TnuRSD January 15, 1920 THE KINSTOw lN. C.) FREE PRESS PAGE TWO THE DAILY FREE jrR ESS II. GALT ERAXTON, Editor an M anager Published Every Day Except Sunday hj?the Kinston Free Press Co., Inc., Wniiton.a. C. Entered at the jKistaffice at Kitwton North Carolina, as second -das matter under ait of Coijfrress, March 3, 1879 Subscription Rates I'aysblJ in Advance: One Week ........$ .10 Tart J Months One Month .45 SixJIonths One Year ....... ii. $5.00 .$1.25 NEW YORK OFFICE 80 E. T-'nd St., Mr. Ralph R. Mullig-an, m sole charge of fcaf$rn Department, files rf Jhe Fu e Press can bo seen, if WE3TEB-M OmCE In chatjf e of Mr, C..J. Andermio, Marquette Buiwin. UiScaM, iwiier files of the free .Press can be seen. THURSDAY EVEMNGJUANUARY 15, 120. Create in me a clean new a riht spirit wkhlj heart, 0 Cod; and mie, Ps. 51:10. Bousand had jror.e through hi school and seven thou- J 'and who were now teafhin Hie toy and girls of thw 'tate had never even firoshcdjiRh school, or an iulya- j nt course. f Dr. Brooks premised an rational program to fco irosiited to the next Gancrajl Assembly, which if adapt- ; d, will raise the standard lor tenehem and make the Miinimum requirements at ait, a hiirn ecnooi cerun ate ind will held out an incentive for teat-hen to pre- j pare themselves. I The Free Prts believes lhat when the Department of ; Public Instruction outlinciU program that the pn-ss ,nd other leaders of the Sjfate will join in giving it sup wrt and affording the bof end frirls of North Carolina a better opportunity to jtypare themselves for life. (TRyTH-IN ADVERTISING) pttD. jinr;E i.vnchs rfx The lyndiinif record fnp VJii), as compiled by the Tus-1 JAN UABANCE AT The Buford s passenger considerably by the salt hi tea. to have been calmed ifotni for the common juxtifka rather mi-prising revelation . A few yean ago Northtf iarolina occupied a place in the twenties amonjj her sifter tate in agricultural pro- it for 1919 indicate that she position of f.mryi place. State, the beat state , in Wic duction. Statistics given assumes the comniandi Hurrah! for the Old No Union . As forecasted in . Wit ago, the name of James Wilmington Dispatch, hai confirmation as CoIIwto JV opposition is expectul 'Jamaica ginger" is, figuring more cr toss In honor, Judge Whitakor, that a ccasitierabie smou! cr less alcohol Is being s flavoring custards, pies, dent that the police will injrton diwpatchen some day . Cowan, former editor of the been sent to the Senate for of the Port of Wilminjrton. for "Genial Jeems" and ou- gTAtulations wilt no doubjjbe in order within a few days. Lcordinur to the .police records the "drunks'' haled before his IThe Free Press is informed of extracts containing more M which id lint hnlnir iinert fnr The Free Press is conf i kve tli 3 cooperation, if sought, of tha reputable concerns! which sell such preparations for leyitlmale purpose lil seeing to it that purchases are not made in violation If the spirit and letter of the dry laws. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAfl S'jpsrlntendent E. C. BrnluV of the State Department of EJucntion, vsvtalcd surrnXstartlinsr figures in his ad- drils biVure" the North 'Calolina Press Association Greensboro last we.k. He lold of the survey of Urn Reaching ' foices of the Stat n;w under way and est mated that of the approximate twelve thousand white i;e(ee Initifjle, jumse sume iiiicrownru ui food for thoiiffiit. Very little basis is . I ion of mtib violence, jfilie i is made tbut only aboUt-'Mic fourth of the mob's victims for VM0 were ehiirjrei flith rape or attempted rape and that the jraniut of crim, imaginary and real, and the ! flimsiest