THEjnN9TON FREE PRESS.' r-ZT THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 27. 13ls.. jpage jrotm I Extraordinary are the values All our Spring hits, black and all color, idling up to (10.00, $1.98. Gingham dresses, $1.00 to $16. WssliVirtsand waists. Reautiful MyU'H in every pat tern. SalliVMillorVn uuuiv AiAiaav vwij, Maptar IJjutiding-Cawl Slrttt The Man Who "Rau at the Knees Xr-jJccN hi True I'EHSON .Ul i Y. Let u keep the "Half" outi and claws you with the care taking dreiutem. CLEANING, I'KESSING and REPAIHING. I All Work Guaranteed. HOFfMANPRESSING CLUB CLYDH SMITH, Proprietor. Hark of Temple' Drug Store. rilONE 540 Bay Thrift Stamps Third Liberty Bonds Ready For Delivery r - !', 4 We have received part of our allotment of Third Libert?" Honda, and will deliver them to subscribers who paid cash t thetlme of aubacription, or who paid five per cent and now desire to complete their payments. 4 Farmers & Merchants Bank -Kinton, N. C. AT THE GRAND TONIGHT f "z&zz f W tc 3 : K'uS 1- iW! BUY and for Victory War Savings Stamps Issued bythe United States Government "THE JDEPENDAJRLE STORE." Buy War Sa?ings a-- HABIT Buy Thrift I FltnmtiS i ForSaIeatOurStora, . .8 CHAS. A. WATERS Tki Telepbose Stcrr Phone 89 i L ROSEMOND Plumbing and Machine Shop Quick Attention Given to Repair Work. Phone No. 585 110 W. Cordon St. For Expert Work Gas Engine, Brazing, Etc. Call A Spencer 409 College St. Phone 496 MAE-MAP.SH 1HS WCrJ IM THE PACK GQLDWYN PKTUSESj IS3l !ll and Thrift "Stamns 4J .,- LOCAL For North Carolina: Fair in east showers in west portion tonight. Sat' urday probably showers, light north east winds, becoming southeast Patriotic Service. A patriotic service will be held at the First Baptist Church Sunday night, Rev. W. Marshall Craig, the pastor, announces. The sermon sub ject will be "Uncle Sam's Fourth of July Battlecry." ( Extraordinary Weather. Unseasonably cool weather has pre vailed during the past few days. The temperatures are low at points throughout the East. It is, reported that a small snowfall was registered at Philadelphia recently. Bitten by Dog. Henry F&rdham, young son of Mr. C. M. Fordham of Ieep Run, has jrorie to Raleigh to take the Pasteur treatment. The young man was slightly bitten Tuesday by a sup posedly rabid dog. The animal dis appeared and is still at large. Going to France. Rev. Hayes Farish, a Christian minister legated ut Belhaven and well known hore, has gone to the training school for Young Men's Christian As sociation war workers in Western Carolina. He expects to go to France in a short time. To Celebrate Fourth. Snow Hill will celrfirate the Fdilrth' of July with n patriotic rally ut the Greene County Courthouse. A pic nic dinner will be had on the Court house prrounds. Several Red Cru units in the county will take part in the exercises. Selectmen to Camp. Hugh McRae Oummings, in eharo, Oscar E. Herring, James Til;hmun, Henry T. Gray, Henry B. Jones, Floyd M. Hughes ami Ray Turn.ig;", white selnctmen, left Friday for Cump Jacksm. Oummings is a former monrber'of the llftn Infantry. Union Meeting. The Contentnea Union of the P; im- Yftve HapITsT IClFiutch will iniS't at the church on Caawell Street Satur day, to remain in session through that- day and StiiKlay. A numbei. of out-of- town delegates are expected. Ses ions will be held day and night. Baptist AsHociation Meets. The West Neuse-Atlantic Baptist Associativa will be in session at Sandy Bottom Baptist Church Sat urday and Sunday. Rev. W. Mar shall Craig of this city will be on the program Saturday morning. Thi East Neuse-Atlantic association will meet elsewhere. Enlarging Warehouse. An annex to the Knott tobacco warehouse on Washington Avenuw will give thst house about 54,000 square feet of floor space and make it probivbly the largest in the St a to-. it" Is said. The improvement will cost about $8,000. In rear of the waieliouse the R. J. Reynolds inter ests of W'instbn-Salem will set up a small plant. Reynolds will be repre sented hne by an independent buy er, tnis year, it is reported. Short Term of Court. A. remarkably short term of Super irr v-ourt was held at Snow Hill this week. Judge Oliver Allen of Kins- ton presided. R. E. Whitehurst, Nmv Born, represented the State. A.' R. Harden was foreman of the j-rand jury. The term lasted only a day and a half, and on the second day the enly business was the hearing of a single motion. Judge Allen's charge to the grand jury dealt mostly with the war. It was the regular June term for Greene. Kins ton 5, Ay den 4. A prettily played . game between Kinston and Ayden baseball teams at the latter town Thursday afternoon went 10 innings. Kinston won by the score of 5 to 4. Hobeood and Randolph, for Kinston, and Brown and KittreM, f;r Ayden, comprised the batteries. Fiolds by his stick work ami Dunn by his fielding fea tured for Kinston. The attendance was fair. Umpire, J. O. IL Taylor. Kirwton. A game between the two nine will be played here next week. Revenuera Call on Dealers. Revenue agents visited stores in this " section Thursday to ascertain the sixe of