THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. TnURSD,jMARCn21, 1918, THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. 6 ALT BRAXTON, Wlter tad Eaaafe FnbHabed Every Day Except Sunday by the Klneton Free Prejs Co, Ine, KJnston, N. ti Cntrd et the postofflce at Kinston. North Carolina, at scond-cuae matter under act ol UMiffress, marea a, ios Snbaerlptloa Ratee Payable la Advances Oh Week .10 Three Month fl.2S OM Moot AO 81z Months $2J0 On Tear 15.00 Brew YORK OFFICE 80 E. 42nd St, Mr. Ralph R elulhrsn. ttt aole charre of Eastern Department. FUei f The Free Press can be seea. WESTERN OFFICE In enarjje f Mr. C J. Anderson Hirrmetta Bnlldina. Chicago, where filaa of The Free Preee can ba aeaa. . BnbeeTibers are requested to notify, by Telephone 76, fba Free Proaa of any irregularity of delivery or inat Isutfoo whatsoe'er on the part of the carrier. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 21. 1918. Jf Missouri could just Joolc, at the matter like Wis consin did. 1 Right now the most loathsome word in the English language Is "Slacker." W. 8. iS. stands for War Savings Stamp. It also stands for, Win, Save and Serve. ( . .. ' e i - But then Bob iLaFoilette is not "A prophet with honor save in his own country." He has no honor anywhere. Mr. Man of affairs are you doing your part to put Le noir County's Limit Club "over the top" by Saturday night T Our esteemed contemporary, The Sun-Journal, is not so much disturbed about "what's in a name" as how to apell a name. N-e-w R-e-r-n. t " "" It begins to appear that von Hindenlmrg is buildinR a wall of men to keep the Allies out of Berlin rather "Have to beware of fakers" warns an exchange. Good than to take the initiative n feeding them to the Allies' advice but then if a fellow doesn't ftet faked occasion cannon, ally he runs short of something to boast about. I ARE YOU WILLING? . The question that every good citizen must now ask himself is: "Am I willing to let the other fellow carry all the burden in this war?" "Can I be content to sit idly by and enjoy the blessings of my country, and her freedom while' others fight to maintain her sacred heritage?" ' . Individual responsibility of citizenship has never been emphasized as it is being by the calls that are made on the people of this country now. Not only does the country need men and calls for them but it needs money and it is calling for it. The man who fails to answer the call on his money is just as much a slacker as the one who hides to evade military service. And there is no place in this country for the slacker. Lenoir County is called upon this week to "go over the top" in the Limit Club's membership of 100. The qualification for membership is the purchase of ono thousand dollars in War Savings Stamps. The responsi bility doesn't lie with those who havenU the money nor the resources, but it does lie with those who have. The question to be answered by every good citizen is not whether it "suits my convenience or fancy," but "can I get the money before the end of 1918." If the answer is yes, there is but ono course to pursue, mat is to re spond to the call. Are1 you willing to be recorded as a slacker when only your dollars are being asked for, when your neighbors and friends are being called to give of their lives? Are you willing? If the membership in 'Lenoir's Limit Club does not reach 100 by Saturday night, the good county will not be entitled to honorable mention in the lir.t of those counties which did their fuW share in the drive. Think about that Mr. Citizen. If you have a thousand dollars or ir your credit is good for that amount, are you win ing for your county to be a slacker because you fail to do your duty? The Wilmington Star seem3 to be prepared for most airjreveHttrality. It opines: "When North Carolina Re' publicans and Democrats 'laugh it off' and begin to treat each othtr as twin brothers, any newcomer with a tin horn can make us believe he is (jabnel. "Reforms dn railroad accountings" are said to have been inaugurated under the direction of 'Director-General McAdoo.. Perhaps he has knocked out some of the bungs to let out the water. . Uncle Sam to Wilhelmina: "I would prefer to have your consent to the seizure of your ships, but if you can't see your way clear to say yes I shall be obliged to take them anyway." Marine Recruits Are ' , Owners of Thousand Pigs at Paris Island. (Special to The Free Press) Pari Island,' S. C, Mnr. 21. Probably no cantonment in the coun try is conserving more food thnn is that of the United States Marines ; here, through the raising of pigs. The movement started some time ago when several "rookies" pur chased a littfe of pigs from a Georgia farmer. Since then others have