THE DAILY FREE PRESS IL CALT niXTOSr, MUr M4 ltaaiglf ' r T&lUaU Every Par Ihpt flunaay 1 jumw rw . Enter t th ptotAt at Kinston, North Cerolm, as atomd-cl mattor wider Ml of Congr, March 8, 1879. VuMcnptwa tut--ryai m mwk i WMk ....... .IJI ' C!x MosUh ...... .12 60 Cm Moath . AS Thro Month ,....UB ' OmTnt... $6.09 ,.', ..,, ' ITSW TORJC OmOMII I. tnd f tj Mr. Bab R. KvJL'gM, te 1 ebarg of Eastern Dapartnmt Filaa f Th Fr Fm b ba Ma.J : ' ; WES TEEN OFFICEIn eharge of Mr. C J. Anderson, tterquatto BdWJaf. Chicago, whara Ala of Th Free Fr cm bo seen. . . ..' , Sobserfcer ara requested to notify,, by Telephone 78, The Froo Proai of any Irregularity of delivery or Jnat- MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 7, 1111. --.-, ' '.. ; For nra wo had rathar Uk tha tranches than tha t . t, plant Lenttr County haa not coma anywhere near tha top to tha Fourth' Liberty Loan campaign yat. Do your part (.. ; , .t , v - ' ' ; Tha Qraanaboro Nawa maka th following pleasant suggestion, "Turk ay for Thanksgiving.", Yes? and , if 11 ik going to b tha old European bird, tha "boiling" that Groerai AUanby la now giving Mm will do no barm. ' ' v; -- Wilholra find it quit different endeavoring to keep tha AlLad f drees from getting to German aoil than he did driving bla cruel, devastating roller over tha other fal low' territory. It's altogether whoa ox i being gored, anyway. ;f '4 ;. --i Vjl&yvfo 7 NO PEACE FOB GEBMANY YET. ' 1 ' Tha pease proposal from Germany' new chancellor la In keeping with tha Warning note that ha been iound ad by h Intelligence department of the tJtilted States and cloa obrvr. , Th fact that a gigantic . peace propaganda campaign would be launched baa been freely predicted. r It hs been known that Germany realised that tha attainment of W aim at tha preterit time was Impossible and that aha would put forth every effort to aava hereVJn. ' A f 1 ( Tha viggaition. paid to have been made by Chancellor MaximlUlan for an immediate' 'caseation of hostilities and the appointment of plenipotentiaries to a peace con ference will have to meat with the same reply that waa ecerded to Austria. The representatives of civilisation and Chrlatianlty, must not conaider Bitting at the eon "ierenca table with repreeentativea of a bastial And bar. baroueJy inhuman people who have tjeon thwarted in thir diaboltca) scheme of word domain. . Germany must yield did Bulgaria to arbitrary term laid down by tha Al lies before any !dea f a cessation of hoetilitiea'can be entertained. Unquestionably President Wilson and the leaders of England and Franca will refuse to givo the brutes, that have ravished the womanhood of Belgium ami Franc and devastated wantonly the sacred shrines of homo and cathedral wherever their' unholy feet have trod, a chance to escape the drubbing that the forces of Foch are administering to them.' , ' Little heed should be paid to this cry of anguish from the brute that la bearded in bla deml ' . v v Let the fight go on! ; , ' " . ; HEALTH BOARD'S ACTION. - While The Free Press haa due regard for tha Lenoir County.4feath Doard's opinkn and its findlngVth&t the local situstion as regard Spanish influenza infection, waa not such as to warrant alarm is reassuring, it never theless feels that the board erred In not respecting the advice of the Surgeon-General of th United StateaNand the Secretary of the State Board of Health. The Influenza aituatlon is not simply epidemic but pan demic, It cannot be regarded aa a local proposition but must be viewed from tha state and national aspect. It has made its appearance everywhere and in almost every lo cality has become epidemic. Or. Kankin, secretary of the Stat Board of Health, sent out to all county health officers Saturday the fellow, ing warning: , ..... 