PAGE FOUK' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. W FALL GOODS NOW READY We are showing early arrivals in; millinery coats, suits and dress-. es. , .: Xi Sallie Miller Co. Hunter $ullllng-CanHll Street VJL F, F1TT3 osixopAn v GC3M Ewil 1MI omau Wear RICK RACK MILITARY Ssutache Lingerie and Cami soles. Braid. Middy and Windsor Tie, all colores and . price, .BefU, ftoaeftes. Bar ; rettcs, Hair .Nets, Wash rai, ear screws, beads and Middy Emblems. " s . -' ' 1 BUYtOIlDS To YodALBnli CIIAS. MTEIiS f 3 f ft The Tdctb Sicrc LOCAL INTEREST BUY LIBERTY BONDS. mr OUR Boyg in Franceare fighting with su perb courage and determination born of their conviction that the folks "back home" , are with them heart and stouL ' , : . . We can translate their conviction into cer tainty by making an "unqualified success of the Fourth Liberty Loan. i ' Mi . Buy your bonds through'us. We'll heb vou ' carry them. , M ? ; . 4 ' Fartiiers & Merchants Bank Kinston, I C. For North Carolina: Fair am! slightly warmer tonight and Thurs day. Llghi west winds. . ; . ,: v. : rt Convention Called Of f. ; - " ! ; i -Owing to .the influents epidemic In the State Cen. James I. Metts, Wilmington, has revoked the1, call for a convention of the North Caro lina Division of the United Confed erate Veterans to be held at Kalelgh. Ffrs Sick In Home. ' ' ' ., Many homes in Lenoir County have from five to eight influenza patients. Among those who are having their fall share of the trouble is Mrs. Nathan Morgan, residing some dfo tance from the city,, who is nursing nve children down with the disease, Death sf Mra. Rouse. ', Mrs. J. 8- Bouse died at hex real- denle in the eastern part of the city Tuesday afternoon at 4:30. She was not an influenza victim. She ' had been fit several months. She was a member of the Free Will feaptist Church. She is survived by a num ber of near relatives in the eitv !- Death of Mr. Jones. Sterrelfs Letter, is as Machcf a Story as ' . v His Story; Here Goes Free Press: " There are as many ideas as to what constitutes a news story as there are newspaper workers. s; :.'....;; .. "Hot stuff" to one man is the veri est sort of bunk to another. I In my memorandum of September 80th I Said we would tend out Only honest-to-goodness stories in t!he fu ture., ; ' - : WeH, here's one that 'has every thing, in my opinion, ; ,; A Human interest, surprise, and' all that ;, . .--:; y : ... To roe it is vital and gripping and t wept When I wrote It. . ,,',, , ' "New .York, Oct W. -Three year ago, Thomas G. Sterrett, then a ser geant 'in the i U." S. Marine "Corps, cameixthis city to start a press bureau lor the devil dogs. Today he wears the insignia of a major of ma rines the result of a surprise visit from. Colonel A. S. McLemore who "fks Oss Prk Cask Storf" Underweari Keep Warm - Men, Womeo, Children and : Boys' ' , ', Mr Tobias I Jones died at lii I Jrneyexi,, Trm Washington to re- residence in ' the "Sand Hill section Monday,, an 'influent victim. Sit was between 30 and 35 years of age and a native of the county. He is survived by his wife and two children, all of' whom are Hi. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. Burial took place in a private cemetery in Lenoir County. A sister of Mr. Jones and her three children, residing near the Jones home, are all ill. ; .v '. " w wwiviaw Ul UIC lUIIHI (IICBI WIUI IBS UCBIUI .v uthoriUes to beat meet the preaent influents aituatlon, . will auspend buying cotton seed delivered at our mill until October 2 1st, unless notified to the contrary through j ' . , Respectfully, ;,' . & Ice Co. The National Bank of Kinston Capital and Surplus Over $200,000.00 Every tiller of the soil la this comity knowa how ts farm. l AIUllNG U their .. . , W knos how to handle an6ney to your beat advantage. BANKING la our bosineas. . '-We Invite the farmers to corns in and talk over farm ing and banker with ss, t . . . 1 ;it,It.BB7 prors to be of mutual benefit 4 FEB CENT. PAID ON SAYINGS. 