' HE DAI TEs Hone Pi;:r Today's Ntwi Today.' CENTS KCOPY VOL. XXI. -No. 203 SECOND EDITION KINStON, N. C MONDAY, OCTOBKn 20, 1919 FOtlt VAGES TOrj PRICK TWO CMTS , m ctofTs os raum loULD BE MEANS 3 Y01ITH SAVED WORLD lllACKlSKSjiiNSION CONFERENCE NOT TO BE ALLOWED BREAK UP. IN A SQUABBLE El I HUN; DANIELS nhuy :-Tn)rjniSF nr MAUDS BOY HEROES r Y pp HURRYING 0sfl. IN LEAGUE Jm I i X O Chance for SKort WtA" Pe riod With Peace Ratified BOOZE FOR CHRISTMAS If President Lifts Wartime Ban With Proclamation of Peace Millions of Gallons Whisky Held in Storage (By the United Press) Washington, Oct. 20. There is a slight chance that the President will raipe the wartime dry ban before constitutional prohibition becomes effective in January, it is learned from responsible source. (j.pon ratification of the German freaty the President may proclaim peace, even though the United Stales is still at war technically witjh Austria. "the declaration .4t peace would make possible the lifting of the ban and America would have a wet Christmas. Should the ban be lift ed millions of gallons of whisky and other rpirite now held in bonded warehouses probably would ' go on thej market " at cost prices. This would be the last opportunity to dis pose of it. it umber Take Aerial Jaunt -. Charles Kirwood's' aerial jitney jdhjLM, fair, business. at-Hittcretft 'Fnn Sunday afternoon until trouble in landing put thejhing temporarily out et jConraission,, R., G. Hodges, I. J. Cafkins, Fred.: .Cnott, Paul Tempje, Oliver WesUbrodk, Ray Wotcn and Charles Randolph went op. .They "sw Kinston from -an airplane." It wsi an fexmenaive trip, "but worth it" HOME HYGIENE' AND , CARE OF SICK CLASSES. The classes in "Home Hygiene and Care of the fiick" planned for Kin ton ars now forming and instruction will begin next Wednesday, after noon at 2:30 o'clock. Instruction will be given m the room on the first floor of the Courthouse opposite the Jiealth office, Twhere full :equipmen: Jias been -provided. For this week there will be afternoon classes only. Wert week instruction will be given 8 o clock at night, also. METING TO BOOST K SCmilOVEIliT A meeting inhe interest" of the mployment ofa Y. M. A. eom-fe wunity boysVecretary here wk kef" neld at the tJhahAef of Commerce ftis evening at 7:30 o'clock. Otis B, Hinnint, Wilmington secretary, will 0 a speaker. ARMY LETS CIVILIAN PUBLIC HAVE SUGAR . Washington, Oct. 20 In the con trovergy over the sugar shortage thej .uuiiiry is now urwergoing a nas levelr ped . that the United States might Jiave been in an' actual sugar Jamine several weeks ago but Jot the efforts of the War Department, which has released more . than - 50, 000,000 pounds for sale to the public dunny the past few months, As a result , the army , is now existing, on a reserve of less than two half months9 um)Iy and every sol- Sier i t s having his - upvly rationed. I I 5 - 1 - (By the TTnlCed Press) . PRORE OF V. S. AGENTS. - Washington, Oct 20. Investi gate of charges that employeea of the Federal Trade Commis sion are engaged yl nocial'wtic propagmaa wan called for today . ia a resolution introduced by Senatar Watson of Indiana. BULIETINS Was Theirs td Die' for rhwr Country; the Glory of It" 'Let Not Repose Be TroaWed ur Selfish Regrets,' Seere County tary Tells Wa: People Gojdsooro, October 20. S'pe Jie"re , yesterday afternoon at imorial services in honor of the Wayne County men who died in the iworjd. war, (Secretary of the Navy Danif-ls said: "Much as we owe to the ripeness isnd prudence and wisdom of men of mature years, and gladly as we ren der th"m praise Yor 'their noble part (in mouMteing the sturdy character Jand generous contributions in the groat struggle through which we have passed, all of every age and sta tion recognise that youth was the real defender and savior of mankind. It was the boy out of the home of rich and poor alike who made "an of fering incomparalbly greater than that of the wisest savant or richest aptain of industry. Each one of them ga"e freely, and gladly, and se riously, not only 1! he had, but all fie nof.nd to' be, throwfngTiito "tne ibalance hie fresh vigor, his steady purpose, his clear vision, his quick actior, his ability in resource and (skill, which made his going into bat tie the assurance of victory. Knew Their Duty. ; ; ; ffght'ng force of America hurried (nothing and evaded no duty. When the hour came the hour of decision they - had already deckled. They had set their house in order. "M"n 9 ta war. eth no joy in the rtaking; of var, and our young men of 11U 7-1918 looked stern duty straight in the face, eent a message of cheer to the old