steVks of materials that might be used by moonshiner, at sugar, meal, molasses, etc. They were quite thorough, it is understood. At one rural place, where the dealer was sick, the Federal men broke in to a door to eonduct their search, it reported. Millard Sanders, color ed, wh had a suitcase containing whisky, was arrested on a train here Thursday evening. He was charged with transporting. INTEREST In and Near the Tobacco Belt New Bern held a brief religious ser vk-e Friday for departing selectmen Rev J. N. H. Summerell, Rev. Dan id G. MaeKinning and others took part. J. E. Clark, Jr., a Beaufort Coun ty potato grower, gave the Washing ton Red Cross all the spuds the worn en of the chapter could pick. They realized between $100 and $500. Greenville is the source of a rumor that F. C. Harding, state senator from Pitt, may be a Democratic can didate for governor at the next elec tion. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank those who so kindly ministered to us during the ill ness ami at the death of our darling child, Eloise Melton. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MELTON. (adv.) PROFESSIONAL NURSE Telia What to Do to Regain Strength After Sickness. New York City. "I am a profes sional nurse, the grippe and bron chial pneumonia left me with a cough and in a depleted, anaemic condition and no appetite. I cannot take cod iver oil in' any other form than in Vinol and in a short time aftor tak- i;g it my upnetite Improved, my cough left me, I gained strength and weight. That is why I recommend Vinol to others.'' Miss E. M. Walk er, R. N.. 8.r W. nth St. It" is the Beef and Cod Liver Pep tones aided by the iron and mantrnn- ese peptonates and glycerophos phates contained in Vinol which make it so wondiiifully successful. Sold by .). K. Hoivl Co. and nt nil PT"od drui!'-ci'ts. ndv r H-l' . M'f iff jjjj i it : "RAGBS in FRANCE - 7A9nno v iStjn- tng tptl mm Jaftl nti't riUS I Mvw &lu a foo mt th : FEPD Utite tamos fuo Urn TM tbnn hUud tun) pwd MaMimmtoB IET POTATOES JIGHT "WhTL -you eat yoiitoe NtfJ3 1 ont V-Mi. Received Silk Collars and Caps The styles and patterns of these collars and caps are just the thing for the., yqung man. Make it the point of seeing them .right now, while we have this fine collection. Collars 25c, 50c. Caps 10c. At the same time you should notice our line of shirts, Kool Cloth Suits and .Oxfords. DO IT NOW! Hew York Clothing "The Popular Storew BUYW.S.S. U'brfd' $afest savings Just Buy ThHft Stcuhps NEW SKIRTS " in WOOL, SILK and COTTON MATERIAL. SKIRTINGS in SATINS, COTTONS and WOOLENS. A. J. SUTTON & SONS Telephone 14 j L, HAMME Office wit Cowper aai WhJUker Next time you are down town shopping, stop in our store on your way home and rest in one of our comfortable rockers. At the same time hear a few selections on the Victrola and you will enjoy your visit with us very much. Victrolas - We MustMake Room For - . 1 1 t;.f-'v. ' ' 1 f Our New Lines at Once We are closing out our china, 'crockery, stationery, drug specialties, toilet articles, itin, hardware and toy departments. Ev erything must be sold at once and we are ofFering them at ACTUAL WHOLE NALf: COST PRICES There arc a great many ' useful anjd prac tical articles in these aelartment& which will make it worth your while to see. THE EARLY SHOPPER GETS THE PICK. We are not going to allow these goods to. stay on our counters very long. Forrest M Smith Co., fiii.nfiWK-Vm -.THE GREF4TSlfiNM-is.. , Whilaker Building, -! ' : ?'-' 309 N. Queen Street, Kinston, N. C. WE SELL - -Here-are! i You don t want your summer o 2Jnot only, to keep you comfort able but to be ot a kind (hat s will maintain your repu-, tation for .good dressing Keep CoollCloths will do both'"Prices $9.45, $12.50, $17.50, $21.50 KINSTON'S LADIES HOSE black, Price $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 Best Values Offered Barrett & Hartsfield Victor Records W. S. S. some fine i BEST - STORE - BROTHERS i ' . I white, grey, DR. GEO. E.-KORNEGAY BPECIAUST. la Disease of If ernes asi CUUrea. Office: Iff W. Caswell flt Cfflce Hoars: It t 11. 9 e f) $ e 4) t t New line of Middy Suits Sizes 6 to 20 Also Ladies W hite -Skirts C CASEY THOMPSON CO. J raon iti 9 y'pp-,-a) 'sesv !tti? EthSt I'lanctjr Lociz, . i. r'uo tne worK of three to eft ir.e:: do it better: ariv l.irorr rcni:li'.. r. d hit a Hie time. Over fro :::i!:bn farmers and cardener? arc t' i:icr thetn Join their ranks no-.v :ml share their success, iny iriiuraiiteea. No. R Plust 3t Hon Hm EtmntrcC fcftwrtSiit. (ieBpabIe oft greator vant-ry ot ;W"r inan any other cultivator mntie. Ivni-cJiiBinii sieei wheel. PrVttiiitnliirir soil xtia-ti frame m.Lc it tup ttcadl, , - ' other one-fowr tiUjiiKfnT ever iiK-tntea. CultrTatej, pW(i imJT htrs Bortt, potatoea or aimtlar crops S td" 4-t i.iclir cpart. Strengly eoaatxoct4( rl baadlcJ. ' (va Wood Ulctl except tur biek iuiis - Don't fail to investig Lct'uj bow you; ' ' MM . For Sale " by llilll llardivare 'Co; Kinston, North Carolina fill til WIS; v (Subecribe tottiwDaper)

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