1 i NATIONAL BANK','0F KINSTON ' g. H. TAYLOR, Prcaldest" J. A. BIZZELL, Cashier. OPPN UNTIL & P. ll SATURDAYS, FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE PEOPLE. Death of Albert Kornegay. Awert Aornegsy, a veinaiown young , man, died at , his residence, Washington Avenue and Independent Street, "Wednesday at 12 m. TnhW monia following influents was the cause of death. Mr. Kornegay was a native of Duplin County, had resid ed here several years and was a member of the Baptist Church. kHe naa member tt the Woodmen of the World fraternity, lie ia Survived by bis wife:, parents, (Mr. and Mrs. Wooten 'Kornegay; fix brothers, and three: sisters. AH gave the wife are understood " to reside in ' Duplin County.; The body will be sent to that county for burial. place Sterrett's bars cf captain with the gold leaves of major. Sterrett is the first enlisted man in the Marine Corps to Teach field rank since war was declared. "Major Sterrett is a former news paper man and . hails from Erie, Penn." In that last line there is s bit of pathos too. The idea of overcoming the handicap of hailing from Erie! But then, maybe this isn't your Idea of "news, To we, however, the story has ev erything even the elements of boundless nerve, unmitigated gall, frapped Conscience,' and I think it is there. Anyway it's honest-to-gopd- ness! Sincerely, T. G. STERRETT, 1 : Major, UrS. Marines, in i ', Charge of Bureau. . Special, one day only-We will have on display at our store a sample line of coats from, one of the largest and most exclusive houses in the country on .Thursday, October -24. Chamberlain & Braxton. Dly 10-16 tf. , . t Death of Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. Pally Alston Hooker died at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.. L. M. Broome, near Kinston, Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock. - She sue cumbed to apoplexy. She' was 8i years of ' age. She was s Mies Mon tague before marriage, ' native of Wake County. She was tBe widow of Dr. Roscoe Allen Hooker of Auro ra, in. j. jurs. nooker was a mem ber of the Methodist Church in this city. Family connections are num erous 'and prominent. ? The follow. ing : children survive: ' Mrs. L M Broome and -misa - Bessie Hooker. S&fc SUGAfc , MAN FIGHTS - SURE RELIEF FOR ATICS Kinston; W. M. Hooker, Aurora, and jT, c . ' . v . , ' ' 0.-M. Hooker, Aurora. Mrs. Hooker " So -W Yo Can't Use Arms formeHy; resided at - Aurora and Csrey. She had lived here several years. The body will be sent to Ca rey for burial Thursday. J NEW GLOVES . : Our Fall Shipment of LacJies; v arid Men's Gloves From "Over There" has just arrived, in all the newest shades. A pair of Auto Gloves would be quite acceptable these crispy morn or Lege, Rheuma Will Help You. .' ' ; IfV , it you want relief In two days.i swift, certain, gratifying relief, take J a small dose of Rheums once a day. Continues Bad. - , , . ' I If you want to dissolve every par-"I The Free Press is operating under I tic,a uric sc id poison m your body "flu." conditions. The force is near-1 ""d drive it out through the natural ly , half -handed. Remaining in the I channels so that yod will be free from mechanical end "are those three or "lroitism, get a bottle of Rheuma four leatherlegs who have defied ev. I'rom J. E. dlood & Co. or any drue ery epldemie for a decade, aAd to once. ; It must give the' joyful them must the Lianas, ixiane Jonnson is down. It I ""eumacism is a powenur disease was ; thought the- Shop conldnt run I ttrongly v , satrncid. in .joints and without him,and it ia still insisted muscles, r. In order to conquer , it a that it could not run very long with-1 Powerful enemy must be Bent against out him. There are only two Individ- J Rheuma is the enemy of Rheuma- uals left "up front" to tather the lit-1 m n, enemy that conquers it in tie dope that the rag ia now able tolnear'y every - instance. offer, take church sodety'notea'at I Judge John Barhorst,- bf Ft Lo- p. m. too late for publication, sell the rami. Ohio, knows it. He wa walk papers to the biggest nuisances ex-InS with crutches, today he is well tant, the newsboys: cuss the "tele-1 " "ould dq as much for you: it sel phone bells and accept advertisements aon fails. , . . adv. ver the counter and bring them back three times to permit the writ- era to add thlnga forgotten.' Oh. but well get there, D. iV, as the Watch Tower and the Religious Recorder and ; Beaconlight used to say; what-! ever it means. Infants' Shirts la Cotton, Silk and Wool BUY BONDS ; A. J. SUTON & SONS I Telephone 34 4M CASWELL APARTMENTS Modern, Steam Heated, Central ly loestod. -Cafe. l J. J. STEVENSON, Manager.: Complying With The. Health Authorities'5 OrSeV I - M. . This Stof,Vill Open at 9A. Mada &ose at 4 P. M Until Further Notice - . V'i, Closed All Day Friday, Oct 11 to Help in Liberty Loan Drive, Barrett & Kartcfield PRUSSIAN a Autocractic Military . Kultur has been digging its own grave for more than 30 years.' Phis- aianism haa almost finished ft, ready for burial, 1 Our boys over there are on the way to Berlin to direct the funeral, to see to it that the corpse ia put down deep enough beyond resurrection, J . 