V TUESDAY, gVENINC, MAY 28, ljy THE KINSTON FREE PRESS. v TDE DAILY FREE PBESS ' ' H. HALT BSAXTOI, XStm tad Mums ftatSafcal Iw; Day Except Sunday by the Battta Untt . FC,Ina'KtoatosvH. C. lihi poatofflea ftt liaston. North Carolina, m Sabaeriptlaa Btttt rtyafclt la JJtmmi 10 Tim XooUia fTZe- 41 BU Ifontat ..U0 One Tee SUM xsnr tobi cmcs k. cad at, nr. BaJp b. H"gys lb tab) anarga of tartan Ptpaitota 1 Wat 1rZ3TS8tf CVTIOC la e&arga af Mr. CI J. Anderaon, DaDfflnc. CUetM wkcra fllat of Tat fm taatw n retwattoa1 to notify, by Talapbooo 75, farFraa Ttm at any fcrwpOMrity ot dellraay a toat fttatiaa whfttwwvar ea tot part af t&a aarrktra. V Altar T f. m. aobajrlbara art reqooetod to eel Wait Ma Untoa aad rsp&rt fattura to got too paper. A eopj fl u atnt prompts, H"fcSL$lamt to eiada baton 9 P. M wltboat coat to obtarfbtr. v , . TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1911. k i Aay old tin aant, half filled with water, in your back WT t 'Unquestionably tht "stay-at-home" eolony will in- it aftar June 10th, 1918. Jl 01aoa it it now tha fashion far Gormen maids to go ktfrafoot, the Sammlat wilr'ba mora anxioua than aver to'Maas'Btrlln. "t i t i" Wonder if Director General McAdoo would mind a fol low loading up on mileage before that proposed ineraaaa la passenger fares takoa effect? (iV , a M who ridet in tha parlor car after June 10th must as only tip tht porter and incidentally pay the usual fit but he mutt hand over an additional half cent a mile ler enjoying tha omfortt of modern travel, , I., i Up in Amheret, Virginia, the merchant! have banded tof other and will observe Wednesdays aa an off-day dur ing tha growing season In order that the employer and aiploytea can work , their gardana and help eolve the food problem.A fine example of practicing good preach it. alBBSaasiaiBISS:B . HANDS THAT BOCK THE CRADLE, t The 1 Raleigh Timet thinkt that Fostmastor General Burleson might better utilize hia time in persuading Con great to repeal It cone poatage legislation than by trying to put T. R. at tha head of that society that the ex-President founded tome years ago. Jt's like akng a man to murder his own offspring to suggest to Burleson -to work agint the laying of this onerous and unnecessary burden on the press-of America. Might as well talk about getting Claude Kitdhin to forego this opportunity to seek a reprisal againat the press that V declined to endorse the seniority system of selecting leadership in the House and Senate." ', ' ;4i-"' '" , There has never been a time in the history of Ameri ca or the world that dissemination of newt and informa tion was more essential than it is today. Yet Comrress has seen fit to impose upon the publishers- and of course indirectly upon the reading public a tax that is unneces sary and admittedly not a war measure for it is circum scribed, by no limitations of the war's duration. The in crease In postage running from about 25 to some 900 per cent, is an iniquitous burden put upon the press of this country which has largely on account of the favorable postage rat in the past been enabled to furnish its pro duct to the people far and near at a price much below the cost of publishing were the advertising incomes di vorced from the subscription revenues. ' Personal pique, desire to "get even" and an attempt to cover up incompetency in managing the portoffice af fairs are the hands that rock this postage cradle. Warding against typhoid. Reports from Dr. J. S. Mitchcner's office indicate that the people are taking advantage of the opportunity to fortify themselves against the dreaded scourge of ty phoid fever. La year there were nineteen cases of typhoid in Kin- ston. This year there should be none. If everybody who has not already taken the treatment or been immunised by a recent attack of the disease will avail themselves of the opportunity that the health department now affords to be vaccinntted there will be little danger of any ap pearance of the disease here this year. The treatments are being given free to all who call at the health depart ment at the High School building. Vaccination ivgainst typhoid fever w not in the ex perimental stage. Its efficacy has been proven beyond any doubt. f Tho record of the United States army, which has practically eliminated the disease entirely through vaccination, is sufficient evidence that science has mas tered the scourge and that with the cooperation of the people typhoid fever will become extinct. There must be cooperation, however, before any such results ar obtained. O. J. Dykeman, a travelling salesman out tof Wilming ton, was held in the Birmingham, Alabama Jail for sev eral days because of dscourteous treatment alleged to have been shown a young woman solicitor for the Red Cross. He was released after apologising and subscrib ing. Wilmington very properly denied any "claim on him when the reports reached there of his conduct. So be it to all who thus prove disJoyal to their country. Notice to all who it may concern: If any disloyal fel low claims North Carolina as his home, the people of this good State wish It understood that they will promptly disown him and approve whatsoever legal and just- pun ishment may be meted out to him. ' ' mm Ctis aixiixAnissnfirs WWJaTanaMSnt tenor n nnmn lrxra contaikino "VHEAT. Opening Ball Grey's Mill Friday alght. May Hat Adv, Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE ind REALTY COMPANY C.OETTINGER, Mgr. Tetophon No. 102 piO E.GordonSt KINSTON MAN SPENT FORTUNE IN SEARCH. "I spent $1,800 in 7 yean treating with .physicians, some specialists o:ting me $10 a visit, only to at last lay that nothing could be done for me, that I had cancer or ulcers of the stomach. I suffered awful pains in my stomach, but after taking a few doses of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy these all disappeared