-III I! in ', t : J ?1 ! I ii 1 I : "ful fil it 1 i i III 15 t'l tji.'i THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. HALT KUXTO. KStaf Ud Eaaageff Pclliihed Kvwy Day Except Bnaday by the Easts Prs Entered at the poetofflca at Kineton. North Oarohna, as lsaadaa. m.tfr andor act at Cygr Marc t, 1879. Bohacrlptloa Rate Payable la Afraaesi Om Week ...... ..f JO Thm Month fllfl Om Monti .......Ml lx Month .......HJO On Tea ffl.M NEW YORK OFTICK SO B. 42nd 8t,,Mf. Eai'K.) arilgan, ia sole eharg of Eaatara Deportment, rues f The Tt Praaa caa i WESTEEN OFFICE la eharg el Mr. C. J. Aaderson, Taranttta Building, Chicago, waara flies of Tm Pre u be THE LINE HOLDS! 1 ' " 7T:r!Vr It wis a fine message that The Frea Prau flashed to iU readers Monday afternoon from the boys at the front. Following a long period of comparative quietude of sev eral weeks, the Hun hordes were sent against the allied lines In the Ion' anticipated offensive effort to "break through." Not only did the American boys withstand the shock but the report eame that they had themselves rtarted a counter offensive and had succeeded In driving: the enemy back a few honored yards. ( v." ' There never has been any doubt that the American W- dlors would make good. The most sanguine hope' must not lead to the feeling thst they wiH not have to give some ground. The enemy Js fighting for his vary xUt- A Red Remedj , f , for railing Hair Keeps Scalp Cool, Stops Itching and " Prevents Dandruff, Heres good news for m.'n and Women whise ' hair is falling out, whose' alps' are covered with dan -huff and itch like mad. - ' J. ; E. Hood & - Co. or any good druggist ean now sfcpnly yoi wr the genuine Parisian sage (liquid form), which ia guaranteed to quick iy, aureiy ana snieiy abound ivary Art- ' i, Subscriber ara reraetd (a wwy, by Telephone 78, (is Free Press f aay irregDhuity of dallvary f loat leatioB whatsoevar oa tfca part C tk earriers. After 7 p. at eubscriboxi ara retTueatad to eal Weet- srn Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy TO be sent promptly, tf complaint la made before f M, without cost to anbscrlbarl r. , 4 iiirn of danrtniff ..! itnhtmr ul,i ence and ha knows it His men are being sent to their and fallin hair and nromola a new deaOi regardless of the cost. In the final outcome the growth, or money refunded leailty Potsdam gang must be, and will be defeated and exterminated. That accomplishment can only be idealized, however, through the most terrible sacrifice on the part tf tho American soldiers and their allies. , y $ It behooves the' people at home to be prepared to share their full part In the sacrifice and to support and encourage uio loved ones across the seas in sible way. Let there be no faint hearts. - c very poi- TUESDAY EVENING, JULY It, ll8. ThsJKiisar is like old John Barleycorn.' "argument justiiymg jus continued existence can be mad. . , Thois Cfman soldiers who have put faith In the assur. anca of (thlr .leaders ,of the impotence of the American soldiers, evidently have hsd, a rude awakening.' The gun play and rasor work usually, attendant upon th watermelon season is -certainly not as trivial of prov. cation at heretofore,- when th prevaiKng prici 'of the melon is taken 'into consideration, ' f v A w aether yo ! fit to observe the time set, adide" by Govenwr &4rti'ior jjy pTty for th sttfew of the boys at the fi'onVor not, don't forget to pray sometime within every twenty-four hour' period. MB. BOOKER'S RESIGNATION. Announcement from Raleigh of the resignation of Mr. Warren H. Booker of the State Board of Health la of in terest throughout the State. Mr. Booker will about Sep tember the 1st go to France, it is said, to assist Jn the neallh work of the people "Ovar there." For some years he hss been connected with the State. Board of Health In chrrgs of its -engineering problems and much of the progress ami success, of ths work in this State is due U the .intelligent energy of Mr. Btooker. The Stat Board Thousands can testify to the ex client results irom its use; some who feared baldness now glory in their abundant hair, while