S M ADS . " ,.....-... ONE CENT A On cent a w unless order is aft cash and Insert! riven in canMcuC tha papery RATES: Only When Accompanied by Cash 1 Inaertioa lc a word S Insertions 2c a word S Insertions 8c a word 7 Insertions 4e a word , . It Insertions 6c a word 25 Insertions 12c a word For Bent Two cottages on East St, at bead of Kin. ZHy 12-20 tf. For Rent 3 or 4 room. Qneen St. Phone 299-L. Dly 6-4 to 5-9 , 416 N. Call 540 and have your clothes clean ed and pressed by the Hoffman Pressing Club. Dly 4-30 to 5-30 For car' hire phone W. H. Murphy. 257-J. Sunday phone 217-J. Good service. Dly 1-2 tf. Tobacco .Sticks for sale. Broaddus & Ives Lbr. Co., New Bern, N. C. Dly 5-4 to 31. 300 Boy Scout Books at 13c each. Wholesome reading for boys. See our I Book Store Window. Hood's Book Store. Dly 5-1 to 8 Position open for bright young man. Chance of advancement. Apply at New York Clothing Co. Dly 4-25 tf. Peas for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Farmers wanting peas will do well to corre spond with me at once. K. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. Women Wanted Full time salary $24, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. 50c an (honr spare time. Big Spring business. Experience un necessary. Guarantee Mills, Norris town, Pa. Dly 3-30, 4-6, 13, 20, 27, 5-4, 11, 18, 25, 6-1 NOTICE. A mass convention of Republicans of Lenoir County is called to meet in the courthouse in Kinston, Tuesday, May 7, at 3 p. m., to nominate a eoanty ticket and to transact 3uch oiher busTr.e"? as may :Toperly come before it. T. B. BROWN, ' Oh. Rep. Ex. Com. Le noir County. Jas. FParrott, Secretary. adv. CHICHESTER 8 PILLS IAiktlNI liUA; IML.H, for aft Teats ::iown as Best, Safe. Alwiys ReiiaMf SOI P RY DRUGGISTS EVHOTEK , LADIES! When irregular or delayed use lTiumph Pills. Safe and alays de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others, save disappointment Write lor "Relief" and particulars, it's free. Address: National Medical Institute, Mil waukee,.. Wis. ... v , ; adv, W. E. BAILEY PLUMBING AND HEATING. Acetylene Lights for coun try homes. - AIL Work Guaranteed. t- - Phones . Vthce 587 Residence 256 Dr. Geo. . :KffkmM ' EYESIGHT BPEWALISI Glaasoa Fitted Correctly. . Nervous System Analyzed. Eyes Straightened Without L, Pain or Operation. Office Over Temple's Drue Store, Kinoton, N. C. Office Honrs: t a. m. to 0 p. a. Sundays anderWunga' by Appoint ' tnerrt ' Graduate from . Mccormick's Medical CoDen Chicago. I1L r"D EACH f s - i h . WDM M 4 JKa PlilU-i.'rt.lf.r' lumoi I ISrar,dV 5UJI3s5k I'llla in Kid ml (.old n.i-uliiAV J"JT,SM l.op- waled with like Ribbon. 4144 Take n. otVr. Hny .flour , Dr. Albert D-Parrott . Practice United to Geni to-Urinary, cysloseopy, rectal diseases and gen eral surgery. Honrs 2:30 to 5-0t p. m. ' 8:00 to 9.-00 p. am. At Hospital f.-flO lo UM a. ANNOUNCEMENT THURSDAY' IJjDAY xcia Sale SAYS HOT WATER WASHES'POlSONS FROM THE.UVER Everyone should drink hot water "'with phosphate in It, before breakfast, f i. lToT feel aa fin aa the" rrnrprhlnl Bddlewe must keep the liver washed clean, almost every morning, to pre vent. It a sponge-like pores from clog ging! with Indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxinB, says a noted physician. It you get headaches, it's your liver. If you catch cold easily. It's your liver. If you wake up with a had taste, furred tongue, nasty breath or stomach be comes rancid, It's your liver, fallow skin, muddy complexion, watery"eyes all denote liver uncleanltness.T .Your liver is the most important, also the must abused and ) neglected organ of the body. Few know . its I function or how t0releasei'theldammed-up body waste, 'bile' and, toxins. Most (folks resort tofvlolent'calomel, which Is a dangerous' salivating chemical which earsonly' be used occasionally because it accumulates in tha tissues, also attacks ine oones.r jsvery man ana woman, bicic or well, sbouldrdrlnkleach morning be fore breakfast