THE KINSTON (N. C.) FREE PRESS TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 6. 1920 FACE TWO THE DAILY FREE PRESS B. GALT BRAXTON, Editor and Manager Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Free Press Co., Inc., Kinston, N. C. Entered at the postofflce at Kinston, North Carolina, as eeond-class matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1879 Subscription Rates Payable in Advance. One Week $ .10 Three Months $1.25 One Month $ .45 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Mtw VfiBK OFFICE 30 E. 42nd St.. Mr. Ralph R Wnnnn. in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of The Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Maranette Buildinir. Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press, of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 6, 1920. Now the God of patience and eonHolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another accord ing to Christ Jesns: That )e may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus ChristRom. 15:5, 6. e The presidential race will have the flavor and com plexion of an Ohio local affair. One thing is certain; President. Ohio is the mother of the next The 5th proved a pretty good substitute foe the "rIo: out 4th" in these parts and practically all business wa:i suspended, except at The Free Press and Western Union offices, where the reports from the San Francis mnvcii tion were being received and handled. The Free Prss i:i indebted to the kindness of the relief msvypr, win. i.i supplying while Manager Dudley Smith of ihe Western Union is enjoying his annual vacation, ami operator Adolph Westbrook for the excellent service given after hours Saturday night in handling the primary returns and 'Frisco convention balloting, and for the service Monday, when the relief manager, who is a lady, kindly consented to forego the observance of her holiday hours and take the reports. i THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE. The nomination of Honorable James M. Cox, thrice gov ernor of the great state of Ohio, which came after a pro longed battle in which three leading candidates were dead locked, comes as a surprise to the country, and no doubt it surprised the convention when the result was known. The nomination, coming as it did and being made by ac clamation, removes the danger of dissension and happily, judging from first reports, united the factions which fought so bitterly for their favorites. Governor Cox' nomination is unique in that it is out of the ordinary for any leader in a convention deadlocked as the San Francisco meeting was tied up, to be ultimately chosen. The 'Frisco convention was unique also in its at tempted nomination of Mr. McAdoo, who had positively declined to be a candidate and who had requested that his name not be presented. ' The Free Press is not sufficiently conversant with the record of Governor Cox to express an intelligent opinion as to his qualifications. It dues know that he is tremend ously popular in is home State where he has been three times a successful gubernatorial candidate of his party in the face of the fact that Republican majorities pre vailed in most of the other State offices. Governor Cox somehow has been listed as a wet candi date. From the best information available, The Free Press understands that he is not any more so than were the other leading candidates; that he is perhaps a little more liberal in his views on the liquor question tliiin a strong out and out dry candidate might be; but still it is pointed out by those who know him, that it was during his administration that Ohio went dry. Governor Cox has given to Ohio a most able adminis tration, bringing to the conduct of the State's atl'airs busi ness systems, which have given occasion for much favor able comment. STRIKE NOTICE! We ask for more work at same pay We agree to give better work for the same pay Our Vulcanizing pays Harlan Tire Service Co. Blount and Heritage St Phone 731 (TRUTH IN ADVERTISING) Store Closes at 0 P. M. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY EVERY WEEK. Mississippi has pulled off another lynching bee, and the circumstances seem to have been as lacking in warrant for the citizens taking the law into their own hand at any such offense against the dignity of the State which has come to our attention in some.'ime. The victim of the mob was a negro postal clerk who in an altercation, stabbed a white postal clerk. The negro had been taken in charge by officers and was being conveyed to the court-room for trial. There ran be no justice for the double crime. Con tempt for law and order as evidenced by the mob act, be gets disrespect and contempt for all law and until the MR. MORRISON'S NOMINATION. Mr. Morrison has been nominated as the Democratic standard bearer in the gubernatorial contest. His selec tion has come after two ballotings and one of the most vigorous and interesting campaigns that the State has ver Known, ine campaigns aunougn spirited and in tense, have been marked by a conspicuous absence of mud-slinging and vilification. There have been some un pleasant features, of course, but taken as a whole, the campaigns in both the three cornered race and run-off, have been of that character which should leave no per ninnent scars. Now that the selection has been made and the people of the State have by a decisive majority indicated their choice, let the friends of all the candidates join hands to give to Honorable Cameron Morrison the largest vote and to the Democratic party its biggest victory. Spring Chickens Our prices always lower From one