fol lowed suit until the pig has grown into prominence as well as popular ity throughout the entire camp. Besides conserving food and furn ishing the Marines with splendid feasts, the pigs consume all table scraps and garbage, thus saving much disagreeable lalwr. At -present the Island "ranch" boasts of aibout 1,000 fine young porkers. " According to the latest reports from France, the Marines over there are adopting pigs nd training them1 to do "kitchen police." NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Passenger Train Schedule Corrected to January 1st, 1918 (As information and not guaranteed) Trains Leave Kinston 7:50 A. M. for New Bern, More head City, Beaufort, Oriental, Washington, Elizabeth City, Norfolk. Tarlor Car New Bern to Nor folk. Connecting at Norfolk with Rail and Steamer Lines to all point a east and north, at Washington for Raleigh and points west. 4:4 P. M. Dally for New Bern Morehead City and Beaufort. 11:21 P. M. Dairy for New Rem, Washington and Norfolk. . Sleeping Car New Bern to t Norfolk. Coijpjcttijssjit Nor folk with Rail and Steamer Xlnes to points east, north and Sltiia Sufferers Yna will abrh with relief at the frit mania tnurb of D. U D.. tho anotliinff wutl ot oil. Many of our ruainmrm thank im tnt this dvk. YtmvtHtvK Try ix U. U. today, Wa nuiuaf u. west. 10:25 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and intermediate point. 7:89 P. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. 5:30 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. Only North Carolina Line operat ing into Norfolk Terminal Station. J. F. DALTON, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. W. J. NICHOLSON, T. A. Kinston, N. C. "Not a sick cow since feeding Buckeye Hulls" Mr. A. Thompson, Kennesaw, Ga., runs a dairy. He has been feeding fifty head of stock with Buckeye Hulls for the past year. He says that be has not had a sick cow in all that time. UCKE1YF HULLS N UNTISS agree with cattle. They do not clog or flux the digestive tract. When wet, they combine perfectly with other feed, insuring forage of uniform value down to the last particle. No farmer should pay for lint which is worthless as food and may cause trouble when he can buy Buckeye Hulls wliich are lintlesa and certain to give good results. Even at the tame price, Buckeye Hulls would be a better buy than old style hulls. But they cost so mtch less that any feeder can see it is poor business to use anything else. Te secure the best results and to derelop the eruilije dor, wet the hall thoroughly twelve hour before feeding. It is easy to do this by wetting them down night end morning for the next feeding, li at any time this cannot be done, wet down at lead thirty ninutea. II you prefer te feed the hulls dry, ute only half as much by bulk as of old style bulla. Book of Mixed Feed Free Qivea the right formula for every combination of feeda uaed in the South. Telia bow much to feed for maintenance, lor milk, for fattening, for work. Deacribea Buckeye Hull and givea direction! for using them properly. Send for your copy to nearest mill. i The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. dp. i Muta iiiguita llralDfftaa Cbarlortt SrMnoas Jackiot Lrrt Koct SUcm Beaalili Seta Kidney Sufferers Have J Feeling of Security. J. L. HAMME LAWYER Office with Cowper and Whitaker C. L R05EM0ND Quick Attention Given Repair Work, i'hone No. 583 110 W. Gordon St to You naturally fee! secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit prjdue iner drugs. Such a mcJicint is Dr. Kilmer's r.v , . , a l cl 'amp-Root, kidney, liver and blad- nUilihSrilZ UlZYSNl OilOJ der remedy. ! The same standard of nur'tv, .Ttrorigth ard excellence is maintain- . cd in everv bottle of Swnmp-Root. ' Swamp-Root is scientifically com- ! pounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken ! in teaapoonful doses. It is not recommended for every- j thing. ' i According to verified testimony it is nature's irreat ho'tier in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and ' ladder troublts. '''JPHj A sworn statement of purity is , with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. 