1 ' . ., .'. .''''".. ' ;!' Our boys you know are de cent fellows, tthey want to fur nish the coffin. A coffin costs money. They ask you to loan to them the money, secured by Uncle Sam's Lib erty Bonds : i The best security on earth. Yours for Liberty Bonds and Liberty, :t:.;;'.-.".i -...iA-,.-i...':-;,,.'..-;.v'"-. SOL. OETTINGER. They Are Going pretty lively, because those Who have bought one of our heaters the past few seasons, are sopleaaed they rec ommended them to their nf4ghbors 'and the neighbors have bcencoming in, secure either 1 ' The Ringold .Hot Blast Parle Oak Heater : OR ONE OF OUR GOOD WOOD T HEATERS i: Vv?:;-;:;?'i:V-Vv.---;.v.:,.-:,i.?.:v:-V-VV', . The earlier you come for one or the other, the better for you. Later in the season here will be none.' Take a look at our superior Kitch en Comforts. . ' , i - FURNITUftE:$T6R ' BUY I mFDtVTlfl LflaJLilll 1 UU 1U Dr. Albert D. Parrbtt Prsctlcs Limited ( to Centto-Uriatrj cysobMopy, rectal diseases aal p ! t v - " .' "siral surgery. ... S:00 to :W p. m. , -v At Hospital 9:00 te 12:00 a. a Hours 2:30 to 5:00 jr. a. C'LROSEIOD V;'i.i:V&..VJ(iy;I?i: : I "Delco, Lighting "Plants for Country, Homes. Phone No. "S85 ! 110 Gordon gt Fcr Exytrt Wcii Gajs Engine,' Brafcinsr, Etc,' - , Calh s A. S;cccr : 409 CoHe2e St ? Phoiie I Adle rs .,L....,:: 3 Days Specials -3 Extraordinary Varuw Offcreii fcr ' ?' Three Days Only -1 Pcrsday, FriJay, and Saturday Coats, Coat Suits, T.lillinerv 'SI:- Coat Suits , . , . ...... . ; . $14.50 to $32.50 Ladies' Coats $13.95 to. $37.50 , HIGH BOOTS FOR WOMEN. Grey) Tan, Mouse, Blue and Black. : . $5.00, $6.75, $7.50, $9.50 and $12.00. 0ne-Thinl Oil On AH Millinery abler Brothers ? i . '. . ; Div Geo. B. t-fikjl 'EYESIGHT SPECIALIST i Glssses Fitted Correctly. ' Nervous System Analysis Cross . Eyes - Straightened , With . Pain or.Ooeraitioa.' Office Over TempU's . iDWg Stors, junston, tt. c Office Hours: 9 a, m. to 8 6. at Sundays and evenings by rpuomt- 1 menc . , t Graduate from ' McCormick's Medical Collegt, - Chicaso, UL i T. W. Mcvborn O Co. "THE CEPEXDABUS STOKE" VAH SAVINGS STAMPS. Hard ca HaTaiks;. ' AntenW Guns Get ' En Short Inlernlsl (By the United Press) uj:v a . . iui uia American Army in France, Sept. 12 (By Mail).ln a cer- tain division, they never set through telling shout their artillery, Near Rheims the artillery found ! rams. It was tanks. . : i VThea ihe first tank cradled over the brow of the hill, an artilleryman planted s shell squarely in ths mid. die of the tank. ' v " COUeSAIIDCClDS QUICKLY REEVED1 if'.. Dr Klng'sNewDlscoveryused since unmt was tresldent - Get a bottle today . It did It for vour tram? ma. fn mm father. For fifty years this well-known . cough shd cold remedy has kept aa evergrowing army of friends, young sad old. - , Foe half century druggists every where bv sold it. Put a bottle in your medicine cabinet. You may need it ia s hurry. Sold by druggists everywhere. 60c snd $1.20. Bowels Actinjj Properly ? They oueht to. far makes the bodv retain -.. sad immiritiM tlu : i health sod pUy luvnc with the entire system. Dr. kW'e Nm I !(. p;n. - J Pluto Jewel Hot Blast Heto 'HoldsllFire ttb 3(5 Hours aoiou, U Burns soft coal, slack, hard coal, coke or wood. A splendid heater in these times when fuel is scarce. ' " : ' i We Are Exclusive Agents for Kinston and are now prepared to show a full line of these superior heaters. TIIE CAMERON HOT BLAST flEATER - Is Alsp Carried. . . Other batteries got four more Hun DIL' GEO E KnT?TSTTP A "r tanks in, by on. a, they crawled VVs.SF10 A Come in and see these heatres before you -make your choice for the winter. ' to a crossroad just behind the ad vanced German nositiona. TS r. I Is Cismim &e V..m f I - . ; 1 - - .-u mm viuares . n mn were smsiea st tQ sccuracy f . amcs: 105 W. Caswell St H E. EI0SELEY HARDUAOE CO Just Received New Lfnc Of LJUd Ol.U. i.ilddCw Suits ' I !! L And a Pretty Line of GEORGE1TE ... WAISTS ; The Pric?5 1(re1iigHt CASEY ;THC:.IPS0N CO. J. Si. Stephenson' '(Hd SUsi 'Pn-0NE87 Llcantain Apples Quality Hill Batter '60c pound. :; Fell Creaa Cheese 2 cr more pounds 35c - per pound Chickens iiid Eggs in nearly very da. Car Extra Select ,.S CC 1 in ."!i.:!:.il5 i 0Sc Hours: 10 to 12. ' l . . : ' Ncrth Carolina , . - Kir.stcn, i oi vue nrs.