a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful;of limestone phos phate In it, to wash from the liver and bowels the previous day's Indigestible material, the poisons, sour bile, and toxins; thus . cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary, canal before putting more food4lnto the stomach. Limestone phosphate does' not' "fe strict the diet like calomel, becauseUt can not salivate, for it is narmlcss and you can eat anything afterwards. is Inexpensive and almost. tasteless, and any pharmacist will sell. you a quarter pound, which 'is 'sufficient for a ilorn onstration of how hot'water and lime stone phosphate cleans," stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping ou feeling fit day in andday out. SATURDAY Cm WEAL "WHEATLESS VXZ NO VKKAn CttATKTaUf . TAfTXY ( R1UAIUA1T HXfttt CONTAIN LNO WHCAX NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Passenger Train Schedule Corrected to January 1st, 1918 (As information ana not guaranteed) Trains Leave Kinston 7:50 A. M. for New Bern, More- head City, Beaufort, Oriental, Washington, Elizabeth City, Norfolk. Parlor Car New Bern to Nor folk. Connecting at Norfolk with Rail and Steamer Lines to all points east and aortt st Washington for Raleigh and points west. 4:46 P. M. Daily for New Bern, Horehead City and Beaufort 11:21 P. M. Daily for New Bern, Washington and Norfolk. Sleeping Car New Bern to Norfolk. JConnecting at Nor folk with' Rail and Steamer Lines to points east, north and west. 10:25 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and intermediate points. 7:39 P. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. 5:30 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. Only North Carolina Line operat ing into Norfolk Terminal Station W. J. NICHOLSON, T. A. Kinston, N. C J. F. D ALTON, G. P. A. , Norfolk, Va. SIGNS OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING Pictorial work ' for road signs, sample and rate furnished en re- y. ,.,ffiuestf . i, J;;.. Prompt Service. Work Guarsnteed ARTHUR SUZUKI Phone 657 AKD: SATURDAY -jr 7P ' 1 ef - . an 1 1, . Mrs. J. L.. liammo has returned from a short visit at New Bern. Mrs. C. E. Rosemond left Saturday fo ra few days' visit at Norfolk. Mrs. Frank Brown was the guest of Mrs. T. E. Hooker at Greenville recently. Miss Essie Gumming is here from Raleigh to visit her father, Mr. J. B. Cummings, and other relatives. Judge O. H. Allen has returned LARGE CROWD SAW PASSION PLAY PICTURES. 'An auditorium-filling audience saw Mr. P. M. Kendall's Passion Play pic tures at the Gordon Street Christian Church Friday night. Mr. Kendall, an expei in the use of the stereopti con and picture-making business, has been conducting evangelistic singing at Gordon Street Church for three weeks. He will take part in day's services. Sun- A. 1 1. 0. (J. By Kenneth L. Roberts. Over four and a quarter centuries ago Frederick III., Holy Roman Em peror and fifth Duke of Austria, orig inated the phrase "Austriae Est Im perare Orbi Universo," pr "It is Aus tria's destiny to rule the entire world," and adopted the initials of the Latin words as his favorite de vice. Subsequent rules of Austria have continued to have the initials A. E. I. O. U. engraved on their toilet articles, note paper, and cigar ette cases in token of the high es tate to which Austria fme day ex pects to rise. If Frederick III. had been a good English scholar, however, and had been given the opportunity to observe the gay and carefree man ner in Which !ermany is preparing to swallof the dual monarchy, he would have interpreted the letters A. E. I. O. U. by the words Austria Ends in Overwhelming Upset and eliminat ed all the nonsense about imperar ing the orbi. . Fly the Flag By BILLY. SUNDAY (Famous Evangelist) (Copyright, 1917, by Tho Tf UK Service Flags are Flying, wherever you Take a Slant, all Over tho Nation those Red Banners, with the White Field, and the Blue Stars inside. Every Star means that some Game Guy is Doing his Bit. Every