WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, i920 PAGE TWO THE KINSTON (N. C.) FREE PRESS fHE DAILY FREE PRESS EL G ALT BRAXTON. Editor sod Msnagtr Published Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinston Fre Press Co, Inc., Kington, N. C. Entered at the postcfflce ac Kinston, North Carolina, at second-class matter under act of Congress, March 3, 187! Subscription Rat One Week f .10 One Month $ .45 One Year -faveble la Advance. Three $1 5 Six Months $24 15.00 NEW YORK OFFICE SO E. 42nd St., Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department Filet of The Free Press cn be seen. - S i ' i, i i WESTERN OFFICE In cuartce of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Fret .' Press can be seen, . ... Subscribers shottM keep ap with their expirations b time expires. This will inaare the receipt of every ton referring to daU on label and send in renewal befer Papera are discentinved nhea Mate paid for in tp. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 76 The Free Press, of -any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 1920. Remember the word that I said unte you, The ' servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, (hey will also persecute you; if they liave kept my saying, they will keep yours also. John 15:20. ' .;,' . ; Uncle Sam is said to be "Up on poion gas" if the need ever arines for Us use again. Here's hoping that the in formation may never be called into active service. There ought to be but one objection to President Wil son's acceptance of the place of mediator in the Armenian troubles. That is the probability of his over taxing his strength, and that objection will not be raised by his enemies.. Rave n years is a longTIme to escape the clutches of the law, but there is no reason for the search for a murderer to ever cease. The capture of Alfred Lynch who is charged with killing a commissary clerk near here seven years ago, will come some day. Sin wi!l out. 1R. ABSBER HONORED. The tender of a place in the medical department of the United States Army with rank of major, which has com o Dr. Darius C. Absher, health officer of Lenoir County, .s .an honor that bespeaks the good record of l)r. Absher .vhile serving a commission during the world war. The" place is a permanent one,' the appointment being for life, ind the emoluments are such as to be most attractive and jverbalancing when compared to places of public service n civil life. ( " The probability is of course that Dr. Absher will accept he offer and the position of health officer will be again scant While The Free Press congratulates him and for lis own sake wishes that he may be led to choose the ;ourse that is best, it regrets very much that there is a jrobability of another break in the local health work, hich has been conducted so satisfactorily under the di rection of Dr.' Absher.' . If there is any way for him to tee his way clear to remain here, The Free Press hopes .hat it will be apparent. - 1 . 6 As we understand it, the proffer of the place of medu llar for Armenia was tendered to President Wilson per wnally and not to the United States Senate. That being ihe cane, it is evident that the members of the League it Nations assembly which made the tender are appreci ative of the great service that America's Chief Executive has rendered in behalf of world peace, even if partisan enemies among his fellow countrymen fail to do so. The good advice of Carel Van Hervie, secretary of the Kinston Chamber of Commerce, to stick together, "boost and boast" for Kinston is sound and if taken in earnest by the folks hereabouts will unquestionably work to the good of the community. This is surely the time when real honest to goodness cooperation and puil-together-to-it-tive-ness will count. That regulation in North Carolina jurisprudence which requires a substantial deposit of security before so-called fraternal and other insurance companies are permitted to sell policies within the State, is a safeguard which bene fits the people even if they may not appreciate Its worth. Senator McCormick says he isn't in Europe to play the role of "Colonel House to the Harding administration." Well, perhaps the President-Elect is trying him" out for the place and hasn't exactly confided in him to that extent yet. ' No. 9085. '. f . REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT KINSTON, IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AT THECLOSE OF BUSINESS ON NOV. 15, 1920. V''"-'." -'.''' RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts ................ ......... $1,442,654.36 Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank , $193,797.00 Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with indorsement of this bank . -10.1,797.00 1,248,857.36 Overdrafts, secured, $9,327.31; unsecured, $1,977.32 , ....... 11,304.66 Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)..............,.... $25,000.00 fledged as collateral for State or other deposits or bills payable 86,000.00 Owned and unpledged ............... , 6,250.00 War Savinga Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned ,. 828.00 ., Total U. S. Government securities V. 118,078.00 Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits 5,000.00 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank 50 per cent of subscription) 8,100.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered 22,868.90 Furniture and fixtures ..,.. , .......... , ........... ... ...... ........... . . 3,900.06 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .", .", , ..... .... v. . ;, i ..... . . . ........ 39,947.91 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 99,156.14 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States (other than included in Items 12, 13, or 14) ., ........ 777.83 Checks on other banks in the same city or town a reporting bank (other than Item 15) . . , 11,803.47 Total of Items 12, 13, 14, 15, and 10 :.,. $116,87137 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items . . 1,090.04 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due .from U. S. Treasurer 1,250.00 GOOD HEALTH HINTS Oklahoma Farmer Gives Sound Ad itice on Avoiding Sickness.- Used Black-Draught 30 Years. Cameron, Okla. "I have used Thedord's Black-Draught for about thirty years, and certainly ought to know by this time what a good medi cine it is," rays Mr. T. L. Bostier, a well-known farmer of this place. Mr. Boatler has passed his three-score-and-tenth year, but declares his health still is good, "and I can say BlacK DratiRht did its part." "Where there is a lot of malaria, a ilver medicine Is a necessity, and I aave never found one better than Black-Draught," continues the Okla hOmnn. "It is one that I know to be reliable. I sure use it for the liver, atoinach. constipation. Indigestion,, and It ha3 done me a world of good. We ase It for the family, and it gives wtisfactlon. ' "Most trouble, or sickness, comes ;rom the liver, and if taken in time aa be avoided. That is why I use Black Draught as 1 do. I am much ileased with results obtained." Thftdford'a Black-Draught is purely vegetable. It acts on the bowels, gent iy stimulating the liver, and helps in crease the. normal flow of bile into tht Intestines. It assists in the digestion of food, and relieves constipation In a orompt and natural way. Ask your druggist for a package te la. Inalst oa Thedford's. NO-lit PROLIFIC TOBACCO SEED. Total ; , , $1,572,131.30 LIABILITIES. ' Capital stock paid in .TT ..." ....... $ 250,000.00 Undivided profits . . ............. - ........ v .' ; . . $46.202.0i Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid .,.......... 26,031.49 Circulating notes outstanding Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States and foreign countries (other than included in Items 28 or 29) Certified checks outstanding ......................... ........................ ................... Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding , ... .i, . . , Total of Items 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 $11,731.11 Individual deposits subject to check .' , '. 570,098.18 Certificate of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) Dividends unpaid . , Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 , $572,287.18 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) . ... ..f. ........ i , Postal savings deposits ............ , , . ; . . Total of timo deposits subject to Reserve, Items, 39, 40, 41, and 42 $151,745.14 Bills payable, other than with Federal Reserve Bank (including all obligations representing money bor- " rowed other than rediscounts) .............. ; C... 170,000.00 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank 72,000.00 20,170.57 24,200.00 213.57 4.81 11,182.73 1,517.30 72.00 451.050.53 688.61 Total .