RATUjRPAYRVgNINGE15t,1918: ini;r on pees rrara. PAGE THREAT II Ml ' sire to posses t .lustrous, fluffy tresses. The greatest enemies to beautiful hair are dandruff, itching scalp, eczema .of the head and similar -. affectionsH-that sap the vitality of the hair cause it to fall out ' ' j. . . w '. . TOW SSfiVm V" , 'ffiff SCALP TONIC if ysd according to direction!, will correct and relieve dis- uraung oiscasci 01 tne ncaa, nair and scalp, quicaly renonng ' the life and luitre of the hair. Iti frequent use will tend to promote luxuriant growth to stop falling hair and bring back its original shimmering charm and beauty. Tono-Scalpa hould be on enrr Dmilnt Table in frmanit whu Imponul pan la Miladr't toilette. Mta. too. will Had It rpfmhiw an! linrcw! .fM ikuui at thrtf baisei'a. Sold la two amct at SOe and 91.00 at all food Dracciia. Toilf CMatcn and Haicdnnm. TRY IT TODAY! . The Tono-Scadpa Company, Inc. ; Richmond Virginia . . I TT i s u an i s 1 1 1 1 1 1 iis 'i a. m tfc. .--....'.-'. v r sra ml Ml w.rlM I fi ll rwoi r.- .t1 Ml C W a II l in, tllll ' II Jf v i.t i . . .. . lOTaOTT .I n ; V. . Miss su.il WISSC V( ASfi r v .Lieut J. 1. MlttfSr nSSiA 1 JMk,k I a brother of Pr't TXW. . I Relative ' ami iivi rnn lauinr ii .nnorro Haaiirttiii hn jfi'inn: mvt. jt i U ft H Veri theXWesfiartn.of womanhood, and Uf ' D mm aw m.. x..ak .. m a. . .1 a rrv :c :w .i . . n ucci uuwi vi y lcmininc ncan is tne ae- i,v :t i a' r CAPFrtT ni7DC?al T1I ;0 UWU .niP rilOU Mli Mrs. M. A.J tier went to UGrange Friday for a jhort visit. Mrs. Kicnf.y nous is making a jupun vAunty. iycock of the Fremont leen visiting: Miss Lu- past few days. Speed, fisld artSllery. Ir.,E. Y. Speed of Kina- Ived safely averaesg. Eere" have learned of the trnce of Maj. C. U Pride- i rt en, of the army judical service. Dr. Pridgen is a 1 Aner resident of Kinston. He waljjcated at Wilming ton when he entered service. Wilmington "Rev. Dr. A." T, night for Kinatolp Christian Endear I IwiH return Satu ,y. i ting Star, Friday: McClure left last mta Sox Ned Help " to Stay iaCig Race; Jackcn's Loss Tells attend the State Endeaf f convention, Dr. He McChire s accompanied lf ills dnusrhter. Miss Elizabeth, who I ies as one of the delegates of th oc!ety of St An drew's Church.1! I Dr. MoClure is pastor of St. Af t' Preabyterian Church at Wilml Iton arraee I at 9 Zero i hr: "When You Are 4 Ready" )TT MIT UNS." hark B. Drlscoll) n God k on our side," "Ou r Gerl Says Bj Jdy Bill of Prussia, (By the New York. J oox need stren ,o win, nothe tremendous lot and a reason iThe l:as of J practically a Chances of the The White ence Rowland take if he dec longer. ited Press) t. e 13. The White henlng if they are pennant without a hard ball playing e amount ' of luck. Jackson . hae been ath blow to the y by Lake Michigan. x need help. Clar- ill make a big mis- es to realise it much WHh little chljlenNi crying! Specialfor WednesdayTune 12th a: "Indestrnctibleavvoile drese, now 930.00. Foulard dressL$45, nowjffij&0. .Georgette eirPo-oideredress, $40; now $30.00. 3 Silk ginghamVyeTat $170 each. No alterations )jprenO on ap proval nor charged. CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON Forth w Through f'Hels 4 my soldiers he doth ride, Finland and through a! our guns when they dei by - A chuf 1 on Corpus Christi; His heart fe filled with pride and joy iuuub, gccu auu miaiyi Who taught us how to fbs at sleeninz babies : m God is strong, you know, in force, not maybes!" Yet we irSa learned at mother's knee Of Chi jt, the gentle brother, Cant ur rstand how this can be The Gtfwe knew through mother. must be some mistake, Bill is lying; make the world's heart ' Kaiser Bill, sf i it must be - a ''atrong German J Jace.' You know iwhat "strong" ijsw to a,. people that thinks limi'bfier cheese is mild. The people of If ylogne are