; I .'if id -SATURDAY EVENING JUKE 1. Summer Weight tiCAl INTERE. T The Os Price Cash Star'' GINGHAM EFFECT NighfSkirts -A Seven Jbyoiis Day t 1 Tor North and Sunday, tmrpemtur. wind. rolina:- Fair tonight SULMiplViCESIN mm m -an-i . ' atae arar- mmmwwm Not much changa in Light Northeast and i t "',.,.- ... MMi (IHI r Cova City Ma Hart. INTS Organdy ' Collars 4 pn w it II. B. Wat of Cove City waa T us For Ayngj, Women . j '50c to $5.00 See Show TVindow J. C. Dml & Co. White Skirting .. ..-.,.. .. beautiful patterns m ' A i W ? Hi Ic!e?S3 :Stcri nn bnniM la AO Its Branch. ' fmlliKtntjjmgto mi 8M. t Iiwur Real Estate. Oen0M-2O-2U HutaAus. 4 TEtEPHONB II- ' 1 -. - - a aw PEOXI434; Slf ETJNTER BLDS. lNSUItApCE OFJAL ut Collector THF INSURkCE SERVICE AGENCY, rjCDEKN. . s.Tt'DUNN. JUS 1 iWVUVVi ..liwir Oxford j in. for ladies, also PumpsUpWhite, low and high J : heels. Sizes received will not last long, eo come .right 4wayand get your size before -they . are all gone. Our pjrices ' $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6,50 and $7,50 a pair. badly hart i BomwtH Frkl log carrfaga r mangling the ,en to a New H logwood near Fort when a wheel of a over One of hi feet, mher. He waa tak- hospiUI. Maetinr Bute liar Aaaaeiatioii. The 20th anlliU convention of the North Carolmll Aatociation will be held at Wrighf VU Beach June 25 27. Mr. N. jJLilo-jM of Kinston one of tbe virpxklenta. ' Mr. Vj'Cowper ot 1 Um ity i acheduled to deliver the aJree of welcome for t rriunmgtofana cmk varoima attorney. Hwpital at Mof d City. A fourtory 1 Mpital to cost 43, 000 without I luipment is being erected.'' at Mol Iiead City. ' Many reaideata of that Iowa are ctockhold cm in Um cotdJ Ition vromotlnff the enterpriae. Thi ynatltution ' will ae i.t . i r- 1 I 1 1 eU)ppea iM)in nil jfenenu nvsniaii aad to car foil emergency case Morehead City i i eatined to expand a a ahipbuildioi Vnter. The town is experiencing a pig boom now, W Unncceful EiD'cImpnt " A wcH-known if finber of the police annulment is ran tr set In hi wars Friday night 'he i tned, for the first time, an under?ii !of the "athletic" kfnd The whole t ry "may be a lit tle indelicate, but i iwont kill. -Well. lir." he aaid S kday. "I didn't sleop a dadliaraief .wink all nigm JGerrtleman irobt lv doesn't own pyjamaa.)-v6peak! t about people, Verne's "hero who 1 Ballooned to the moon brought bafa person that was blue, Iwe s Ml hen, who wore . . . .. .. T a bathing auit an aue time. 4. Ctaap EaAUgh. I. V. G. "Wardin,'D artment of Agri culture poultry ax ft Vt who has been boosting the growina of fowls in Le noir County,' Satw lay ' vtat(i that the local farmers fire not taking ny too much" inkst in chickens Every chicken thaf feapes, and Mr. Wardin in the couk of a convcrsa tion, la not necesser V "gapey." The chances are that t; fowl is "buR- gy." The liee'' got J on the fowl'. throat and cause Tf to stretch its aeck. Here Is theverpert'ai formula for a vety effective Ike powder; One half gallon of fine.' wy dirt one-half pound of aulphurSsnd one 10-cent package , of snuffThis shoUld be sifted upon the cjlfckens through a baking powder ca, witn a suter bottom. 'j A new lot of hosiery also just received. , - t.S r John G. Gox Cash SKbe Store -JkVat TRy riaat" P 11 ONE 10. KINSTON. N. C vV.-- .rl - '"r'-V .