7 TEs Hone Pi?:r Tody New Today." .-1.- VOL. XXT.--No. 178 FIRST EDITION KINSTON.'NVC SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICff TWO OEST8 V ViVl CJtKTS ON TBAJUCf STAGE ALL SET FOR NATIONWIDE WALK- jlS GOOD WEEK ON II'LENOON: lETIi OUT OF STEEL -WORKERS MONDAY; GARY (TOBACCO MARKET;' A OPENS SUNDAY At 3 CAN'T'l FOUND; FITZPATBICK to WEST GOOD PRICE GAIN Wfff I 11 FREPARiED Will CARRY FIGHT ON 1 TUBERCULOSIS ABROAD FRANK TAYLOR FOUND WILSON HEADS EAST NOT GUILTY BY JURY FROM LOS ANGELES Jewish Relief Committee in Coope ration With National Tuberculoids Association' to War on Disease in " Europe. 1qh HrWffe Merchant 'Was Charged With Sellinjf Whiakyr-Anotheir Cas.; Against ; Him Many Wit-, nesse to Be 'Sumoioned. ; , .1 i AFTER DAY OF REST 'is O ?BNTS , " . . . Women to Help Officials Keep Up Morale of Strikers Wives and Daughters Birmingham Workers to Stage Demonstration Before United Ctates Steel Corporation Plant Monday N umerically Weak, Plan to Make! Up for'Jt in Noise Mass Meetings in Many Towns and Villages Sunday Lackawanna Company Plans tbi Operate in Face of Strike Buffalo Mayor Asks County and State Officials Take Precautions , Market Stronger Than Ev er Before Breaks t of " Right Proportions ; Farmers' Policy Sensible One, Shown hj Preliminaries Completed . -and Kinston Awaits : First Gun , , BIG EVANGELISTIC DRIVE f By the United Press) Washington, Sept. 20. Women ill be relied upon to help win the nationwide strike against he United States Steel Corporation scheduled to bee;in Monday, according to Chief Oifeanizer John Fitzpatrick. Women investigaterg Will be sent into homes of strikers to see what help can be given by the union organ izatkns and keep up the morale of the wives and daughters of strikers, said Fitzpatrick today. Fitzpatrick is en route to Chicago following his conference here yesterday with Presi dent Goupcrs. " That the American Federation of Labor does not feel strongly in clined to back up the strike was the conclusion drawn here today from Fitzp trick's attitude following his conference with Gompers. Gary Cone. ; Nov York, Scpfc. 20.-Judge Gary, ET.MC Wopanf In chairman cf the board of directors of Ott&m 10 the United States Steel Oonporation. ' Pppfl TnnlfvTftHpOP i, not bis office here and will not FU ,rU1UJ L01!e5e he UKro during the day His socre- StiSdCDtS at LOW CoSt tariff refused to say.: where Gary . . , had gjne. - ' Birmingham Prepares. Trrf.y College, Sept. 20. The Birmingham, Sept. 2G.-Mombere Stoder.ts' Cooperative Dining As of the steel workers' union here .are sociation of Trinity College will re roady to walk out Monday morning, sume activities with tihe opening according (to announcement by E. S. ot the Purpose of provid- Ingram, the secretary. A demon- 'nB wod food for students at pro stration js being planned to start at ticallv actnal cost- -uher M. At 6 o'clock Monday morning at the kinson- of Sntw HiU' Md- hm en Ensley plant of the United States reade manager of the association and Steel Corporcfion. U:yn officials win QVote 'his. entir time to the adn. they are numerically weak in wjrk- As niess sergeant he had this territory, but have called meet- char'- for year of the mess hall Iihm for Sundav afternoon and nieht el Fort McHenry, Baltimore. He in the hope of bolstering up their or- furnished on an average 2,000 meals , Conization. . . ; iricrv3se at more than 10 per Certainly the weed ha grown Tcbaccn prices increased hand somely during the past week, while sales for the week brougiht the sea-! ' ron's tctal up to 6,000,000 pounfa or .more. M'any estinnaites place the '.. pi Lea rtt. ;n value that much witJhm 10 days, if not within the week. The gain was not confined to best quality weed. The fewer grades showed steady improvement. j Kinstcn at the end of three waeks has ma rkoted -almost one-fourth of the 25,000,000 pounds predicted ' by tobaccoiilgts to be the season's total. The breaks of tihe five days ending I witlh Friday were uniform and at no .time of block proportions. I Consistent markelting is helping the cause of prices greatly, although for that matter the market was un expectedly strong from the very first. (Special to The Fre Press) Xd.