PACEFOUK 1 '' ' TOE KTNOTON FEEE PRESS. ' TUESDAY,-EVENMAV,, l a i m a a a- h --m mm w mm sa a mi m m m m m mi .am. mm a oa . a i a a i a I ri w-- I . aw III fmm Shirts Manhattan' Kaewa a ike hMMki kil knowor-SEE SHOW WINDOW iJ;CJ)ailt-Co; Quick Attewu?iyen to ' , 110 WGordon St .Opeirlmr Ball Grey's Mill Friday nfeht. saay IIerW,,r,'' Adv. fiotWather Underwear atf ;For the baby," boy, girls, men jtnd women The Wanted Sly!" Sift anH misJi G6VS . CnAS, ArVMTERS Ki Tq?29ifSlort .W,,,B. BAILEY.. PLUMBING AND HEATING, , Acetylene 'Lights -for coun try homes. All Work .Guaranteed. Phone Office 587R9idence 25$ 1 FI.1ST MI0M i)ANI( OF Now Altogether For The RED CROSS CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $200,000 i ' N. J. ROUSE, Presldeat i J. J. BIZZELL. A ut. Cashier DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Pres't . D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier W, D. nABVE-Y, Taller W. L. Keenedy 1 Dr. Hf rjr TmII J. H. Canedy i ' DIRECTORS J. F. Taylor H, II. MeCey II. E. Moseley N. J. Rouse Uavld Oettinger C. Felix Harvey iJ. B. Jones ddtking o. War saving bale A new shipment of men's dress shirts just in and will be sold at WAR-SAVING PRICES. White shoes and oxfords and FREE polish with each pair purchased. Come and save I money on everything, you buy. 350 young , men's Cool Cloth and Mohair suits to be sold at war saving prices. i Look fpr the BIG HED SPOT J. B. Jones Clothing Co., ;HiM.twBildioV KINSTON, N. C . : Dress Ginghams in large plaifls ancl a variety of colors. Just in today. Early shoppers will make no mistake. Renfrews De vonshireLaddy Las sie Cloth 1 Suitable for Children's Rompers T. V. febom .Sc Co. . THE DEPENDABLE STORE. Buy Var Savings and Thrift Stamps Ccntribute to.the Re3' Cross For North Carolina: Fair tonijrht and Wednesday. Gentle shifting Winds, Give to Red Croat. Three hundred and sixty shipyard employee at Morehead City have giv en a day'e wages to the Red Cross The men get from $2 to $10 a day Banka jto aoee Thursday. .The banks of Kinston will be clos ed all day Thureday in celebration the Day of Prayer set aside by Presi dent Wilson. Attends Oil Men's Meeting. Mr. N. B. Moore has gone to At kuita to attend the annual conven iiien of the Interstate Oil Mill Sup erintendents' Association. The con lreution will be held May 29,31. Mr Moore is president of the association Cite to Jewish Relief. Jkliaa Ethel Greenburg of Durham Zionist worker, here in the interest ef the Palestine restoration move aient, say Kinston's Jewish people liave doubled their original donation f $200. The Nation's $1,000,000 allotment has been oversubscribed. Bends Are Small. , LWierty bonds received at the Farm era & Merchants Bank here are smal but attractive. The shortness and narrowness of the bonds detract in no wise from the glory of the cause which they represent and their safe ness as pledges of the United States f America. Auction Sale of Property. Property of the late Mrs. S. C. Par rott was sold at auction at the Court house Monday, together with some (hares of local mill stock. A two jtory brick building of the Parrott estate at 113-115 West Blount Street was purchased by R. F. Churchill and B. R. Taylor for $15,400. The site has -a frontage of 50 feet. Regititration of German Women. Chief of Police Skinner calls at tention of German alien females "re siding here" there probacy is na such crittur to the registration to be conducted in the Nation from a. m. Monday, June 17, to 8 p. m June 26. Any such person residing here, permanently or temporarily, vm be lequired to register with the 'hief, Male German aliens were registered icme months ago. Automobile Stolen. ; A Ford touring car owned by Mr, J. B. Leonard was stolen from his tesidence in Northwest Kinston late Monday night. The thief was not Identified. The oar had not been re severed Tuesday morning. Mr. Leon ard had retired. He heard someone start the machine about 11:45 o'clock. Vhu moment the metor started he "came to" with a full realization of whftt was taking place. It was toa late. The car was arone. Colored Red Cross Subscription. The colored people have given $237.80 in cash to the county's Rod Cross subserij)tion. More is yet to oome, including $01.29 in pledges from Instilute Township colored people. W. H. Murphy was chairman for the -oi- orcd people's campaign.