THii KJLNSTUN FUEL1 PttESS. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 27: idle (THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. SALT NUXTO. Site lal Haaagaf rnbHafcod Ivory 07 Except Silday by tit Kinatoa fro it Froo Co; Ine, Kinsto, N. G ' Entorod t th ooetoffic at Klneton. North Guv! oMad-elaaa matter umlor act of Congrosa, Xarefc 1, 1679. ' ' flabacrlpttoa Bato--Myabl la AdTaaei ,0m ........I JO Thro Month fl.28 Om Month M Si Month. 20 . On You ..15.00 NXW TORE OmCE-W . 42nd fit. Mr. Balph R. MuDfMa. to oolo eharg of Em torn. Dopartmont Filoi of Th ITroo JTooj cob bo - WESTERN OfTTCE In charge of Mr. G. J. Andorra, Jfanpotto Bolldlnf, Chicago, whoro filoa of Tbo Fro Proa can bo flosocribon art roqmotod to notify, by Tolopbono 78, Bo'Froo Proas of oay .twguaarlty of dolhroo or fa lontloB ffhotootf or on tbo port of tho oairiora. .. After f p.E oubacribor oro roojowtod to col Wt On Union and report f alluro to got tho popor. A copy 11 bo orat promptly, if complaint U mad boforo 8 P. If., without coot to ouboeribor. Monday evening, may 27, m. Mexico's grievance against Culm ii no aoubt German modi. : - .' Roporti f th activities of Uncle Sam's boys on the fighting- front are largely the account of deeds of valor And heroism y " .' ' ' - Raleigh Nawa A Observer: "Some fellows put on airs without being in the draft." They're generally Windy, though, ' Dentist 'Johnston admitted on the witness stand in Richmond that he loved feobh women. A right hard place to fill without petting into trouble sooner or Inter. A DAT OF BECKONING COMING. Unci Sam's revenue agents are welcome to this sec tion. Tho raiding of the illicit liquor industry in the Caswell community and breaking up of the nefarious traf fic, which is said to have been angaged in lately with even more boldness than heretofore, will be gratifying to every right thinking person. If the reports that come to The Free Press are half way correct. It is amazing with what effrontery "blind tiger" and wiM cat stills operate right within a stone's throw, so to apeak, of the courthouse. Little concern for the county officer seema to be manifested. In fact the temerity ahown by the liquor vender is said to nppar enfly ignore the fact thai there is a sheriff's force in the county charged with the responsibility of keeping down lawlessness. Too much of the burden, however, must not be put upon the officers whose duty it Is to search out and bring to court those who violate the low. There have been too many instances of late where notorious offenders against whom perfectly, plain cases have been made, have been extendd the clemency of the court and allowed to pay a nominal fine on the promise to straighten up. Then too the courts have not been entirely to blame. Counsel have brought character witnesses and "proven" good char acter wfien thty knew that their clients were of the worst type. The time Is coming when an outraged public is going to demand an accounting from the public servants and agencies that operate so wide of their true functions as to encourage rather than stop lawlessness. When that day shall come, The Free Press is not prophet enough to foretell. The sooner the better. YOUNG MEN MUST REGISTER. ' Young man! if you have reached the age of twenty- one since last June you are commanded by authority of the laws of tho United States to present yourself at your respective exemption board's headquarters on Wednes day, June 5th, next to enroll and place yourself subject to tho call of your country for military duty. Neither sickness nor penal servitude will excuse you. Wherever you may be, arrangements must be made to register on tho aforesaid day. Lot there be no slackers in Lenoir County on June 5, 19181 1 I Prepare for Thursday, May 30th! President WHson Itai set the day aside for the American people to fast, meditate, give thanks and pray for the success of Ameri ca and her allies in the great fight for the freedom ot the world... Lot Jt be n day when truly every American will feel k in hie. heart to give thanks and to recognize his dependence in the Almighty Father, who rules the Universe and does all things well. The retroactive feature of the wage increase allowed the railroad men will insure some of them having a lit tlo ahead at least when the back pay check comes in. Put it in War-Savings Stamps. . The fine work of the Allied airmen is said to be seri ously hindering the preparations for the promised Gar man offensive. There is also pretty good reason to think that the experience encountered with the British at Ypret hat had something to do with the delay. The apeeches of Messrs. Craig, Barrett and Lewis to the contingent of Lenoir men who loft for Camp Jack son Monday morning, were inspiring and filled with good advice. Especially thoughtful were the remraks of Mr. Lews and the advice that he gave to the young men will Btand them in good stead if they but remember it universal military service gum- A Soldier's offering to his sweet heart is naturally the sweetmeat that nave him most refreshment and greatest enjoyment when on duty. The Flavor Lasts Isuraraaeo la All IU Braachos. Real Estate Bought tad Bolt, W.D.LaROQUE Insurance and Real Estate. Offlceo-212-214 Hub tec Bids. , TELEPHONE ft, PHONE 184 SIC HUNTER BLDQ, INSURANCE OP ALL KINDS Real Estate and Rent Collector THE INSURANCE SERVICE AGENCY, " F. C. DUNN. S. R. DUNN. ff IN Keen the boys in service supplied mi i - i i-in i u mi i Protect Your Money by