to a Coop Country Hams All sizes Groceries yes. F. F. Brooks & Son Fair Priced Cash Supply Store Wednesday Morning Specials For Men This style Oxford or any other one you see in our North window, any size, your choice for $7.50 a pair, values up lo $14.95, and about 100 pairs of Men's 85c Lisle Hose on today's market for Wednesday morning special 49c a pair. (Colors Palm Beach, White, Cream and Black.) Friends of Senator Reed welcomed him home, and after hearing his denouncement of the League of Nations and the 'Frisco convention adopted k resolution denouncing the convention for denying them representation. Whili The I ree Press is anything but an admirer of Senator iKeed, it has felt that all the time that inasmuch as the citizen! of this country make up their minds to let the people of his home district twice named him as? their dele- law take its course and insist upon its being Impartially gate, he should have hud u seat in the convention. and justly administered, they cannot hope to create the highest respect and regard for law and order. DR. CHAS. P. MANGUM OFFICE WITH DR. W. T. PAKROTT 109 E. Gordon St. PHONES: Residence 826 DR. F. FiTTS I OSTEOPATH 114 1-2 East Cordon St. KINSTON, N. C. Phones:. Office. 80; Residence, 40S In our endeavor to co-operate with every movement to make working conditions better, store closes WEDNESDA Y AFTERNOON During June, July, to August 15th. "Pay Cash Cash Pays. JOHN G. COX, Cash Shoe Store WE "THE BEST BY TEST" ARE PLACING CAROLINA ON A COMFORTABLE FOOTING FREE PRESS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS My! My! How the fur will fly in the Buckeye State. HBIffiHMffli Umml Those Biscuits Smell Good! For light, fluffy biscuits, hot-cakes and waffles use Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour. It contains baking powder, soda and salt in right amounts to take all guess out of baking. Just mix with water or milk and prepare for the oven. It takes only a few minutes. Baking with Occo-nee-chee Flour costs less than with other flours be cause it's the most economical way to get the extra ingredients. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of S. S. Carter, deceased, late of Lenoir County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased lo exhibit them to the un dersigned or to her attorneys, herein appearing on or before the 6th of July, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery,. as provided by law. All persons indebt ed to the said estate will please make prompt payment to the Administra trix. This the fith day of July, 1!20. MRS, SALLIE TURNER, Administratrix of the estate of S. S. Turner, deceased. J. T. HEATH, Clerk Superior Court, Rheumatism Relief-25e. Nature's R.vnoi!y '(N Tablets). Ara Helping Thourjnds Who Triad E enlve Thine Without Result. It's Guaranteed. lan auve listen! TaWthi Gums out of Bakln? tnd Saves you Money i e groces Otim wes-cAeo Sttf-Kitimm rimmr. Luut fee nVa HrmJ. Hi mm a. nmm u f aa tuna fa ej. Ta aaar aary pUm Jfoer te rWafi Austia-Heaton Co. Durham, N. c East Carolina Teachers Training ; V. School - A r.f't n'wx M tef-ers for the public schools of North f'-r V,a t rr' ih 'i;il it "hit cm pur pos. Tuition free U eU sggre t n- . T i'l It-'m I Urptember 29, 1920. : 1 1? .wtal iu vni U er, Ht n al-cn tfcies V There i.ra tliri'tf vital processed of human tMistuitcv. (tia digest tun of I. Kitl, ihv uvl! rti'lion of nourishment iviii It uiul the elimination of vaatr. I'oor digestion nd assimilation means tulluro to derive full nourish ment from fond aiut thnt In turn often liiiaitg liuiiuvei ii hfj blood, weuknesa, aiirmla. eta l'aor elimination means an accumulation of wuste mutter . which po.ji!:a tL bod', lowers vitality, lcrvasis tho power of resistance to Utseuso ana It-uds to ilia tioveloouient of mvy m-rious Ills. AhFuinutism, dur 'to soma Inter ference wmi the toces of ellmitia tlon. failure to get rid of certain body poisons, cannot be expected to ylelil to any medicine that fuKa to correct the condition responsible for It. Could nuy reiiaunublo person expect to rid himself of rheumatic pain a long- at rheumatic polsoa la allowed to teiuain In the body. Think of this. It explains the sue ' cesa of Natures Remedy NR Tablets) In so many cases where other medicines have failed. Thousands are usiiu; Ml Tablets every day and get tlnjr relief. Why pay five or ten times as much for uncertain things? A Jio bos of Nature's Remedy tNR Tablets), containing; enough to last twenty-live days. must help you, must give you prompt relief ami sat isfactory benefit or cost you nothing-. Nature's Remedy ia not only lor the' relief of rheumatism. It im proves digestion, tones the liver, reg ulates kidney and bowel action. Im proves , the blood and cleanses the system. Vou've tried the expensive medicines and doctors, now make the real teat. You'll ret results this time. Just try It Nature's Remedy (NK Tablets! Is sold, guarantee! Md recommended by your druggist. BJLEND WW 1 CiCAtTT8 f ALL you've got to do is -to smoke Gamels to know they're the most wonderful cigarette ever created! You will like Gamels even better when you compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price! Camels mellow mild body and re freshing flavor never tire your taste! Cameta are eoAf every voar fa tenntihmUr aeaW paeara of 20 cigarettes; or 10 parkagea (TOO ogarerrea) m a gaasuM r-mira eanen. rr anongjy reeemaieng (fus cArtom ar re ton or office MpaVr or wnea you (raeet R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C jr.- M da "X. mi.: W ftasnn C.I.- Ta.t - i.clt: :i. w.uci.t. pri Greenville, N. C DKL'U COMPANY.