and for 3 years vn feeling fine." It is a simple, harmJeat . preparation that removes the catarrhal mucous from the in testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all itomch; liver and intestinal ailments, 'ncluding ppendicitis. One dose will onvince or money refunded. Sold by J. E. Hood A Co. , adv. Political Announcements I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination, of Solicitor from the Sixth Judicial District, sub ject to thai rules of the Democratic primary. adv J. FRANK WOOTEN. To tha Democratic Voters of the Mrth Judicial District: I will be a candidate for the Of fice of Solicitor for the Sixth Judic al District, subject to the action of he primary, to be held on June 1st, 1918. I will appreciate your support and nfluence. Respectfully, dv. JOHN A. GAVIN, JR. I hereby announce myself a candi late for the office of solicitor of the Sixth Judicial District, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, June 1, 1918. J. A. POWERS Can't tteepl Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do cat! 111 ARMY & NAVY V Xjt) DYSPEPSIA TABLETS wW make you feel ten years younger. Best P'-a known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach' asaew and Dyspepsia. 5 cents a package at all Druggist or id, by sent to any address postpaid the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N Y. North Carolina, Lenoir County. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION. Gary iSilk Company, a Corporation, vs. John Ashley and James C. Ashley, trading under the atyl and firm name of Ashley Spinning Company, and W. H. Ashley. The defendants abiive named will take notice that a summons in the ibove entitled action, for the recov ery of the sum of $1,26-1.18 from the defendants, was issued against the aid defendants , on the 4th day of May, 1918, by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Lenoir County, which sum of money, for the recovery of which this action is brought, is due the said plaintiff for the rent of the silk mill and premises at Kinston, N. C, fee taxes and insurance prem iums on said property and money paid, under a contract entered into by and between the said parties plaintiff and defendant, The said defendants .will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Lenoir County, N. C on the 4th day of May, 1918, against the property,, of the said de fendants in said County and State, which warrant ; of attachment to gether with the Bommbns herein, is returnable at the June Term, 1918, of the Superior Court $jf Lenoir County, N. C, beginning on the 10th day of June, 1918, when and where the defendants are required to ap pear and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or tha re lief demanded will be granted, This the 8th day of May, 1818. j J. T. HEATH, Clerk of Superior Court Lenoir County. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Passenger, Train scnedula Corrected, to May 1, 1918, (At information ana not guaranteed) Trains Leave Klnstoa 7:60 A. M. for Mew Bern. Mora. bead City, 3eaufort, Oriental, Washington, Elisabeth City, NEW PERFECTION OIL COCK STOVES Make Patriotism Pay Save yourself labor and drudgery-save money by using inexpensive kerosene -Ind save coal for your country-by using a New Perfection OA Cook Stove. No coal hods or ash pans, no soot or smoke. A cool kitchen and an all round Spendable stove that can be lighted and accurately regulated as easily at a gas range for all kinds of cooking. The long blue chimney gives clean, intense, odorlett heat-at much of at little as you require. . . In 3.000.000 American home. New Perfection is saving coal for the nation and keepuig kitchen. cool, clean and comfortable. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner nzea, with or without cabinet top and oven. A.k your dealer about the New Perfection Keroaene Water Heater. . , M Ue Aladdin Security Oil-Alway. available, inexpensive. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Baltimore, Md. . . ... i I... t; Noifolk. Va. Charlotte. N. C. Ch.rleaton, S. C SiaRITYOlL 4:48 11:21 Norfolk. Parlor Car New Bern to Nor folk. Connecting at Norfolk witt Rail and Steamer Lines to all points east and north, at Washington for Raleigh and pointt west. P. M. Daily for New Bern, Morehead City and Beaufort. P. M. Dairy for New Bern, Washington and Norfolk. Sleeping Car New (Bern to Norfolk. Connecting at Nor folk with Rail and Steamer Lines to points east, north and west. 10:25 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and intermediate points. 7:39 P. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. 5:30 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and points west and south. W. J. NICHOLSON, T. A. Kinston, N. C. J P. D ALTON, G. P. A. Protect Your Money by Depositing it With THE NAT10NAT BANK OF HINal CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND rJoLtAS? You Are Also Protected by The Federal Reserve System of which the bank is a member "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY1 ICE CREAM When you want a delicious dish of Ice Cream or Cold Soda, visit our cool ice cream parlor. We are now better, pre pared to serve you than ever before. COURTEOUS SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY I Olympia Candy Kitchen S:::ri Rritay Syitea No. l-4;00 . at, lot BaWtrk, Durham, Omottota aa4 Wlnatotv Salem, tannaattng at Ortmstboca for tatttnj eat ear Oaldabort to Wtna lfVIl:4 a, a. fat lalaiagfc, Darfcam, Qraaasbora, Wins ton -Sal-am, Statatrilla aad AaBertOe, eet sin! tin at Oraaatbort fat rototi arta aad tout aad at AshertUe tot Ctadaaatl. Caloaga. St Leads, Mem Bblt an4 all potato watt (This till aparatat via WlaatotvSalem tad Barbar). Parka tat CMaaftan to AaWrSla. I. o. joma, I'ANK AND PETE Til till h;ought be was t'jmra a m, hot csiiG a fAVCJ Bf KEMKLHi j saammmmw 'TUEGIX'aY..s'