TUESDAY; OCTOBER 8, 1918 ITTTIlEiglNSTON FREE PRESS. i PAGE YlIREl? a aMw sQ- II ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION ' On cent a wort each Insertioa j nlru order la accompanied with cash and Insertions in to W - gites cwueeotlTO kanee of the paper. v , RATES: Oily Whet Accompanies! by Cash 1 Insertion ...,.... 1 a ward,. I Insertions ......... U word I Insertiou te word ' 7 Insertions . ... 4c word " 1 Iniertiou ......... 6c a word 25 Insertions ..Ueva word Wanted A lady that can play a pi ano to demonstrate ahee music. Apply Forrest H. Smith. Ply 9-20 tf Nice rooms for gentlemen. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Dr. Ira M. Hardy. Dly 8-31 .tf. For Sale 1917 Ford Touring Car. Perfect running condition. Price reasonable. Inquire at . Dr. Faulk ner's office; 110 McLewean St. Dly 10-7, 8, 9 ; - Wanted To rent 5 or 6 room house ' by November 1. . Modern conven iences in good locality. Phone 382. Ply 10-7, 8. ' ..V;';:' 1 ' . For Bent One. brick store located near Ford Garage See Mrs. Lil lian Perry. ' Dly 10-3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Two or three unfurnished rooms for , rent. Close In. Modern conven iences. Apply "K. W." care Free Press. Dly to 9 Wanted Young ladies as telephone operators. Salary paid while learn ing. Apply Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. E. North St. Dly 9-21 tf. Wanted Several good boys to"de ; liver The Free Press.. Pteasant and lucrative afternoon work. -Apply af tre 3 o'clock any afternoon. HOW TO BE RID OF - -r- DANGEROUS DANDRUFF If you have dandruff you must get rid of it quick it's, positively dan gerous and will surely ruin your hair if you don't. ,. ..Dandruffy heads mean faded, brit tle, ray, acraggly hair that will not grow then yoej are bald and noth ing can herp you. .The only sure way to abolish dand ruff for g:od is to destroy the germ that causes it. To do this quickly, surely, and, safely and at little ex pense, thereia nothing as effective as Parisian sage, which you can get from J. E. Hood & Co.. and good drug gists everywhere. It is guaranteed to banish dandruff, stop iUling scalp and falling hair, and promote a new growth, or the ccst, small as it is, will be refunded. Parisian sage is a scientific pre paration that supplies all haft needs an antiseptic liquid, neither sticky or greasy, easy to apply, and deli cately perfumed. adv. For Sale New dining-room suite; al so 'bedroom suite. Apply at 3, second story, Hudson apartments. . Dly 10-7, 8, 9 For Sale Farm of 150 acres.. 80, hi high state cultivation, situated on brick road 1 7 miles from New Bern. Suitable to raise tobacco er any other crop. Can sell on reason tbl terms. Address W. H. Ilender hs, New Bern, N. C. , fill 9-17 to 10-16 ' Southern Railway System No. 1392:00 p. ni. for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro and Winston Salem, connecting at Greensboro for reclining : chair car Goldsboro to Winston-Salem. No. 21. 5:45 a. in. for Raleigh. Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Statesyille and Asheville, connecting at Greensboro for points north' and south and at Asheville for Cincinnati. Chicago, St) Louis, Memphis and all points west. (This train , operates via Winston-Salem and .Barber) Parlor car Goldsboro to Asheville. J.O.JONES, Travelling Passenger Agent, ; " . .. Raleigh, N. O. A NATION S STRENGTH IS IN ITS FOOD SUPPLY Est less &st nothing Create a Reserve. 9 AMDUCA MUST FEED IIO.OOO. OOO ALLIES SOCIAL"1 PERSONAL Mrs. Clarence Oettinger is quite Sumrelt officiating. ill at her residence on North Queen I , Street. , Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rouse and Rev, B. P; Smith, who planned to attend Miss Maud McLawhorn and Mr. the National convention of tho Chris Lee Faulkner, well-known young per- tian Church at St Louis "shortly, sons of the county, were married have definitely given up their plan Monday afternoon at 4:30 at the res- to go to the meeting, because of the idence of Rev. S. W. Sumrell,, Mr. influenza situation. CITY AUTHORITIES TAKE STEPS