-,- j'or';, Sot. 20. By an agree ment, betwesn- the National Tuber culofis Association and the Ameri can Jewish Relief Committee, the two oro-inixation wall cooperate this fall rnil wintpr tn 'cwmpaignj for -unds t' id stricken people. 1'hr- :lvivu of the American Jewish Relief Committee, which is for $35,- ' - ' '; " ' !! 000.000. will be held in the fall. The All Hands Entirely Present N"atiop;'1 Tuberculosis Asition rinirMvi ":wn tt'f tha t.nhi t4 Po1' Cmam Save Fred Scibert 'and , Chrifliiv.ia sws will h held in Do- Seibert Mostly So Un-f01'- , ,: f. . Timjiigh t'ti s cooperation, the Red ique i Methods, Odd-Look- C,H& fristnMs soai, which for 10 .j . vears has stood for '-'the battle in" X Uipiteer !--.''eg-inst .tuberculosis, will -carry its , :. - i influer.se across the soas, because the . . Antcricin Jewish Relief Committee (By D. T. EDWARDS) will bc callc(J upon hep gnm,p out Unless all Bifi-ns fail ono of the tiercu!oRk in Poland, Serbia, largest consfre-ations that ever as- fmnw ani1 othor n'""e;t countries. semh'.ed in Kinston will greet "Cy-"' ' ' clone Mack" Sunday afternoon at 3 DnimmCr Boy WllO Pelt well-known . Iron FIND NO ROOM FOR POOR SAINT GEORGE .., i 'ui;' 1 1 ,; Canon Charles Doesn't Give Tup pence About His Bones Shortage of Burial Space at Westminster Abbey. - ' ' London. Sept. 1!. IFIamous Brit- jishsrs wiiJl have to hurry up and die .if thny wiant to be buried in the na- a day for hospital patients, officers tional Valhalla, Westminster Abbey.' To Ignore Strike. . an aeiacnea iroops. . BufWo, Sept. 20. The Lacteawun- lnrfV na Stc.'! Cwr,anyt!d'ayf decided to rOnnBHy WCSltfly, 9 continue i its piantvin operation in the , f C r t " II face'pf the itrilce scheduled for mid- Lot 01 SerDlilllS NfiW n)?Jft;;.rtay, Umtmm- ' I' iiKU- CIlU-' Th-sWestfen-'caWed from Aus,hairi4n There is absolutely only room for six more, and they will have to be .cremated first, according to Rev. in iCan-cr- R. H. Charles, who is McLewean. j The finishing touches wera puit on nt a rehearsal Friday night in the newly erected tent. Prof.. Carroll was thnre. Mrs. Scheidley waa there. Mr. Marshall was there. And Fred Seibert was there 11 in g-ood shape except Fred was nvinus part of a thumb which ys an unwilling sa crifice made in the erecition of the tent. Preliminaries Out of the Way. Besides these four of the McLen Last Assembly in Ya. to Attend Reb, Reunion (By tlie United Press! Atlanta, Ga., Sept 20. The drum mer hoy who is sid to have boat the last nil call for Jen. RAcrt E. Lee's army at Appomabox Court "hpuse, Vtirginia, and the man who carried the wounded Stonewall Jack son from the battlefield, are plan- Frank Taylor, Bridge merchant, g-uilty of retailing in : the Recorder's Court Friday af ternoon."' There was comiparabively little evidence against the .defendant. One1 witness, Jame Smith, stated that he Had taken whisky front a con tainer, in the store, and left a dollar, asking for no change, ft seemed to have been a one-man transaction, from the testimony. " Co-tinty authorities aay a stronger ease k pending gainst Taylor, Some more or lesa prominent persons in cluding professional men, are among the many witnesses to be summoned. This case will come up during next week. 11 ' 'Other mutters1 disposed of Friday were: H Matron, assault, judgment suspended; John Oliver, assault, iudgn.ent mispenilel; W. R. Williams, drunk, $10 and costs; Raymond Murphy, violation -of the sanitary law, judgment su.ipeniedt Wjilter Temur assault, transferred to the duvenile Quirt; Mary Sisaen, lar ceny, f20 and cosits. was foun4 iw Two Addresses, Quiet Sun liquor by a jury da' and Executive -Will .. ... Quit Coast JOHNSON LAYS OFF TRIP Won't Go to Far West- Reno .President's Next StopTrain on Siding Overnight for . Good Nijrht's Sleep for Party don party several of the ushers met'nin to ttend the Confeder- for preliminary instructions, the choir pariicticed some choruses anl the executive committee conferred as to ways and means cf making the evangelistic campaign a huge, suc cess; ant plans were devsluped for carrytr.g the work through in keep ing Wijh the pade that Lerair County for tho last several years has set for , ate Veterans' reunion here October 7 to 