f iiriUT-MQA A REAL HAIR GROWER. - 1 am - m mo ONE CENT A WORD EACI V INSERTION On ct WOTfl Insert0" bIm order e"Pwl,e w,tfc gad Insertion ara to ba girt la cMtecatir iasuea of the paper. ' " DTPS Only Whe AecoiiipamI y Caah 1a m aava&aaai 1 Inseruoa ........ s 7 S iiwertloM .r.....t 2e word 5 Inaertlona wara' ! 7 Inaertlona .V..V4 WOf jj Inaertlona ......... 6 word B Inaertlona .... '..He word 'JH - far Bent One 6 room house. Call -n v Dlv 3-20. 22. 23 F Rent-Two eotttfea oa Eaat St ct bead of Eng." "twy-m-zu c Wanted Stenographic position at once. Address 3Lxua.fmj"- ply 4-22, 23, 24 ' ' - for ear hire phone W. H. Murphy. 257-J Sunday phone 217-J. uooa rvice.' 1-2 tf Mule Lost-Black weight about 1 KM) lbs.. 5 years old left, ear eplit Notify Thcro Sutton, Falling Creek or C. A. Raynor, Kinston, N. C, and gCt reward. Ply 4-23 to 4-25 200 Squares of . High Grade aecond hand tin roof, taken off of E. V. Welib & Co.'s factory, for sale at the right price. Fine for sheds and out houses. At R. B. Scots' Tin Shop. Ply 4-18 tf. For Sale A. few bred. Berkshire Hits, a few young Berkshire sows with young pigs. Price 20 cents per pound. J. Hyman 'Mewborn, R. F. D. 2. Kinston, N. C. Dly 4-23, 24 Sw 4-24 1 ' Peas for Sale I have a limited Quan tity of Deas for sale. Farmers wanting peas will do well to corre spond with me at once. K. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. Dly and Sw 12-3 tf. ; t , Wanted " Capable stenographer. Must have fair education and have had experience. No time to break in beginners. Splendid opening for right person. Apply inrwn hand writing stating experience to .Cap able Stenographer" care Free Press. Dly & Sw 4-10 tf . To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tike LAX ATI VB BRfWenBultee. It totjith cougn ana hcwkdc u.-ww. v Druggist rclund montt it it failato care. I. W. GROVE'S denature on each no. 30c. W. E. BAILEY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A cetylene Lights for coun try homes, v All Work Guaranteed. Phones Office 587 Residence 256 Just Received Shipment of GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING V rimM R.&scon PHONES: ReaiAwca W2-L. Office C97 "Wa Ala Da Plnmblnf" . . ANNOUNCEMENT THURSDAY, ITIIDAY AND SATURDAY Special Sale ot . FOULARD DRESSES CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON PHONE 234 V .' r - ..- Found at Last Show Results" I cw umjm ui nvner Miiwm Hera's good newa for men and women whose hair is falling out. who are growing bald, whose scalps are covered with dandruff, and whose beads itch like mad. J. E. Hood A Co. will aupply yon with the genuine Parisian sage and guarantee that it will quickly atop loss of hair, pro mote new growth, entirely banish every trace of dandruff and itching scalp, or the cost, email aa it is, will be refunded. Thousands can testify to the excellent results from its" use; some who feared baldness now Mve abundant hair, while othera who suf fered for years with dandruff and itching head got a clean, cool scalp after just a few days' use of this splendid treatment No matter whether bothered with falling hair, gray hair, dandruff; or itching scalp, try Parisian sage to night There is nothing so good for any form of hair trouble. It's .easy to use, delicately perfumed, and will not color or streak the hair. The genuine Parisian sage( liquid form) is sold and guaranteed by all good druggists. Just one application makes the hair and acalp look and feel 100 per cent, better. ady. NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY LOTS. Continued from page N. C. R. R. Co.....-.'..' Oglesby, (Amanda, Mrs...; Peebles, H. C. V Phillips Porthenia ; . . Rouse, Sallie E, Mrs Rouse, Oeo. K. ganders, iBdttie Scott, R. B Scott, Jas. H Smith, M. H Sutton, Z. V Sutton, J. C Taylor, Mariah, Mrs...... Taylor, Frank Thompson, Mary, Mrs.... Taylor, Paul Wade, J. N., Mrs Walters, Jos. H Edwards, D..T ... two) ; , . ZAiM . 2U3 84.29 ,.. 26.05 ... 15.00 ... 43.20 ... 8.41 .... 41.07 15.00 ... 24.05 ... 41.29 ,.. 10.82 .. 66.40 .. 15.02" ... 16.90 . . 19.02 .. 13.52 ... 17.00 ;.. 