getting panicky because i yir city has been 'bombed a few i. os. When a few chojcd7rrathskelleni '' and n . dj gas '"Ms I tr Big ibf iOur Gerl And f of their beet gardens they'll know h having their wef big shells. CUT OFF TWO GET IN FIRSTJ 'No, no, Ore Or Bkfjr Mva,lJ ( acijt i . ii" il i """" aaaaamamamaammaaaaamamaaaaaaa . blown ; to bits Parisians ; dislike lip interrupted by "f his t6es to fight bunch. Free Press) iune lo. He was ,,:$ many toes but ,.n office manag nnsisted on enlist- prps. pedal append- (Special to Billings, Mont told that he had. WiHiam Lundbor er of this city, st ing in the Marin There was an age on each. .foofri-T "Will you aci J me .10?" asked Lundt. He was given t affirmabive an swer. He hurriel a surgeon, and spurning an sthetic, camly watched the amn ltion. In a few days he will be 1 (ring the marine uniform. I with only LURCHES. (Too Mte to Classify.) First Bapt Church, Rev. W. M. Craig, pastotf At 9:46, Si Jday school, Mr. E. 0. Moore supenfctendent At 11, mtf fiing worship. Subject, 'The PreemlVnce of Jesus." At 8:30, I Vening worship. Sub ject, UA Wcl imed Visitor." Seventh lay 'Adventist, Waters Street At jttage meeting at the home of Pa W H. J. Farman, 405 North Hast traet, Sunday. Sub ject, "Boral Js or Jesus, Which?" - Queea St let Methodist, Rev. M. H. Tuttle p or. Sunday at ol at 9:45 a. m., J. W. Goodson euj jfntendent Preaching"St 11 a.m. Subject, "Christ the Ljn of Righteousness." Night serfB at 8:30. h Rev. J. B. Hurley, pre! ng elder of the New Bern district Tfill preach. The Epwol i League will hold its regular weeR J meeting1 Monday ev ening at 8:3 i it s Sr. Discontent cannot JCeepjalivtfie - and dirges tr S i dealt T . a aM a avoaie aweiia. . rises ui ORK PLAi-PIANO and you will know all u the joy-Oat cornea to those who possess the highest class players, vl is t upon Honor and has aerer failed to girt satisfaetlpa. The price 1750.00. Easy terms If yon aay a. GrafonoUa Htt.00, $30.00, 160.00. $85J0, IHO.OO. Coluaibia Rcars art Um aoat durable. . '. ( : .) J. D. LEONARD PIANO COMPANY. Qoien Street Near Caswell Hotel. m tsnissvm usruoi Msnorai 'aeeast KXXM OCaST lrONO. "WHEAT? . T Subscribers to Liberty Bdp who hav paid in full will same. TOse who subscCcd on terms of the Government winjascpay the twenty per cent. jiich wo due May 28th promptly. TheJWational Bank of Kinston 7: i Mffl " : ' C" , aUb RAILROAD FARE REFUNDED. If your purchases at our store amount to $50 we will refund your railroad fare one way, provided you live within a radius of 50 miles and if your purchases amount to $75 we will refund your full round trip fare, provided you live within a radius of 50 miles. Don't fail to ask for your fare before leaving the store. 1 f IT TT ' n Tn'fir mm? 1 u TW yrtf MAIL ORDER SERVICE. - If you cannot attend this sale in person, send ua your mail orders and we will prepay all transportation charges, no matter how small or large the purchase. All orders given careful and personal at , tention. Every order filled the same day received. Don't hesitate to send your orders by mail as we guarantee satisfaction or refund your. money. - This June &d e merchandise in many 'instances costs more Wholesale today than we are selling it for! And wholesale prices are going higher almost by the day! The following are but a few offerings and, are conclu sive arguments in favor of your buying NOW, all of your summer and even your autumn needs! THIS SALE WILLINCREASE THE BUYING POWER OF YOUR DOLLAR IN READY-TO-WEAR Dresses Suits LADIES' SUITS VALUES TO AA AC ! ; $16.50 .... . " pC7. iO One special lot of coat suits in the new spring models for women and ' WOMEN'S AND MISSES. SUITS VALUES TO P1 Q $29.50 , 4l0eat D Light colors in taffeta, serge, poiret, twilL"tricotine and jersey. HIGH-GRADE TAILORED SUITS VALUES TO r ff $590 ..... oD.UU v Tan, Copenhagen, Green, Navy, and Black. r i 1 - Muslin Underwear and Corsets LADIES' KNIT UNION SUITS, pink, and white gf $1.25 Valuo 07C SATIN AND CREPE DE CHINE CAMISOLES; v AO . Pink only .V.,.. ........ ...... " 70C ONE SPECIAL LOT UNDERWEAR slighUy aoUed. Corset Covers, Petticoats, Drawers, etc, Garment - .bOC TWO SPECIAL LOTS UNDERWEAR. r 4Gc 90c Consisting of Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Drawers, Corset Covers and Petticoats in flesh and white. " , HIP CONFINERS, Worth-$1.50, pink and AC white. yDC CORSETS $2X0 values, front and back lace. Sizes ' AQ ' 20 to 30 .................'....V.... 140 C0?tSETSi$U5 values, back hc fai pink and T Q ONE PRICE TO ALL. : Have you ever bought an article at a store sud then discovered -' ' that your neighbor or friend had bought the same article at the sane ' store for a lower price, by chaffering1 and bargaining?,' Isnt H an noying? And doesn't it make you feel that you cannot place con fidence in a store that has two prices-one for "easy customer and the other for "hard" ones? " ' 4 t You run no risk of anything of that sort -at fhiajstore. Our goods are all marked in plain figures and everyone gets the same price. , A child can buy here as safely and as satisfactorilyas its parents. ' ' We maintain the very highest standard of toaUty throughout , our stocks. We do not handle any merchandise that we cannot hon r" estly recommend, and every customer gets the samq low price. ' Shop at this fair and square store where TOfE-PRICE ls aof ; merely a matter of talk but a matter of fact.- s ! ' Shop at this store, and know . that yen are not being "robbed.? -. $H $45.00 W Values t. but. 4a . 1 Cotton 'dresses If Voiles, georgette crepe, laces and JrJTArtMW in all the new organdies, nets, etcfjfn beau net in white, flesh, peach, , Materials and ahades. Slice tiful summer modeft bisque, maize and floweredAfor women and misses. ' I designs. " ; $9-95 $23.75'' $6.98 Values to $16R0 1 Values toO values to $12.50 Cotton dosses of J..... ." Silk dreases georgeUe , voiles, organdies, etdl in crepe, pussywillow taffeta, stripes, plaids, and lUd crepe UfM, etc ln all -.Hne, .ta' rtripea and solid colors. ' lL ;,th "e3VprinK BdM 1 colors. Mostly dark ahadee Evening Drcssr? $1175 WORTH $25.00 to $35.00 Made of nets, laces, brocade taffetas, etc., in beautiful evening shades. 71 100 COATS TO GO AT Values to $15.00 Coats $9.95 Made of ailk, serge, gabardine, etc. 'All the new. Spring models. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS " (t4f gas Values to $24.50 ilDeD9 Sport or plain models In sizes for women and misses. COATS VALUES TO . ; ' 7 ' $390 Silk and wool coats. Finest tailoring. 23.75 "Hoover" Sleevelets Sweater CoaU The new coaU without sleeves. , S12JIA ,yAI,UES now $0.75 mo VALUES now $6.75: Waists ; Millinery at Greatly Reduced Prices GEORGETTE CREPE WAISTS, Values to $7.50, all colors .... , LNTRIMMED (SHAPES Formerly sold up to $2.98 . .$1 . TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, values to $3.98 .,. $U8 WHITE MILAN AND LEG HORN HATS, fa small, med ium and large ahapes .. $448 TRIMMED HATS $350 $5.98 $9.50 Values to $90 Values to $12.50 Values to $240. Pattern haU and hats trimmed in our own work rooms. Extraordinary ralue. . .(SOFIOH SOKS NORTH CAROLINA'S BICGEST'AND bEST DEPARTMENT STORE ... NEW-BERN, N. C. CREPE DE CHINE AND WASH SILK .WAISTS, all colors, including black . . WHITE COTTON WAISTS, about 400 to select from . . . .................... ONE SPECIAL LOT MIDDY SMOCKS ; Values to $1.00, odds and ends, each . . $1.00 HOUSE DRESSES , h ' ..." "ii'.';-""" jrv:,: Children's $5.98 to $7.50 Spring Coats . . . . Children's $3.98 to $4.CS Spring OE&t . 2 $4.98 1.98 1.00 75c 89c 4.98 2.3 Aak The People Who Bey From Us

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