folks, and sol emnly turned their faces to the dan gers and the privations which they knew awaited them. It is a gross TniScdnceptioti of the safcHfices they made to represent the young Ameri tan soldier as jgoing to battle with out fiill appreciation of what he was doing, and thorough knowledge of ithe fimdmental principle for which he wes , fighting. But though he went with a firm step, holding his head high, he hated war and the nec ssfrty for ft. He was upheld in camp and under fire by two. greai .ronvictions, in addition to the sus taining faith in his God which was his buckle r and shield. They were (Frst, that he was battling as sroeadeJfor a .righteous cause; aj second, that Ms .surrender of sel hoi quest wonld .usher in anera f justice anil peace, nd he ,uld fBe ' ""K iimoorn generations from f" . h -was yeady to le., ai- WKW.MP. . "ingftmn 10 the day or deathj or eacn og it may be truly ?aid though he marched in mud and bathed in bloo his soul was witn the stars.' "Youth! The jrtory'iof it! The contagion of it! The Srength of it! The majesty of ftL TBe faith of it! Carlyle's thought.waa daily inspir ation to thoughtfujif youths: 'Thou ro- alone if.Jhou have faith. There is a eoremJrion pf saints, un seen yet 4ioV unreal, accompanying and, brother,likeembracing thee, so thorn be 'Worthi."- And they, were accounted worthy to die that lierty -mould not peish from the earth. b Ynnp Men jWarrwrs. , Ail warr have been fought by v; m but Napoleon WM the Lj Jl ui - - u xv. . . vouth? who never stoobed to- coun f"angpir. Call the roll of the Ameri can srldiers who wore the red badge f courage in the world war. A large majonty, very large majority of the fighters were between 18 and 21 years of age, and all were young. 'I eometimes wonder, if those who Hid not and could not go with our beys wvl ever get over the disap pointment and regret, the longing trhicb w in us all, .no matter how Sard we worked nor how much we V PURPOSbAND COURAGE Tffeir byP Sling las. (Continued on page Tour) -' s " D'ANNUNZiO TAKES r ... ... .... JJ mm Photo hwv Amri'can trops marching through the atrtets of Fiumt' ui-puij unci vii me iiaiiuii Army, tinwrs in Fiumev Copyrighted.) i SOWS. TO IW rORONLOAD shIps OF NATIONAL Five Hundred A: Port Hylan and leagues on Commi Longshoremen's Strike New York, Oct. 20. Five htift. ;ired uoldiers-arrived - here todavrto 'e'nipliiya la 'unloadiiig vesttf of the United States Shipping 8oard tied up. in this-Jharbor by thw long shoremen's ;, strike. This iraa an nounced ;by Upited Statesarmy of- ficiak at Hoboken. f. ino conciliation, comftiission ap pointed hy. Secretary t Labor Wil son, composed of fMayor Hyhin, Jame-, H. Hughes, niigrat'ion com missicucr at Philadelphia, and Paul iV'accaielli will jtold another meet ing in ,an attenpt to end the strike. The rnayor today said he hoped the rteams'hip officials and longshore men could et together at the con ference. MR TOBACCO IS NO- RARITY LOCAL market These days Midseason -Market is Best Ever Heavy Sales Will Continue for Weeks Ad vance in Cigarette Prices May Come Big-quantities of the finest bright leaf tobacco grown in the world are beinpr marketed here. Last week saw many hundreds of pounds of best quality weed sold for prices rang- ng a.s high as $1, $1.25 and even $1.50. Farmers declared the market the rrost satisfactory aince the open ing aiiy in September. f ' The market, humping toward the 15;0O0,0O0-mark, tobacconista : are predictirgr that moderately heavy sales will ' continue through Novem ber,, end respectable sales until well into December. ; j . - ' An advance in the price of cigar ettes manufactured largely from the local product is predicted. COTTON Futnror quotations Monday were Open. 34.25 34. 8 . 24.05 $3.75 ....... 340 Close. : October . December January . March - May .... Local receipts to 3 o'clock about 40 bales, price ranging from 14.15 downward. rlive1 at Col- issran "Hi 3 at' jp . h t t HI JVWH 2 J4f i - CONTROL OF FIUA1E-DECL ARES U inscri rigm; .uatTu uo u Anuun.ti rim UItlL Urtil HIT- I IV FOOD HELD JONGER THAN SIX! huprctne Al,ourt Upholds Com vifm wealth in Pack- ersjsfvase Against Uhio Steves- hr iWte ?ral Other States i. the United Press) , Washington, Oct 20. The Su preme Courholds-nhat states can seize fooff hefitynJold'i&rage long er than periodspkiovided by state laws. i This decision todjfejettled the con stitutionality of the .Siiith cold stor age act in Ohio which rfcnits storage to six months. It was nmde in the first appeal of packing toterests egainst now lawt passed in Tteveral ate limiting cold storage toXhelp MONTHS reduee the cost of