" TUESDAY EVENING. JIJNF V .!. 1 TlUB KINSTON FREE PRESS. vf .. , , ., . - t a in as ! i M THE DAILY FREE PRESS B. CALT BEAXTOV, X&tmt H4 Free Co, Ine, Xlnltoat, N. C Eater! at the postofflc at Kin ton. North Carolina, m mtemi-mm mm ondec act of Congrwav lurch I 179, gaWerlpUosi Rat Payable la Advaatwi Om Was 1.10 Throa Montha L2S Om Mob I At Six Montha .......t.M ti Om Tom ..9&00 . ' NffW TOB urn UK 80 ML, 42nd St. Mr. BaJph R. MuIMjaa, ta aola barft of Xaatara DoparloMot Jlloa tt Tho frao Prow ean be a. WESTERN OFFICE la cbargo of Mr. C. J, Aadanoo, MarqMtto Building, CUeafO, whert flloa of Tho Tnt rraao eu M Sabaerite are roqaaatod to Dottfy, try Telsytioaa 78, tU Fm Fraaa of say irregularity of ttlWv of tnat Mtioa whatsoever oa Ota part of tfaa earriara. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 4, . Buy "War-Saving Stampa today I Register! Wadnaaday. Tha day aftar mitt not do. mmm ' f, Tha suggestion made in aoma of tha church Sunday tha tha people of Kinston pause at tha noon hour for a moment of prayer and meditation la ona that everybody too Id adopt, if they would. .. .a , ... Wednesday it registration day for all young man whether flative bom or alien, who have attained thair majority since Juno 5, 1917, Every young- man in America who baa reached tha age of 21 ainca last June muat report Wednesday and enroll himself subject to the call of his country. Let there be no overeighta in thia section. Excuse are not accepted. ' a BUCH A jLAW NECESSABT.' So t as tha constitutionality of the child labor law is concerned, wo are attll in the dark. Five Justices of the Unitod States Supremo Court hold it Invalid while four aay it is all right It may or n may not be. Tha ma jority rules, however, and tho law is officially dead for the present. We do know that tha purpose of the law was to protect children of tender years from being overworked and stunted ia the mills and factoriea of the country. We do kmw that each a law is necessary to aave the children from parents who would deprive them of thein rightful opportunities to grow and develop and get educations for tha sake of the few paltry dollars that they earn in the aweat-shop, We do know that such a law is necessary to keep some, at least, of the mill operators and other child kbor employers from yielding to the Impulse to cut down 'operating costs at the expense of the children. There are many parent who need no such law and there are maqy employers" with hearts that need no such restrictions. Tha few, though they may be, who fail to appreciate 'the child's rights justify tha lnw and neces sitate It. . l J 1 "IL.J, L-IH L-Il .iU-,MLt.l.HII,l. l-J-LUJU 1LJ 3 A WAT TO FIGHT VAGRANCY. Tha housekeepers of the South are more or less re sponsible for the vagrancy problem because of their tol eranco of the "toting" custom of their domestics. One of the most effective means in forcing idlers out of their lain and intj the fields and ahopa unquestionably would be to cut off their bread supply which is carried in such copious quantities daily by the cooks and house servants who are permitted to take away from the kitchins all that they can easily carry. Some of those servants have little children at home ami it is perhaps with the know ledge and consent of the housekeeper that they get the "leavings" for the children. On the other hand a great many of them have no legitimate families and are but maintaining illicit establishments and making it possible for some strong, lazy rasrul to dodge work. The Free Press touched on this matter a year or two ago and at that time understood that one of the colored pastors of the City spoke of the matter from his purpi and condemned the custom. The housekeepers are to blame for allowing their servants to take anything from their kitchens except that which they might give them It would involve some trouble of course to keep a closer cheirk on the pantry and perhaips many housewives pre fer to lose the food stuffs that is doubtful, however, if they but knew what quantities they lost rather than have added care. By so doing they would not only help the food supply but they can almost in every case drive a vagrant, Who is being fed from their tuples, out into the open where ho will have to work or go to jail. If the housekeepers of Kinston would get together on this matter, the co-operation of th leaders among the colored people could be secured, The Free Press bolieves, and certainly the city authorities would enact any neces sary legislation that would help enforce an