THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1918 I: I P 53 THE DAILY FREE PRESS . SALT BRAXTON, Httar lai HiMftw ' rttbHatad Every Day Except Sunday i7 the Kimatoa Free j I v Prw Co, Ine, Klnaton, N. a " Entered at tha postoffica at Kin ton. North Carolina, at toeowKclaaa mattar nndar act of Coafraaa, March I, 1879, SaUerlpUaa Batca Payable la Adraacct Ob Waak .. ? .10 Thm Month .....$1.25 ;' Oaa Most $ .49 Six Month 12.60 On Taar $5.00 ' NEW TORE OFFICE 80 E. 42nd St, Mr. Ralph R. Mullifu. in aola charge of Eaatara Department Filaa at In free mm can bo WESTERN OFFICE In eharre of Mr. d J. Anderson, Marquette BaiMinf , Chicago, wharo fllaa of The Fro aa bo Sobotriban art requeated to notify, by Telephone 76, (bo Free Proa of any fareyularltr of delivery ur ioat toattoa wsateocver on the part of tha carrier. After 7 p. m. subscriber are requested to eal)Wet tra Ualon and rtport failure to get the paper. A copy vrU! be- oent promptly, if complaint is made before 9 P. M. without cost to subscriber. INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION NEEDED. Senator "William, brilliant Mtsaismpian, was charged by some of his Republican associate with playintr pol itics in the Senate a day or two auo when he to?k r task the critk-i of the administration. Mr. Williams cannot he truthfully accuned of playing pert isan politics for no man in cither branch of Congress has been more caustic in their criticism of the ."willful few" who have not stood to the iftins and party lines have not 'been drawn. The country endorses the stand that Mr. Williams has Uiken. This is no time for the injection of politic or petty grievances and it ill buflts members of Conjries?, rjrardle of their party affiliation, to censure the ex ecutive branch. Every criticism hurled nt Mr. Wilson or any of his xubirdiniite, whether it he well founded or not, jfives encouragement to Berlin. Nobody can successfully contrndict the fact that un precedented progress has heen made in this country in preparing for war. Mistake's have been made. Of course they have and others will be made. Let it be hoped that no more serious blunders will be made in the future than have been in the past. The discussion of the problems that confront the country may well enough be had. Intelligent and non partisan information is absolutely essential to engender j popular support and co-operation. But acrimoniious de bate and the vilification of President Wilson and his subordinates is out of order. If they make mistakes which they most assuredly do the iproper spirit for rongrewmen, aerators and the general public is to lend PUT CLOCK AHEAD ! AN HOUR SUNDAY. " LTncle Sam Needs Our Time and I'unch in Order to Whip the Kaiser. Every clock in the United States will be moved one hour ahead Sun day so that Americans will get up an hour earlier each ilay and, of course, have an additional hour of daylight. In this way millions of dollars on electric light bills will be saved in the cities and at the same time the working people will have an hour's more daylight after their day's work in which to work gardens and raise food, thereby helping Un cle Sam whip the Kaiser. 1 Everybody, except people who are physically disabled or victims of in curable diseases, must work now and help bring about an earlier victory over the Germans. There is no ex cuse for sick people. If people have measles, or cases of fever or like sicknesses, the family doctor will get them well in a hurry. And if a man or woman is nervous, half-sick or rundown there is Mantone which is sold on a guarantee of no benefit, no cost, at all drug stores. Mantone is all medicine and free ' from alcohol. It has built new Dr. Albert D. Parrott Practice, Limited to Genlto-Urinary, cyaloaeopy, rectal diseases and gen- eral surgery. Hours 2:30 to 5.-00 p. m. ' 8:00 to 9:00 p. m. At Hospital 9:00 to 12:00 a. m. W. E. BAILEY PLUM3ING Heating Special Attention Given to Repair Work I Will Appreciate Your Business and Guarantee Satisfjtctory Service Phones Office 587 Residence 256 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON There Is no place as safo it d tiring these war times aa in tL your money Bank. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $173.00i N. J. ROUSE. President F. WOOTEX, Cashier Da HENRY TULL, Flce-Proet J. J. BIZZELL, Ast Cashier W. B. HARVEY. Taller (Subscribe to Tiie Fraa Press.) W. L. Keaara Dr. Henry Tall ! H. Caaadr WrXTORB J. F. Taylor II. H. McCoy S. H. Il N. J. Ro.m C. Felii Harrey David Oettinfer H. E. Moaeley DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATH Office Hours: 10-12 2-r J. L. HAMME LAWYER Office with Cowper and Whitaker a helping hand to rectify and not add to the matter by ' ?lh health and life in number. useless vituperation and criticism. The ttelwtive d aft law was not made to suit personal conveniences but to mobilize an army with the least pos sible hurt to the civil activities requisite to the progress ani' perpetuity of the country. Let those who are now j being called to the color recognise the fact that all who ; have gone before have had to subordinate personal and Hardly cold enough for Easter bonnets but they will .individual interests for the bigger interest of the FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 20. 1918 not stand hack on that account, you bet. country. 400,000 casualties even in an army of1 a million ami n half i enough to make the commander sit up and take notice.. ,, Counting chicken twfxe they hatch is still n game , of chance. The Kaiser again miHcak-ulated the distance ' to Paris. " ' -. One of tho significant reports coming from the battle fields of France is the statement from General Hatg thai the defensive work of the Dritish has been largely done without the aid of the reserves and that great armies of fresh troops are standing back of the lines to strike back at the enemy when his strength has heen somewhat spent The Allied generalship has been clearly indicat ed thereby. ' "Over in .Dunham, thosjtiioot car company Is trying to, .barge six cents fare. Where is this high cost of living going to atop any way -fir The esteemed Wilmington Star correctly suggests that the interest and anxiety in the outcome of the present Irive beinq; manifested by the (American people is one 'Sta, they will not pass" seems to be a sort of second of the 'most hopeful signs vet appearing that America nature with those brave French fellows, who have stood is really getting into the spirit of the thing. . he brunt of the storm since the very outset of the con-' - s fllct. ... j Dr. Carl Muck, leader fof the Itoston symphony or- ' - i chestra, held as an alien enemy, will probably contend ' ) The ibestowal of war crowes ami other decorations thnt his prosecutor are "muck-rakers." on the ,Crown Prince may help bolster the courage of s , the German populace hut it lacks a good deal of fooling' General von Below will appreciate that there is aome ths folks on this side of the road. thing in a name when he gets his just deserts. ess men and women by cleaning cut their systems, purifying :md enrich ing the blood, aiding digestion and affording a healthy nppe'ite, sound and refreshing sleep, strengthening the nerves and giving food to the brain. That's why doctors endorse it. Mantone '"Makes You Feel Good All Over;" is sold at all drug stores, including J. K. Hood & Co., J. H. Mewborne & Co., E. B. Marston Drug Co., Hudson's Drug Store. adv. Step Lively! Corns Quit wMeis-IP The Great Corn-Loosener of the Age. Never Fails. Painless. Watch my step? What's the use! I fro along "right Bide up without care," even with corns, because I use "Oeta-It", the painless, oft-like-a-ba-nuna-peel corn remover. I tried other wuys galore, until I was blue eautifu Residence Lots at THE CALL TO ACTION VS'Vsa- LFSLIGSSHIES LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FOR BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. PRESERVE THE LEATHER. TW f. F. PALLET CORPOKAT10MS, LIMITED, SUFFALO, N. T. SAVE Set U from vol r dealer or from in Outfit eoiultt ai cm Darken Dipm D.nna Rmr with wti.l Am.rU SM hrorv haariU tafr'y rrf, tittiRS attar h aal uJ Uurha Dim . carar'i in f jar i '2f t .