1 If you are already convinced that i Swamn-Root is what you need, you wilt find it on sale at all drug-stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and lare. However, if you wish first to try this great nreparatlon ?crd ton cents to Pr. Kilmer' & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When witin be snre and mention the Kin ston Daily Free Press. adv. IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Exposure Aches Cold rain; winds; and dampness bring out the rheumatic aches. An application of Sloan's Liniment will soon have the blood circulating and the pain will disappear..1 For neu ralgia, lame back, stiff neck, sprains; atrainn; nnd all muscle soreness; Sloan'i Liniment ean'tb beat. Norubbings it quickly penetratosanddoaaita work with out turn or clogging of the poroa. Bat tar than plaetara or ointments. For cold feat or ha nda try an application of Sloan 'Liniment. Ceneroue a'ad botUaa. at ail duggiere. Sloans prices not increased 25c 50c $1 Dr. Albert D. Parrott Practice Limited to Genito-Urinary, In Diseases of Women and Children. Surgery. Office with Dr. J. M. Parrott Hours: 10-12 a, m. 8-9 p. m. At Hospital; 2:30-4:30 p. m. Eat Less Me.t if Kidneys Fool Like Lead or Bladder Bothers You Meat Forms Uric Acid. (Subscribe to The Free Press) !Vfost folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get s'-irrish and "fon-ed and need a flushing occas ionally, else we have backache and dull miscrv in the kidney region, se vere headaches, rheumatic twinees, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleepless ness and a!l sorts of bladder disord ers. You :mT1y must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mom-otit- you feel an ache or pain in the kidney recrion. gft aibout four ounc es of .lad Salt from any good drug store here, take a tablospoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few davs nv' vour kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of srrapes and 'emon jwice, combined with' Tithia, nrd is hirm'ess to flush closed ''Vinevo "ind stimulate them to norm al activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the-urine so it jio longer ir ritates, thus ending bladder disord ers. J id Salt is fcsrmle!"; inexpensive; makes a de'ipritful effervescent lith--w"or drink which evervbodv should take now and then to V-en their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist estvs he sells lots of Jad Salts folks Who faelievV (in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble, ndv. DR. IRA H. HARDY Honrs: 8:31 a. at. to II p. m. Phone Connection. Offices: 104 West Caswell Street. For House Cleaning Peterman's Discovery Doe the Work. In One Application De stroys Bugs andJ-Eggs. It's Liquid andPut upin Can'With a Spout Ready forj Instant Use. FOR SALE BY Lenoir Drug Co. Monument Corner PAY YOUR TAXES! The tsipsyers of the County have been very alow this year In psylng their State and County Taxes and the State Treasurer Is urgently Insisting that we push the collection of taxes and remit, PLEASE GIVE THIS MATTER PROMPT ATTENTION. A. W. TAYLOR, Sheriff Lenoir County Manufacturers of TOBACCO FLUES THAT FIT CORNICE and GUTTERING Skylight Frames and Stovepipes Repair Your Old Roof Now Do not wait for the heavy rains to ruin your walls. Let us do your guttering. Anything for the Roof, call E. K. WALLER COMPANY PHONE 139 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON There is no place as aafe ft r your monej during these.war times as in tLc Bank CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFIT $173,600 N. 1. ROUSE, President . F. WOOTEN, Cashier OR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Preet J. J. BIZZELL. Asst Cashier W. & HARVEY, Teller W. L. Keaaeay Dr. Henry Tall J. Q. Cas4y BISECTORS J. F. Taylor n. EL McCoy H. Isler N. J. Rosas C. Felix Harvey David Oettinger H. E. Meealey North Carolina Seed Peanuts and Field Peas at Copeland Brothers If you want the genuine North Caroli na seed peanut, and field peas, come to see us. We have just received a shipm ent of five hundred bushels each, and will be glad to take your orders while they last Don't wait but come and get what you want now while others are getting theirs. ; . , t; COME TO SEE US-OUR PRICES WILL SUIT YOU. Kinston. North Carolina Soatbera Reuway Systera No. 139 S :(hi p. au tor F.ielri, Durham, Greensboro and Winston. Salem, eonnectiog at Greensboro for reeling: chair ear Golskbore t Winston-Salem. No, tl 4:41 a. a. fer Kaieieffh, Durham, Grejostore, Wlnstoo-Ssl am, 8tateerUle sad AaheriUe, toa aecting at Greensoore for point north and south and at Ashsville for Cincinnati, Chicago. St. Louis. Mem phla and all points vest (This train operates na Wtnstoa-Salem and Barber). Purler ear OeMaber to Asherfile. . J. O. JONES. . aUletKh. N C DR. GEO E. KORNEGAY SPECIALIST, la Disease of Weatea and Childrea. Office: 10S W. Caswell SI , Office Hearst It to IX. HANK AND PETE - PETE'5 BEEN TOG TO DUCK 'EN - NOT MEET- THEfl By KEN KUNG i' '"Nf a fm ' Z S lue tWTftfepLiteT I ' ' I VHATWW1' MAM, So Y00e COT tRlceS, VFoOfcSlHP- WHV DO VCO PlHD HEP'r PXP I U MltfHt-IRVTUSTeAL i lASTt SMMANC we TWtCS- I I NO ' V it - i A5 FoiL ' t- a ot rWvTH eoteycosM.Mei S ZrJ kjgr V S " onion J Fwcv. JnfoNMA ioiw My J 7 . -s f tf22L r e cApTA, - tCS V ti- r . fe "T .11