anti-tating rule. GFRMANY PLAYING TO GALLERIES. Of course Germany's diapwtch of submersibles to this side of the Atlantic is but another grand stand play in tended to cany surprise and terror rather than accom plish any end of much military importance. Germany reckons unwisely. The American people are in the fight not to bluff or to be bluffed but to win. They know that when the work of the U4oat is being nullified by degrees within the sight almost of their bases on the other side of the Atlantic, that little is to be feared on this side. -" There is one precaution that America must take and that is to guard against surprises of the sort more care-r fully to prevent any serious damag being done. The fact that some of the survivors of the ships that have been struck down on tihis side of the Atlantic caim that their ships wore attacked and sunk ten or eleven days ago does not speak any too well for the patrol off the Atlantic coast. No chances should be taken. The Free rress is graimeu mat secretary uaniele can give assur ance that there is ample reserve in his department to give all necessary patrol and' protect our shores. The country would have cause for alarm if such was not tha case. Germany is playing to the galleries hut it is up to us to see to it that her performances are not successful UNTADS Want to Buy A small or medium sized second-hand safe. Lenoir Oil t Ice CO. Dly 5-31 tf. wanted Reliable servant who ran cook. Apply phone 361-J. Dly 6-3 to 8 For car hire phone W. H. Murphy 257-J. Sunday phone M7-J. Good service. Dly 1-2 tf. Want to Buy Ford car, Carl Vauae, phone 302. Dly 6-3-18 to C-6-18. Wanted 1,000 cords good pine slabs. Phone or write Lenoir Oil & Ice Co., Kinston, N. C. Dly 5-31 tf, Having bought registered cows we have for sale a number high-grade heifers and milk cows. Caswell Training SchooL Dly 6-1 to 6-5 r i ii, tf .nam z , ... ;;: - - auamanMaasw AaaaaaH. i Typewriter Local Remington ag ent, easy terms. Also sell second hand machines. C. W. Stevens, phone 490. Dly 5-24 to 6-11 Good Prices Paid For second-hand cotton seed meal, cotton seed hull and-fertilizer bags, in good condition delivered. Lenoir Oil & Ice Co. Uly 5-31 tf. Cow praa for sale for $3 per bush el. .Send check with order. K. S. Sutton, LaGrange, N. C. Dly and Sw 5-29 to 7-2 Cleaning, pressing and dyeing straw and Panama hats. Cleaned and reblocked. Call us. Union Pressing Club. Phone 53C. Dly 5-6 -31 For 'Sale The La Fayette Cafe, m eluding lunch room, soda fountain etgar showcase, fruit stand, news stand and candy refrigerator. Pro prietor going off to school. Good le ation oinosile deuot. C. W. Wooten Kinstorl, N. C. Dly 6-26 to 6- 8 FOOD VAR I j DANDRUFFY SCALPS . LEAD TO BALDNESS. THURSDAY tan huai "J ??iJV "WUEATLESS ffisMS V DO MM tUCKTM lMllqta MMUMt MUM XMOUM!Ha WHXAX interesting Values For Men and Boys Warm weather and . work time are here. Yoli will need some thing to keep vou cool, and others to work in. We have them, and the prices are .right. " MEN'S WORK SHIRTS. Bleached cheviot, cham bray and Homespun. Well made and sells for 51.00- and $1.25. onlv 89c. BOY'S KNEE PANTS ! For rough wear. Strongly made, good material, and Wash. - able. Worth a good ueaJ more only - , 68c. COOL CLOTH CLOTHING n fancy and plain ma terials. Also Alohair suits. We never had a better selection. The young men are highly nleased with theni. Prices $3.95 to $120. BATHING SUITS AU kinds for men. in plain and fancy. $1JS0 io $.4j0 era" ocioo Eo. ' IV. ubr Store" i Protect Your Money by Depositing it "With THE NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Vou Are Also Protected by The Federal Reserve System of which the bank is a member "STRONGEST BANK IN THE COUNTY" Are you spending all you earn ? your your Our deposits are increasing. Is it money on YOUR ACCOUNT or money on the account of the person with whom you spent it that makes this hr crease? : v DEPOSITS: May 1st, 1917 8222225 May 1st, 1918 .247,400.50 OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY The Caswell BanMng & Trust Co. . "nuvljrJ, rrnweat .T. W. HEATH. CaaWer. If you have dandruff you must get rid of it quick it's positively dan Krous and will surely ruin your hair if, you don't. Dandruffy heads mean faded, brit tie, gray, scraggly hair that finally dies ami falls out new hair will not grow-jthen you are hald and nothing i'an help you The . only sure way to abolish dan- iruff for t?ood is to destroy the germ that causes it. To do this quickly, surely and safely and at little ex pense, there is nothing so