mm fiTKSDAt EVENING THE KINSTON TREE PRESS, PAGE ADS X ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION One rent word each Inacrtioa onle" order la accompanied with rlh aad taaettloM ro to U firen in coniecutiro iaanea of the PP. - ' RATES: Only Whea Accompanied by Cash 1 Insertion ........ le word j insertions 2e a word 5 Insertion 8c a word 7 Insertion .. ..... 4c a word j 2 Insertion! a word 25 Insertions 12e a, word for Rent Two eotta es on East St, ,t head of Zing. "T "-zo n. a-ntTo Kent a nice cottage Coll or address George Melton at Free Press Office. Dly 5-6 tf. Lost Large brown cameo ring. Find- er jilease return to Free Press of fice and get reward. Dly 5-7 For KcnU-X or. 4 rooms. 416 N Queen St. Phone 299-L. Dly 4 to 5-9 Csll 540 and hare your clothes clean ed and pressed by the Hoffman Pressing Club. Dly 4-30 to 6-30 For car hire 'phono W. H. Murphy. Sunday aloiie 217-J. Good i ? i 2? " Dly 1-2 tf. itrvice. rKrro Sticks for sale. Broaddus i Ives Lbr. Co., New Bern, N. C. J)y 5-4 to 31." r ' Cleaning, pressing and dyeing straw and Panama hats. Cleaned and reblocked. Call us. Union Pressing Club. Phone 536. Dly 5-66-31 304 Boy Scout Books at 13c each. Wholesome reading for boys. See our Book Store Window. Hood's Book Store. Dly 5-1 to 8 Peas for Sale I have a limited quan tity of peas for sale. Farmers ranting peas will do well to corre ipond .withime. at once. K. E. Sut ton, LaGrange, N. C. Dly and Sw 12-3 tf. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of L. James Whaley, de ceased, this is t;o notify all persons laving' claims against said estate, to present them to the undersigned for payment on&or before the 18th day of April, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded ufibarbf their recovery, i, All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. . : This April 13th, 1918. ALICE M. WHALEY, Administratrix of L. James Whaley. ANNOUNCEMENT ,N f THURSDAY, FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY Special Sale of FOULARD DRESSES CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTjON : PHONE 234 : Insurance of All Kinds KJNOTURMCE and REALTY COMPANY C.OE1TINGER, Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E.GordonSt Kinsto n Furniture,. Go. Is Now COPELAND BP n 7HERS' Old Stand on No ieet With a comply line of "Everything M Ci jHomeT Furniture, Stcvcr Ranges, Shades, Rug, 0gans, and , Graphophon i p "Your f Kinstoii Furniture Co., PKO'SE 632 cements " I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination of Solicitor from the Sixth Judicial District, sub feet to the rules of the Democratic primary. dr J. FRANK WOOTEN. Dly and Sw 4-19 to 6-1 I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of solicitor of the Sixth Judicial District, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, June 1, 1918. J. A. POWERS To the Democratic Voters of the Sirth Judicial District: I will be a candidate for the Of fice' of Solicitor for the Sixth Judic ial District, subject to the action of the primary, to be held on June 1st, 1918. I will appreciate your support and influence. Respectfully, adv. JOHN A. GAVIN, JR, NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF INCORPORATORS OF AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE FARMERS TO BACCO WASEHOUSE COM PANY. Notice is hereby given that the first meeting of the incorporators of and subscribers to the capital stock of the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse Company will be held on Tuesday, May 14th, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m., in the law office of Dawson & Man- ning, at Kinston, jn. k,., ai wnicn meeting all business as contemplated by law and' which may come before said meeting will be transacted. This April 27th, 1918. J. P. MEADOWS, E. P. WOOTEN, HENRY TULL. KINSTON WOMAN GLAD SISTER ESCAPED OPERATION. "Physicians had given my sister up to die; iney wamea 10 operate for gall stones, but she was too weak and could only talk in whispers. I got her a bottle of Mayr's-Woiider-ful Remedy and in 3 weeks she was able to get about and walked a mile to church." It i3 a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarr hal mucous from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which pauses practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including ap pendicitis. One dose will convinca or money refunded. Sold by J. E. ITood & Co. ' ' dv- THURSDAY 'COT MEAL WEAJXESS vst no nuun chatke&a IMm IK UEAKMCT lOOW c at aflsGood" Inc. Social and Personal Mr. R. E. Copeland and motored to Wilson recently. family Miss Louise Turnley is the guest of Mrs. M. D. Curtis at Washington .mas x.uia Isier has returned to Norfolk after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. M. A. Isler. Miss Alice Kflpatrick has return ed to Raleigh after a short visit with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Kilpatrick. Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Craig are at Winterville, where Mr. Craig is teaching this week 'in the Baptist Summer school. 