living, X&lrreatv. l inal action is not expected STATE DlPARTMEN TRYING GET FACTS 'S FATE Finnish General Staff Says! City and Kronstadt Have Fallen, American Agents Sf'y There is No Confir mation (Kyth Sniterf Pti Wpshinson, O-t. 20,-The State Department is making efforts to ob- ain fvori its own agents in Russia confirmation or denial of the conflict ing report-; about the fate'of Petro- grad and Kronstad!. Official announcement of the fall of Petrorad and Kronstadt and their occupation ny the armies of the Ncrthwestern Government of Rus sia has been made by the general staff of the Finnish army, according to a dispatch - to the State Depart ment from Viborg. -t This message was brief. It , was dated Saturday. American agents tt .points nearest Petrograd cabled under dr.te of yesterday that there was ik, corroboration of the, Finnish annoi'rceinent I i"T - i Ik i SUGAR FROM 'BEETS . fBy the United Pressl ' Washington, Oct. 20. Attorney. General Palmer today- threatened PROFITEER 34.28 prcactntioni against beet . sugar, re 34.27 , finen who ask higher prices than 34.06 those ect by tne sugar equalization 33.70 board. The wholesale price fixed by 33.44 the supii equalization board, Palra were era r pouncement revealed, is 10 'cents casl less two per cent. Sea- .board basis. WW 'ff 1 1 s 4 WITH ITALY. 'h ,f tnsei t left: General Bagdolio, poet soldier directing Italian mu CONGRESS ILL NOT STAY A DAY AFTER TREATY Rent on Going Home and Lc-aving Wilson's Do mestic Program as Un- - MsTara' to Keep Senate, at Work - (By. the United Press) Washington, Oct. 20. -Adjournment . of Cohgree . will, .follow close ly this fina1! treaty' Vote, according "to plans of Senate leaders. Hope of en acting the program of domestic leg islation outlined by Wilson has been abandoned until the regular session in December. . It,. is requiring the constant- ef forts ,of Penrose and the other Re publican senators to keep the Sen ate moving in it consideration of the before November 10 or later by the st optimistic, will probably be immediately th?ir1ifte.r that Congress will make a quifc&.nreaK ror home .... BQLLWEEVIL WILL REA0I JiflS CBUNTY NEXT SEASON. SAYS Agricultural Expert 'States Appearance of Pesvjjn Columbus County Meai Its Certain Arrival Here' In 1320 Appearance of the boll weevil in Columbus . County means that , the destroyer will arrive in Lenoir County some time during J920, Charles M. Brickhouse, county agri ruftural agen'l, announced MonWay. The pest has to cross only two coun ties get here. The .weevil has wormed its way across, the South in past years from the Jvexlcan border. It travels slowly but surely. Nothing has ever .been found to check its advance. At the rud-' of the 1918 season it had .been reported as. far north as .Charleston. .Its discovery in Colum bus man? that it bas been found in tNorth Carolina for the first tjme. "Spray and rotate. . They are the rnly things to be. done," declared Brickhouse. ,", , ; ' . ... - CHfRCHES FINrD TRACE PROB M JFM NATIONAL iN SCOPE. N York, OcJ. 20. The . negro migration has brought new proTblems to ..both white and colored . churches in the North. .The migrants, .though ehurch menVbers at nVme, are hot easily assimilated by the "colored thurch of the North? -and this fail ure -.; form new ties creates prob lems for bot.h the white mission boards and the colored organizations. as? OUT BF WAY V; flAnKf'-JflRS lvttJ Jfas Been Slacker tomuni vif'ty or Would Have Been Farther Advanced FINANCIALLY ALL RIGHT Has No Fault to Find With Way City Has Given of Material Wealth, But It's Keeoinsr Back Thousands of Souls Kinston, we want you to get into this bai.le, now. We want you to make a sacrifice for God and this Re vival 'this week. No doubt many of ,you sacrificed for ; yourv fair last week. If you had stood by me for the l?t four weeks you would have been t -ii thousand miles further up the road trian you aTe." With an admonition of this char acter Mak began the last week of his evangelistic campaign in Kins ton. He feels that this campaign is iiot receiving the support such a lviovemsnt deserves from cntrrch peo ple. Ho mnkes exceptions of course; hut he says that on the whole tht cbuivh is proving a slacker in this fampnur; and declares that the best ;hing there preachers can do Is to burn uptheir church registers and start all over aain." (It Vii .j ..t.ii.ct ... . Kinsttm on is the way they have Stood by him in financial matters. The 'incidentals" were raised with th minimum of effort and they nevx- came easier. Monty ie Not All. . present one cannpt be kcarnod on (Without substantial eKpenditures .