effective as Parisian sjige, which you can get from J. E. Hood ami good druggists ev erywhere. It is guaranteed to ban ish dandruff, stap itching scalp and falling hair, and promote -a new growth, or the cost, small as it is, will be refunded. Parisian sage is a scientific prep aration that supplies all hair need an antiseptic liquid, neither stick or greasy, easy to apply, and delicately perfumed, If you want beautiful, soft, thk-k. lustrous hair, and lots of it, by all means use Parisian sage. Don't de lay liegis tonight a little attention uow insures abundant hair for years to come. dv. Cut Oat the Jumps! Have vou "the rumDs" or other vuuuiesiauons 01 nervousness t Are you easily confused or startled at un- cipriAcu noises or sounds f jjo you worry or fret over trivialties? Then look to your nerves. Something is radically wronir with them. - Upset nervous conditionsjisually je- suu irum some euaustcjl.or impaired bodily organ, which does not properly sive it's allotted service. Go after the ouender through taat gtcat recupera- tory centerof the body.-rour stomach. Ask yourdrueeist foifTJK . CHARLES TONIC TABLETS. Thev are the very best of preparations to soothe ana sntooH me racked and exhausted nerves ol nervous prostration victims. Those who ace debilitated ; those who 'suffer from the eroanintr burden of liver and JusJney trouble, will once more tuffTRjwara nealui: W splendid formula. The treat wreckers of women's del. Icately balanced nervous systems as At the touch of a match it lights Just like a gas stove touch a match turn a lever and you get instant heat and accurate regulation for any kind of cooking with a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. The gas stove efficiency of the New Perfection has put 3,000,000 into American homes. A New Perfection lightens housework no coal, wood, ashes or soot It lightens fuel bills and gives you a cool, clean kitchen to wcik in. It saves coal for the nation. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner sizes, with or without cabinet top and oven. STANDARD OIL COMPANY(NEW JERSEY) Baltimoie, Md. Charletton, W. Va. Charleston. S. C AV VMS dealer about tha New Perfection Kru sen Water Heater. Vf Aladdin S curity Qil - Al ways available, inexpeaalva. Washington, D. C. Norfolk. Va. Richmond, Va. Chailutle, N. C NEW PERFECTION OIL COOk STOVES ALADDIN o SKiBrrreai , BTANMD - I I CM.UOWBWY I I Soctfaeri Railway System No. 1392:00 . m. for Ealeiga, Ourham, Greensboro and Wlnston Jalem, eonnectin' at Greensboro for acllng char ear Goldsbort to Wins ooiNSalem. No. II 8: a. at. for Baleiefh, Ourham, Greeastwre, Winstos-Sal- un, Statesville aid Ashevflla, eon- aecting at Greens bore fon point aorth and south and at Ashsvilie fox Cincinnati, Chicago. St Louis, II am phis and all points wort. (Thia train opera tea via Wlnstoa-Salem and Barber). Fwlet ear Golds bore Aahovlll. . 0. JONES. Mins.vuiisat.y. SmUtrkt.uJr TV J2f JCWTE(B As Age Advances the liver fTeqeires oecssieaal slight atiaulatiea. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS correct CDNSTWATMN. Gaauiae hra aigaature Colorless or Pale Faces ra Carter's b Yh I Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMMNY. C.OETTINGER. Mgr. Telephone No. 182 110 E. GordonSt ICE CREAM When you want a delicious dish of Ice Cream or Cold Soda, visit our cool ice cream parlor. We are now better pre pared to serve you than ever before. r COURTEOUS SERVICE IOUR SPECIALTY Olympia Candy Kitchen exemplified inlh spetjal ills peculiar be c ES i prei rich red blood to the anaemic The to their aes -wilr be duickty relieved by DR. CHARLES TONIC TAB LETS, which also present the gift of TONIC will also go far to arrest and vanisn avspepM ana many wast diseases that lead to consumption. Thra mrm ma in t ririoua VnM hpkw ,A T)tL. CHARLES 1N10 TABLETS -aad sulra. bfi elbct tonka and nu uniKtivM: nek at a-oa. attrchoiM, aracaic. cuJ tint atL. cg oiiaa uu. aaj. mom pwaaaat aa take. PRICE SO CENTS A BOX ItrtminnimH a mot tarry tmem, aa4 SOCkNTi aaa an Kill aaad a boa b aaaik OR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD COMPART SHOOK l. YH, N. Y. OH. GEO. E. EORNEGAT 7 -iLJCdiALIST. U Diaam of JTeaaesi aa4 CLSdroa. TOP DRESSER plenty, of it NITRATE OF SODA plenty of it COTTON SEED MEAL-plenty of it FERTILIZER plenty of it SO JA BEANS plenty of them VELVET BEANS-plenty of them SEED PEANUTS plenty of them. Come to see us. We can supply your wants, Prices Reasonable Terms Attractive GOP Unstori, North Carolina Ofnoa: IIS W. CaawoH Et, -Cmca EeutaJt ft I