51.55 Political Announcements I hereby announce myself a candi date for. the nomination of Solicitor from the Sixth Judicial District, sub ject to the rules of the Democratic primary. adv J. FRANK WOOTEN. Dly and Sw 4-19 to 6-1 I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of solicitor, of the Sixth Judicial District, subject to the action of the Demtocratic Primary, June 1, 1918. , -J , J. A. POWERS. Dly 4-22 to 6-1-Sw 4-24 to 6-1 ' Dr. Albert D. Parrot j Practice limited to Genl to-Urinary, cystoscopy, rectal diseases and gen eral surgery. Hours 2:30 to 8:00 p. a. 1 ' 8:00 to 9:00 p. am. At Hospital 9:00 to 12:00 . m. SIGNS OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING Pictorial work for road signs, sample and rate furnished on re quest ; Prompt Service. Work Guaranteed,' ARTHUR SUZUKI $ Phone 557 Bought direct from fac tor atjclose price and sold with , Reasonable Profit ,u .,, Prices will turpi tse you See Window Display Mewborn Jewelry Co. Jewelers and Optometrists. Phose 417-J. 104 & Qoeest St . KINSTON, N. C PHea Cored ta O to 14 Darya four drnnrlat win rrfd wey u FACT 04NTMBNT an to cur anycaaa of Itcb , . Blind. BtediBfTProt"diMleia6toU: taa fiial D(icatiaa ca Kaa aad Scat. wa Sheffield Silver SocialandPerM ii ' Miss Mary G. Shotwell spent Tues day at Greenville. Mr. and Mra. F. P. Outlaw visited at GoWsboro Tuesday. Mra. J. W. Langston has gone to Raleigh to visit Mr. and Mrs. Guy Langston. ' ' Mrs. James G. IMehegan is back from Tarboro, where ahe visited for a few days.. Greenville Reflector, Monday: Miss ESla Haskitt of Kinston is visiting Mrs. J. K. Spivey. a Mr. Richard iBagby of Wilson is here to visit hia brother, Rev. E. B. Bagby. Miss Marie Pairo has returned to Greenville after a visit with her sister, Mrs. V. Lee Tumtatine. ar- Miss Roberta Pridgen has returned to Wilson after spending a short time with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Pridgen. ' Mrs. C T. Daughety, a former resi dent of Kinston, has returned to Raleigh after a two-weeks visit with BIG WORK BEING DONE BY LOCAL RED CROSS. (Continued from page one) ers under the flag of the American Red Cross have gone about their al lotted tasks at the7 battle front, re gardless of the personal risk in volved. These workers of the Red Cross are measuring fully up to the high standards set by American womanhood in all crises of the Na tion's history. Thought of danger never has prevented the American woman from doing her full part in war, nor ever will. Humanitarian. Work Abroad and at Home. "It is impossible to overestimate the value from a humanitarian stand point of the work bejng done by the representatives of the Red (Cross abroad or the inspiration they are to our own men and the men of our Allies who are bearing the burden of this great battle for civilization. So long as men remain to tell the tale the name of the American Red Cross will be blessed in France and Great Britain, in Italy and Russia, m .Belgium and Serbia and Kou mania. . ..- . "Less spectacular but none the less important ia the work being done by workers of the Red Cross and its sustainers in this country. It is be cause 01 tne magnincen. suppori which the organization receives from (he people of the United States that 3 workers at the front are able to do so much. It detracts nothing from the part American men are playing in promoting it? interests to say that the Red Cross is essentially a wom an's institution, jfor (woman is its inspiration. "All honor to those who bear aloft fts banner in other lands! All honor to those at home who by giving of their money and their time anJ their services make possible the great work those others are doing!" riA2GUEB!TE CLACK '', r,b Oion' - t V rw-wm Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured r local appueatlona. a the j cm. no t Ih. diaeaad portion ot tha ear. .olr one wajr to enro catarrhal d"'p an that la by a conaUtutlonal """Jy; Catarrhal Deafneaf la eaueed Jr " the Eoatachlaa Tube. When thla tuba la Inflamed you have a rumblln. oound or lm-p-rfect bearing, and when It J?.'7hJ eloaed. DeaCnaaa la rtu."