TO PREVENT SPREAD OF MALADY (Continued from page one) Certainly the doctor would in fact, he had already : i ; - ' ' "Don't call me a liar," said Dr, Mitchener, smiling. ' Arabian, Nights. , And so things went , Mr. E. B Lewis and Mr. J. B. Meachant were present among the spectators. They told several good"stories, including one by Mr. Lewis about "The City Hall Reporter at Mount Sinia" or something of - the sort and one by Mr, Meacham about' something or other, None of these stories will be printed n pamphlet form for, the benefit of the Ministerial Association. : . .Then came the big business of the eeting. Dr. Mitchener -presented the recom mendations of Aha Council of De fense given in gist in The Free Press Monday. He explained that that council had met during the day to discuss the influenza situation. ' 1 We ; Have a Complete Line of Coats, Suits, Dresses and Millinery Prices Reasonable CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTVN Insurance of All Kinds KINSTON INSURANCE and REALTY COMPANY ? C.OEfTINGER, Mgr. "BUY WAR SAV INGS STAMPS." Tclephona No. 182 110 E. GordonSt Ice Cream Candies Cold Soda If It's Ice Cream Fresh Candy-or Fruit You Want The Candy Kitchen is the place Visit us and you will be pleased. Prices Are Right Quality JBetter OLYMPIA CANDY KITCHEN Phone 358. Prompt Delivery. "The Old Reliable" , Anything for the Roof. Slate, Jin, Rubber Paper, Galvanize Rolls : and Corrugated Roofing. We also carry a full line of Roof and Barn , Paints; Sheet Copper, Zinc and Etc Try us and be satisfied. E: R. Waller Company CORNER nERlTAGEIANDIGORDON PHONE 189 Up to Health Board. Mayor Sutton and other members onsidered that to pass upon the Te commendations was out of the pro vince of the. council. It was the Health Board's business, he said. As to the recommendation regarding closing of public places, he thought he places to be closed should be bet ter defined. There was lengthy con sideration. Council adopted such phases as it thought came within; its jurisdiction. Alderman Webb "then moved ts formally recommend the recommendaSions to the Health E'oard. The mayor interposed an ob jection. He did not think it the proper thing to do, but preferred to hold a joint meeting of the board and ouncil 'Tuesday afternoon at 3- o'- lock. . Mr. Webb insisted and pressed his motion. The mayor countered wih another motion. As ifparlia mentarian the mayor outshone- the gentlemai) rom First Ward. Thus things went on for some time. In the end nothing was done. As its part in the campaign to check influenza the council passed three ordinances, requiring- I Daily cleaning of cuspidors in gathering places. ; Use of individual cups, saucers and spoons at soda fountains and ice cream parlors. . -".v All children under 16 to be indoors after 8 p. m. except by written per mission of a parent or guardian. iA fine of ? 50 was fixed in eactr case. . - , Authority to have the streets wash ed down, require street loiterers to move on to thus prevent curbstone gatherings and arrest violators of the anti-spittmg drdinance already existed, and the officials are taking steps to carry out these, measures. Dr. Mitchener, health officor, will supervise sanitation at restaurants. Italian Patriot is Avenged; Rome Will See Miracle In It By Henry Wood , (United Press Staff Correspondent) Wtth" the kalian Armi Afield, Sept 8. (By Mail). After 69 years, almost to the very day, fate has seenj to it that. Italian vengeance which! is long suffering but never forgetting, has been satisfied and the martyrdom by Austrian gendarmes of Cicer- uacchip, an ardent' Roman patriot, ,u now avenged on the books of justice. In August,M849, ' following the J tragic retreat of Garibaldi over part f the same territory where the Ital ians are- again fighting Austria for complete national and racial freed-, om, Ciceruacchio,Vas taken prisoner. Through the initiative of an Austrian gendarme official he was given a summary court martial and quickly executed. A little tablet at Porto Tolle on tha lower ,Po marks the spot where Cic