- County Chairman C. A. Jeffress is winding up the details of the drive in Lenoir. The Southern Division total has climbed to $4,740,042. North Caro lina gate $91(5,683. Havo Taken Them All In. Mnmentiued thieves who steal cakes, small vhange, tobacco, etc.. have about completed the round of the North Kinston grocery stores. Sunday night the shops . of W. A. Koraegay & Co., North Independence, and Richard Rjuse, North McLe ean Street, were entered, together with that of J. W. Scott, Queen Street near Gordon. At Kornegay Co.'s noth ing was taken. Small hauls were made at the other places. costume at present. According to the man he .wants to go to Kinston "75 mile from here." This is not very enlightening, especially when he 'n;ats that he is from North Caro 'ins and nowhere else. Free PreeV Schedule for Thursday The Free Press office will be closed Thursday. May 30, from 10 to 11 o'clock in the morning, in ord er that the people employed there may attend the services of prayer and thank in their respective churches, Only one edition of the paper wilj be printed Thursday and the office will e closed as early as possible in the afternoon in order that as much o the day as can be arranged f jr may be spent in the spirit of President Wilson's proclamation. The job de' partraent will be shut down all dny Advertising patrons are requested have their Thursday's copy in th3 of fice Wednesday afternoon if possible, No changes can be guara itesd after 9 o'clock Thursday morning. Canning School, A canning school will be conducted by Miss Adna Edwards, home dem onstration agent, in the basement of Gordon Street Christian Church and on an adjoining lot Thursday and Friday. The school will be attended by about 25 canning club members from, a number of communities. They will receive instruction in the use of different types of canning outfits using tin and glass, in exhibit packs apd in keeping records for canning clubs. Miss Edwards explains that the preparations were made before the President issued his proclama tion making Thursday a Day of Prayer. The young women who at tend will pend a night in Kinston and will be shown some attentions by the Chamber of Commerce. A pub lie demonstration will be a feature of the school. Another JStep Forward to Interest flealth iii Old North State Raldgh, May 2.' .'Another ad winced step in the promotion of health was -taken last week when the Forsyth County Board of Health passed ordinances for the prevention of soil pollution. Forsyth is the fourth county in the 'State to adopt this progressive legislation. The ordinances providing for the installation cf sewage closets or prop eriy constrmted sanitary privies in ?very house in the county used as a Iwelling. Marines Conducting Recruiting Work at Colleges in Country Washington, May 2T r-The U. S. Marine Corps will make a "Spring Jrive" for college men. A number of university and college graduates now n the corps are being sent to their aid schools to thoroughly explain to members of the graduateing ami other classes the advantages of the coips. r Not "at" Kennedy's Mill. The arrest Sunday of Thad. Tyndall, charged with retailing whisky, did not occur "at" Kennedy's Mill, as stated Monday in The Free Press. While Tyndall lives in the vicinity he does not reside at the mill nor on the Kennedy property, this paper is re quested to state. The statement was made in a broad sense, and the in tention was to give the approximate locality rather than the exact spot :n which Tyndall lives. Orphan Concert is to be held in Grand Wednesday. May 29 in addition1 a the regular pictures. Pictures starting at 8:00. Prices 50c, 35c, and 25c. adv. White Skirts Cotton and Wool Serge White Skirting in Wash Satins, Sol Satin, Cot ton Materials. Buy Thrift Stamps. We have them. A. J. PTP Sl sons Telephone 34 J.L.HAMME LA WTO Office wlta Cowper cat WW taker A Cortiplete Line for All -if LET US SUPPLY YOU Barrett & Hartsfield A Guaranteed Felt la for $12.50 Only because we contracted for these months ago can we offer such good mat tresses at such a low, price. They weigh full 50 pounds, roll edge, an dare covered in excellent quality ticking. Solid comfort is assured with one of these. FURNITURE STORE DRFFITTS OtjTEOATH Offle How: 10-12 'i 24 DR. GEO, E, KOBNEGAi; SPECIALIST. In DiaetM of Womea and ChJMri 0fffattlfVvCMWnjt. Offico Honrs: l i li. n-. .. ..... m Ar& tm pending all you earn? si; Our deposits are increasing. Is it money on YOUR ACCOUNT-or money on the account of the person with whom you spent it that makes