11. T. K. Plowder, of Dickey Calhoun County, Ga., is the drummer. , , "I . had a . letter today f mm Bluff- ton, S. C," he writes, "from an old army comrade, J. J. Carsion, saying .e expected' to try to attend the re union. He and I both belonged to the same comoiany, D, Twelfth TO SUPPRESS THE BEDS , . IN AUSTRALIAN STATE. Melbourne, Set. 18. A vigilance committee of 2,000 has . been or- RanlZid m the city of Bnisibane for iho active suppression of all disloy al movements. ; Orders have been is sued throughout the State of Queens land to arreat all persons guilty of frolshevism. These will be deported. The recent "red", disturbances ' in Brishane caused ' these steps to ' be taken.- - .? :- V ' herself. And that moans a drive that will not let up till Mack leads ; ,'cor?'la Kogiment., , , , "avpr the tom ? ,1 "He drove Geh. 'Stonewall' Jack- Organization' of the executive . "m oK . tne battlcifield the msrht he .i " , ' . .. , !i-nni-mittp f,iHW hw wounded at OhflnceiiorsviSie. He cnaree. oi aooey. graves ana inier-, ' i. .3 ... . mntB L- :t, : ivaking Mr. T. , P.-.Woo ten .vijtfq-w-PflwA-yrtw-oW.- ' jii tf; last resting-place of a should be' the a casket of plied ioiSheriff Bnadley of Erie Caumy- and X3avrttir Smith Jor help . 1 . . . - -A. 1 1.1 U l.J.l. ' in w " Wm&r&l-- ' l9-a northern bones alleged to be those of Eng- preseTva frrdnr. , - - Sprbia many families, wealthy be- land's patron saint, St. George of Mass Meetings All Over Country. tha 'war 'have been found by of- Cappadocia, which were excavated bv Pittsburg Sepj.;20. Maw. meet- fice'af .the American rf ymn. Australian troops in .Palestine, finds -H84 wdl ;e held at villages and; ;8tratTon and the American' Red Cross : little favor with Canon Charles. "I .t r--- . --...--. ; The condition of tne aeroian peas- - nones," ne oeciarea eminnaticaiiy, "hich ,or-?anizeTB and union leaders will Kkires the Wiorkers on the eve . ef the scheduled steel strike. Telegrams and telephone . ants is beyond description. A kirge "Anyway, there is only room for 'proportion are homeless. Most fam- the remains of six more' famous peo- ' . ilies have been deprived of their pie in the abbey. I am trying to se- caiis wage-earners by death. The mother cure additional ground for inter- ..... I i M . 1 - . i It. J wv-nt out irtam une noiironar neaa- vij t qua.rten to .barious district head- ehiIdler! on what she can produce on hind one of our Norman walls which ouaAera todav arranaanBr for BDeak- ' .1: ,u . 'j ' m , : i . "j: j.-- ers for the meetings. The atell tooja a farin stripped of its machinery and wiorkr.m and memlbers of the 24 af- fdlinpf! mvfnna will liA-nrd n trik to the last man. : . . T fljt A. SetS Up SO PIGHTS OF THE BATH ' ; LITERALLY, PRESUMED A!!-Year College to Train Its Secretaries will have to come down some day. I -want the apace reserved for the interment of the famous men. There are so many ' great men, nowadays, and there? will be so many in the years to come, that space for six seems inadequate. If we get this space we might have room for St. George." H. C. L. HITS JAPAN -AND WAGES TAKE RISE Servants Demand More, Rents Soar, Fuel Increases, Passenger Fares Up and Poor Tourist Gets it in Ne.-k Generally. ' CTiarVJtte, . Sept 19. The growth Modern Health Crusade to Be of the Young Men's Christian As- Launched, Again Tty Millions School eociation in the South is creating a Children 11 Chores Day for, 15 pressing need for more secretaries, Weeks. : ". ' " ' ' and especially' '"for more' thorough ' '-'' .'. " '- ; ': 'training. '"uW"'i United Press) ' r Recognizing this xieed, theSoath New York, Sept. 19. With the iern Association College has been es. announcement made by the National .tablished. ; The college , will run ,12 Tuberculosis Association that the ik- n the 'mrdrU aaye Annrf ni,nt hn. oi the tamo of the aftudents... ihe fan, 1 ; - RALPH H. TURNER -modern-health crusade" for school -r. aml8pr.ng quarters wdl I be pnn staff correspondent) childTer. will begin immediately af- j . at Nashville, Tennessee, where Sept W.