eruacchio paid the penalty to Austri an hatred for his efforts in behalf of Italian freedom. Qn the morning of August 26, dur ing V raid by Austrian airplanes on towns- back of the Italian front, an Austrian aai-plar.e was brought down , J above Porto Tolle and fell directly in( front cf tfie tablet commemorating the martyrdom of Ciceruacchio. - i The two occupants, an Austrian av- lation lieutenant ana a enu caping from the machine, turned to the tablet expecting to get an idea of their whereabouts, read it, and then turned to find themselves in the hands of ItaKsn gendarmes. New Wolf Guarding Capitoiine Hill; Not Lady-like Ye (By the United Press) Rome, Aug. 20 (By .Mail). Rome has a new wolf. " v This may not be very important news for the rest . fit the world, but it is of supreme importance for Rome. Ever since a benignly disposed she wolf nursed Remus and Romulus, thereby making possible the founding ox Kome, Rome has always had wolf in a cage on the precise spot on the Capitoiine hill where the original wof gave the present kingdom of Italy its start. ' Ever since the original declaration of war back in 1914 Rome weather has been completely off. Atmospher ic changes said to be caused by tho heavy cannonading along the vari ous battle fronts have caused it to be cold in Rome when ' it should be hot and hot when it should be cold or often both at the same time. The she-wolf of the Capitoiine, hill accordingly developed a case of pneu monfa .during one of these sudden changes of temperature, and died a premature death. But now the city of Taranto in the southern part of Italy has presented Rome with a new she-wolf. The latter had been duly installed in the cage on the Capitoiine hill, and has put inmost of her time since then trying to eaf the iron bars that cage her in. : Hopes are entertained by guardians of the Capitoiine hill that by the time the war ends and American tourists again come to Rome, the wolf will have taken on some of the dignity which her. historic positions seems to -call for. ' 812 STARS IN SERVICE FLAG OF NATIONAL PflSCUIT CO. The- Norfolk branch of the Nation al Biscuit Company, 239 W. Tazewell Street, is displaying in its window new service flag with 1,812 stars. This represents a contribution, thus J far, of more than 15 per cent, of the company's male employees to the fighting forces of Uncle Sam, about third of the company's organization consisting of women. . More and more of the company's great manu facturing' capacity is being devested to Government needs. A recent order called for 13,000,000 packages of hard bread, for , Pershing's men. This is said-to be the largest single order ever placed for crackers. FOURTH LOAN BEST . THING FARMER CAN ' FIND TO INVEST .IN: (Continued from page thtte) duty and at the same time make an investment which js not only safe, but about which he can have no possible wieasineM' Tha'.' truth is that un- der the conditions existing , in , the world : today, no other investment carries with it any absolute degree of certainty. Let the farmer there fore grasp this opportunity to put his money in the Fourth Liberty Loan, as both a duty and a privilege. ' lSS MEAT IF KIDNEYS I Taka a flaw of Salts to flush Kidaayi v if EJaddar bothers you Drink , lota of water. . Catintf tteat regularly eventually pro-' enseal kidney trouble in some form or attar, aaya well-known authority, be cause the nria acid in meat excites the kidneys, Chey become overworked j get aluggfshr clog up and cause all aorta of Ustreas, particularly backache and mis ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin ges, sever headaches, acid stomach, con stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder aad urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid. Beyi aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers yea, get about four ounce of ffed' Salts from any good pharmacy; take Ubleapoonful ia a glass of water before breakfast for a few days aad your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts ia snade from the acid of grapes aad