$1,572,134.30 Total contingent liabilities (54 a, b, c, and d) (not including items in Schedule 23) State of North Carolina, County of Lenoir, ss: 1, W. B. Harvey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the . ' ... best of my knowledge and belief. - ' W. B.. HARVEY, Cachier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of November, 1920. C. OETT1NGER, Notary TuMlo. My commission expires 3-17-21. 193,797.00 Correct Attesti j. f. taylor, h: e. woseley, henry tull, . 1 - Director. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Life, Fire, Accident and Health CALL 831. 1 United Realty & Insurance Co., Inc. . 404 Hunter Buildinjr. DR. F. FITTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Announces the following re-, duced rates for osteopathic and electrical treatments. Effectiva October 18th, 1920 Home Treatments .... . $3.00 Office Treatments . . . . . $2.50 Children . $2.00 V 1 o t r i r fi lfr 0 n 111 " " ' $ 1 . 00 If you want to grow the best tobac 20 and make more pounds per acre, and you. don't have to cultivate so many acres, you can fill your barn quicker and with less sticks, you don't have so many suckers, you can grade and tie more pounds per day than you could with small tobacco and the best of all you get more dollars per acre you can da the same like others have done whgot their seed from Pinkney Arthur who gathered his seed from selected stalks from Arthur's big prolific tobacco raised from seed that was gathered from tobacco that made 1,737 pounds per acre and the tobac co that he gathered his present seed from is estimated to make 1,600 or 1,700 pounds per acre, I will furnish enough of the above selected tobacco seed to sow 100 square yards phnt bed post paid to any address for $1.00 and as many more ' as you want at same price. Terms cash. Write your name and address plain. Send money by P. O. money' order or registered letter. Ad dress all orders to PINKNEY ARTHUR, P. O. Box 45, Kinston, N. C. Dly and Sw 11-18 to 12-2 (adv.) LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Christmas Cards ENVELOPES TO MATCH. For Sals at The Free Press Office AW JLSs TIP TTB Oh the joy of perfect relax ation! The feeling of relief that comes from stretching tired nerves and muscles on a luxurious, downy-soft KINGSDOWN MATTRESS ) , The abflity to sleep is your moct precious ; possession for it means health I The " soft, srwwy-whito" cotton felt in a KINGSDOWN is carefully built, layer on layer and tha ticking placed around it so carefully that throughout the years, it will ttay evenly-soft, and comfortable, Ask your dealer to thow you tnt AJIWWirn. We are the makers of the MAJESTIC Springs and the full line of Mebans Bedding. Mebaaa Baddiag Company Mbaa,N.C. 01 Mehane-maJe Mattress iA grades to suit' eVery' purse 1 I I 222a3S Dr. ALBERT D. PARROTT Practiced Limited to Genlto-Urinar, Cystoscopy, Rectal Disease and General Surgery. Thoncs: Office 14 Residence 197 Hospital 185-J. SIGNS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS ENTERPRISE SIGN WORKS Whitaker Bunding. Phone 5i57. ttox 414. Scratch If you have Eczema or any skin trouble use STOPS SKIN SUFFERING! Your money back it it talis at drugglt J, E. Hood & Co. Can RJaEic Prompf .Delivery . '-" ' . Touring car without starter ...... $440.00 Touring car with starter . .... . . $510.00 Roadster without starter ... . $395.00 Roadster with starter . . . . $465.00 Chassis without starter $360.00 Coupe with starter $745.00 Sedan with starter $795.00 Trucks, pneumatic tires, without starter .....$545.00 Fordson Tractors $790.00 FOB DETROIT. Authorized Ford and Fordson Sales and Service. Genuine Parts EAR MOTOR ' GO. SP t I .-.(HDveirt t H 1 I mi W O DCLL-ANS . v Hot water T2 Sur RHiAf LL-ANS VFOR INDIGESTION We are giving a coupon with every dollar caih sale and every dollar paid us on account this week, absolutely free, which will entitle you to a chance on a FORD AUTOMOBILE and $175.00 IN GOLD given away, by the Merchants Association on December 7th. Now is a good time to pay your account and buy your supplies, and take advantage of winning a Ford and several large cash prizes free. We are also offering each customer two pounds of sugar ABSOLUTELY FREE with each dollar purchase for cash, in dry' goods, notions, shoes, hats, etc., or we Will allow a 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT for cash. v ; Farsmiers SMgjpfl - t t "Farm-Supplies" J. M. QI INX. J.O.MILLER. W. M. BUNK. (Siilcrih. to Ihe Frf IVeis1) r. ii. Leach. ,M AJ, l. ............I . . . , I,