of pretexts! Ifceited mobs to do their fellow men to death. T The record shown tl there were 82 lynchings, 77 of which were in the Sh. The number included .75 negroes and 7 whites.' Dne nepro woman was murdered. Nineteen of the victirtjT were eliarged with rape or at tiimited rape. Seven "jpere burned; !! of these were charged witli rape, 2 VMh murder, 1 with killinir a she riff and against the otHJi- no charge was iven. All the whites ljTiched were sltirged with mniider; 13 of the negroes were charged lith murder, 10 with attempted rape, 9 with rape.. Ot-rs were charged with inciting riots, shooting officers! insulting women, incendiary talk, writing improper tters and rohbery. One. mur derer was lynoheil wheiifliis sentence was commuted ti life imprisonment. Ontian who! shot in self-defense and another who was 'acraiitted of the charge of shoot ing an officer were victim of molw. One man was dealt with because he appcaled!,'rom a ten year sentence for attempting the life of another. Certainly those who wSuld justify mob violence can find little consolation in 'he foregoing record. It is shown beyond a doubt thni the lives of none are safe where lynch Jaw is toloratoaV Had the law been permitted to take its" orderly course in the 82 ennes, there mightVhave been some miscarriage (if justice but it is certain', that murderers and rapists wiiiild have- ben dealt with aiul ihut-' those wlio were i . , , : j, i . .... i ' .... . i at vtruilty nt most with imisdeniieanors would nof have nasd the supremo penalty. ?? ' " "' When mobs are given immunity who knows wh.-n ha will ccmni't some fanciful .ffer-e ind be diairiicd out - r . ..... "V teachers in Morth tarortna only two thousand hnif -jid to satisfy the gory appetite of a bunch of outlaws and the benefit of more. than high school training, hrea assnstdns? - - - -v : .-4 r FOR SALE-NICE FOTtJR-ROO) COTTAGE ON CHESTNUT STIC.ET. T. V. MOSELEY. V Phone 65 ' DR. DAN. W. PARROTT Phone 94 A Two -Purpose Disc MarroMr ' - . . ;;; . ' : , ":. ' ., .. ... , is one ih&t prepares a well pulverize J nard bed and (l)en cultivates the crop. Such A harrow is a paying investment. The J 8 s Averv Crescent i &tt kind. lacnea ot cicaranccVfTUer the double trees, permitting cultivation until crop is welt aJvanccJ In rowtli. ix Ganjs are reversible, so you can ' throw eoil to or away from the row. They can he act any desired Ji tance apart on the frame and lven any tilt to the Bed. The gangs with four discs have three upright steel stdndarJs (other harrows hav only two) set edge wise to prevrnt clogging. This ha rrow can he used with Or without tongue truck. ' The better the d hed the higger the crop. Disc your land with a Crescent before and after plowing, and the increased yield will -pay for it several times over Before it wears out , AWAY WITH THOSE ACHES AND PAINS- Keep Sloan's Liniment handy ti put the "feel flood" back jf Into the system Al.LJt needs is just one trr 1 a litUe applied without rulf ig, for it f e nelrate j - to conyUyV you of its mit in relieving scitf lum bafo, nwrulgia. Lime my' ijtn, stiff net, brqS s, pains, achesj jtl strains, the afti-r-itFects of expnsu jr The cofcestion is scatf" Jii, prompt ly, rlra ii I jJ without efforff f onomicallyi Ypu bcrSie a regular Jer of Sloan's Linimentfadding yn ndinsuisni to that of iW many -tht Ainds of other friends tl) wotld j?r, -tiO keep it ' handy. Thftre size A all druggists - jjc., 70C-, ,;J4U. ff JOHN G. COX, Cash Shoe Store rE find after. 