-. : --';-'-;::.,-:-.;rr vv."v.; i fl 1 -ill :V'ri ooutnern Tiem tence Just received ' a car. We ; i have.it in all heights. . )Tliel niost , .poplar fence sera jii iv'- ston. it m vv- J M - " of fence see us riel mm . If . - 1; V . WewiJorn'-'STGb TOE DETENDABLS fiTOttE." Cny yar t Sayings and Thrift Sjaaps CHRISTIAN END4AVORERS HAVftG BUSY TIME. (Continued ffmn page one) transacted, after ilich the delegates dined at the churJ Sesslona to Corner Feature of S;Urday afternoon's program will be ae jevotionar service led by Miss Natal; j "Norm, Kinston; the report of Dr. Leonard,. Lex ington, missiona superintendent; an address by Pr. 1 1 A,dlarper, Elon Collogep report oJL'the intermediate superintendent, ' T G. "M. Beaty, new located at jmp I Greene; ad dress by Mrs. W4C. Boyd, High Point; efficiency 3 lart, outlined by ,Kar Lehmann, r.ttMiotogsi. The delegates will sc Kinrton as guests of the Chamber Commerce. Mr. Lehmann will coi let a ?Junior sion" during the 1 fternoon. At this Miss Ada Satind' f of 'York, S. C, will lead a aym naium, and Miss Merti t. Harprfiti'i Atlantic Christ ian College, and is. L.'HcFar'and, High Point, will i Hike addresses or read papers. Satil pay evening Kev. John H. Griffith, r ttor of Bt Marj-s Episcopal Church;Iiif rl Lehmann and other will be on iHe program. aunuay mormu in i a-1 eunrise prayer rvice hi a jleduled to be oon- durted by Dr. A," p. MeCSure, Wil mington. . The donates will attend the Sunday school! and churches of their choice. ? Sunday aftetp In at 3 a Junior rally will be conewcted by Mrs. "Mc Farland. At 4 denominational ral; Us will be helS Sunday night union service wjj; be held and the convention will ekle wift a ronsine finish. v : J - , DR.F.riTS Service rill held at about ml) tJi church y Lrrow. Stranger are cordially it, 'd by the pastor and congregate e; to attend any of them. -. i r"- '' W VIST. Free Will Bar It. Rev. E. C. Nor rl pastor. .' 1 Sunday achool , 9:45. ' Regular mort worship at 11 o'clock.' ' ',;' t .Sujnday eveninl at 845-there will be a communion J tvice. . There is a conl Vwekome extend ed to you to com 4 and bring your friends.V',,,JV cauw un. Gertlon Street CI )tiaa, Rev. B. P, f Sfnith, pastor.' The "State Christi ion is meeting in t service through connection with til body i invited to , Meeting in this At 7 jl nv auur From 10 to 10:5l FrQm U to 12:2B p reacting, OthBieetings J Zing the day. 'St. ' Mary'a Chu .tomorrow" .' . mi follow: Early celdbratio munion at 7:30. ftanday school a Morning prayer o'clock. Endeavor Un ohuacb and the fcday will be in I work. Every Itend. lurch, as follow rnrayernteetiag. ibla school. ervices .for e expected as ' IS J of j holy com 45. . ' p sermon at 11 Evenlng'klrayer.I rmon, and the I holy Tite of conflrf aion bv the" Rt. - -.. J a . Rev. Thos CDarsi, D. P' Bishop of J East Carolina, at o'clock. PRESBYf SRIAN. AtkiMMMi Memeii Chtnrh, North Indepen4ence , Stref I Rev. Geo. B, Hanrahan pastor. II '. Sunday school ,i9:45 a. m. Preaching at llfpi. nv by the Rev C. G. Lynch, pal W of St. Paul Presbyterian Chujli,, Charlotte, N. C II There will be nOaervice at night. This church will uMte in the Christ lan .Endeavor serfce t Gordon Street CMaWan q lirch. saEHJIST. Firsr Church: oft ChristService Sunday morning at LI o'clock. Even ing ' service at 8.1 1 Subject for the lesson sermon, Gci fthe Preserver of Man -k- J 2 ... Sunday echooJ; all 10 a. m Wednesday even'g a testimonial meeting at 8. m If. The reading frfljn is open daily from 3 until 5 p, f I All are cordial ly invited to attend Ihese services and visit the reading om. UNIVEffALIST.' Church of the 1 Itemal Haoe. Mc Lewean Street ' Lenoir Avenue: K a) ' &v. W. O. Bodef pastor. At iu a. m., 'may school, Services are jhl at stated times. The public m. if nted. ! lIOLlgESS Pentecostal ' H Jliness Church Preaching