-0t in Ja- ter the opening of the school terms ihe U'be f0" ?er" 'pan, 'the time wasanefiw so'long this lall, . further -statement wae ation wsn ueorge reaouy ,uo,g - eithepwhen the eign resi de that ' the National .Education for Teeners, Vanderfwlt University like a food profUecr Association, Which, includes -400,000 wd-etWrtotutoaiui.Tlie. summer inme tha ouldn "main teachers in the country, has endors-. ,wiU 8B, Rldge' tain parlor, bedroom and bath in a the crusade in a formal resolution. - . staites . j A clap of the hands speedily (brought forth a retinue of servants whose aggregate salary would scarcely supply Coney Island money for a New York "domestic." But now t Japan, like every other civilized I land, has been struck head-on by the high cost of existing. Servants are now demanding near- What He Looks Like. ffrence," pleasure worship and slav- , One of the side issues that one can ery to mammon. hear discussed as one goes about w By the help and guidance of God what Mack looks like. One man will and with tlhe sustaining' pow-sr of all rsv lie look like eowany from the the yefd.lnfhjenees in this conumun wild and wopjy and another will tell ity-he is going to enter upon a cam you hB. Jcoks like a Mem-can bandit mum which has for its end "Lenair and you expect to find a srwalJ-aized Oountv for Christ." In his own aiscnal upon . further examnnt:ton. ; unique iperhaips some'fimeis pictur But what M ick looks like is an in- pgque and even shockingway he gnif icant pro-position when com- will go about the work and get re- oared tj what Mack is. 'suits. God is Blessing Him. No' matter what man says about He is a man discovered of God and him God accents his efforts and is a mighty force in his Master's ser- places upon them 'the seal of his vice in these dejecnenato days of isms, blessing and that's all Mack is cults, theories, heresies, blind indif- looking for. Opens With Hundreds Cow Punchers on Hand There will be approximately 3,- .brought together, 000,000 entries in the crusade this ' omirg year. All children who won PfindletOn'S RoUndllD -v ,mV m pagv, squjre, Kiiigui wr knight banneret last year are eligible gain to try for promotions in "the field of the cloith of gold" and new entries may. take the jousting field t any time. . ,. . , . , - ' i4,. . ins "modern health crusade is I perjion Ore., Sept. 19. Hark ued on the performance of 11 ing to tlie jayg wien the West ly twice their former pay. chores to Tbe done each day for 15 WM tlje rounduip, ' Pendleton's House rents have gone up from onsecuiive weeks.' By oom'-pleting aimua . frontier exhibition, opened ne-4hird to one-half., . "5 per cent of the chores each today Five hundred cowboys, In- Coal is about $14 a ton, kerosene eck during the 15 weeks, the , en- J diang aowgirle and plainsmen will is 50 cents a gallon and gasoline is trant becomes a knight banneret and jcnteTtain tne thousands of visitors about a dollar a gallon. ' he leSer titles are graded according during the next three days with' wild Custom-made " sdlk shirts now the number of chores done.. Lteer bulldoggSng, . bucking contests, cost from 7 to $10., , ' relay races, wild horse, races, wild And no longer will a coolie pull I steer roping, stage coach, races and you all over town for half a dollar, other ehibftions depicting the life Laui.dry is the only remaining tf-'ed at 1.47, December at 1.23 3-4. jof the real West. ... item of cheapness in Japan. At CORN MARKET. Chicago Friday September -' - i . H-.rrt ':, .Ic.. :.; -1 r . jt ..., A ' v.v .. , ) ' : 18 FIVE-YEAR AVERAG; Wai?hii'g!tion, '? Sept. ' 20. More wheat should be sown this fall than Was ' the average in pre-war years, but, t6t so much ehould be sown Its wias sown last year, This ia the out standing , fall farming . recommendar don of the ' Department of Agricul ture, which is watching the changes of world supply and demand while Kuroptan C3iintr;pis are getting hack to- nairiiaT'Tnf:j(l production. (By the United Press) . Albonrd the President's! " Special, Sept. 20. The President went " to Los A:geies .today to iwake possibly K two speeches and take a 'weekend rest. Only one speech is scheduled for this evening, at the Shrine Audi torium, bet it ie considered ilkely that he wiH alto speak at a dinner to be tendered him. t , "President's special Was placed on a siding Jast night." ThiSi was lone so Mr. Wilson could