1 , . "After conference and with hearty approval of Governor Blcketl,' the chairman of tha State Council of Defense, Dr. D. II, Hill, and Major Kenyon of the United States Army, I now strongly advise that on . : tha appearance of la grippe or Spanish. influenza in any city, town, village or thickly aettled rural sec- . t'on, schools, moving picture shows, fair, circuses and other public gatherings, including church ser- ;i vices and Sunday schools, ba prohibited under chap-; tar 12, public law of iOU, sections 910, 94 and 15." It wi'l be observed ' that , tha recommendation' is "on the appoaraace" and not when an epidemic exists, While the local situation, which Th Free Press is in clined to regard as being serious, may not warrant the closing of public gathering places th pandemic aituation dies. In Wilnyington there have occurred more than 6,000 cases and many deaths. In fact it is reported that the death rate haa been to large that undertakers have had to b failed from other places to bury the dead. ' The Fre Piesa believe that "An ounce, of prevention la worth aA pound of cure" and jftiat the Lenoir Health Board would do well to reverse itself and safeguard the health cf this community. It is better that a little too much precaution be exercised than not enough. Business will suffer but it lis better that business should become disorganized than that life should be imperilled. Whether the County Health Board regards the aitua tion sufficient to take' any action, the city authorities may we l take step to have, the sanitation of the city brought up to the standard. The recommendation of Health Officer iMitchener as regards the cleaning up of tihe restaurants, soda fountains and public eating places should be welt taken. . , . , ' It is very timely, ; Some of these places are notorious. ly filthy and dangerous in normal times to say notrrfng of the present situation, and the streets of 'Kinaton are a disgrace to any respectable community. Let's have a 'cleaning upl f UKITES 6TATE3. BAILBOAD ADMINISTRATION. ; W. C, McAdoo, DIractar General of , Railroads. s . NGSTOLK SOUTH KEN BAILBOAD ' FaBag liata VcBedul (Aa lntomatloi ana not guaranteed) . , . Tralaa Leave Ktaatoa A. U. for New Bora, Mora iMad City, Beaufort,' Oriental, Wlaablngtoa, Ellsabetk City, Norfolk. t Parlor Car New Ban to Nor- 'folk. Cozmaetlu ft! Norfolk with BaO and 8Uamac Line to aJI point oast and north, at P. M. JDatfy for New Bern, Merehead Uty and Beauloxt. . pohrta watt. Waahlngtoai tot Balaigh and s :U P. If. Wij for Nw Bam, &Mplng Oar Now Bam to Norfolk Connecting at Not folk with BU and Staamae '. Washing iaad Norfolk. ll:ZS A. II. Dally for Goldabotw aad Liaee to poiaU aaat, aorth and tun TtU P. M. Dally for Goldsbor and ' points wost aad south. S:39 A, II. Dally for Goldsbor and point west aad aouth. ,. J. F. DALTON. G. P. A. ' W. J. NICHOLSON, T. A. KlMtoa. N. O. YEARS OF SUFFERING OVER, SHE DECLARES i -' :' .v ' " ' v ,'. -: V1- ' . . mmmmmmmmm ' ' Mr, Msmi Hall Wa Confined To Her Bed for Many Month Gain ed 10 Pounda On Tanlae, and Troublea Over. ra Riilny Systea ' NaT 189-4:00 p. m. for Raleigh, nnrbam. Oreanabora and Wfnstoa Salem, connecting at Croeaaboro for reclining chair ear Goldsbor to Ke. IL 6:i5 for BalaigK Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salam, CUteevilla and AsheviDe. connecting at Greensboro for polnU north and south and at Ashovilla for Cineinnatl. CLkf- ?t Loot, Mempbia and all I o! : Thia" Umim- operat f la Wmton-lem ' aad Barber). Tn'.ot car Golisbero to Ashevda. J. O. JONES, J .TraveUinj Passenger Agent, Balelgh.Nja, "Tanlac has not' only sttved me from an operation but since taking it I have gained nineteen pound and now weigh five pounds moro than I ever did in my life," said Mr. Mamie Hall, of 1317 Eighth Avenu, Nash vill, Tenn. , - I suffered for years," she contin ued, "from a "bod form of stomach trouble and had fallen off until I weighed only ninety aix pound. Noth ing I at would agree with me, and I lived on malted milk and cracker and became ao weak and rundown that I lay in bed almost helpless for eleven months. I was ao nervous that th least noii would almost drive m distracted and my head ached like it would burst I could hardly sleep at night and had terrible pains in my chest and back. I waa told that only an operation would help me. "I waa taken to the hospital once, but didnt want to b operated on, so I persuaded my huaband to get me some Tanlac, After taking four bot ties, I waa entirely relieved of my troublea and feeling fine In every way. My husband also has taken Tanlae and saya haa helped him wonderfully. W are both indebted to Tanlae." 