lemon juice, combined with lithia, aad baa been ased for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids ia the arine ao it ae longer irri tates, thus ending bladder disorders. , Ja4 Salts cannot injure anyone anskea a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions .of men and wesnes) take aow aad then to keep the kidaeya aad urinary organs dean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease, Mill Feed Users to Sign Pledge; Scarce v Now; Can't Be Wasted (Special to The Free Press) -Raleigh, Oct. 7,State Food Ad ministrator Henry A. Page has been advised of the inauguration of a far reaching new policy designed to .iet the situation throughout the country with regard to wheat mill feeds. No tomestic problem has given the Food Administration more concern within the past few weeks that that result ing from th,e acute shortage, in bran, middlings, md mixed mill feeds.' "What we must secure," declared Mr. Page today, "is the utmost elim ination of waste bythe careful feed- ing of anifnals and the l(se of other concentrates in the place of wheat mill feedsv and the use of all rough age available. For all classes' of live, stock, especially hogs, we must turn to the use of limited quantities of cottonseed meal and more liberal quantities of velvet bean meal." Every buyer of wheat; mill feeds will be askeot to sign a pledge of hon- r not to use feeds for any purpose than the feeding of milk cows, young pigs and poultry. Sv4 ka,L ''Jll ... 1 I .... l. m. -aw I Flliiiiiii A Em. Hi,, MJk i I ft-aa-- . Illi. : .-,:the::;rfl omnAA uiiaiiiuui ' have your barber or hairdresser apply TWO S&tpfi TBS SCALM TONIC - " ; to remove dandruff, relieve Itching scalp and prevent falling hair. Recomrhended by barbers, ' druggists and users'as the- most effective preparation x . on the market, 50c and $1.00 Bottles at all drug stores and toilet counters he Tono-Scalpa Co., Inc. . RICHMOND. VIRGINIA DARTING, PIERCING - SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pen, tratlng effects of Sloan's Liniment So do" those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck. the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. .; ' The ease of applying, the quickness cf relief, the positive results, the clean liness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. 5F1 BUY LIBERTY BONDS. 5' .1 V.SM; .. .vW avv jm.-v ..ts w av TV'S- A BONFIRE burns rapidly To hold fire e'venlyday and night requires an Air-Tight Stove.' Winter after ' winter to always have perfecpntrol over your stove and ' your homes temperature requUis Cole'a Original Air-Tight Wood Heaters . -, . Guaranteed to remain, air-tight always. Home Comfort Always! .Your Money's Worth ' -Beware of so-called "air- and more is offered you' In : tight" wood stoves , with this guaranteed heater, at a x ' their side doors and ' cast price ho greater' than oth bottoms, which can never era why -put up with the be guaranteed to remain leaky imitation stove., In-air-tight Purchase jCole's vest in Cole's Original Air Original Air-Tight with its Tight Wood Heater and guaranteed air-tight con- enjoy stove satisfaction struction, including Cole's year after year. We have patented air-tight - lower a size and style to fit your, draft and air-tight double need. Come la today. seamed body ana large smoke proof feed door. It cost no more than non-guaranteed imlta- '' dons. Insure lasting- satisfaction, ' Make your selection today. QUINN & MILLER . "FURNITURE OF QUALITY", We are agent for the Emerson-Brantingham CoY line of Agricultural Implements Mowers And Rakes - We invite any one interested to ; inspect our line before buying. B.W. Respectfully, :f. , .v.. , . i. ;. . : .. ... : Cahady Kinston, N: C. Son Keep the Hun on the run buy bonds everyone" Timely Specials ; , Ivanhoe Mills Knit Underwear Union Suits and Separate Pieces for the whole family Outing Gown Taffeta Silk Jersey, Petticoats 94 and 104 Pepperell Sheeting Boys KneenPants in all sizes and colors J.L.HA5DIE LAWTE2 ' BUT LIBERTY .. JiSPJltV f fWtkef ' j 1 LVfZLANU BROTHERS