-y readorof this 9 yvvt 11 toy c).urc r-atalYJ taalaar Kil ouaiaaiirt L,oiTMia ADvtanaiHtNr DURHAM DUPLEX RAZOR CO. JersevCityN J. J AND MEAT; HELP WIN THE WAR KXK( I TOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified t.s executor of the estate of W. T. Wort'hington, deceased, notice is here by given to nil persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit the same to the under signed executor at Kinwton, North (Volina, cn or before the 2i)tb day of March, 101!), or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will Coca Simply Cn'tStopu.W oh "Gt-h'1 I In the face and red in the toes. No ! more for me. Use "Gets-It" It t never fail. Touch any corn or cal lus with two drops of "Geta-H," unci "Gets-It" do the rest. Its a relief to be able to stop cutting corns, making them bleed, wrapping them up like packages and using sticky tape and salrei. It removes nny corn clear and clean, leaving the toe a smooth aa your palm. You can wear those new shoes without Fain, dance and be frlskv on your eet It's great to use "Oets-It." "Oe.i-It'r Is sold at all dnieftlsts (you need pay no more than 2S cents a bottle), or sent on receipt of price by K. Lawrence A Co., Chicago. III. Sold in Kinston and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by J. E. Hood & Co., E. B. Marston Drug Co. PUBLIC AUCTION j& j& j& j& & & The Atlantic Coast Realty Company will sell the lots owned by it on pretty Grainger Heights on the Queen Street Extension, overlooking the city, at public auction , Monday, April 1st, 10:30 A. M. $50 in gold will be Given Away J& J& jT J& j& . NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrila To Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged no- j trils open right, up, the air passages of j ,iour m-uu are cicar nna you can breathe treely. No more banking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Don't stay stuffed tip! Get a'small bOttle Of Klv'a (Vpiltn ltalfn frnm .r..,, pleuse make prompt payment to the druggist now. Apply a little of this executor. fragrant, antiseptic crcaai in your nos- n.,; ,,, , , , ' rl's let t penetrate through every air This 2!N,i d..y of March. 1!1S. passage of the head; soothe and heal HKBF.R WORTIUNtiTON, . the swollen, iiiHamed mucous membrane, C V WORTHIN'GTOV F'vng you instant relief. Ely's Cream Kxecutors of W. T. 'Worth- tarrh sufferer luu boca aeckiiig. lt'a ington. deceased. Ju"4 '"JU... It is the desire of every man to ow what the future holds in store for you', thought the one thing in life. But must first make the vision a reality bef Une or more of these lots will mean m In addition' to the home propositi solutely safe. Think for a minute how creased in Kinston during the past ten bought at that time for a mere Song w ston is growing by leaps and bounds, estate values will continue to increase. Did it ever occur to you that the lo velop and grow is northwest or out Q main street of town. By all means yo at the sale Monday, April 1st, 10:30 A. n his own home. When you think of the vision of that home is your first did you ever stop to think that you ore the pleasures that go with a home. uch to your future. on, these lots as an investment are ab rapidly real estate values have in- years. Lots that you could have ill cost you a small fortune today. Kin therefore, it stands to reason that real : MIW1-: gical and only way for Kinston to de ueen Street Extension, which is the u should buy one or more of these lots M. ' ' " '' .. "i Sale Conducted By Atlantic Coast Realty Go. "The Name That Justifies Your Confidence." OFFICES: PETERSBURG, VA., AND GREENVILLE, N. C. "Buy War Savings Stamps Today. In quire at your Bank or any Postoffice.,, . Seethe Railway System No. 13S:0U p. at. lot Ralatga. ' DarhaUB. GrMaaboro and Winston- 8altn, connect! d at Greanaboro for ' ratlin; chair ear Goldabur to Wina- too-8ala& If. 11 : a. M. rat aaiatach. Dufcanw Orantoro, Wintoe-Sal n. Sttanila aad Aaharilla. roo etina; at GraMbor for point nordt tad aoatk aad at Aaharilk for Ckidnaati, CnW. St Looia. llam phla aad aD point t (ThU traia oparataa via Wlattoa-Salaw aad Barbar). ParU car Gold Km U Artarfll. i. a jonxs. taattra. M a HANK AND PCTE am CeC. SoHCOnE uciulO Tuiajk. r v i - MCM OF WMfcAT FAC jfcjlNexie cot shawcd Nl V'. ! X tuess irk I IT STARTED LIKE A BOOST-BUT ENDED IN A KNOCK Sir ? MV COCD MAM- IF YoO HADN'T M6MTI0NCD H- 1 NevEH. WOULD HAve KNOWN TweB.1 VOVS A RAZOR ON ByKENKUNG f' (Thank you) If No. i twoocwt fit . ... . H m , I n . I I I it i i - - BVVBVNCM OFWHCAT I 1 IT5 O. K J I ' S SIR ? f ' ' "c vtK- wul S " S SIR! YOU UeH JIMCl - I i 1 5 " """"Nk. "" ' " - ' - ' 1 ' J -r t,'--c lilO aiTfTitATiissiicrs MW VWTtlaTtaSn ' HAW iUI VUUi "WHEAT. L A... V .11! J M