Depositing it With THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. You Are Also Protected by The Federal Reserve System of which the bank is a member 'STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY jjaldnessi Lenoir County, in the parlance of the street, has "done herself proud" !n the Red Cross drive. Chairman Jeffress announces that she has gone "over the top" and multi plied her apportionment by three and more in her great response to tho call of the mission of mercy. TbeSpirttuf oxvniEAnissixxcs ra no chad avxm rAJTKY Ot BKEAklMT JOOUS CONTA1XINO VHEXT. , Opening Hull Grey's night,' May 31st. Mill CORSETS W. B. Reduso Corsets effect an astonishing redaction in stout figures. Back and front lace. Hips, bust and abdomen reduced 1 to 5 inches, you look 10 to 20 pounds lighter. ' You are no longer STOUT, you never wore more comfortable or "easy feeling" corsets., , e No, TO. Low But. CoBtfl, prio , 1 No. lO. Modtaa J)o.t. Contn, prieo "... I No. IU. Short Stoat Fleam, I . ' ... , Low But. CuUL prio . I i WkW Elastic Corn J&K&f I W. B. Nuform Corsets Back and Front-Lac for slender and average figures glvth"Bw-fora"thngurvogueo( th moment, inexpensive. faultUsslv fittimr t;naiiii.ut fa. Comfort, War and shape-moulding. . WE1NCAP.TEN OROSh, U. NEW YORK r v i r I i - it Cluoe 1 1 Gonquere RECIPE MAILED FREE i ... ! A Veteran business manV Who wai hlmosf completely bald and had tried numerous tonic. lotions, shampoo, eta, without benefit, came across, while on a Journey, an Indians' recipe by which. ne grew a complete crop of healthy, luxuriant hair that he now possesses. Others men and women have re torted remarkable hair growth by the eame method,, Whoever wishes the re cipe may obtain. It. free by writing to IJohn Hart llrlttaln, BA-222, . Station P, New York,' N... T. Or obtain a box oi the ointment, Kotalko, made 'according to the perfected recipe, at the drug tore, ready for use. i Indians Stcret of Hair 6rowfb , Ta nnmber of eases, when'fi'ulr fslls out, the root are not dead, but remain ir .., u. .iito, WJEo geeas or .bulbs, necdins only fertility. The unal alkaline shoaipoos, slcohalued hair tonics, etc., are of no avail in such, cues. The .Indians' ointment nourishes the hair and Stimulates the srowth. . Kotalko fertilise th scalp and Induces Iiair growth ia every cane possible: won derful results reported. For mtn'i, worn t n't and tMdrtnt Aotr. If yon ar bald, or losloir hair, or have dandruff, you should jit aotaito. it la a pleasure to observe "w " oi new nair and its steady .IT , . " r. v growiB superseuoa tbla hair or baldness. Cut out this not ire; show to others who want beautiful hair. il., at the Courthouse door in Kin ston, Lenoir County, N. C, expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands described in said mortgage, as follows: v One certain tract of land situated in Lenoir County, North Carolina, and i described as follows: Being lot No. l as shown on map which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Lenoir County In Plat Book No. 1, at paga 27, containing S 5-100 book and page are hereby (fcspressly referred to and included herein for purposes of better description of said land. This May 4, SAM BRIDGERS, OHAS. LUTES, Mortgagees. List Your Taxes The State, County and City tax listers will set together beginning Monday,. May 20th, 1918. until June 20th, 1918 from 9 o'clock a. m. to 6 o'clock p. m. at the office of the City Clerk for the purpose of listing taxes for the year of 1918. All delinquents will be promptly reported to Lenoir . County Grand Jury for indictment Respectfully, ; , K. F. FOSCUE, W. B. COLEMAN LIST TAKERS. ICE CREAM NOTICE OP SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage executed by C. H. Uzzell to Sam Brkigers and Charles Lutes, dated January 6, 1916, and registered in Book No. 53, page 464, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, default having been mad in th payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, th undersigned mortgagees will, on Saturday, th 8th day of June, 1918, at J2 o'clock Scrthcra RtSwaj Syttea No. 1391:00 p. at, lot Rakiffh, Durban, Greensboro and Winston Salon, com acting at Greensboro foa reeling chiv oar Goldstar to Wtn ' tov8aJm. . No. tl-tn$ a. as. for Ballgk, Inrus, Grooootooro, Winstoa-Sar on SUtMrill aad As&erffl, es aoetinf- at Qroonaboro far polnta oorta aad south aad at Aaaovillo fat Chtciaaati, Chicago. 81 Louis. Mem phis aad aa soinU vt (This tnla oporatot via ; Wlnstoa-Kalea aad JBartor). Parle eat Coldooor to Aaaoritlo. .,! i. a jonss. aI 1 . I r riiHiT ' a ' I .-7:11 ' ; - ! 1 8th day of June, 1918,, at J2 o'clock isis 1 i . , , , . ..... When you want a delicious dish of Ice Cream or Cold Soda, visit our cobl ice cream parlor. We are now better pre- pared to serve you than . ever before. . COURTEOUS SERVICE OUR SPECrALTY Olympia Candy Kitchen ratitivnoKD mm) OOMeTrxrW- lOOOHCTOOTM ,'VWvVvW! fl CAM-f see Nbu SOFFtTR LtKC THAT PCTC.COMe POUN TOTHCl kmin wen MAvt IT VAN KP OUT !! 5AD CASC THC OPERATION tSOlN TO pe painful! SiiKENJCLlNG . ... . a ll . . I " T-v"" V : ' 1 -r- D iCwe&sviooBeTTeR) Mo.xcant it , ftAo&ei viqucpn'T V . t :). wtn cas, Kwe hm : ' . fp) 1 1 EC ABLC to telc I H " ; i Akk, 4.r ll I. -ll II l.lilf-u . I D I ' D . I S I V-v ,a . I i not 51 I wnc n Hfci ,1 H . O m I f . J ' v . , As. V I I I l)Kir--xir-.M sc II I II ' - - r " ' ' fl m- - . wnnimt( I Z 1 1' ...J

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