-. '-fiT.uM Inflammatloncan e reduced and ' ?be restored to It. normal eond lion. altl be datroyed lorever. Many eea or rnM are eaueed by eatarrb. whlc , SITlnBamed eoodlilon of Ihe mnroo. evw faeea. Halla ratarrh Medicine aeta thru the blood ea the muoou. aurfacee of the ""wewlil flve'bne Bondred IVillara for aay cJ, if C.urrhal DoafnM that cannot be cured by Hall e Catarrh Medicine. Ca talan free. AH Draiitlata, 'be- T,i. CfiBsr CO, Toledo, a friends here. - Civila-Thigpen. ..'.., Miss Ada Thlgpen and Mr. TuHie Civila were married Sunday after noon ft 2:30 o'clock at the, residence of Mr. R. M. Tyndall, Railroad Street Rev. Bernard P. Smith, pastor of Gordon Street , Christian Church, officiated. Mrs. Civils is an attractive young woman of Dover. The couple left for'Havelock, where they will reside. . ... Misa Conway Marries. ... Miss Margaret Conway of Rich mond, young daughter of Mr. Thomas Conway of this city, and Lieut A. E. Finch, U. S. Engineers, were mar ried at Washington, D. C, last Thurs day. The bride's father has learned but few of the particulars yet, save that the wedding was a quiet affair, that the bridegroom is stationed near Washington and claims that city for his home, and that the couple are residing at the capital temporarily. Lieut; Finch is Understood to be in line for early promotion to the rank of first lieutenant Mrs. Finch visit ed here a couple of years ago. She is an interesting and talented young woman. She is a singer of no small ability. Wash That Itch Away Thore b abaofotetr no anflnr ftan ecanna who ever twed the ilmpla wash O. U. I), and did not feel tromediatelr that wonderfully' calm, cool actuation that eoraee when the itch if taken away. Thlaaoothinr waib penetrotea i the porea, fives hutant relief jin UajClt 1 dub-eating akia diaanaea, f . I v . ' 1 HDoID)o UD J. E. Hood St Company (Subscribe to Tha JTms Press.) The The South Bend NisS! CwEarvrie V jTnd this Set g'Pure Alumi rtum CookmjC&re At the Price If you intend t&buy a range now, or at some future time, by all means see THE SOUTH BEND MAL-: LEABLE-4heonly range that has an inside lining of rusWesisting, Patented Keystone Copper Bearing Aluminum Fused Metal.. Over a million careful buyers have made this quality range their choice because of this one exclusive feature But there are many more points of advantage in this wonderfully perfect range that would surely interest you, and at our special sale you will have opportunity to learn ajl about them. We shall look for you, be sure and come. Useful souvenirs may be had free. . : 1 . . remember'the date zumgers yr .. r-. - , v. ( v. HUNGER.- For tbree years America has outfit starvation in Belgium ; WiO yoa Et Ust - wheat maat tats nd sugar'. ' that W9 may still fend food in ship loadj? o m J. L. HAMME LAWYER Offles with Cowper and WbJtakar FISHING! Combine Pleasure wiih - Food .Conservation by using Fishing Tackle that bfiogs in the Big Ones. i SUGGS & ROUHTREE 209 Queen St Can supply you . with Sporting Goods, Bicy cles, Victor and Edison Talking Machines and Records. Sale is Now On and Closes April 27th Don't Miss This Chance to Get WWW - ' ZrC?ERRrATZ QtKeEanfje - tKeVvre'tse , Beginning April 22 am Protect Your Money byDepositing it THE NATIONAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OYER TWO t HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. You Are Also Protected by The Federal Reserve System of which the bank i3 a member "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON ; Buy a New Liberty Bond and Help Ring Old Liberty Bell Again. Buy Liberty Bonds and Help Our Soldiers Hold the Line in France. .: : i CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $200,000 N. 3. ROUSE, President J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. CaHhier DR. HENRY TULL, Vko-Pree't D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier W. D. HARVEY, Teller DIRECTORS J. F. Taylor II. II. McCoy S. n. Ialer II. E. Moaeley W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady MalleakleRaiigre Ending April 27 Fmmiwre with BANK OF N. J. Rous Daviti' Oettinger C. Felix Hanrey Store KINSTON 111

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