4 Tanlae la now aold in Kinston ex clusively by J. E. Hood A Co. and by leading druggists and dealers in practically every city, town, village and hamlet in America. adv. North Caroltaa, Leaolr County, la th Superior Court, -Before U Clerk. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. BY PUB- : ; LIGATION. D. IL Dixon, Administrator of A. L. HollowelL deceased, and Nannie E. Patrick, B. F. Hollowell, and N. H. Uollowell, G. C Hllowetl, Mrs. Sallie Baker, Maud Allen 'and May Bland, tha laat five being th chil dren of Auguetua Hollowell, deceas ed, vs. J. M. HollowelL son of Augus ta IToMowell, deceased, and Ida Tharp, Joaephine Stilly, and Nannie E. Redditt, children of Mrs. M. A. Davis, deceased, and iSessel Davis, Cecil Davia, Cherry Davie and , Ellis Davis, , the last four being infant children of Samuel Davia, deceased. son of Mrs. M. A. Davis, deceased, all of the above named parties, ether than D. H. Dixon, Admr., being trie next of kin and heirs at law of A. L. Hollowell, deceased, and ." J. A. Powers. Guardian ad Litem of the infant, defendants, Sessel, Cecil, Cherry jand Ellis Davis. , ' The defendants above named will take notice that a proceeding entitled as above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Lenoir County tv sell the real, estate of A. L. Hollo well, deceased, situated on the North east corner of Bright and." East streets in the City of Kinston, Le noir County, N. C, consisting of a lot of land running 5? feet on East Stret and about 108 feet on Bright Street,, and adjoins the lands of O. H. Allen, for the purpose of raising assets with which to pay th indebt edness and cojt of administration of the estate of said A. L. Hollowell, deceased. And the said defendants will further Uke notice that they, and each and 'every one of them, are re quired to appear before the Clerk of th Superior Court of Lenoir County, N. G, at hia office in the City of Kinston, N. V on thx 15th day of October, IMS, at ten o'clock a, m., and answer or demur to the petition died m said proceeding, or the pe titioner will apply for the relief de manded in said petition. This the 14th day of September, 1918. - ' . J. T.-41EATH, , Clerk of Superior Court i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Stephen Howard, de feated, 1st of Lenoir County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claim against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Slst day of September, 1919, or this not- ce will be pleaded in bar of their re eovery. All persons indebted to said estate will rles make immediate payment, y v r This Slat dy orScpt&aDer, 1318. - L. P.xTYNDALL r Administrator of Stephen r .? Howard, deceased. Dly 9-23; 30; 10-7, 14, 21, 28 . 11 ft. I . '!! .... I V n n. : n n' , : n '.iViiFoivJieraanm Do you appreciate value oi the SAT FIE PRESS VI, v':;vfCv, '"t The street Bales alone on a , recent Saturday-a -'normal-Sat-urday crowd-were 5 17 eppies. Do you realize what that means? ' Do you :know;,that more than five hundred fam ihes from Kinston's trade ter- ritory, in addition , to those, who get the paper at their h9mes, were, represented in those sales. And they read your advertisement, if it was in that issue. The t street sales of the Daily Free Press run regular ly between two andf three huri- ;drod. K ; r s TH1MC ASOUT I And plan io use tukp q a nrimn A W H- n iifi m r 11 if r it 4 if t . w ij FREE PRESS

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