Star means a Wallop on the Beeaer for old Bill Hohenzollern. There are a Couple of Million such Stars to be seen around the U. S. A. Just now, but they are Small Punklns compared with the Flock of Stars Kaiser Bill will see Dancing Around in front of his Lamps when this Bunch or Ours really Gets at him. He's Booked to Learn tho Wis dom of tho Old Saying about Never Starting Anything that you can't Go All the Way Through With, Are you flying a Service Flag? Maybe not. Not everybody has the Proud privilege of Getting Into the Big Scrap himself,, or having Brother Jim and Son Torn In it. But you can All do what a Patri otic Party told me the other day he was Pulling. t "Bill, says he, "Father Time has Got Me so I can't get to that Front myself. And I haven't any Kith or Kin to carry the old Family MoOfker through the Greatest Show Of AIL But I Bought one of those Service Flags for myself, and I'm doing what I can to Earn the Right to keep It Hanging In the Room."' j m p EAT MOttffCOttN jsm . - i . I I ' r 11 . ' ersqnal rom Bayboro, where he presided ov cr a Uim of Pamlico County Super ior Court. Mr. O. I. Jobson and family are preparing to leave in a few daya for Hartford, Tenn., where they will re side in future. e Coming Wedding. Miss Velna Masters CanAold of Morehead City and Lieut. Banks Arendell, U. S. A, will be married at oforehead City May 14. Both are known here. More Physicians Are Urgently Needed; 20 Per Cent. State's In (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, May '.North Carolina is called upon for 100 physicians for the Medical Reserve Corps at oncL Suigeon-Ceneral orgas of the army is asking for 6,000 additional physicians, and Surgeon-General Braisted of the navy for an addition al 2,000. The list of men in the Med ical Reserve Corps has been prac tically exhausted. North Carolina has so far supplied about 400 doctors for the military service. While the State hns enlisted in this service virtually 20 per cent, of its physicians, the new call is ex pected to meet with a ready re sponse. Maj. J. W. Long of Greensboro has charge of this work in the State, and applications may be made to him. ThorS is Wore Catarrh In this nrctlon of tha country than all other diseases put together, And fur years- it was sup- fiosad to be incurable. Doatora prescribed ucal rorrtfille, and by constantly ratlltiB to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh Is a tocul disease Kreatly influenced' by cooMttutiohat con ditions and thereloro requires, constitu tional, treatment, llall s Catarrh Medi cine, manufactured by F. t. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, la a constitutional remedy, is taken Internally and' acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces or the Bystem. one Hundred Dollars re ward Is ottered (or any cat that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Bend for circulars and tnotlmonlnls. - -J. CHKNEY A VO.r Toledo, Ohio. (told by l)rUKRl', 76c. Hall's Family Mils tor constipation. BUY LIBERTY BONDS. Jrif Sfei-vice Hell Syndicate, Inc.) bought JClbWty llnntlri. Thai countciF for One" Star. "I Slipped some DoiihIi hi flip Rod Cross. That tve me 'felai No. 2. "I - got on the Water Wagon, which as Going Somo'for nic, nm! pasted tho Third Star on thu Flag. "I Joined Up With a Society that Looks After tho -did Folks some of the Lads Left Behind, and see:; they're v not Shy on ' the Rent or the Eats. "So, I've got Four Stars on ray Private Flag now, and I'm Snooin ing Around to get. a couple more to make It a Round Half Dozen. It A- only Knew How, maybo I'd JfoiU a Sweater." I'm FOR that fellow, with Three Long' Cheers. He's entitled to Fly tho Flag, 1 think, if anybody Is. And he's Grabbing more Ileal Kim out of this Little Game of bis than an&rthln at a'Clrfcus, , Give the Scheme a Try. Spend your Wad at a Benefit Concert instead of In a Gin-mill. ' Chip In for 'what the Boys in Khatl need, whether it's Sporting . Goods or Warm Scenery for (ho Cold Day