15 days of selling we still have a large number of styles left, in sizes 1,1 1-2, 2, 2 12, 3, 3 1-2 and 4 and we are going to sell them without regard to cost, get your pair NOW. 1800 pairs of women 's button and lace styles in all leathers made in welts and turn soles with .high and low heekmodels, some fancy tops, shoes we sold last year at $6.00 to $7.50, your size is hei lis . 1 ' 9 ne. 83.2 400 riair of womL en's patent leather If welts. sold at 1 and c up j to last yea 'is . an : s ves .So.00 STYLE 1930 Havana brown calf boots, turn sole and covered Louis heels. Was $l(i.00 your choice A PAIR. NOW $11.15 Come in and Look STYLE 1962 ; Mahogany calf walkinjr boots with fawn color, oze tops, military heels, Was $16.00 $11.85 STYLE 1630 '. High, cut -walkjng boobs, finbJ mouse color with long lines and mill' tary heels, welted soles. Was $16.50 $11.85 TRUEFIT SPATS Made in dark brown, fawn and gray. 12 buttons higjh. Was $2.50 and $2.95 , - NOW $1.85 WATCH FOR HOSIERY SALE NEXT Pay Ca$h JO HN G. COX J&SH SHOE STORE W$ ARE PLACING KlNfON ON A COMFORTABLE FOOTING" Cash i Pays It- a. Silverware Resolve To Know Yoiu- Eyes io fcctly time than tris New Year. to hsv,y four eyes ess' .hied to wear KiaSHe.-jr found n Treat 4 vr eyes ... V V rightly Ifround, p ectly jflasses. 5 if essary. eV pair of adjusted Let us Year turt the Pew ter sight M-lp '(Itj 'Vith'6ctt Newborn Jewehv Co. a . DR. GEO. B Eyssight Classes K Graduate fr So9 Iitted n x StrJIiht i WCor Uth IRKMAN inlist. rtytlyCross n?rt N. C. mink's Medical ici 111. DR. VANCE fl PEERY rhysirlno an.v nrceon. Off ics wiA Dr. a M. Hardy 104 W. Caswl:', if Kinston, N. C. Thome. : OfficV: Resideac i:i PickardsChjt x w . , 'SCHAUT'S UWELl STORE." ' l". jrm ' '. Dr. Mercer GyParrott : ' Physlclaai anfl' Jarreon. Residence V- Offlcs 14. Offics withA. D. Psrrotl ' on W. Gordon Sr 4- J c .... DR. iKSttal jlrgeon, Successor tADr Powell & Poole, Office in FirsXpfational Bank Bldg, 'Phone: 695 1 ADIES $1000 REWAR H tsuTWifnl"Manthly"Ctmin l! ny int. I No harm, iwjn r with wr!:. Som ofthlonfftflt( DHietobittiii . to b lm Ha harm. lJn or U Mmu S.00:DnubloKtmnt.rh.l . Rmwirf mrt .i.. TH EUNIVERS A'tTC A R r I he I'ord Model 1 Unc Ion True was the first low price truck to carry the wo" ft-drivc f that tremendous power delivering' incchanisnt had previorVbcen an exclusive" Mature with high pricecJiriotor trucks. In U' ford Truck. however, i'ou get the worm-dri If manganese bronze Aiaterial, absolute y strength and. positive ii the deliver)- of pf JT, at a verv !or ' price. yme in and let us j it out the' man . superiorMiierits of the tV One Ton Truck, . because Sfou need one in Alt work. We gi- prompt Bid efficient rer service. Can make Itrr-ediale deliv . ' Spsar uotor Jmpany BUY THE BEST THE BEST PAYS. FERTILIZER, NITRATE SODA, COTTONSEED MEAL, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. We are receiving large shipments Guano every dav and want to supply ypu with your needs for : plant beds. )ur brands consist of the yery highest arysis manufactured Jw reputable manufacturers which have vsfodd the test . and f.und the lwsf Nitrate of&oda is advancir every day, we bought bjf ore the advanc md can'save you moneyl " ; , ' ; . We have plenty of cottoAeed meal at low ' est market price. Jf Be surepnd buy a tie Dutch" riding plow whicfi' you will i A essential for good farming, fpur stocy of Disc Harrows, Stalk Cut 3rs, Smth Harrows, one and two horse lows i;ycomplete. . : . We sell V: ervytiing used by the farmer at lowest prices. Come to see us before placing your order. . "COME AND SEE US' CHiCHHSTFl S PILLS mm IKS -I T. W. MEWB0RX & CO. t : ji "ii , I'M, ta I'lll.V I. i i1 t..U T.k. p. ..hew. H. mt .... Around the Corner is 4 I Sai,l .. t - . m Him

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