others who suffered for years with dandreff and Itching head got a clean, cool calp after just a few days' use of this simple horn .treatment.. , No matter whether bothered with falling hair, gray hair, matted, stringy hair, dandrui or itching scalp try Parisian sage you wiH not be disappointed- It's a scientific prep, aration that supplies all hair needs. " ' - adv. GROCER UP AGAINST IT. .."I have been up against it for the past 3 years, suffering from pain in my stomach and side until I was con sidering givfng up my grocery busi ness. Doctors and mediclna did not of Health would not willingly consent to give hmt up for halP I ieard of Mayr's Wonder ny other than' the call which ha has answered.' ful Remedy through a friend in . M . . " I w. iv. iirab uudo anvv : me rjiW T. u,.n.. .u . lW , . , '. , I more benefit than' all the medicine Editor Tom Host has concluded that hording nine Jdbs had taken fcofor. and am now feel AH fctkM lHiiHiaH lm . f -1. A. f 1 ' .1 ... I : m, wa uie prevailing uig as well as ever in my life." It Idea of conservation of man-power and accordingly he 13 simple, harmless preparation has thrown up seven of them. Brother Boat, In his ediitor MiWiWM' tln catarrhal mucous nanagcrial experience, with the" State Journal'" went 'f0 h -ntMtlial tract "and allays through vary much th.Mm, routine of drudgerVthat SJtZ the average newspaper publisher la having to pursus in Ur ailmeril, including appendicitis. Miese aays or sesree help, and no doubt there are others I One dose will convince itcjmoney re wno would follow his example and throw up a half a dos-1 Iunaea ' Hood & Co. and drug, en or more separate and diatinet dnttee. . i . .. everywhere. c adv, UESD AY - EVENING, JULY 16. No Single Feature Gould Give Such Highf Efpciencjr "MofMiUtptrCaUon" "Mar MlUt on Tir$" Maxwell Motor Gars S4I ta 9-PMn(M Car 1 - koadttrr . l l'lHlfllll with AU-W..U,f Top Ihu..n . eP.M. Town Car lartin'tl .. k Mnli ' Wll. wIimu i.Oiar tqmltmtml . ris . 1275 . 117! While the Focd Administration 'urges' the Bavirig of NORFOLK SOUTHERNt RAILROAD wheat and the use of other articles of food instead, it would , not bo out, of order " for some systematic ' and autlioritative check to be Vept on the substituted' which are boing made into bread and other eatables. Tie, Frea Press joina with its eateemed corttemjiorary, The New Bern Sun-Journal, in urging the management of the Norfolk. Southern to provide at least cWn ac commodations'for tile" patrons of the Goldaboro" Beaufort division. - , - v 5i J CONVERTIBLE CAR : . I The extra ease and elegance provided by " ' I ' - , Dodge Brothers Convertible Sedan. is an 8 ' especially stiong attraction, because it is so ' i . In voujr aujuaiauH" 10 weainer cnanges. I I I 11 w,u Py Wt us nd examine tUa'car.' ' " 1 Ml I ll - Thf gnoline consumption is unusually " , l J ,'h tir m'lge is unusually high. 1)1 j a.n.tayix)r; . V-'V -I I W.Gordon St Telephone 693 j: ' III y n 0 . ill -h::aWZ ul.. , o ; Passenger Trsla sctiedn! Corrected U tlity 1, 1918. , (As information ana not' jruranted) Trains Leave Xlnatoa , f:60 A. It. for NewBern, More head 3ty.; Beaufort, Oriental, WMilngton, Elizabeth ty, Norfolk. . .u . Parlor Car New Berato Nor folk. Coanecting at Norfolk - with Rail and Steamer Lines to all points east and north, at 1:.P. f.t Dairy for. New Bern, Morehead City and Beaufort. ' points' west. , Waahingtoa for Raleigh and : P. M, Daily for New Born, Washington and Norfolk, Sleeping Car New ' Bern to Norfolk? 