tonigl? (at 8:S0 and Sun day at 11 a. m. i ft 6:30 p. m. Sun- lay school at 10 U m. The puuic is formally invited. W. J. Noble if fetor. ; owns ntJkl. ' y lJvV mi-n-aMumnttKHo- it'll I' KTOMnukwm ji i j 'III v -A (IERV00S VREGK - , ' u 'roai Urte Tears Suffeiftnf Say CarJui Made Her ,elL Textiitv. Tex. In Interestlne Alatrmcnt, MaLOjaLEcr of UUslown. sconv w'Uh my head M was oaable to iloanytilTByworkJ . J Just ntad joZapatt Ibe tine. lot that wag tk ' enly r e I could get, when I was aslecf I 1 bame a nervous wreck hist from fie a ;ul uKeriag with my So that the least ooiae S Jump out of my bed. I tad ' was unable to da mi in ii would ma ', f r had aw e . anything. I toa. young koy, had to no all my l usehold duties. '- l Wis not Vat to do anything until I took Cardul. I took three bottles in an. and it urdy cured me of those awiul headaches. That bis teen three years ago, and 1 kaow t&e cure is peimaneaL tor I tare never had any headache since taking CarduL i. , . . Konunjreneved oeuntS ItoOkCaiilai J Try Cardul for your troubles made from medicinal Ingredients reconunendtd ia nediul hioks a being ct benefit in female troubles, and 40 years ot use has J UkiogCaidJ today. KC-KM I Patterns. Give Thrift a lift Buy Thrift Stamps. ; ; a. J.ilinc.'l i JONS .TslfWBw.M v. 'i-i. I Attrattiv tHrfca 'wtttXawpor and WhUakar 8 u. i if timr TO 17-23 CAN. BUY YOUR . . TICKETS HERE ; Barrett cc Hartsfield Iliii Mil Why be hot and uncomfortable thisSum mer? Let us fix your porch up wratf a few of the following articles and yoil will be surprised how much cooler anj:how pleas . .. ... , m- ant it win oe: FibertPorchits " AeroV Kirch S!&57 GoorjlF v imocks Other articles for Summer' use are refrig erators, Ice cream freezers, water coolers. See them at ' rSTORE FURNITURE Til At Are many phyes of service that a bank is c Im can give its; raition of bus 11T lers to make the -trans 'ess both safe and pleasant. YaepvYpose of this BANK to employ met; !?dmhat will be satisfactory to both CUjllER and BANI. We welcome and appreciate your busi ness. : . . . The Caswell Badn2 &Tnist Co. W. D. UROQCE, President T. W. HEATH, Cashier. - BPECIAjri DK. GEO. TB; K( In Dlaeasf fJR ansa -an? 1 (XfleariM W. Cawa jt Office Honrs: II U IX cs-e).-kse-i IE are, offering J t out eniirej of Tnnimedy' Untrinttia aid be- t 4 Make you selec- 1 a v 1 " 5tOCk r . ' r ancf S u X 5 lorst. ( tion early.3 0 e a? CASEY TEOIiIPSON CO. j J. ft tisonVU maad, T 5 i f t .wnsfHra ITS 9.00 r9-9VaC II !!. Jill yTy-4'.-'.'1 rt. iMwmtv?' You can't afTonl to farm without Planet Jr Toob. Thcy-do-tlie work of three to six vicz4o it better, give bigper results, c-.d last a li(e titne. nOver iwa railHoa fanners and s gardeners ae using i them. Join their ranks 'tiipw and share their success. . FeUy guaranteed. N.sPfMMtJtr Hon Hoe ..... j-r s jjr siat. ... .. ... la Stroneer.tttemnae. nJ capable of ' sreatcr variril o work than any QJ u BJ culiitgr ? m I lo. Koi-cljit" ' B I wheel. 'Dertl-FegU!aforaa xxlytmsB 1 iramt maka jaun neaJiv I Piwbarka.l Kidiaa CultiT.tar1 ' ' I Gina bigeer bffter results tha an ether one-row cultivatrr aver indented. Culttrsraa, plows antl.luB- torn, potatoes or aimilar crop. 23 to 4,1 i.vrhrs apart. Stronly coostrucedri!!Bcfled. No Wood nl except lor break pins. Don't fall to kvestigste. ibowyon. For Sale by Lot us Uartare Co. . . - r Kinston, NorUi Larolina ; I 1. ' J d ti f ' n S o n ti p h p ti bi ti 5ti if tc li al hi w P' u: ) (I ca va mj Hi ha CO thi ar Pa an tu Mi of 'h Ho ' ret it CO thi Wl lie A

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