Take a Soldier Into your home on Thanksgiving, and Stick his legs "'dn'def the Mahogany for. the Turkey Eats. v Get a little Flag of your Own and put a Lot of BtarrOn It! (17) " DOUBTS IF SUET) HAVE LIVEI TODAY; , v , Were It Not for Manlone Well Known Lady Gained Wonder fully On It. "Were it not for Mantone I feel that I could not have lived much longer," writes Mrs. Elizabeth Riggs bee, church worker, member of tho Daughters of the Confederacy and well known lady of this State. Her home is in By num. Before taking Mantone Mrs. Riggs bee suffered terribly for 10 months, "My blood was poisoned with impur ities, I had complication of liver, kid ney and nerve trouble, also a severe case of intestinal indigestion. My sleep was broken and did not rest me. I fell off in weight from 212 to 142 pounds. I had headaches, backaches and high blood pressure. My hands and arms were numb. I was dizzy, my tongue was coated and I was anniented. "I learned what Mantone did for a friend and took the full treatment. Headaches and backaches have left me, my digestion is better numbness has disappeared, . my nerves are stronger and I sleep well. I nev. before praised any medicine but Man tone has done all this for me and I thankfully offer my story for the benefit of others who surer and whom I am sure Mantone will help." Mantone "Makes You Feel Good All Over;" is sold by J. E. Hood & Co., J. H. Newborn & Co., E. B. Marston Drug Co., .Hudson's Drug Store. adv. f TO MOTHERS AND ? FRIENDS OF BABIES ? WE INVITE YOU TO QFK niTIf SOUTH t WINDOW ( SATURDAY, MAY 4th. i WE WTIJi HAVE OUR t t BABY DISPLAY. I CASEY THOMPSON CO. I.1 If. &t&ifcmii Old SUai. ' non iTi -6. To Cure a Cold In On Day. Tike LAXATIVE EROMO Quinine. It stop lh CoiisH knd HcMsch fcnd works tttl (lis Cola. Druggists refund money if it fnils to cure. H. W. GKOVH'8 iKuature oo eacti box. JUC SAVE COAL Tha Fuc Adirtin- ! tralion authorizes us to say ttiat itcon okJfcrstne usc!pfCMf Cook Slovesand Oil rfe-aier!) atthistfmK a very important help in the neces cary conservation of coal for war purposes. WW JL J v ,t m y I TJ 1 1 In Low and High Heels Just the style the Misses want f of dancing or commencement exercises.' -We have thtm in all leathers for ; , $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 A Pair Come lot us fit you this afternoon to wear tonight tQ the banquet. John G; Gox (sh Shoe Stfrre "Best by Test? ; - Phone 10. Kinston, N. C. OV 0MSste-terfa3 and. t Uis' ontent cannot abide In a bom where music dwells. your home a ' ' YOUli and you will know all of the joy that cornea to those who possess the highest class players. It is built upon Honor and has ttever failed to give satisfaction. ; ' The price $750.00. Easy terms If yon say so. Grafonolas $'.18.00, $30.00, $60.00, $85.00, $110.00. Columbia Records are the mofet durable. I. b. LEONARD Queen Street LI!!.,!? OIL COOK-STOVES i, - 4 ' Ciy COOK THE v FOOD, NOT YOU&SELF rOULD you 'rather bui!d a fire in a stove- these sultry 8afnmer mornings, and cook, bake and iron in the sweltering; heat? Or turrt a lever, litrht a match, and t instantly Re a clean hot flame just where you want it, all ' without dirt, ashes, or mess? -v. j '...:- -. Thts the comfortable, ccpnomicaL modern Florence J way. It'a the simple, sensible, thrrfty war-way. - j . . ..Stn? itr, '. Let us shcrV you ihe wy this safe stove burns ? kerosene, the cheap end plentiful! uel. The intense flame ia right under the pan, kf pie, pot and oven. No Wasted heat. No wick. Built to last. A guarantee with every -etove. ' A five-minute demonstration and you're won. Come in M ( soon m you can. t'LeokfotjIie Leccr." , 1 . I -M.n's -iN3 '-'' E --..c v " 4 ." V : sM. spirit pfcJovoustPss ana airgev lae riace ia rXAYEtt - I'IANO i t :4 PIANO COr.TAI.V. Near Caswell Hotel. . I At S"WJli Si L':.:: imtm am a . tt)Uf Y4kD DkESSES CHAMBElfeiAINs & BRAXTON Kinston, N. C .Dealers,' '-Vi r;- V":- ' y -j ;l,c-I'ia.

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