get-1 good sleep. He left San Diego to arrive , it Lrs Angeles' at 8 'o'clock thia moiriing and epend the day as quiet ly as possible. -Suffflay has been; setl apart as v. dajof st. Sunday tiitrfflJ the Prsuielit IviiW BeavatijeC Rfino iti -ne rstwara m W MKL w i wrt St" Paul, SI on pt 2aSeria(ir- Johns n today anwiUTjs3efinitej ';ha iandoBmentR - hia atumtifnig trip :t the Pacifw Coast. . He plan ned to end his journey in opposition to th-i League of Nations covenant with speeches' in tha TWin Ctties to day. , i, . Johnson' vigorous attacks pn the league agreement;, met with a hearty response here before Joint session of tKe1 legislature,- triifcb last 'winter rytproved the JWihonian idea. ' .-. San Diego's Whopping Audience, v Sar. Diego, Sept. 20. iFlifty thou- riuid pe-.ins heard! tfte President Aa to , winter wheat,, the , depart nent suggests that 42,000,000 acres be sown this fall to this crop, and ..peak in the San Diego stadium yes- that 2U,uuu,uuw acres do sown ,in .terdav. ; '.-' ' ' 1920 Spring wheat, making a prob able aggregate production in 1020 of 830,000,000. bushels, of, which 200,, 000,000 bushels would be available for export after homo needs are met. 'his nroduetion would a-pijjroximately rqiial the ave mjire yield of wheat -in rhe Ur.ited Silativs for the five years 1915 to 1919 inclusive.' The five- year averagers thought to be a safo guide for Anysrican farmers. til 0ir - wj- IN V-'f t W 'I zr i 9 LENORE ULRICH !l"e MoroMo-Paramount 3!r Rer. B. F. McLendon, "Cyclone Mack, in one ef his characteristic at titudes.: Mack begins a series of meetings in Kinston on Sunday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. His tent is on the vacant lot next to tae Gordon Street Christian Church. 'COME ALONG" ATTRACTION AT. GRAND NEXT WEEK Advance announcements of local attractions which theatregoers of Kints-t-.n will have the pleasure of seeing name "Come Along as a hooking in the near future and as sure all lovers of high-class musi cal comedy a real treat. 1 - No less a personage than the"ht raorist Bide Dudley, of the Ns jYork "Evening World," is responsi ble for the book of this unusual mu ifical comedy, which will be spen T I 1 O I 1 fly. 1 1 1 . vria,, dtipiemuer at me urana. Tho chorus of - attractive girls which made the show one of Broad way's successes when produced at the Nora Bayes - Theatre, in New York, is 'still one 'of , the drawing cards. . -- Car Shortage Now is Less Serious Than in Past Years, States (By the United Press) , . Washington; Sept. lSUrWalkar D. -Hines, directoV-general of railroads, today authorized the following state- ' ment relative to the freight :cai sit uation: .''''!'' " ' "Current' discussion . of , car 'siiort igcs pnd related questions makes It mportant to bring to the attention ; .f the public' the fact thatj ' con6rary . lo what seems to le the publid as sumption, conditions, in this respect are substantially more favonahle than 'ley were irecep years' ,nrk'r to he war. "On August 1, 1917, the total car surpluse reported throughout the country were 43,481 cars, whereas on August 1, 1919, the total car sur- -oluscs were 107,900. The. total num- hor if '. Iinf illivl ra.T Toniilialhin-n An H August 1, 1917, wta 7757, where- is the total nuniibfi of unfilled 'car - -equiaitions on . August 1,". J19, was -nly W,271. ' ," ' ' : "The numbjVif ' rwUrnV-daW : in - service and jtqt" withdrawn for re- nairs on Julyvt, 1917 was" t,9A3,00O. - The number of. freight Cars in ser vice and not withdrawn - for repairs on July 1, 1919, was 2,065,000." . SHE LEARNS WHAT HER - SEX LIKES TO DISCUSS. London,' Sept. 19 The ' secret's out. . Miss Maud ' Synge, welfare worker, - says the principal thfnga girls talk about when men ,'arent near are: . "Blouses, ( boys : and health." ' ' ' . TOBACCO. Closing1 sales 1 of the week here found the breaks apparently not so heavy as the average ; to date. But while receipts may npt have been quite., sa heavy, prices Were fully a good as the best yet paid. Probably 2,000,000 pounds have been sold dur 'ng " tho week oss:ibly more. The season's business to date has been C.OOO.OOO.or more. BUT WAR-SAVINGS ETA"

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