this crease? , your your m- Thr is more Catarrh In this section ef the country than all other dlseiisvs pit together, ami' (or years it was sup po'd to be Incurable. Doctors nrearribati' local remedies, iuul by constantly failing to cure with Jocal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Cutarrli is a local disease, (rrestly influencuct by constitutional ton ditlons and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Haifa Catarrh Modi-, cine, msftutaeturea by P. J. ' Chnney &' Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constltuUonal remedy, is taken , Internally s,nd acta thru the Blood en' .the' Mucous Surfaces of the Systutn. One Hundred txdlsra re ward la offered rr adv eaao that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to euro. Bend for circulars and tMtunonlals. F. 4. CHBNUY CO.. Toledo, Ohio. " Pold by DruRfrista. 7uo. Hairs ramily fills (or constipation. Dressed like a Cannibal (An unidentified negro at the county jail is violently insane. He was ar rested by Policeman John Taylor and Speciar Officer W. P. Bjyetf in the vk-mity of the Atlantic Coast line passenger station. Apparently he wa about to shed his clothes. Me has i since done so. Jailer Thomas Conway is worrying over how to in duce the unfortunate man to augment the hat and coat which constitute his Opening Ball Greys Mill Friday night, May Slit. ' A.dv. Opening Ball night; May Slst.- Grey's Mill Friday 1 Adv. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. , The undersigned haviug qualified as executor of the esUte of W. T. Worthington, deceased, notice is here by giren to all persons having claims gainst the estate of said decedent to exhibit the same to the under signed executor at Kinston, North Carolina, on or before the 29th day of Mareh. 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment to the executor. . This 29th day of March. 191SV -HEBER WORTHINGTON, G. C WORTHINGTON, Exeeaton of W. T. Worth t "trrgrtdn; UwKised.--' J ; PJJee yrea to If peya ' lt A-niH sill rrtnd urn, w fAZfl ftlNTS'VM fain W c.i HtciM i iict1,., SHiad.Sleedtnf orProlindma Piics ut6(oW- km ftvpljcsUoa (iTts liaaa sad &(. ms, DEPOSITS: May 1st, 1917 .................$ 82,222.25 May 1st, 1918 .247,400.50 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY The Caswell Bailiing & Trust Co. 4)r. Albert D. Parrott Practice Limited to Genlto-Urlatry, cysloeeopy, te4a) dleeaes tut gea. , ,'aral'pnrfejry. , Honrs ?:30 to J5:Qt p. m, " SrMteOjp.. M At Hospital 9:00 to 12:01 a. Dr. i'-.-vGco. 6. ifflSbi EYESIGHT SPEOLiUBT ; Glasses Fitted Oomcfly. - Nervous System "-Ansrji4 te Oroea Eyes Straightened Wtoaf p4in or 'Operation.' Office Over Teniple'e Drug Bton, Kinston, N. C, Office Hours: 9 a tn. to 8 p. . . Sundays and evenings by AppstoV f "leant. - - Graduate from MeCormick's Medical OoIIagl 1 Cbioago. III. l-S-y.'e)--'.' I Nice Line of ,W. U. LaROQUE, President T. W. HEATH, Cashier. A.' OFFER . s Presenting the Coupon with J 5c. will entitle yon to a can of Lucas Velvo-Tone Finish (Regular , Price 20c); also give you FREE a well-made Brush, specially suited to apply this iNew, Classy Finish.....,,.;,.. .v .-,'.. ' ,v ,. . .1 Velvo-Tone is a wonderful new product that stains, varnishes and produces a rich, hand:rqbbed effect in one operation. K Velvo tone is unlike any other product.' t It takes the jlace of the 9U, alow, laboriona aad expensive method of producing this rich, velvety finish, which required staining Jhe wood, varnishing it, then rubbing it down by hanaV-Velvo-Teae in one operation does all three, j. ;. .''iVelva-Toiie Finish can be used on all interior woodwork and on furniture, both old and new. "Wherever you tise Lucas Velvo-Tone ' Finish yea produce a' beautiful, artist-'e surface at very slight cost Yelre-Tone is .made in eight attractive wood colors, such as fieUea Oak. Luated Oak. Old Oak. Weathered Oak. Dark Mahogany. Zarfna Green, Rich Mahogany, Black Flemish and .NaturaL Good unth May 23, 1918. This Coupon With 15 cents entitles bearer to a can or, Lucas Velvo-Tone Finish and a Free Brush total value ' 3$ eeata . ." v. - - ; Address Tl; E. MOSELEY DEALERS. HARDWARE COMPOT KINSTON, 75. C' J Fflisses, and V S Children's e 5 UMertt&r CASEY THOMPSON CO. ... .S! J. 4MM.a .'' JP. J. H. 8Upheason' Old SUat riosn sri ; e i i obacco Fkxelfbn V ' ': has arrived Get your Hues now and Avoid the Rush , HE. SCOTT -We A Do Fb,,," fllONES: Rcaidaace I3J-L. Office f fV i - I