa be accomplished withont loosening any belta. We also Iutc ia Stock the P & 0 Cantoi Star Disc Harrow. Ha E Moseley Hardware Company DEALERS. Spring 7 Visit Our Millinery Department and In sped the Pretty Creations We Are Showing in M illinery Barrett & Hartsrield .11 r.ihWS ;"-t &0 Reeiible Disc . Harrows KINSTON, N. G Millmery, CLROSEMOND Plumbing and Machine Shop Quick Attention Given to Kepair Work. Phone No. 585 110 W. Gordon St SPRING SUITS, DRESSES, MILLINERY AND LADIES' LINE OF UNDERWEAR. CASEY JHOfpfl g. J. M. Stephenson! Old Stand. : phoni i7i APPLES. Red Limbertwigs, per peck, 50c Cabbage Plants now here Ready to Set. Irish potatoes, per peck, 50c. Something to eat of all kinds at reliable prices. ti Seeds Field Peas, Peanuts, : Potatoes. R F. BROOKS ft SOU Something to Eat" There is nothinpr quite so satisf actory for fin ishing off ? the" interior of halls, stores, saloons, bath rooms,, and .kitch ens as stamped metal ceilings and side walls. Th last' longer, look better and are a lot saf er. ; ; . , .;. If you are about to re model or build, - it will pay you to get my esti mate : on your ? metal work - ceilings, .side walls, skylights, cormc es, gutters, leaders, etc iB.scon PHONES: " ; Restteaca 892-L. Offiea Wt -Wa Aba Da nnmbing-