0 Celebrated Birthday. Mr. O. Taylor, a prominent La Grange citizen, celebrated "his 65th birthday recently. He is a leading farmer of Moseley Hall township and WANT RECORDS OF GRAY VETERANS THIS COUNTY. Alfred M. Waddell Chapter, Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy, is soliciting information about the Con federate veterans now living in Le noir County. The members wish to use the data at -the Memorial Day exercises Frjday and for other pur poses. Veterans are urged to send to Mrs. Herman Grainger, Queen Street and Peyton Avenue, complete memoranda of the following: Their full name; address; date of birth; date of enlistment; length of ser vice; rank; organization or organiza tions served in; engagements partici pated in; any other information con cerning the veteran; sons or grand sons now in United States army or navy; where stationed. Sugar to Candy and Drink Makers. Only Upon Certificates. tSpecial to The Free Press) Raleigh, May 6. All sugar pur chases by any manufacturers of bev erage syrups, candy or other confec tionery, soda water, soft drinks, wine, ice cream, medicine, preserves, pickl es, tobacco, etc., after May 15 will have to be upon certificates wrfich they must secure from the Food Ad ministration. In a word, all users of sugar, except households, iboarding houses, hotels and bakers, will have to secure certificates from the Food Administration before they can pur chase sugar. Uncle Sam Controls Binder Twine Prices Protect Grain Growers (Special to The Free Press) Kaleigh, May 6. On account of the importance of binder twine to the wheat and grain industry, the Food Administration through its sis al and jute division has fixed the manufacturers' price at 23 cents per pound, while the retailer will be al lowed to add freight and 2 cents a pound cash or 2 1-2 cents a pound on time to the cost price to him. Boxers Make Corking Good Bayonet Users, Says Athletics Expert. (Special to The Free Press) Quantico, VaV., May 6. Any good boxer is almost a ready-made bayonet fighter, according to Capt. A. J. Drex-el-Biddle, athletic director at the U. S. Marine Officers' Training School. "The (Americans and English are uniquely adapted to this most violent offensd," says the former Phila delphia society athlete, "as boxing is a requisite in the proper swinging of a bayonet and boxing comes natural to them. "Their athletic systems develop an infinitely more combative spirit than the Germans' because the training in the various sports is along more com bative lines." Wheat Stocks Were (her 60 Per Cent. Off First of April (Special to The Free Press) Washington, May 7-Commercial stocks f wheat reported to the Unit ed "States Department of Agriculture in a food survey dated April 1, 1918, amounted to 29,124,278 bushels, ac cording to a statement just issued by the Bureau of Markets. This amount was slightly less than 38 per cent of the stocks neld on April U VWt. a true American patriot. Many of his relatives and friends dined with Mr. Taylor on his natal anniversary " ' I The Home Workers of Gord.w Street Christian Church vill .nect with Viss Edna Fellow: it hi real dence of Mrs. A. S. Padriek, East Gordon Street at 8 o'clock tonight. k The following planned to go to Winterville Tuesday to attend the Baptists' Summer School of Religious Education: Mr. and Mrs. S. L, Stough, Mrs. E. B. Lewis, Mrs. J W. Powell, Mrs. R. H. Marston. Mr. J. 0. Miller, Mrs. M. A. Brown, Mrs Frank Lewis, Mrs. E. B. Marston Miss Mary Watson, Mrs. Anna Turn ley, Mrs. A. A. Waters, Mr. E. O, Moore, Miss Marguerite Moore, Mr, W. M. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. W. II O'Berry. Work of Army Rag Pickers Dangerous; Labor Under Fire By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) With the French Armies, March 21 (By Mail). Cleaning up battle fields has now become one of the high ly organized and perfected auxiliary services of the French army. xne amount or material saved in this way for the future use of the army amounts to hundreds of thous ands of dollars a month. It is one of the most effective "efficiencies" that the present war has produced. The w6rk, too is often as danger ous as that of the troops who dash to the assault, as not only have the workers to handle abandoned explos ives of the most perilous kind to touch, but often eJiough their work has to be carried onunder a terrific bombardment. Economy in Use of Meat is Necessary; Big Supplies to Army (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, May (6. The Pood Ad ministration is extremely desirous of securing economy in the consumption of all kinds of me,ats without the re installation of meatless days for the present. The seasonal decline in the volume of animals coming to market is now in progress and it will un doubtedly further decrease during the next few months as usual, but the probable amount of such a decrease is yet obscure. The necessities for shipment abroad to our army and Allies are very