'Connecting at Nor folk with RU and Steamer 10:26 A. M. Daily for Goldsboro and - Unas to points east, north and west. 7:89 P." If. Daily for Goldsbor and . points west and south. " 5:30 A. M. Daily for Goldsbor and points west and south. . Jj P. DALTON. G. P. A. W. J. NICHOLSON T. A. , . . Kinston, N C. Southern Railway System j Kinston Garage, Inc. ; Distributors Kinston, N. C. Dealers. Johnson Motors' Co., Wll mlngton, N. C. A. W. Burnetts Motor Co., Rocky Mount, N. ' C. ' ' . . , J. W. Herring & Co, Au- . lander, N. C. , S. G. Askew, Milwaukee, ' . N. C. ... Motor Sales Agency, Goldsboro, N. C. " F. B. Johnson, N. C. Clinton, E. V. iCalney, Dunn, K Jesse Stanley, Four Oaks, N.C. ;Motor Sales Co. Jackson ville, N. C. - ' We said recently tlmt this Maxwell Motor Car ia a "featurelcM far." " . t" "V . By that we meant that no one feature was better than any other and none less efficient or effective. Uniformity is the outstanding quality of Maxwell . design and jconstruction. Apropos that, we are frequently asked what par ' . ticular detail of the motor is responsible for the tremendous mileage per gallon of gasoline obtained by Maxwell owners. If you ask an owner he will almost invariably give ' the carburetor 'most of the credit. ' 1 t : - . ' ' . ' ' f..'.; .,"; Now, obviously the carburetor must be a good one. . If It were not, it would prevent, even if it did not accomplish the result. 4 " ' J ' w. But a good carburetor does not make a fpod motor lv, car nor an efficient mixing valve, alone an efficient , . motor. . ,,; . ""'., .-".jvj The factors that made that famous "Non-Stop ' record possible, and the rest in which 3,000 owner?, 4 j oallon of pnsoline were manv. ' ,f"1 V 'Every detail of motor design had to be right- every proportion just right in relation to, every1 other one. : . . Piston -displacement Evolve dimensions and valve t1?- lift rvimnr'sioolnn Vtn1nnas-arjrarf Kinrr in rrAAiaa . 1 uuu uiiu uoi rctt rnuiiuii iu every ouicr uciuu. Ttsimi11 ramilca n y-v1 irr.sk. 4- .4 anil Untm rM11 '''l , engineers achieved that splendid result. Just as it required long years of practical manufacturing experience to know how. , '-. - .- v. .. Of course t he carburetor helps but equally so does the electrical system. 1 ' ' By the way, if this were the kirtd ot jrjotor.car in which any one feature stood out above others, we would emphasize that electrical system. But it isn't. Maxwell results ere uniform. Those . results are the product of a combination of many features not of one or two only. ., , v - , , ; Similarly, if one owner achieved a sensational mile- , age or a high degree of reliability, that would- : prove nothing. ," . ; That happens with all makes of cars---the poorest included. " " - ' -.But for 3.000 owners to average 29.4 miles per ... gallon of gasoline; -. "i '''"'-'...""' For the same model to run 22,022 miles44 con-,' ;secutive days and nights without stopping THAT ? CAR MUST BE A MAXWELL. ! Dr. eo. B. Kirknian f EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Fitted Correctly. v too o.nn m. . , ! " ojrsiem Anaiy7.ea. 1'urnam, ,ureensnoro . and . vnmston- ram or Onenutmn Salem, connecting at Greensboro for I Oice Over Ttemiple1 JDrug Store, n in II ' II tl ' II Br VI v - II I : I reclining chair car Goldsboro to Winston-Salem. No. 21.-:45 a, m. for Raleigh. Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Statesville and ' Asheville, connecting at Greensboro foapoin north . and soum and at AshetfliTe, f.ir Cmcinnati, Chicago, St. LomFrtem'a and all ipoinU wfest. (TJiis train operates via Winston-Salem and Barber). Parlor car GoMsrboro to Asheville. - J. O. JONES, , TravelUng WtesVhger Agent, v ----- i'Jt Dr. Albert II. Parrnft rracUc Limited to Gcnito-Uriaarv. eysolseopy, rectal diseases and gea- era! surgery. v 8:00 to 9:00 pfaj. At IIospHaL:0 to 12:00 a. m. Hours 2 -30 6:00 p. m. efseiiMBBBBSBseawasBBSBBSBBsi W. E. BAILEY PLUMBING AND BEATING. Acetylene Lighte-Xor coun try homes. All Work Guaranteed. PHONES: U"c. 587. Reaideacsv 2S. XI ROSOND wck AttenUoa Given to i Repair Work. Phcr.aNo.CSJ Kinston. N. C. Office Hours: 9 a. m. ta R n. m Sundays and evenings by appoint ment. 1 : ' Graduate from ' McCormick'a Medical College, . Chicago, 111. ., -v (BUY WAR SAVINCS STAMPS) PEACE INSTITUTE '. 1 - RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. for the Education and Culture of Young Women Session begins September 12, 1918. Mj, For Catalogue and information, address V;, MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. StSEB3Si39KEXS33 e Wave. Jnisi Received A Beautiful Line of Georgette Crepe Waists, Silk Strip Voiles VP and Wash Satiir KlIISTGii 1 DM w n. car.o. 11 ------ ,,.:r - -.As