-of money, meeting these financial re quirements alone does not satisfy Mack. ... , The Jiar-d of God is on him and the alvalion of souls alone will satisfy Mm, Ha knows that he ha a mes sage from uod; ana is consumaa with a desire to get h to the prp1e ind his v;eok is his last chance. The Unpardonable Sin. The "'lnpardonaible sin" was .Mack's sjbjeet Sunday night and he handled it in 8 memorable fashion. It is not swearing, not drunkenness, tot adultery, pot -murder, nor any other in the black category of speci fic sins. It is noie other than a con stant, continual ,-and final rejection of Jos-is us Savior and the plan of salvation that God has provided man. Thre is such a thing, Mack aays, is the "last call;" and a "no" Will ,iettl the individual's doom forever. - The Holy Spirit carries this plan ?f sa'v.ition 19 humanity. He is th?: rape that hangs out over the world and provides a way of escape to nen and women. God cannot do any moTe to fteep people out of hell than he is doi.ig. But he cannot save the Christ rejector. So when the heart is finally hard- hy sin' and indifference God's meegHrger ceases to entreat, and wherfte bell of destiny sounds in ome i?yflngeiigtic campaign or preachinjfcrvice the fates of eouls are sealeuS; Anybody CaVCommit It. Any man orfevman who says "no" to God can coife1itthe unpardon- ble s'li. When a)rsorv nas passed he age -of 15 witliiit a spiritual awakening statistics sfyw that the chances are ht to S4V against Him. And when they get uVo mid dle age and beyond with thJByGod- .less lives the odds against theatre The comminsiton of this impawioa able sin shows itself in the lives, of men and women rn one or both of two ways. First it may take . the form of bitter malignity, an opposi tion the goRpel message, - cursing and damning the preacher or evan- relist .ostensibly for some peculiarity or other, ridicule and the like active manres. Or it may take the form if supine indifference, no concern, .10 feeling, no fears, no thought of religion and the higher life and nev er a thoueht of one's own soul or the souls of others. "Calico Religion" Needed. Mack cannot understand what kind cf lives Kinston Christians have been .'eadirc '"eat numbers of them s?em p to get out ana ao per- ( 1 on page four) to MUST SEE THING THRO' Gary Returns to Washing ton With Another State ment, Thought to Be Sim l Reiteration of Previ ous Stand (By the United Press) Washii)fon, Oct. 20. President Wilson will not permit the national industrial conference to break op In fight. This is learned on high au thority at the White House. If nny delegates quit the confer ence ho win name substitutes or cause them to be named, it was made clear today. Even should the en tire groyo walk out the administra tion will make an effort to have it replaced. , Wilson Stands Ready . Replace Delegates Who Quit, Said The industrial conference is hera i- to see this thing through, according to the attitude at the executiva- mansior,. So much is at etake th Government cannot afford to let the ' conference go to pieces. V Gary Has New Statement. Washington, 'Oct 20. Judge Gary, chairman of the United State Steel 'u&t&uhtl'i'T'L'til WfJitiSrSr V'WtUrileino " me "Via- .tionul conference with a ejpared statement which he plans to read to day. Tt is learned Gary's statement; will be mainly a reiteration of hia previous position on the steel strike, in which - he refused to deal with AMFRICAN SOLDIER FLOGGED BY COSSACKS IN SIBERIA. Corporal Benjamin Sperling of ItrorMyn, N. Y who was captured and flogged by Russian Cossacks in Siberia. BILLY MALONE'S SHOW AT GRAND THIS WEEK. A new ahow that has been making rru-, '.tvrvwny hi una icrriuvry niiu. has received numerous hfeh recom mendations from managers who haye nlaynd it is Billy Malone's Musical Comedy Company, the attraction booked fvr the Grand this week. , Malona has provided a production vith big special features and a ra vetoire cf naW bills that have never before been seen in Kinston, h WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST. Isk'd by the Weather . Bureau, Wash;i$ton, for the period October 20 to -Oltobcr 25: For South At lantic and East Gulf States: Unset tled weather with occasional ' show ers ard nearly normal temperature will prevail. :' BAPTISTS MEET RALEIGH WEEK OF NOVEMBER 11. Raldgh, Oct. 20. The annual convention of North Carolina Bap tists will be held here beginning No vember 11. Arrar.geiiicr.tj !. injf mi le to care f :r f ' . ' 1 i' : YvviMaaisissmfiipsjaBHsssMiiHtMl I 'lit r ' ; :d r , f 1 . : t. ' i W , v f , n. t 5. ' i t'l i j is-- ' 4ij-: s . . iuA :' , ; t :-'" t ! hi 4X 1 !" 1; ; 5,' '