large and amount roughly to 75,000,000 pounds of meat and meat products of all kinds per week against a pre-war normal of less than 15, 000.000 pounds. ' Honor Roll for Non Users of Wheat This State; Self-Denial (Special to The Free Press) Raleigh, May j64pState Food Ad ministratofTlenry A. Page has issu ed an invitation to the people of North Carolina, as many of them as circumstances 1 permit ,o join the "honor roll" of those giving up the use of wheat products altogether Un til the next harva for the benefit of our, army and 3hrmies and civilian population of our Allies. "THE HOMESTEAD." "The Homestead," 7 1-2 Wil loughiby Beach, Ocean .. View, Va., was opened to wests May. 4th, 1918 unfcr. the management ' of Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. W. Dail. "The Homestead" is the most ' up-to-date cottage on the beach. Built and fully equipped by the, late W. P. Ives. It is handsomely appointed with comfortable ac comodations for 20 or more : guests. Hot and cold running water In -every room. Handsome . dining: room and ball room. "The Homestead" is most desirably lo cated with water at front and back. Sea bathing, boating and fishing near.,!TSh stop in front of door. jMuet boiiefa. Spec ial weekend rates. Special rates for May and June. ; Writ . Mrs. hJbbtVtr Dail. '7' 1-2 Wflloughby Beach, Ocean View, , Va. "The Homestead." ' Adv. Ringworm Scalp Sores If y. want tptr help try the a IX a Pro. eriptiob So mm to pply, not inur or xmr. It WMhe. Into the ara)p and tin nlkf oimUat Try it UxUjr on otu uara.. n2.inxiQ. Hie Licciiici Wcili J. E. Hood & Company NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage executed by C. H. Uzzell to Sam Brklgers and Charles Lutes, dated January 6, li)16, and registered in Book No. 63, page 454, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned mortgagees will, on Saturday, the 8th day of June, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door in Kins-ton, Lenoir County, N. C, expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands described in said mortgage, as follows: One certain tract of land situated n Lenoir County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Being lot No. 1 as shown on map which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Lenoir County in Plat Book No. 1, at page 27, containing 53 5-100 acres, and said records, map and plat book and page are hereby expressly referred to and included herein for purposes of better description of said land. This May 4, 1918. SAM BRIDGERS, OIIAS. LUTES, adv. Mortgagees. Fine Assortment of Ladies9 Wear We hayervnow a fine and complete line of collars for you, and are pleased to show them. Our special efforts in this directiion has re warded us an increased number of customers. Pretty line of white waists. Fine for this weather $1.00 to $5.00. Middy suits ... in white, for girls 6 to 18 in fine material the best we ever had $3.00 to $4.75. White Skirts Now is the time to get it while . our selection is fine $1.00 to $3.50. Children's White Dress es Pretty line to suit every mother and child. Beautifully embroider ed good material 50c to $3.50. NEW YORK CLOTHING CO. "The Popular Store" FOOD VILLAIN THE VAK Fertilizer Distributors Don't forget to come and get your fertilizer distributor. ;We have just re ceived a large shipment of the best distributors on the market for the money, 'THE GANTT." These machines are exceptionally good sellers and we in vite you to come and get one before they are gone. ; ... i 'tiffiaf rT Unston, 1 HOME MADE. CANDY We carry a full line of Chocolates at all times. Trade with u and you will be pleas-' ed. Courteous service our specialty. ;j OLYMPIA CANDY KITCHEN Our Tobacco Flue Iron Has Arriv ed Get Your Flues Now While You Can Avoid the rush and scarcity of material. High grade roof paint cheap. Try it. Tin and1 slate roofers that work to please. Try us out on yoyr repair job or new work. We can please you. E. R. WALLER COMPANY CORNER HERITAGE AND GORDON PHONE 180 CAROLINA KINSTON-CAROLINA RAILROAD AND LUMBER COMPANY. Effective Monday, May 6th, freight will be received by these companies as. follows: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, for forwarding to Beulaville, until 4 p. m. Daily, to Carolina Railroad points until 2 p.m.. ' ."" "f."lya: Daily for forwarding following day to Kinston-Carolina points with exception of Beulaville, N. C, until 4 p. m. -. No perishable freight will be accepted for forwarding to Beulaville except on special permission from agent. This office will be m. to 4 p. m., and no or delivered before J. We are agent for the j ' Emerson-Br'antingham Co's Agncultural Imp! Mowers And Rakes We invite any one interested to inspect our line before buying. Respectfully, Ganady & Kinston, N. C. B.W. Home Made Candies and Fine Phone 358 i RAILROAD COMPANY. open daily from 8 a. freight will be received or after those hours. A. HERNDON, Agent line of lements Son r. Hot in Carolina 4 : I. V. ':HK 1 v r 1 .'"' "'"' "1 J.. r J9